3.50 star(s) 103 Votes


May 19, 2018
I understand the concerns, and even I cannot guarantee you that I'll finish all the chapters in my life time, however, there are some things to consider:

-Above all, I made sure that this series have a healthy supply of content. Many developers, after 2 or 3 games, lose themselves and don't know what to do with the story anymore. They create remakes, remaster, parallel universe stories, etc. This won't happen here. Each game will be different from the other, focusing on different clans and time periods and will KEEP moving the narrative forward.

-Economically speaking, I was only able to fully start the development of this game at the speed we are now by November last year, when I got enough support on patreon to keep package of art after package of art being made. Not a single week goes by without having multiple pieces of art being made.

-the first game of an Era takes longer to develop due to we having to create ALL characters that will take part in the story for that age, from the hunters to the Succubus Queen. These side characters are practically all done and we can now focus only on the succubi.

-in only 3 months we made a complete overhaul of the art: removing all default Rpg Maker resources from the game, and these resources can be reused later on, even in other Eras, such as monsters like Orcs, Ogres, etc, speeding the development process.

-Each age is self sufficient: you will have a satisfying ending on each generation. So if the worse thing happens to this series, if I die, each game I released will be original (no remake or parallel universes of the same thing over and over) and each era I managed to finish will be self sufficient.

-If we actually manage to pull this off, this will be one of the very few games that have a original world that evolves like the characters, with a real story and many ages to explore.

I can't promise that I'll deliver everything, but as long as I'm alive, I'll do my best to make it happen.
First off, I just want to say that as soon as my next pay period hits, you've earned another Patreon subscriber. I believe in the work your doing, and I really liked what I played. So I'm looking forward to giving you my financial support. That said, I'd like to address you and LazerShark post:

I understand you, and I like the fact that you sound very motivated to do this, and I find the concept of different eras and various chapters to develop the extensive lore of the (future) series very interesting. The problem is that the project's timescale seems too big. From what I got, you are planning to release 4 games per era, there will be 5 eras, so that's 20 games. Considering the size of porn games of this genre, and assuming you will devote a good amount of your time and hard work into making this happen, it actually doesn't sound so bad and it seems doable, but that's only if you were able to release a game every 6 to 9 months. It would be a long timespan, but it still would be acceptable. However, the truth is quite different from this reality, isn't it? Because I remember seeing one of your comments saying that you are planning to release a game every year/year and a half, which makes me believe the games will be really full scoped porn games. This means that, at the earliest, you will take 20 years to finish this series, and at the latest, 30 years, and that's assuming you can consistently release a game every 1/1,5 years, without delays.
Forget those 30 years, let's just assume you "only" take 20 years to release this game. Have you ever wondered how long is 20 years? A decade is already on the long side to be following a series of porn games, but while it is generally accepted, and while there are a few series of porn game series that managed to have this much longevity and last 10 years or more, 20 years is a whole different game. There are very few, if any, series of porn games that have managed to last 20 years and are still going, at least without being rebooted, or drastically changing their gameplay and story between titles, or some other shit like that. Developers often give up, or retire, or move to other projects. I am not even mentioning the fact that I have absolutely no knowledge of any series of porn games that managed to last as long as 20 years while having the amount of content that you have planned for Succubus Covenant. One thing is true though - if you manage to accomplish finishing Succubus Covenant, you will have done something truly unique and legendary in the porn game community. And yes, as unrealistic as it sounds, I believe it's doable.
My problem is the 20 years. You are treating time very lightly when you use statements are "we are planning to release a total of 20 games, and we believe we can release a game every year, which means it will take at least 20 years to finish everything." You also have to think and understand how that timescale will affect the people who want to play your game, you and your team, and even the world around you. I will write some truths, just so you are aware of what 20 years really mean. First things first, anyone born tomorrow, or even the next year or the following year, will be old enough to legally play your game when it comes out. Teenagers who are not legally allowed to use this site will probably be married with children by the time you finish this series. Think of any of the users in this forum, any of your supporters, any of them that are 45 or over, just forget them, they likely won't be able to afford to care or won't even be around when your game comes out. As for any of your other supporters under 44 and above 18, just think about how much their lives will change in this timeframe, and try to guess if they will still be interested in your game when it comes out, or if they will still be able to find the time to play it or to enjoy it. Then let's think about the world. How will the world change in 20 years? That's a realistic danger to your project. Most notably is how much technology will change. Graphics will get better. New game engines will come out. The whole porn game community will change, the panorama will be different. Are you willing to keep your game up to date? Will you try to improve the graphics with every generation? Are you willing to get the latest version of RPGM when it comes out, or are you willing to keep all generations in MV? What will you do to keep your support alive for 20 years? People are not very patient when it comes to porn games, and no matter how much each generation will feel like a complete standalone game, they still won't be satisfied until it's fully finished. What if patreon goes down? What if f95 dies? Are you planning for unforeseen events like this, or are you only focused in developing the game? It's actually a good idea to open a website, or a blog, if you are planning on developing a game for this long. Finally, you have to think about yourself. Are you really able to keep focused on this project for 20 whole years? Well, I actually don't doubt you are. But think about it, really think about it, because 20 years is a very big chunk of your life. What if you get bored? What if you have ideas for another project? What if life just gets in the way? And about your team. Are Kaine and the other guy able to work on your project for 20 years? Are you sure they are? What if they decide to drop out?

