3.50 star(s) 103 Votes

Succubus Hunter

Conversation Conqueror
May 19, 2020
So this game was really awesome to stumble upon. Zion, I know you read this thread, so thanks for the game so far. The artwork is top-notch, I mean grades above a large majority of the other porn projects out there, mad props to Kain for their talent. And the fact that it is 'animated', really does just take it to the next level. Ignoring even that, the actual lore the game brings to the table alone is a lot of fun too, and has strong Star Ocean and Agarest War vibes which is really cool. You can already see how ambitious the story will be, what with the space travel prologue, the animus plot device, the Void Demons hook, the Architect/Original Sin behind those, the mystery of the Wandering Gods, etc etc. The framework is already all there for an epic. The fact that it belongs to a porn game is comical, but also something that SC really has going for it to make it stand out. Really ambitious stuff.

Which is why I'm making this post. I always thought what kind of person posts on a porn forum...yet here I am. And I have to say...I originally thought, wow, they're already about done with Ch 3 and starting Ch 4? They might actually finish Gen 1 by 2021, this project could actually be finished! But then I just saw your post that no...the 5 Chapters of JUST Game 1 OF Generation 1 is almost finished. That we have 3 more Games (15 more Chapters) after Game 1 just to finish Gen 1, with a total of 100 Chapters for the series (20 Chs>4 Games>1 Gen). And I could no longer stand idly by. Ignore the time constraints. Ignore the amount of work and effort needed to engineer that much content. Let's just look at the literal constraints of the game engine's disk size. 2 Chs of this 100 Ch series is already 1.3 gb. Ignoring that anything else is added to the engine. No other voice files. No other complex mechanics. No randomized loot system. That's 0.65 gb per Ch. If the game stays literally as it is, with the same combat system, animated stills, and linear dungeons made in RPGmaker, you're looking at a 65 gb game by its finish. IF nothing else crazy is added. A comparable epic of an eroge visual novel, Monster Girl Quest, is only 2.5 gb total. If you look at SC before v0.5.2 was released, you can already see the scale creep of the project.

I think that's one of the reasons you removed the lesser succubi encounters. Because their animation hooks took up so much memory space that the game size would be ridiculous? I mean if you implemented a recollection room, there shouldn't be any technical issues that prevents succubus animations from just being normal encounters right? And speaking of succubus, the sheer amount of them. Now I'm not complaining. In fact, it's amazing. We already have 13 succubi scenes in the game (ignoring Iole, Damia, and Succubus Queen). That makes it look like we'll average 6.5 sex scenes per Chapter. Mind-boggling. Now you see where I'm going with this. We'll have 130 succubus at that rate in Gen 1 alone. Barring special art for the main character and supporting cast too (like all the future moms), it's just not going to happen. An artist simply cannot produce that much work (without even addressing artistic boredom). Literally the worst fear of every eroge producer has already come true for you, as Kain got injured. We're not even done with the 1st Game. If they hurt their wrist, they will most likely hurt it again, and to be honest, for porn games, the art is everything. Unless you pull a MMQ with different styles, it simply cannot happen. Kain being unable to sustain their work ethic over the span of this game is inevitable.

And let's address time now that I mention it, though I know you've addressed this before. That now that you've gotten into the swing of things, established lore and characters, chapters should start going quick. Being extremely liberal, let's just say it takes three months to write/code every Ch from now on. That would be 1.25 years for every Game. Which would mean 5 years for one Generation. 25 years in total if you work at an unprecedented pace and don't succumb to GRRM story creep by adding elements to pad the story that end up spiraling out of control. And that's if you don't encounter the same exposition problems with every new Generation that comes along as you introduce the geography, planets, politics, races, new supporting characters, etc. You just can't do it!

