
Jun 19, 2018
I think its been stated pretty clearly by the devs that there will BE NO NTR. The Captain gets all the girls, the end. They sleep around, because they are all sluts, and the game is heavy on the sex. It doesn't change the fact that they are still the Captain's girls.

NTR implies that the Captain would be specifically excluded, or generally lose out on the relationships, to some xeno monster or other character. Which, I say again, the Devs have clearly stated DOES NOT HAPPEN.
Can I fuck your wife then as long as we're not romantic? The devs are back pedaling and damage controlling to the max. They're gonna get railed by xenos and you won't have a choice.


Active Member
Aug 26, 2017
I try The Last Barbarian and damn that gameplay was so bad
No one is gonna make a porn action RPG with good gameplay anytime soon. For a porn game it's serviceable, there's much worse out there. The porn part is good but development of the game part hasn't gone anywhere since basically it's inception. Don't know if it ever will.


Apr 21, 2017
So many folks keep calling it a porn game and therefore it should be easy. It's a game...with porn in it. Quite the difference.
I don't know this game seems to me like its going to be a huge disappointment. It seems to me like this games main draw to be very small rest of it will be the shooting game and grid battle stuff :cautious: A bunch a filler stuff with some sprinkle sex scenes here and their :unsure: I am happy I didn't waste my money on this extremely overrated -____-
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
.... there's not even a context to the scenes, just very short loops that happen when you buy the sex card things. What's the point then?
Aw really? I was just about to download it, but that makes it kinda pointless, indeed.

Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
The Pandora system definitely feels tacked on and doesn’t really seem fappable
If you want more lengthier scenes you're likely looking for the devotion scenes that'll be capped off with a longer scene by the end of it. Those'll be implemented later in the game.

Aw really? I was just about to download it, but that makes it kinda pointless, indeed.
If you want relationship development, there's plenty of dialogue. And things will get personal when the devotion quests are added later. Much like how in ME2, you didn't get to know your squadmates too well until you went on their loyalty quest.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
If you want relationship development, there's plenty of dialogue. And things will get personal when the devotion quests are added later. Much like how in ME2, you didn't get to know your squadmates too well until you went on their loyalty quest.
It's more about the combination, to be honest. If there's little to no actual lead-up to the scenes, one may just as well play a real game and watch real porn, or so.

But that's just me, I guess there are enough people who like it that way. Maybe I'll look into it when it's actually done...


New Member
Mar 11, 2018
Im pretty disappointed so far. years of development and a whole team working with a million and a half budget. Seems like a big mismanagement to me. Me and a friend of mine are working on a game, in which you are free to roam and explore a whole area, have different npc's, day and night activities and exploration. on top of that a coop machanic we are working on for randoms to take the spot as an observer of the main female lead and even participate. All this in Unreal engine with great graphics, dlss and raytracing. With that amount of money and more then 2 people working on the project i wouldnt be proud with my productivity and output. I work in this industry since 2013 and have been part of a few mayor games up to this point, so maybe im to harsh with these folks. In my oppinion most of the Patreon and Kickstarter Project are unneccesary slow just to be sure to grab the last bit of money for the least amount of work. I dont know when our project will start on Patreon. We still have some work to do and we both have full time jobs and partners who need their share of our time. But when we start, i will show these people what can be achieved per month with some time management and a good structure.
I was always surprised by the division between general game development and porn game development. The standards that are upheld for each one differ so much that you cant expect a good game (gameplay, UI, progression, etc) in the porn side (there are exceptions ofc, but very few and far between, and mostly on the simplistic side).
And the reality of developing in each side is way different, the things that ppl let fly for a porn game would bankrupt a regular indie dev.
For the most part people forget that skills dont transfer, just because you are good at drawing or animating doesnt mean you´ll be a good game developer. 99% of big porn games, a good chunk patreon scams or the like, are artists thinking that they can develop a game because "how hard could it be?", they dream of making one or because they are way over their head thinking with their artists ego. Reality hits when the scope gets out of hand, they realize how time consuming the process is or how hard it can be and, since they are used to work solo as artists, when the hands in the project are not nearly enough to make progress/organize/put a game together they go silent, take a break because X while still collecting the montlhy income -because the flow doesnt stop since the supporters go with a blindness that the likes of AAA devs would dream and salivate-
Game development is not easy.
Sadly i dont think you, or anyone for that matter, can "show these people what can be achieved"/how it should be done, for the very simple reason that its profitable to half ass or scam, there are no consequences, no punishment for not delivering (or delivering a small part of whats promised), so why not underdeliver for long periods to max profit?
Marketing can save or kill a normal game, but in the porn game scene only the marketing matters, not even the product does.

PS: sorry for the long ish rant but im always close to bring the discussion between game development (wich interests me) vs porn game development
Its simply insane for me that ppl would pay way more and for longer for these than for a regular game AND NOT COMPLAIN about the lack of quality and all the bs these artists throw to excuse themselves in front of their costumers. Its the dream of saying fuck off to your boss, not work, and be paid in full and allowed to continue "working".

Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
It's more about the combination, to be honest. If there's little to no actual lead-up to the scenes, one may just as well play a real game and watch real porn, or so.

But that's just me, I guess there are enough people who like it that way. Maybe I'll look into it when it's actually done...
Yes there are surely gonna be some people who are gonna be like 'screw the romance, I just want to see the fucking'. In which case, the Pandora system is great for them.

You want to see romance that's understandable, just wait for the whole game to be done, and then you can experience it all :)


Nov 9, 2017
There is a thread on Steam site where you can say what you want to see in game


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Game Developer
May 16, 2020
How to save game? After some time of play i still have gray save button
(I already have access to bridge)
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