I found a kind of hilarious deck - it does have some pretty glaring weaknesses so there are probably some opponents it's not very good against.. but against the opponents it does work against it's pretty funny. The deck looks.. very strange at first glance. Anyway, this is pretty much a combo deck of sorts. The goal is to cycle through your entire deck as quickly as possible. Just keep drawing cards, and put everything in defense mode (against most opponents anyway, sometimes you might be better off attacking but usually not), and use mirror shield to stall for time.
Once you've cycled through your entire deck and your deck gets "reshuffled" (not really reshuffling because it creates an entirely new copy of the deck), you should have 3x triangle summon, 3x thor left in your hand. Triangle summon discarding the thors to summon a thor. Thor gives you 3 lightnings. Triangle summon discarding the 3 lightnings to summon a 2nd thor, which gives you 3 more lightnings, and then discard them again to get a 3rd thor. You also have warriors in your graveyard, so you can buff them up with their activated ability too, so once you've cycled through your deck you can summon 3x 3300/2800 monsters and also still have 3x lightning in your hand all in one turn.