
Feb 9, 2018
Can someone explain how exactly the library works? I get the general gist of it that it provides experience and learning points. However does that only apply to the person working as the librarian or does it affect everyone in the manor regardless if they're fighting mobs with me. Also, what does "experience efficiency decreases with level." Does this mean if the librarian has a high level the experience they give out to everyone is lower?
'Diminishing returns' might have been the more obvious phrasing for it. The higher the level the less xp is gained
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May 1, 2019
Is there another way for slaves to replenish their energy or do I have to let them rest/not fight?
Every day slaves will gain a little bit of energy that depends on their endurance and the quality of their bed. The choice of working a job or resting has almost no impact on how much energy they regain. The choice of job affects the slave's stress and if they have at least a light amount of stress then there is a small chance that they will lose a moderate amount of energy.

Each day the player may use the "Rest and eat" option once during exploration which fully restores the energy of the combat party as well as a quarter of their health and two thirds of their stress. While this may seem useful for exploration and combat, your combat party doesn't really need energy to travel and fight, so it is often better to use this near the end of a journey so that they are in good condition for anything else.

Last but not least are the Dream and Invigorate spells. The Dream spell recovers all energy and a good portion of stress, but the slave will be "away" until the next day. The Invigorate spell is a potent energy spell that restores half of a slave's energy and about half of the player's energy with the only downsides being that the slave gains a moderate to light amount of stress and the spell can't be used during combat.
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May 10, 2024
Am I the only one that has a max of 4 endurance for my character? I unlocked the laboratory and thought there would be an upgrade for it but there isn't it.


May 1, 2019
Am I the only one that has a max of 4 endurance for my character? I unlocked the laboratory and thought there would be an upgrade for it but there isn't it.
The player character's max stats are unique as they are not race dependent. You can choose your own max stats during the starting setup or you can choose quick start and be given a random set of max stats.

There are no Endurance body modifications, but the Eastern Sword comes with a +1 bonus and it is possible to find armor and accessories enchanted with a +1 bonus.

Odd amounts, including bonuses, of Endurance are ideal for the player character in terms of action points.


Active Member
May 12, 2020
Is there a way to change/customize body type of your starting companion? For eg- Giving a Wolf-Halfkin Canine cock etc...
The body type option in character creator is locked for me:(


May 1, 2019
Is there a way to change/customize body type of your starting companion? For eg- Giving a Wolf-Halfkin Canine cock etc...
The body type option in character creator is locked for me:(
You appear to have bodyshape("body type" in some contexts) and penistype confused, and bodyshape in no way affects the type nor the description of the penis. The race directly determines both the bodyshape and the penistype.

There does not appear to be any way to change bodyshape besides changing the race, which cannot be changed outside of the character creator. Penistype cannot be changed in the character creator but it can be changed by the Laboratory or by mutation, so it should be possible to give a Halfkin Wolf a Canine penistype.
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Active Member
May 12, 2020
You appear to have bodyshape("body type" in some contexts) and penistype confused, and bodyshape in no way affects the type nor the description of the penis. The race directly determines both the bodyshape and the penistype.

There does not appear to be any way to change bodyshape besides changing the race, which cannot be changed outside of the character creator. Penistype cannot be changed in the character creator but it can be changed by the Laboratory or by mutation, so it should be possible to give a Halfkin Wolf a Canine penistype.
I see...I will work on unlocking the lab then,thanks.
Also is there a way to open menu outside of your mansion? Like while exploring or in the middle of combat and stuff,every time I suffer a bad encounter I have to alt-f4 the game instead of being able to save/reload:HideThePain:


May 1, 2019
I see...I will work on unlocking the lab then,thanks.
Also is there a way to open menu outside of your mansion? Like while exploring or in the middle of combat and stuff,every time I suffer a bad encounter I have to alt-f4 the game instead of being able to save/reload:HideThePain:
The game does not have the necessary code to load the game anywhere except the mansion, so the game does not make the menu available anywhere else to prevent problems. On a side note, from a technical perspective there are only two GUI scenes, the main menu and the mansion, so everywhere in the game is technically inside the mansion. The game should game over to the main menu which will allow loading saves, though I vaguely recall fixing a bug related to that at some point.
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Jul 25, 2023
Can anyone tell me where the "Entrancement" spell can be learned? It's not at the mage guild at the beginning and can't be learned through the "Learn Ability" menu. Checked the wiki and the thread here, but while it's mentioned in both, it doesn't mention *where* it can be learned.
Given that it is needed to get one of the slaves in Cali's quest chain, I thought it would be available early on, but I can't find it anywhere.