You get the idea, right? I really, really like your confidence for this project, and it's not my purpose to spit on your idea like it's shit and take that confidence away from you, but you have to understand where I'm coming from. Right now, from a very optimistic perspective, we are looking at 20 years until you finish Succubus Covenant. But 20 years is a damn long timeframe. I just want you to understand what a timeframe that long entails. That said, 10 years, even 15 years, is an actually feasible and more attractive timeframe, and I don't think your game would be less good if it "only" took that long to make. Maybe you can still tell the story you want to tell, with the lore as extensive as you want, while making a smaller game. Maybe you can cut a chapter here and there, or maybe you can make this or the other chapter smaller, or maybe you can remove a few unnecessary details, or maybe you could do without that gameplay mechanic, and the game still wouldn't lose its quality. Just think about what I wrote, and don't just dismiss this, okay? Think about it thoroughly. Please.

De qualquer das maneiras, boa sorte, amigo. É uma estrada longa que tens pela frente e espero que tenhas sucesso na tua caminhada. Só quero que a termines a tempo.
So LazerShark does bring up a good point here. I'm 32 years old. Meaning if this whole thing took 20+ years to fully complete, I'll be in my mid 50s, pushing my 60s. Who knows, I may even be dead, and that speaks to a lot of people on this board. Really think about that. A bunch of old men finally finishing the final chapter of the final game of the final era, at the age of 50 or 60.

It's your baby, and none of us can ultimately tell you what to do. But I would seriously consider one of two things. After you complete the first Game, I personally think you need to re-evaluate your strategy, and perhaps scale the story back. Saying that you'd be "simplifying" it, wouldn't be entirely accurate, because you'd be taking a concept that is gargantuan in size, and scaling back to something that's still really big. Instead of 5 Eras, why not a Trilogy? I mean 4 Games per Era? That already is an Epic in itself. For example, you could do 5 chapters per game, 3 games per era, and 3 eras. Or 5 Chapters and 5 Eras, each Era representing a single game.

The other thing I would suggest is if you're adamant about keeping your roadmap exactly the same, then I think despite what you want, you really need to expand your team.

Ask the fans of A Song of Ice and Fire how they're doing, being so emotionally attached to that book series, and with George RR Martin having no chance in hell of finishing it at this point. People here are really digging the game and the story of Succubus Convenant. But nobody wants to be so invested in a story, only to never have it finished. I know you said each Era will feel complete and have a satisfying conclusion, but it sounds like to get the full complete story, we'd need to play all 5 Eras.

I don't want to sound like a nag, and I'm sure you're very busy as is. However I think you do need to ask yourself what's more important. Sticking to your original vision with the huge and likely risk of never completing it, or compromising your vision into something more scaled back, but giving you a much better chance of succeeding?