And ignoring all that, there's still some pretty major kinks to work out. The merchants. No selling weapons (because story granted runes are the only equipment). No party system yet despite Iole already being able to help. What are the succubus gonna do to her? Seduce her??? And the RPG combat system. It needs to be revamped. 100%. Iron Will having to be spammed before every fight, as just a single turn is a super precious resource in a fight. The succubus all doing roughly 25 damage to your health so you have 3 turns (if they don't use a spell) to attack before healing. But after that fourth heal, you then have to reset Iron Will. The healing also maxes out at 50 hp (if you use max HP restore) so you basically have to burn through one turn of healing just to gain one to do something else (they attack the same turn so you basically only gain 25 hp). So then you have two free turns that's not Iron Will or Healing. You'll likely want to use one of the myriad buffs you get though so there's another turn used, so you end up basically having 1 attack per cycle if the succubus doesn't waste a move on Temptation. Some have very obvious patterns like tempting after every attack buff(wasting it???), or using it right as your Iron Will ends. But it just makes every fight monotonous, and extremely obnoxious as it becomes straight RNG if you land a crit or don't miss every attack. The lack of grinding to overcome this (though I hate grinding), as your stats are railroaded, is painful. Not to mention, if you ignore all the darouh herbs in the first area, you'll just straight up run out of healing items (maybe even money???) to even last through a single fight, and then you basically just game over forever lol. The fighting system needs more mechanics to make it less infuriating, or needs to be overhauled completely, so it's not actually damage based. Though I don't even like it that much, once again, maybe look to MMQ to model a choreographed fight scene so it's more a choose your action instead of a bog-standard RPG fight? Though no one comes to a porn game for the combat system, the fact you have to get through it to access the porn makes one painfully aware of just how bad it is.

And your method of transfer for future stories since SC will have a Mass Effect like save state thing? Like is every game in a generation gonna be it's own separate client? Or are they all gonna be in the same application? Are all 5 generations gonna be in one client? If not, how do you carry over information? Will choosing Iole over Atessatia impact the look of the next kid (if the Generations are even right after one another?), and if so, how could that be implemented? Why would it even matter if we don't have stats that can be customized during the course of a game. I also saw lore on a new Archon ushering in a golden age if they don't focus on one city. Aeolos happens this chapter to find a cave that's could be built into a 'new city'. So you telegraphed that you'll even be able to build your own base/city based on choices over the game?! The sheer scale and implementation of that shows how ambitious this series is, and also how wild it can spiral out of control as we're not even a 3/20 of the way through the First Generation.

This critique is way beyond anything a sane person would write in regards to a porn game. But this is how much I care bro. I REALLY don't want this project to be abandoned because let's face it, 25 years (which is a ludicrously optimistic time frame) is a lot for any man to devote to a project, let alone an eroge. I dig the lore, I do want to see where this story is going, and I love the art. I do like SC, despite every criticism I shared. Which is why I want to share all this in hopes that you'll see reason, and SCALE BACK. I know there's an epic you want to write, a masterpiece in the making that could change the scene of eroge VN's for years to come. But it's not sustainable. I'm telling you straight up you can't do it. I'm not being a hater. I genuinely want to be your call to reality and say please, please dear god, please, reassess. I imagine the other Generation story-boards aren't as clear-cut as Gen 1. If you want Gen 1 to go exactly as envisioned, fine do it. But cut the others down to 10 chapters each. Or edit some other chaff, lose everything not absolutely necessary to the story. Ignore any more sidebars like the Witch Hunters or other races. I know you want to visit the Elf World in like the next Game. Then free the enslaved planet for the next. Probably invade Hell for the last. But you won't be able to finish your story with how you're going. ESPECIALLY since I heard the word SIDE PROJECT somewhere in this thread.

