I know Joshua there answered, but figured I’d add more context. Yes there are animations with the captain and ladies. Each recruitment ends with a personal scene with the cap, which then unlocks their Pandora section. The current system (as they’re working on overhauling it), has it so every level of devotion (a bar alongside XP from combat) nets you a point (2 in later levels) that can be used in this system to unlock an animation for viewing. There are basic animations, and also premium ones with a speed bar and climax ending (premium meaning they just cost 1 more point, not a micro transaction xD).
Regarding NTR, it is not present in this game. Its tag is a very misinterpreted definition of the term, because the game does allow for romance dialogue (what I mentioned before) while also having scenes not with the captain. To properly explain this you’ll need a bit of story from the game.
The captain and the ladies he’s picking up (along with the mantics - creatures created by Lily the scientist of the crew), are attempting to overthrow the Imperium, a ruling class of celibate, mind controlling high-powered aliens. Their agenda is about controlling the depraved nature of sex, promoting abstinence and such. They’ve take such extreme measures as outlawing sex bots (DEMI, the one we have on our ship, is considered the last of her kind), forcing entires species to change their ways of life, and also attempting to genocide the Solars (humans who got to Prodigium through a black hole) once they’d established their own free fucking colony called Nu Vegas.
With that in mind, it’s not surprising that the crew of the Mary Celeste are very horny all the time. If anything their constant banging is like a big middle finger to what the Imperium represents. The mantics, as the Tree mentioned, are rather mindless creatures, controlled through a collar Lily calls the Dominus. Thus you can interpret their scenes with the ladies as them using a very large sex toy
Ironically the only time ‘cuck’ has been used in the game so far was against the initial boss, whom we obtained DEMI from.
I hope that properly answers your concerns, and you’ll possibly try the game out