She does; I think she and Els are tied at 3 points each in my main playthrough.I'm sure Kana has some "interest in girls" points available as well (been a while though, so I could be misremembering this).
Honestly, I wouldn't read too much into the points since there's tons of games that include variables like those that never get used. This is particularly true here since all 5 girls have "interest in girls" points and with only 2 throuples, one of them would be left out.
That said, the points can potentially give hints to dev intent. All of Kana's "interest in girls" points are early on (first half of the script), whereas most of Els's "interest in girls" points are very recent. If I had to speculate, I suspect that Kana might have been part of the original third throuple that got dropped and Stew decided to move forward with a throuple involving Elspeth. Or it's of course possible there's a secret quad poly path or another throuple they aren't sharing, but all of this is just speculation.
In any case, we'll just have to wait and see to be sure.