
Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
Hey man, I was bored so I made you a tutorial. In the 5 minutes I played with Porn Empire I only managed to cheat Money, but here is a step-by-step with instructions, and tips for editing the rest. Please let me know if you have success:
Well, now that's mighty kind! :D
Thanks for bothering!
(In the particular case of PE, changing gold is not an issue, since it has built-in cheats. I was interested on editing skills and attributes, but your tutorial is a huge help since it lets me see how the damned thing is used so I can investigate myself)

Yeah, I see your point here xD
Myself too the first time that I downloaded that back then, I was completely clueless about what to do and how to search for the exact values. I was mostly downloading tables already made (and I'm doing that still now, because for example I can cheat the most basic stuff about money, quantity of items and with RPG games, the value of the health and then when an enemy strikes, search for the value that went down and "fix" that with giving me god mode - mostly with Wolf RPG games because for others, you can just use the editors here and there. And save edit online doesn't actually give a name but just a bunch of "Value13423" and so on and you can't really understand what is what), but like I said in the brackets after following some tutorials I get that some games are easy to search (4bytes, 2bytes, 8bytes) while others instead have their values within the Float, Double and others that are more complex unfortunately. So yeah.. for example I wouldn't seriously know how to, say, search for a "one hit kill" value and "block" like most of the tables have. I probably need to follow other tutorials and try for myself.. but I honestly don't have any desire to do so xD
How curious.
I use SEO precisely because it gives a detailed list of things to cheat; for example, with SfP everything is listed in a column, which each stat, item and detail and their corresponding numbers. You can even edit a pregnancy of what the child is going to be. Note, it can be done too with a text editor, but reading the strings of lines can destroy your eyes.
Same for TiTs for example, or even Free Cities. For RPGmaker games, you need to load the basic save, then the little files that contain the game data.
For example, you load your save, and it gives the basic data (stats mostly) to edit, and valueXXX for items and the rest. If you load the "items" RPG file (not a save, it's the basic game data file), then the values gets read, and you get full data of your items (names and amount). The same goes for flags and other stuff. It makes things rather easy.

The only type of games that give the "value XXX" data, are usually Ren'py games, but -personally- I find easy to identify what does what if you just look at the numbers in-game. For example, if a character has strength 19, dex 17, cha 13, I look for those numbers and if I see them thogether, then you know it's the attribute values.
Also, is pretty easy to spot the flag values because they're 0 (false or off) and 1 (true or on).
What I usually do is to buy a cheap item, or get lots of a easy to farm item (for example). Then I look for that number, to have an idea what values are flags (0, 1), what are items (usually from 0 to 99) and so.


Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
How curious.
I use SEO precisely because it gives a detailed list of things to cheat; for example, with SfP everything is listed in a column, which each stat, item and detail and their corresponding numbers. You can even edit a pregnancy of what the child is going to be. Note, it can be done too with a text editor, but reading the strings of lines can destroy your eyes.
Same for TiTs for example, or even Free Cities. For RPGmaker games, you need to load the basic save, then the little files that contain the game data.
For example, you load your save, and it gives the basic data (stats mostly) to edit, and valueXXX for items and the rest. If you load the "items" RPG file (not a save, it's the basic game data file), then the values gets read, and you get full data of your items (names and amount). The same goes for flags and other stuff. It makes things rather easy.

The only type of games that give the "value XXX" data, are usually Ren'py games, but -personally- I find easy to identify what does what if you just look at the numbers in-game. For example, if a character has strength 19, dex 17, cha 13, I look for those numbers and if I see them thogether, then you know it's the attribute values.
Also, is pretty easy to spot the flag values because they're 0 (false or off) and 1 (true or on).
What I usually do is to buy a cheap item, or get lots of a easy to farm item (for example). Then I look for that number, to have an idea what values are flags (0, 1), what are items (usually from 0 to 99) and so.
Like I said, for most of the game the Editor online works just fine (though again, from now on not really anymore since they locked some options behind paywall) but just the other day I tried to modify a save from a Wolf RPG Maker game and all they gave me was just a bunch of "Value2910" and so on. So I guess that ren'py it's not the only one but even Wolf here. I tried to choose any save file (and even some "global" or "system" one's, just for curiosity) from that Wolf game but all of them were just Value after Value with no clear descriptions of what I was modify exactly (don't remember if all of them or some didn't work obviously). Luckily for me, that game just need the money cheated in the end since was really short, but for others much more complex and long this might be a problem D:


New Member
Mar 31, 2018
hey it's been a bit since I booted Strive up, could one of ya'll explain how magical mutations/toxicity works? can't remember the details and it seems to be nowhere on the wiki.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
hey it's been a bit since I booted Strive up, could one of ya'll explain how magical mutations/toxicity works? can't remember the details and it seems to be nowhere on the wiki.
I tend to avoid the mutations for the most part, so I'm not the most knowledgeable on the subject. That said, using potions and spells on a slave leaves a lingering affect in the body. This bit floating around the bloodstream or whatever is "toxicity." Using a single potion might bump it up by 15 points or so. Current toxicity can be seen by casting mind read on a slave. The value seems to reduce by only maybe 1 or 2 points per day.

I'd say at around 50 things change from being inconsequential to likely-to-mutate. The game rolls a random number and decides if a mutation will occur. If it will then it rolls again to see what form that mutation will take. It may add horns to a player or change their hair color, give them fur, etc, etc. From what I have seen it is basically taking what one can do intentionally in the lab and saying, nah, I do not want to decide... you decide for me what to change.

(Mutation will occur during the end of day/new day cycle. It will not happen at the time the toxicity changes.)


New Member
Mar 31, 2018
I tend to avoid the mutations for the most part, so I'm not the most knowledgeable on the subject. That said, using potions and spells on a slave leaves a lingering affect in the body. This bit floating around the bloodstream or whatever is "toxicity." Using a single potion might bump it up by 15 points or so. Current toxicity can be seen by casting mind read on a slave. The value seems to reduce by only maybe 1 or 2 points per day.

I'd say at around 50 things change from being inconsequential to likely-to-mutate. The game rolls a random number and decides if a mutation will occur. If it will then it rolls again to see what form that mutation will take. It may add horns to a player or change their hair color, give them fur, etc, etc. From what I have seen it is basically taking what one can do intentionally in the lab and saying, nah, I do not want to decide... you decide for me what to change.

(Mutation will occur during the end of day/new day cycle. It will not happen at the time the toxicity changes.)
that's all I needed to know, thank you. I'm trying to avoid mutations myself, but it seems I was doing to much to fast. from the discription you gave me it sounds like it's on a meter that decreases over time so all I should have to do to avoid it is space out any modifications I do until the toxicity reduces. thanks again. this really helped.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
Excuse me I didn't see it "deterrent".
How do I get it?
I think it is the 3rd one... the blue bottle. I can not do a translation. But if you really can not figure it out, just try them all until you find one that works.


sorry im just wondering is there like a walkthrough somewhere this game look great but its massive and for me got confused really fast really easily


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
sorry im just wondering is there like a walkthrough somewhere this game look great but its massive and for me got confused really fast really easily
If you play "sandbox" then there is no path at all. Just do whatever you want.

If you play "story" then the main quest is basically just go to the mage house in Winborn on a routine basis and speak to the people there. The other bit I'll add is use your quest log. If you open it at any point it will tell you exactly what quests you currently have active and what you must do to advance it (pay attention to the fact that the quest log has 3 different tabs and look at each).

