Succubus Covenant Chapter 4 : The story of a missed opportunity.
Well... after playing chapter 4 i have to say :
“At least we will always have the first 3 chapters”
Oh boy, this review will be a long and strange one...
So.. buckle up...
Once upon a time..:
I was given a chocolate inside a beautiful wrapping (prologue + 1st chapter) .
I opened the beautiful wrapping, thinking "no way this chocolate taste as good as the wrapping implies", and to my greatest surprise , this was one of the most delicious things i have ever tasted.
But then, i think to myself, "this is just an accident , no way this product can have the same taste and looks twice, it will fail either in presentation ,or in taste."
So i took another chocolate (2nd chapter) that had the same beautiful wrapping the fist had. I try it, and my mind is blown, because the taste was even improving!!.
So like a kid that cant wait for Christmas , but also like a scientist that cant wait for the lavatory results, i grabed another one of those beautifully wrapped chocolate bars (3rd chapter) and i devoured its content.
There was no doubt left in my mind by then: This was a godmade product, i was addicted to it , and i would gladly pay to preserve its greatness.
And i was so ecstatic when i heard that the chocolate got even better with added sprinkles on top.
So of course i run to try it out (4th chapter): I opened the wrapping , which was as beautiful as always, but slightly bigger now because of the added sprinkles ,and i get a big bite. And had no taste...I said to myself "it cant be, i bet if i eat it all , i will receive eventually the same taste for sure , maybe better cause of the sprinkles" .But no

. There was no taste. No sensation. And as much as i tried to look at the beautiful wrapping to remind me of the pleasure i felt when eating the previous bars, the magic was gone. And now, i can only wish i have never opened the 4th chocolate bar, so my faith to the product could last for ever, so i would still believe that this product was made by gods....Now, i will always be empty ,trying to only imagine how this chocolate with sprinkles should have tasted.
....Now .. i will always try to imagine the red hood ,and the dancer, made from Kainkout...

...a pleasure, that was taken from me..
First of all, congratulation to Zion for the vision and the implementation of this project.
Really Great job man !!!
The storytelling of an epic tale, and the character/battle progression of an adventure game, blends beautifully with both the physical and the spiritual sensation and danger a succubus interaction and idea should have.
But there is a great difference between the first 3 and the 4th chapter ( and sadly i suspect the 5th as well). You see in the 1st 3 chapters , the artist took your vision and it gave life to it. It gave it a soul. The pictures complemented the written sentences perfectly, giving LIFE to them. And i am not referring to the "explicit" scenes only. From the character page , to the "cutscenes" , to the expression of main characters, you could feel the quality of the final result.
You could actually SEE the character of every succubus matching perfectly the written text. It was like you were against something that had a soul. It is hard to give the sense of alive body and face movement in a single static image, but it is even harder to give character to that image. And Kainkout nailed them both. Big respect to this artist!!
The blending of the art, music,sound effects+text would give me the impression i was watching a movie!! Amazing result!
But , this is not the case with the 4th chapter (And you know it). Now, i have to mostly depend on the written text and the story, to give life to what i am seeing or hearing .The images are souless, lifeless, character-less , motionless. Now im not having the feeling i am watching a movie, but a comic book with low image quality and good story. There wasn't one single Succubus in chapter 4 that i was tempted to loose from ...I dont even have the curiosity to see the alternative scenes..Ι quickly destroyed most of the succubus on chapter 4 , i would rather have an interaction with Socrates than them...When i first saw the Dancer i sincerely thought that her extended hair behind her back was a part of her cape...I mean , cmon man.. The erotic part just isnt there anymore..Im just laughing now...
I could go on for hours on specific things that made the art better, some of them have already being addressed on this forum.
I don't say that Kainkout art was perfection, he has weak points also , and big ones (he knows how to hide them), but i could FEEL a soul in the character. And "feel" is the magic word, if you are trying to sell anything at all. If you cant achieve feeling, you are loosing your audience or fanbase.
Personally i would prefer waiting (and i would actually support) a chapter with the art quality of the first 3 chapters even if it took 1 year (or even more) per chapter , than the quantity of 3 chapters that are like the 4th one.
My plan was to finish all 4 chapters and then decide if i would be a patron. And by the end of the 3rd i was sold, i was not thinking the "if", i was thinking of "what patron option" i would choose. Now.. i wish i never played the 4th chapter.
I have to stop now and use my gauntlet, because i will loose all my stamina and my keyboard will start energy drain on me..
Which reminds me:
Please...for the love of Serene, Ilios & Asteri...this new energy drain art is like putting something to a power socket..just terrible...
PS2 : The phrase "more bones for us" when i killed the which-hunter made me laugh so hard that i spilled the wine i was drinking. Congrats for the writing again!!