Though Ch 1 had the Jaw tribe recruitment, Ch 2 did nothing story-wise. We had like three more misc. Hunter scenes, and took down one more random general. We did get a glimpse of the Succubus Queen (which is important), but if she's defeated at the end of the Generation, she ABSOLUTELY did not need screen-time in just the Second Chapter of a Twenty Chapter Generation. We didn't even recruit Hammerfall in Ch 2, and I'm pretty sure we still have like two more Kastalim tribes to go. I mentioned I thought Generation 1 could actually end in just three more chapters. I could honestly see (and be perfectly okay with) your three hunter pals just recruiting their city-states on their own devices without any help needed from you whatsoever. Regardless, for the love of god, I beg you, please scale down your game's scope, and really ask yourself how much is feasible to accomplish, and how much of my life do I want to devote to this. A 65 gb game, with over 650 sex scenes and succubi designs, that takes 25 years to develop, with just one programmer and one artist, is not possible. I really want to see Ani's children be the Zeppelli's to Aeolos' future Joestars. I want to see how the White Demon and Drita become the dark horse Dio of each generation. I want to know how the story will end with all its plot hooks. But this will never happen once the boredom and your enthusiasm for the project inevitably wane once the sheer weight of your Sisyphus task hits you. Just stop. Get help. Please rewrite your storyboard to scale the project down. Literally everyone would understand, and in fact, encourage you to.

TL;DR: Please do less.
This is the kind of grattitude that fills a developer with that "Job well done" feeling. Good on you for taking the time to post such a review of their work.

Thanks for the compliments!

The reason why Kain got injured was because he overworked, he didn't work only for our game, but also had commissions of his own, which led to this injury. He did an insane amount of work per month. Now, once he returns, we will focus solely on our game, which will allow him to rest much more and avoid another injury related to overwork while at the same time, will speed the development process for our games and series.

Not to mention that the side projects are shorter and are made by other artists, so Kain will not be overload with work again.

The only thing that matters to us is the Era we are in, right now is the Bronze Age. We would go crazy trying to think about the whole series simultaneously. So the chances are much higher that I'll deliver at least the first Era. We will think about the others as we arrive on them.

I never lied to people about this project taking too long, but I prefer to give one shot and try to create something great than to rush something mediocre and regret the rest of my life about how much better it would have been if I had followed my vision.

Perhaps I'd never finish this series, but if I do, I'd like to be exactly as my vision dictates.
Kain sounds like a model artist. He has been pushing himself harder than any artist I have ever known of. I hope Santa brings him a smooth recovery for Xmas.

Holly hell... ok. I understand some peoples concerns regarding the fact that SC spans across a lot of games that will take forever to produce.

But it literally doesn't matter, each ERA is gonna be it's own story from start to finish, every ERA after is gonna be it's own separate story, they are gonna all share the same universe but its all gonna be completely different characters.

Imagine if Ubisoft came out and said we are gonna do 100 Assassin Creed games, by the time they get to the 80th game we will be all long dead, so who gives a crap? Each AC game is it's own self contained game, yes they are all connected with one another but you don't need to play AC 1 to enjoy AC 2 or play AC 7 to enjoy AC 4 or whatever, each game is it's own self contained story.

With Succubus Covenant each ERA will be it's self contained story, from beginning to it's end.
That is a good comparasion. I would have compared it to Castlevania timeline-wise. This will surely be a series worth keeping up with for years to come.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 21, 2017
Holly hell... ok. I understand some peoples concerns regarding the fact that SC spans across a lot of games that will take forever to produce.

But it literally doesn't matter, each ERA is gonna be it's own story from start to finish, every ERA after is gonna be it's own separate story, they are gonna all share the same universe but its all gonna be completely different characters.

Imagine if Ubisoft came out and said we are gonna do 100 Assassin Creed games, by the time they get to the 80th game we will be all long dead, so who gives a crap? Each AC game is it's own self contained game, yes they are all connected with one another but you don't need to play AC 1 to enjoy AC 2 or play AC 7 to enjoy AC 4 or whatever, each game is it's own self contained story.

With Succubus Covenant each ERA will be it's self contained story, from beginning to it's end.
I'll enjoy it as long as it lasts. It would be a lie if i would claim that i truly believe that all 100 chapters are going to happen. For me it's about the fun until it ends.