Edit: Welp, just got it. You need to meet Chloe and help her out to get the spell.
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New Member
Mar 11, 2018
It was quite hard begin as a demon at frostford, but i'm on day >200 now and didn't start a single event, the only down side is no new race in guild and no black market, is there even a time limit or i can just max out everything before starting the main story ?


May 1, 2019
It was quite hard begin as a demon at frostford, but i'm on day >200 now and didn't start a single event, the only down side is no new race in guild and no black market, is there even a time limit or i can just max out everything before starting the main story ?
Yeah, the game isn't really setup in any way for starting in towns besides Wimborn. There are very few time limits in this game, so feel free to wait until you can comfortably reach Wimborn before progressing.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
Is there a quick and easy way to raise loyalty, non-sexual?
Interact > Meet > which actions?
each time i finish after 20 actions, it states net loss of -1 loyalty, from chat+praise+headpat.

edit: threw in some comb hair after a few other actions, and i keep ending with only +4 loyalty after. btw freashly captured enemy bandit in jail [moved to common room just before interact > meet.]
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May 1, 2019
Is there a quick and easy way to raise loyalty, non-sexual?
Interact > Meet > which actions?
each time i finish after 20 actions, it states net loss of -1 loyalty, from chat+praise+headpat.

edit: threw in some comb hair after a few other actions, and i keep ending with only +4 loyalty after. btw freashly captured enemy bandit in jail [moved to common room just before interact > meet.]
At the end of the meet interaction 1/10 of the slave's mood is converted to loyalty, so every positive interaction should result in an increase in loyalty. If their mood is very low then many actions will be received poorly and not produce the desired benefits. Many actions have other conditions such as having sufficient obedience or loyalty to be received well. Also, most positive actions count how many times they have been used during an interaction and will start to be received poorly when used more than twice.

Recently captured slaves will have the rebellious status which reduces the max obedience by 50. While this won't directly block you from building loyalty it will cause the Praise action to always be received poorly and reduce loyalty, and is the only means of gaining less than 2 loyalty from the interaction.

The fastest ways to build loyalty outside of sex are meet actions that require higher obedience than your slave can have until the rebellious status expires or is removed.

Holding hands, combing hair, and hugging are small but reliable ways to improve loyalty. Intimate talk is less reliable but can have a larger effect.
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Sep 24, 2017
does anyone play with aric's mod, I need help with a slave not part of my mansion but I get their random events its so annoying, any quick way to solve it through save file or some mod script?
I'm used to changing or removing relationships through save file but never occupation or anything mansion related


May 1, 2019
does anyone play with aric's mod, I need help with a slave not part of my mansion but I get their random events its so annoying, any quick way to solve it through save file or some mod script?
I'm used to changing or removing relationships through save file but never occupation or anything mansion related
The random events only choose a slave from the mansion to be the center of the event, however there is a bug that allows prior slaves to be the secondary slave in events as no filter was added to exclude such persons. That prior slave is selected using the central slave's "relations" list (different from "relativesdata"). Thus there are three ways to fix the issue:
1. Capture or kill the prior slave, which is wandering somewhere in the map, probably near where it was released.
2. Edit the save file to delete the relation between all mansion slaves and that prior slave by using their name to find their id.
3. Add a filter so that slaves must be in the mansion to be included in events.

To add the filter, open the text file ".../files/scripts/" in the Strive program folder and find the line:
if tempslave == null || tempslave.away.duration != 0 || tempslave.sleep in ['jail','farm']:
Replace it with the line(preserving the leading tabs):
if tempslave == null || !globals.slaves.has(tempslave) || tempslave.away.duration != 0 || tempslave.sleep in ['jail','farm']:
Save the file and in theory the issue should be resolved. This fix is temporary as any time you press Apply in the Mods menu it will be erased.
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