Hopefully me and all these other guys calling your plan into question isn't bringing you down. All this criticism is coming from a place of us wanting you to succeed because we like what you're doing. Just know whatever you choose, you'll still have my support. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter!
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Feb 16, 2018
u know the purple hair demon who was trap by the wizard? I was hoping we could recruit her mabe what if we ask her to join us? I mean like in rosario vampire there are some good ones. if not I was hoping we could recruit demons like we do in paradox?
Oct 24, 2018
u know the purple hair demon who was trap by the wizard? I was hoping we could recruit her mabe what if we ask her to join us? I mean like in rosario vampire there are some good ones. if not I was hoping we could recruit demons like we do in paradox?
Didn't Zyon already respond to you a couple of months ago that in this game there will be no friendly or good demons, as they don't fit in the lore of the game?
Oct 24, 2018
When I talk about succubus I'm referring to the Lore I created and the world I'm building. This is not Monster Girl Quest, so any comparisons when it comes to how a succubus act with other succubus from other games are invalid.

I understand you don't like it and I already read and answered about your desire to include a friendly succubus, but again I'm telling you, this is not the game for it.

I also politely ask that you stop spamming the thread, a single message containing everything is enough, as I generally read them all and respond when I can.


May 19, 2018
I love that there are no friendly succubus in this game. In fact, part of the reason I like the story so much, is that hopeless tone to it. That the Succubus are just that much more powerful than humanity. Every victory against them is won by the skin of our teeth. It's my kind of story. The only other game that did this well in my opinion was Succubus Prison.
Nov 22, 2019
I love that there are no friendly succubus in this game. In fact, part of the reason I like the story so much, is that hopeless tone to it. That the Succubus are just that much more powerful than humanity. Every victory against them is won by the skin of our teeth. It's my kind of story. The only other game that did this well in my opinion was Succubus Prison.
Well said, speaking of succubus prison, which one was your favourite summoned demon ending?


May 19, 2018
Well said, speaking of succubus prison, which one was your favourite summoned demon ending?
Sorry it took me awhile to get back.

Good question. I feel like I'm gonna give the answer most people give, but Shiki Prime. I forget the official name for her (don't think the game ever gave her one), but she was basically the progenitor of the Succubus. I loved how the game shifts from a dark tone, to a abyssal dark tone upon summoning her. There's this feeling of you basically just fucked all humanity, including the succubi, cause she's gonna drain the entire planet, cutting off the succubi food source. Also it's Shiki, his art has always been top tier imo.

Speaking of Succubus Prison, it's such a shame that game hasn't gotten a sequel yet. It's actually kind of mind boggling the developers didn't immediately make one. It was a lightning in a bottle idea. Not only was it popular, but it was very unique in it's gameplay that set it apart from other games. It was a puzzle solving, survival horror, groundhog day, succubus game, with excellent world building. I was hoping they do a sequel and go bigger. Maybe a hotel, or a resort. Alas, I'm not sure we'll ever get one.
Nov 22, 2019
Sorry it took me awhile to get back.

Good question. I feel like I'm gonna give the answer most people give, but Shiki Prime. I forget the official name for her (don't think the game ever gave her one), but she was basically the progenitor of the Succubus. I loved how the game shifts from a dark tone, to a abyssal dark tone upon summoning her. There's this feeling of you basically just fucked all humanity, including the succubi, cause she's gonna drain the entire planet, cutting off the succubi food source. Also it's Shiki, his art has always been top tier imo.

Speaking of Succubus Prison, it's such a shame that game hasn't gotten a sequel yet. It's actually kind of mind boggling the developers didn't immediately make one. It was a lightning in a bottle idea. Not only was it popular, but it was very unique in it's gameplay that set it apart from other games. It was a puzzle solving, survival horror, groundhog day, succubus game, with excellent world building. I was hoping they do a sequel and go bigger. Maybe a hotel, or a resort. Alas, I'm not sure we'll ever get one.
She's the goddess, my favourite was the one very tall & big with her sexy tail which sucks the hell outta the hero. it was the first ever succubus game i played & on my list, as you can see..
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Apr 19, 2020
Love the fact that every succubus when its about to get rekt by the hero.

They have to play that passive & cooperative last card/resource just to try to succ the hell out of the hero (X

Those touches really matter in an rpg game full of succubus
3.50 star(s) 103 Votes