Zion of Olympus

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 23, 2019
I'll enjoy it as long as it lasts. It would be a lie if i would claim that i truly believe that all 100 chapters are going to happen. For me it's about the fun until it ends.
And here I am, hoping you can enjoy everything until we arrive at our destination.
I'm optimistic. I was a little down before I had this serious talk with Kain, but now, having a friend like Kain by my side as we focus on our series makes me optimistic for the future. God willing, we will be able to finish this series... and then retire. :D

The samurai has no purpose. Only the way.
I like this phrase! :love:


Mar 5, 2020
Imagine if Ubisoft came out and said we are gonna do 100 Assassin Creed games, by the time they get to the 80th game we will be all long dead, so who gives a crap? Each AC game is it's own self contained game, yes they are all connected with one another but you don't need to play AC 1 to enjoy AC 2 or play AC 7 to enjoy AC 4 or whatever, each game is it's own self contained story.
That is true for ACIII and all of the games after that. AC1 to Revelations had a coesive story that truly connected all of the games, and could only be considered complete if you played all of them. There was supposed to be only one or two games after Brotherhood and all of it would be wrapped up. But then Ubisoft decided to fire the creative director and threw a potentially great series down the garbage.

As for the game's planned amount of content, yeah, I am starting to get it now. Instead of dividing it into generations, games, and chapters, let's do it a different way. Let's say each generation is a game on its own. Each of the games is divided into parts made of 5 chapters each. So Succubus Covenant will be a series made up of 5 games with 20 chapters each - this seems reasonable. If you want to devote 25 years of your life to this series (a quarter of your life if you're a lucky man, a third of your life if not), then go ahead. I still think you should cut some things out and shorten the game a little, go easy on the ideas so you don't have to take as much time developing it, but you do you. What I don't get is how the whole series is supposed to have more than 500 succubus. This shit ain't pokemon, this is a porn game. It has limits. There are only so many kinks and fetishes, so many sex positions, so many body types, etc, to make this feasible. You are going to need to be really creative so by the third or fourth generation the player doesn't get tired of seeing the same succubus all over again, just with a different skin. This is not even about the artist getting tired (which will probably happen), it is about the player getting tired of saturated content and stop playing the game, and probably stop supporting you as well. You know what I'm saying? I am really curious to see how you are going to pull that number of succubi off, plus love interests, plus angels, plus whatever more sexual content needs to be added. Even 100 succubus would already be a lot.

Zion of Olympus

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 23, 2019
That is true for ACIII and all of the games after that. AC1 to Revelations had a coesive story that truly connected all of the games, and could only be considered complete if you played all of them. There was supposed to be only one or two games after Brotherhood and all of it would be wrapped up. But then Ubisoft decided to fire the creative director and threw a potentially great series down the garbage.

As for the game's planned amount of content, yeah, I am starting to get it now. Instead of dividing it into generations, games, and chapters, let's do it a different way. Let's say each generation is a game on its own. Each of the games is divided into parts made of 5 chapters each. So Succubus Covenant will be a series made up of 5 games with 20 chapters each - this seems reasonable. If you want to devote 25 years of your life to this series (a quarter of your life if you're a lucky man, a third of your life if not), then go ahead. I still think you should cut some things out and shorten the game a little, go easy on the ideas so you don't have to take as much time developing it, but you do you. What I don't get is how the whole series is supposed to have more than 500 succubus. This shit ain't pokemon, this is a porn game. It has limits. There are only so many kinks and fetishes, so many sex positions, so many body types, etc, to make this feasible. You are going to need to be really creative so by the third or fourth generation the player doesn't get tired of seeing the same succubus all over again, just with a different skin. This is not even about the artist getting tired (which will probably happen), it is about the player getting tired of saturated content and stop playing the game, and probably stop supporting you as well. You know what I'm saying? I am really curious to see how you are going to pull that number of succubi off, plus love interests, plus angels, plus whatever more sexual content needs to be added. Even 100 succubus would already be a lot.
As I said before, I prefer to give one shot and create something great and memorable than release something forgettable and mediocre.

"Oh, it will take too much time!". Yes, it will.
"Oh! You might never finish!" Yes, it might happen.

