While playing this game I thought to myself, why do these renders look so much worse then his older games? And I realized that while they haven't improved much over 3 years, they aren't worse. The problem is the backgrounds. The messy noisy backgrounds draws away from the models. Its really not a good look in my opinion. Honestly never thought I would be complaining about backgrounds, but that's how bad I think it is. Also the MC is the biggest looking douchebag I've seen in a while (Sorry to anyone that looks like him xd). Can't believe im saying it, but I would rather play as Max.
Oh yea, you would think 3diddly is Sloniqe the way he slipped BBC into the game.
So yeah even though he was real quick to say no NTR, he added swinging literally the second he could lmao. Time to get that added as a tag. Seems like
3Diddlyf95zone's older fans are taking this one over. What a joke, harem game update one, future swingfest update 4.