Stop simping, boy it's just using rpg maker drag and drop assets everywhere hes not creating a game engine, 90% of the work is from commission of various artists at this point depends on how much Zion is paying them. About music he just grabs free non-copyright ambient music, he could have finished the succubus covenant ch.5 or whatever a long time long but he decides to milk the popularity and make side projects.View attachment 3168548
Okey... Maybe it explain why take so long to develop Ch.5. The game hasn't been abandoned, just a "big project" that needs years to complete. People who complain "it take so long" are because they haven't made a game in RPG Maker MZ so they don't understand it may take 5-10 years to make a RPG game. Counting from the year SC released, 2021, 2 years are actually not enough to develop a full RPG game.
I know another author,You must be registered to see the links, taking half and three years, from 2018 to 2021, to make one gameYou must be registered to see the links, with 267 CGs inside all drawn by himself, a few characters have L2D, unique enemys on the road with lots of different conversations.
However, it still depends on whether the final product quality is similar in order to refer to it, since Zion canceled the animations, all the enemy on the roads are demon flowers, But made a big background story and settings, everyone talking about it happily in Discord, a really good enviroment there but in F95 are all complainations, not a creator can stand it. And, during the development,You must be registered to see the linkskeep sending out the DEMO to the supporters. What everyone got in Discord "important news" are "day xxx will have something big" "This is a CG of XXX" "I finish the map XXX" "XXX artist join our XXX" "I finish writing XXX" "Kain have new XXX". "New project". I don't see a DEMO or video of CH.5 gameplay during these years(Maybe just I missed it, or higher patreon supporters can have something other people don't know).
Not abandoned, the game is still under development, but Just wish it's not going to be another "The Day Before". That Really scare people bro. Be patient.
I am more interesting in their annual project, it focus on one succubus grow from tiny girl to tall-busty mama.
These defenders of game devs are an epidemic and there's no cure for it. Some people are just meant to lose all their money. They subcribe to monthly patreon feed and then the dev gets distracted with side projects and extend the game for the longest time possible. It is their monthly income this is their business model and it works because there are people like you that are overly optimistic with disposable income, probably living the good life in his 3rd world country with all that patreon money selling hopium while you copium. Keep huffing and puffing.View attachment 3168548
Okey... Maybe it explain why take so long to develop Ch.5. The game hasn't been abandoned, just a "big project" that needs years to complete. People who complain "it take so long" are because they haven't made a game in RPG Maker MZ so they don't understand it may take 5-10 years to make a RPG game. Counting from the year SC released, 2021, 2 years are actually not enough to develop a full RPG game.
I know another author,You must be registered to see the links, taking half and three years, from 2018 to 2021, to make one gameYou must be registered to see the links, with 267 CGs inside all drawn by himself, a few characters have L2D, unique enemys on the road with lots of different conversations.
However, it still depends on whether the final product quality is similar in order to refer to it, since Zion canceled the animations, all the enemy on the roads are demon flowers, But made a big background story and settings, everyone talking about it happily in Discord, a really good enviroment there but in F95 are all complainations, not a creator can stand it. And, during the development,You must be registered to see the linkskeep sending out the DEMO to the supporters. What everyone got in Discord "important news" are "day xxx will have something big" "This is a CG of XXX" "I finish the map XXX" "XXX artist join our XXX" "I finish writing XXX" "Kain have new XXX". "New project". I don't see a DEMO or video of CH.5 gameplay during these years(Maybe just I missed it, or higher patreon supporters can have something other people don't know).
Not abandoned, the game is still under development, but Just wish it's not going to be another "The Day Before". That Really scare people bro. Be patient.
I am more interesting in their annual project, it focus on one succubus grow from tiny girl to tall-busty mama.
Stop simping, boy it's just using rpg maker drag and drop assets everywhere hes not creating a game engine, 90% of the work is from commission of various artists at this point depends on how much Zion is paying them. About music he just grabs free non-copyright ambient music, he could have finished the succubus covenant ch.5 or whatever a long time long but he decides to milk the popularity and make side projects.
Wait, you guys think I am defending? Think bro, think. I am just tired after seeing what dev said. Don't rush like a Blind Cow.These defenders of game devs are an epidemic and there's no cure for it. Some people are just meant to lose all their money. They subcribe to monthly patreon feed and then the dev gets distracted with side projects and extend the game for the longest time possible. It is their monthly income this is their business model and it works because there are people like you that are overly optimistic with disposable income, probably living the good life in his 3rd world country with all that patreon money selling hopium while you copium. Keep huffing and puffing.
So.. in the end... it's abandoned?![]()
I need to see the Succubus drawn by Shiki in action!!
Zion is the best drama queen also the best director also the best scripter also the best scammer.No.
Considering the dev's track record, he's still working on it but likely got distracted by something.
Like, there's this game, the Warlock Saga, that one other game, some short comics, etc. The guy has a problem in keeping himself focused on one task at a time.
Dude...he uses an editor with already existing assets/presets whatsoever. Zion is a scammer. The game should be already released and nothing else.View attachment 3168548
Okey... Maybe it explain why take so long to develop Ch.5. The game hasn't been abandoned, just a "big project" that needs years to complete. People who complain "it take so long" are because they haven't made a game in RPG Maker MZ so they don't understand it may take 5-10 years to make a RPG game. Counting from the year SC released, 2021, 2 years are actually not enough to develop a full RPG game.
I know another author,You must be registered to see the links, taking half and three years, from 2018 to 2021, to make one gameYou must be registered to see the links, with 267 CGs inside all drawn by himself, a few characters have L2D, unique enemys on the road with lots of different conversations.