But if I do finish, it will be worth every second I spent in this series and it will live on even after I'm nothing but dust.


Active Member
Dec 27, 2017
As I said before, I prefer to give one shot and create something great and memorable than release something forgettable and mediocre.

"Oh, it will take too much time!". Yes, it will.
"Oh! You might never finish!" Yes, it might happen.

But if I do finish, it will be worth every second I spent in this series and it will live on even after I'm nothing but dust.
actually if this succeeds it could be the longest series of indie games made by a single team ever released.


Jun 26, 2018
Zion i know you're currently busy, but i want to know. This series you want to create, will there be any drama, like really, death, cries, songs and all that stuff. Because if you want to draw yourself from others "porn makers" you have to distinguish yourself. How will you distinguish yourself ? Succubus is quite common. From my point of view the more you're universe is develop, the better your work will be efficient. Again it's just my point of view but i really wish you put in front the characters developpement over the "H-scene". that's all thanks for reading my A-level english level lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
Zion i know you're currently busy, but i want to know. This series you want to create, will there be any drama, like really, death, cries, songs and all that stuff. Because if you want to draw yourself from others "porn makers" you have to distinguish yourself. How will you distinguish yourself ? Succubus is quite common. From my point of view the more you're universe is develop, the better your work will be efficient. Again it's just my point of view but i really wish you put in front the characters developpement over the "H-scene". that's all thanks for reading my A-level english level lol
Just to recap some of the more important stuff.

  • Both the main character parents died protecting him.
  • Your 2 teachers and mentors both died, one killed by succubi the other betrayed by his own mentor and father figure
  • You have 3 best friends that are like your brothers each with their tragic background one of who is cursed from ever speaking again or he will die by a succubi that raped and killed his family in front of him.

All before chapter 3 even rolled out. I would say the game is doing find with the drama and death and everything else at the pace it's going at.


Mar 5, 2020
As I said before, I prefer to give one shot and create something great and memorable than release something forgettable and mediocre.

"Oh, it will take too much time!". Yes, it will.
"Oh! You might never finish!" Yes, it might happen.

But if I do finish, it will be worth every second I spent in this series and it will live on even after I'm nothing but dust.
I know, I know. I am just wondering how you will do such a big number of succubus without it becoming repetitive. Like I said, if you think of each generation as a different full-fledged game, then yeah, 25 years seems reasonable if you take 5 years to develop each. And I think it's a good idea, and it will be epic when you finish it. I just have a problem with the number of succubus, you know? Seems like too much. At what point does it become a quantity vs quality problem? You know what I'm saying?
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Zion of Olympus

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 23, 2019
I know, I know. I am just wondering how you will do such a big number of succubus without it becoming repetitive. Like I said, if you think of each generation as a different full-fledged game, then yeah, 25 years seems reasonable if you take 5 years to develop each. And I think it's a good idea, and it will be epic when you finish it. I just have a problem with the number of succubus, you know? Seems like too much. At what point does it become a quantity vs quality problem? You know what I'm saying?
Hmm, I think when you change the personality of a succubus and keep a fetish, the scene itself will be very different.

For example, let's take anal sex fetish with Black Rose, who is very cold towards you.

Now add that same fetish to a sadistic girl who enjoys your suffering or a "sweet" succubus that acts very motherly while killing you with anal execution.

You have 3 different scenes with the same fetish.

And by the time I come back to a cold girl and anal sex like Black Rose, a lot of time will have passed, so people might not even compare the two, or will desire something similar at that point, I think.

IMO the possibilities are endless mixing fetishes and personalities.

Zion of Olympus

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 23, 2019
People are still rating this thread? Damn lol
There are complete games out there that don't have 1/3 of the reviews we do.

Ophanim I read you review from start to finish.

-The writing: I'm Brazilian, so English isn't my native language. However I'm learning more and more each passing day and I'm doing my best to describe the scenes better. I learned a lot of new terms, and I'll describe much more what is happening in the sex scenes in the future. This is literally my first game. But thanks for the heads up.