I guess I should also discuss the side quests. Many of them trigger automatically after certain amounts of time have passed. So it is just a matter of passing the time however one wants until the next trigger happens. The ones that are not timed though generally mean you need to talk to the person to cause a trigger. If it is someone you do not own, simply go where ever they are and if there is a button to do something, then click it. If it is someone you do own, then you must occasionally click on them and click the talk button there to see if it randomly happens to trigger something (when this is what is required, the quest log often knows and will tell you if you look there).
please anyone how get Maple?
Just keep playing and every so often a new button will appear in the slave guild that involves interacting with Maple. Click that any time such a button is available. Eventually you'll find out that she is basically owned by the mage guild. Any time after this you can go to the mage guild and there will be a new button there. Clicking it tells you how much the contract is for Maple, and allows you to buy the contract if you have enough money. Once you have enough money go back and buy the contract. Then return to Maple and tell her... That's it.
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New Member
Mar 28, 2019
So I'm on Linux and when starting a new game it stops loading at 41% and the output in the terminal says:

SCRIPT ERROR: _process: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'show_error' in base 'Node (LoadScreen.gd)'.
   At: res://files/scripts/LoadScreen.gd:50.
SCRIPT ERROR: _process: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'show_error' in base 'Node (LoadScreen.gd)'.
   At: res://files/scripts/LoadScreen.gd:50.
SCRIPT ERROR: _process: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'show_error' in base 'Node (LoadScreen.gd)'.
   At: res://files/scripts/LoadScreen.gd:50.
SCRIPT ERROR: _process: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'show_error' in base 'Node (LoadScreen.gd)'.
   At: res://files/scripts/LoadScreen.gd:50.
SCRIPT ERROR: _process: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'show_error' in base 'Node (LoadScreen.gd)'.
   At: res://files/scripts/LoadScreen.gd:50.

Over and over again.


sorry guys quick question just trying strive for power again I ran into a girl named Emily looks like I can recut her and her sister but when I take her home it asks if I have an aphrodisiac potion im kind of new so im just wondering how do I get one. the wiki has a walkthrough but doesn't say how to get one. anf for those who want or need the walkthrough



also wgere do I put bodies and portrait images im images folder or what all I have is import so I don't know


Apr 29, 2017
sorry guys quick question just trying strive for power again I ran into a girl named Emily looks like I can recut her and her sister but when I take her home it asks if I have an aphrodisiac potion im kind of new so im just wondering how do I get one. the wiki has a walkthrough but doesn't say how to get one. anf for those who want or need the walkthrough
You don't need the Aphrodisiac potion - it just makes seducing her a bit easier. You can also just treat her nicely and she'll end up staying.
To make the potion, you need to build an alchemy room using the Mansion Upgrades. Then go to your Alchemy Room (hit "A" or click the third-from-left box on the very bottom of your screen). The potion takes a Basic Solution, 1 Bestial Essence, and 1 Tainted Essence.

also wgere do I put bodies and portrait images im images folder or what all I have is import so I don't know
This question is asked on almost every page. My previous answer is below:


Not sure why it isn't in the OP, but probably the most common question here.
1) For answers to most questions, all the mods, and all the portrait packs, check out the main website/forum at Itch.io -
2) copied from a post there:
  • "Where i need to place them?" - "C:\Users\userName\AppData\Roaming\Strive" or %appdata%\Strive - press win+r keys and paste it or just type in address bar. There's a "portraits" and "bodies" folder in that "Strive" folder.
  • Alternatively, within the game you can click on Portraits or "Full Body Image", then click the right side button that says "Open System Folder" - it will open the actual folder that you can then drag the portraits and body images into


I am having a problem with breeding though keep having sex almost 20 days and no ones preg is there a trick to it or somtin


ok when somone gets on ive been scouring the wiki I cant find how to increase town rep specifically wimborton I wanna recruit maple but apparently unless you have really high rep cant.


Feb 25, 2019
ok when somone gets on ive been scouring the wiki I cant find how to increase town rep specifically wimborton I wanna recruit maple but apparently unless you have really high rep cant.

You can rescue people who are being harassed by bandits on the outskirts of wimborn to raise your rep
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