However, it still depends on whether the final product quality is similar in order to refer to it, since Zion canceled the animations, all the enemy on the roads are demon flowers, But made a big background story and settings, everyone talking about it happily in Discord, a really good enviroment there but in F95 are all complainations, not a creator can stand it. And, during the development,You must be registered to see the linkskeep sending out the DEMO to the supporters. What everyone got in Discord "important news" are "day xxx will have something big" "This is a CG of XXX" "I finish the map XXX" "XXX artist join our XXX" "I finish writing XXX" "Kain have new XXX". "New project". I don't see a DEMO or video of CH.5 gameplay during these years(Maybe just I missed it, or higher patreon supporters can have something other people don't know).
Not abandoned, the game is still under development, but Just wish it's not going to be another "The Day Before". That Really scare people bro. Be patient.
I am more interesting in their annual project, it focus on one succubus grow from tiny girl to tall-busty mama.
Yes that's what I mean, that's why I mention another author, who make a huge RPG game in half and three years with all CG drawn and other things by himself! I am tired of what dev said! Why everyone don't understand or read the whole words I wrote? Don't just look "this is not abandoned" this line bro......Dude...he uses an editor with already existing assets/presets whatsoever. Zion is a scammer. The game should be already released and nothing else.
Nah. Unlikely. He already wrote on his discord that he hopes that it will be released today (this is from 11.12.2023). And a day later he talked bullshit about that he needs game testers before he can release the game. The game doesn't come out until christmas this year. Rather we get star citizen as a full game or GTA 6 earlier to play instead of chapter 5.I have hope that it will be.
Half of ch 5 btw for more than 1 yearI recently saw a post where he mentioned that part 5 would probably be released this Christmas.
I have hope that it will be.
Cherrypicking these games shouldn't be used as a basis for estimating the time it takes to create a game in that engine. I was around 14 when I played with RPG Maker, and I'm confident that it doesnt take that much time. It's an engine made for babies. He doesnt do the art, the writing is at best AI tier, gameplay sux dick, so does the linear map design. A while ago he removed the lesser succubi because he wasn't able to implement the """animation""" to each of them.Okey... Maybe it explain why take so long to develop Ch.5. The game hasn't been abandoned, just a "big project" that needs years to complete. People who complain "it take so long" are because they haven't made a game in RPG Maker MZ so they don't understand it may take 5-10 years to make a RPG game. Counting from the year SC released, 2021, 2 years are actually not enough to develop a full RPG game.
I know another author,You must be registered to see the links, taking half and three years, from 2018 to 2021, to make one gameYou must be registered to see the links, with 267 CGs inside all drawn by himself, a few characters have L2D, unique enemys on the road with lots of different conversations.
However, it still depends on whether the final product quality is similar in order to refer to it, since Zion canceled the animations, all the enemy on the roads are demon flowers, But made a big background story and settings, everyone talking about it happily in Discord, a really good enviroment there but in F95 are all complainations, not a creator can stand it. And, during the development,You must be registered to see the linkskeep sending out the DEMO to the supporters. What everyone got in Discord "important news" are "day xxx will have something big" "This is a CG of XXX" "I finish the map XXX" "XXX artist join our XXX" "I finish writing XXX" "Kain have new XXX". "New project". I don't see a DEMO or video of CH.5 gameplay during these years(Maybe just I missed it, or higher patreon supporters can have something other people don't know).
Not abandoned, the game is still under development, but Just wish it's not going to be another "The Day Before". That Really scare people bro. Be patient.
I am more interesting in their annual project, it focus on one succubus grow from tiny girl to tall-busty mama.
You have his game in your banner. It seems you donated like hundreds to his Patreon. I'm smellin sunk cost fallacy.I ain't gonna defend Zion because it's obvious that he should have been faster and more consistent in releasing his content, but looking at people here losing their minds over how long it has taken him doesn't do y'all any favors. The sheer obsessiveness and bitching over the game really say more about all the complainers than it does about Zion. Again I am not defending him and if he doesn't release chapter 5 by the end of the year he is gonna have to answer to fans and followers that have more sense and self-respect, but people here really just have to act like animals just because a game that they obsess about isn't being released in time. If your favorite creator was or decided to become a grifter, tough, move on and follow another who is consistent.
This is a pirate site, not a board of directors.
Again...for you and all the narrow-minded people who somehow want to defend or gloss over his nonsensical statements. He uses an editor. It's not like he's writing a completely new engine and creating the entire game from scratch. All the assets/presets are already in the editor. You could almost say that it's just inserting tiles/sprites etc. Nothing else. Furthermore, there is still chapter 4, which means that he theoretically doesn't have to start from scratch. He can skip up to the area (which you can't enter in chapter 4 after the dancer succubus is defeated because the game tells you that this is the end) and continue there. Because everything from before that has already been created. And creating more text boxes for a new area, proof reading, timing, inserting artwork can't be that difficult and can't take that long. God damn. It baffles me how naive some people are. I'm not saying he's a bad developer (I don't know him personally). It's just that his statements are real bullshit. And as has already been mentioned here, it seems that zion has the attention span of a child who can't even concentrate on a single thing properly. And I also accept the fact that there are far more important things besides the pc. Such as family, work, etc. It's just that I've noticed this "quirk" extremely strongly in the last few days that he first attracts people on his discord server with his statements and then almost immediately rejects these statements again because he refuses to release anything for some completely stupid reason. The last one was that he supposedly needed game testers beforehand...A masterpiece can take years to be completely perfected, so take your time.