-Your review: Some of your points are being made like if this game was already finished. Like, "why don't we have a spores scene with the plant girls?!". Simple because we didn't get there yet. This game is only 40% complete. There will be 5 chapters. There will be one chapter dedicated to every type of plant. First chapter was for the bright, vivid ones. Second Chapter focused on parasitic ones, Third chapter that is to come will bring Underground plants. And so on.

-Girl's Looks: I'm not trying to go full monster girl, my objective was never MGQ. I'm a fan of succubi, that it. And I follow to the letter the lore I created, instead of appealing to diversity. The leaf clan are very thick, and even the ones who aren't will easily get thick. It might seem "uninspired" to you simple because you probably played expecting MGQ, which was never our objective. Take a look at the spider girl, she's much skinnier than any leaf clan, although she's still voluptuous. That's the lore for the succubi.

-Exposition: I know you didn't develop too much on it, but this is just a heads up for you in the future: all our games are and will be very story and character focused. If you wish only to see the succubi, I recommend waiting for a full save for the recollection room.

-Gameplay: Even though the gameplay is the weakest part of the game right now, I'm still satisfied with it:
-It requires preparation. Like buying better healing items and using Iron Will before the battle.
-It requires strategy to adapt to the succubi skills, for example: exploiting when she uses her temptation to attack or heal.
-It requires you to use your skills wisely and manage the TP and MP right.
-It requires exploration for you to gain better runes, bonuses from ruins/abandoned temples, etc
-It avoids the game becoming too easy, but it rewards you if you do side stuff and gain these bonuses and runes.

I'll take many of your points into consideration. But mostly I think you got disappointed because you came here expecting MGQ 2.0
I'm sorry, I just enjoy succubi.


Active Member
Dec 27, 2017
Hmm, I think when you change the personality of a succubus and keep a fetish, the scene itself will be very different.

For example, let's take anal sex fetish with Black Rose, who is very cold towards you.

Now add that same fetish to a sadistic girl who enjoys your suffering or a "sweet" succubus that acts very motherly while killing you with anal execution.

You have 3 different scenes with the same fetish.

And by the time I come back to a cold girl and anal sex like Black Rose, a lot of time will have passed, so people might not even compare the two, or will desire something similar at that point, I think.

IMO the possibilities are endless mixing fetishes and personalities.
i also think not only personality but experience of the succubus plays a part, so you got even more room to play:
Lets take the same sex fetish and a "sweet" personality but change only the experience of the character and see how many variations we can have from the top of my head:

-"loving mommy" type, highly experienced, reassuring while doing it but still killing you (this is merely a game for her), confident in her skills every step of the way. intimidating in her skill, since almost the beginning the player has lost hope yet she keeps toying with you. A twisted role-play where in his last moments the player is being killed while "taken care of".

Higly experienced so she doesn't even see you as a threat before, while and after doing this, but still will take it slow to get the maximum out of you. she might say something along the lines of "sleep tight, my boy" as a send off to the player.

-"Girlfriend" type, acts as if you two are close since forever and praises your skill and member while doing it, (lets remember she is aware this will kill you while doing this, btw) strangely friendly despite the outcome, *seems* to treat you as an equal despite the fact that the outcome is obvious to all. during the act she may remind you of things on your journey to meet her, as if she was alongside you instead of against you.

Moderately experienced, she know how to use her body to get what she wants, and will play with you a bit for fun. Not so experienced as the last one, since it's obvious she still doesn't have the full maturity to be as intimidating as the last one in skill only.

-"Eager one" type, borderline Lesser Succubus in thirst, she wants it and will do anything to get it, she also wants *you* specifically, she maybe found you attractive or sees you as an interesting subject, either way it seems she is interested in experiencing and knowing a bit more of you than most succubus. Basically she is like a child with a new toy she really wanted (before breaking it).

Lessed experienced, too eager and plays too hard, its obvious she hasn't had as many victims as the other, since for her each seems special in their own way and makes it known.

-the "i am doing this right" type, she had a stroke of luck in overpowering you or simply she is not yet fully aware of how much power she has, her only objective is to drain you, but still wants your feedback while doing it, she is a bit devout of the ego that succubus usually present, being a bit unsure of her skill. hell, she may even try to treat you "nicely" in order to get you to teach her how to do things right for the next victims.

the least experienced one, a few mistakes, not that good, talks too much, and sees the action of killing you through sex the same as you would see presenting a dish you cooked for the first time to someone. She values your insight, she will maybe even thank you, but that won't save you.

that's it, at the top of my head, we have 4 possible variations on the same kink and same personality type changing only experience.
and that's not all:
Let's say, hypothetically, we end up with 5 kinks (Oral, anal, vaginal, tail and titjob)
let's say we end up with 5 personality types to play around (greedy, sweet, overly lustful, apathetic and violent type)
and let's add 3 moods (angry/annoyed, happy/overjoyed and neutral)

5 kinks, 5 personality types, 3 moods and 4 experience types

if used without repeating combination (tho you could still get different things with new aspects) you get 5x5x3x4 equal 300

only with this you have the possibility for 300 scenes that feel different enough between one another.


May 2, 2018
People are still rating this thread? Damn lol
There are complete games out there that don't have 1/3 of the reviews we do.

Ophanim I read you review from start to finish.

-The writing: I'm Brazilian, so English isn't my native language. However I'm learning more and more each passing day and I'm doing my best to describe the scenes better. I learned a lot of new terms, and I'll describe much more what is happening in the sex scenes in the future. This is literally my first game. But thanks for the heads up.

-Your review: Some of your points are being made like if this game was already finished. Like, "why don't we have a spores scene with the plant girls?!". Simple because we didn't get there yet. This game is only 40% complete. There will be 5 chapters. There will be one chapter dedicated to every type of plant. First chapter was for the bright, vivid ones. Second Chapter focused on parasitic ones, Third chapter that is to come will bring Underground plants. And so on.

-Girl's Looks: I'm not trying to go full monster girl, my objective was never MGQ. I'm a fan of succubi, that it. And I follow to the letter the lore I created, instead of appealing to diversity. The leaf clan are very thick, and even the ones who aren't will easily get thick. It might seem "uninspired" to you simple because you probably played expecting MGQ, which was never our objective. Take a look at the spider girl, she's much skinnier than any leaf clan, although she's still voluptuous. That's the lore for the succubi.

-Exposition: I know you didn't develop too much on it, but this is just a heads up for you in the future: all our games are and will be very story and character focused. If you wish only to see the succubi, I recommend waiting for a full save for the recollection room.

-Gameplay: Even though the gameplay is the weakest part of the game right now, I'm still satisfied with it:
-It requires preparation. Like buying better healing items and using Iron Will before the battle.
-It requires strategy to adapt to the succubi skills, for example: exploiting when she uses her temptation to attack or heal.
-It requires you to use your skills wisely and manage the TP and MP right.
-It requires exploration for you to gain better runes, bonuses from ruins/abandoned temples, etc
-It avoids the game becoming too easy, but it rewards you if you do side stuff and gain these bonuses and runes.

I'll take many of your points into consideration. But mostly I think you got disappointed because you came here expecting MGQ 2.0
I'm sorry, I just enjoy succubi.
Yeah, I didn't really expect MGQ 2.0, I just used it as a convenient comparison point because I figured that anyone who's here reading these reviews had probably heard of it/played it, so it felt safe with regards to the whole cross-promotion rule. As for rating it now, this review's honestly been brewing for a long time, and I felt I needed to get it off my chest after trying it one last time. Essentially, because MGQ is a lore-heavy world with long stretches of story stuff, much like this one, with a lot of 'bad ends', much like this one. Honestly, if I felt I could get away with it without breaking that rule, I'd have compared it more heavily to something like Succubus House, which is similarly about curvy milf succubi draining you painfully to death.

It's less 'urgh, not mgq = bad' and more like I kinda hoped for more eroticism from a game like this. Honestly, the diversity thing isn't even a problem. I've played stuff like Monster Girl Dreams, so I know that even really basic monster designs that're basically humans can be shockingly hot under the right circumstances. I guess I wanted to say what I felt others weren't, which was basically 'this ain't it, chief'.

The gameplay outside of combat is actually fine, for the most part, i agree. I liked the side characters, even if their stuff felt a bit intrusive at times. Hell, their stuff is often more interesting than the character you play as, tbh. The preparation for combat, as you said, feels like it's at an acceptable place right now. It's just that the moment you get into combat, it's a pretty dull affair compared to the buildup that occurs beforehand. Like, I've played a lot of monster girl games at this point, and RPGmaker combat without the enemy trying to seduce you mid-swing feels like a missed opportunity here. Anyway, I've pretty much said my piece, I guess I just felt that boiling it down to me wanting another MGQ really misses the point. It doesn't have to be weird as fuck, but it's probably easier to make it sexy through gimmicks if you don't feel your English is at the point where you can make the mundane stuff come off as really sensual.

C'mon, really make me believe these are monsters so sexy they're destroying civilization. I know you can do it :)

Zion of Olympus

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 23, 2019
Yeah, I didn't really expect MGQ 2.0, I just used it as a convenient comparison point because I figured that anyone who's here reading these reviews had probably heard of it/played it, so it felt safe with regards to the whole cross-promotion rule. As for rating it now, this review's honestly been brewing for a long time, and I felt I needed to get it off my chest after trying it one last time. Essentially, because MGQ is a lore-heavy world with long stretches of story stuff, much like this one, with a lot of 'bad ends', much like this one. Honestly, if I felt I could get away with it without breaking that rule, I'd have compared it more heavily to something like Succubus House, which is similarly about curvy milf succubi draining you painfully to death.

It's less 'urgh, not mgq = bad' and more like I kinda hoped for more eroticism from a game like this. Honestly, the diversity thing isn't even a problem. I've played stuff like Monster Girl Dreams, so I know that even really basic monster designs that're basically humans can be shockingly hot under the right circumstances. I guess I wanted to say what I felt others weren't, which was basically 'this ain't it, chief'.

The gameplay outside of combat is actually fine, for the most part, i agree. I liked the side characters, even if their stuff felt a bit intrusive at times. Hell, their stuff is often more interesting than the character you play as, tbh. The preparation for combat, as you said, feels like it's at an acceptable place right now. It's just that the moment you get into combat, it's a pretty dull affair compared to the buildup that occurs beforehand. Like, I've played a lot of monster girl games at this point, and RPGmaker combat without the enemy trying to seduce you mid-swing feels like a missed opportunity here. Anyway, I've pretty much said my piece, I guess I just felt that boiling it down to me wanting another MGQ really misses the point. It doesn't have to be weird as fuck, but it's probably easier to make it sexy through gimmicks if you don't feel your English is at the point where you can make the mundane stuff come off as really sensual.

C'mon, really make me believe these are monsters so sexy they're destroying civilization. I know you can do it :)
Will do my best! Hopefully you can enjoy the next scenes better and grow to love the game as we go on! :giggle:


Active Member
Jun 4, 2017
Just to recap some of the more important stuff.

  • Both the main character parents died protecting him.
  • Your 2 teachers and mentors both died, one killed by succubi the other betrayed by his own mentor and father figure
  • You have 3 best friends that are like your brothers each with their tragic background one of who is cursed from ever speaking again or he will die by a succubi that raped and killed his family in front of him.

All before chapter 3 even rolled out. I would say the game is doing find with the drama and death and everything else at the pace it's going at.
Indeed the lore and world building is going well. Combat is still something I believe could be improved but don't fix shit that ain't broken. Chapter 3 is gonna be a doozy, that's for sure. And as for lore, I'd say the most difficult part is keeping up the momentum (no dev time pun) with the story's progress because it's going strong.
3.50 star(s) 103 Votes