Miller - "Hey MC! You want thigh or breast meat on your burger?"
MC - "uhhhhhh breast meat... BTW have you seen car lady? She was going to help me with my a... homework."
Miller - "Yeah, I've seen her. A little bit here a little bit there."
MC - "Oh, let her know I'm looking for her when you see her again"
Miller - "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be seeing her real soon."
A few moments later...
Miller - "Here's your breast burger, boy!"
MC - "HOLY FUCK that's a HUGE burger! Wait a minute. I know that boob... BOOB?!?!?"
MC - "MIKE MIKE! Put down that breast burger, it's car lady!"
Mike - "Actually MC, this is Miss Hill's boob, see how crazy HUGE it is? And I'd like to put it down bro but I love boobs and the way Miller cooks and seasons them... her boob tastes soooooo GOOD!"
MC looks over at Helen and notices she's licking her lips & staring at a much smaller breast in a bun and about to bite off it's nipple.
MC - "HELEN!! That better not be Mia's BOOB!!"
Helen - "Relax duuuude, this little tit belongs to some nasty bitch Miller caught jogging on the trail. She was a real piece of work for realz and now she's just a piece of meat! Huh huh huh, I crack me up. Mia's fine I'm sure."
Helen takes a large bite of the breast and with her mouth full adds...
Helen - "The government should totally make eating humans legal. Think of all the animals we could save! Especially the penguins! You know MC, I've been thinking a lot about how good YOU would taste. Later we can pretend to be bugs & you can let me rip your head off and eat it for science!"
Mia walks in carrying a large trey.
MC "Mia Mia! Watch out! Miller is chopping up and cooking Miss Hill, Car Lady and some bitch from the trail and turning them into burgers!"
Mia "Good morning MC, you look really handsome in that shirt, is it new?"
MC "Are you listening, Mia? I just sai...
MC notices excessive jiggling coming from the trey Mia's holding and looks down to see four large breasts wobbling about to the slightest moves Mia makes as she listens to him.
MC - "Holy tits on a stick, who's boobs are those, Mia?!?"
Mia - "Oh, well the two really pale boobs used to belong to Eve and those two that look overly perfect and really... pretty were Sophie's boobs. I really thought they were fake but it turns out they're real."
MC - "OMG Mia, what about Bree??"
Mia - "That redhead girl is crazy flexible. She slipped out of Miller's arms & popped out the window before we could get our hands on her, then ran into the woods. Miller says there's no were for her to hide & he'll catch her later after we eat."
MC - "Fuck Mia!! How could you do this, they were our friends?!?"
Mia - "Friends? Hardly, I saw the way they were looking at you. We don't need them when we have each other! Soon we'll be married & have so many kids you'll forget all about other girls. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life making you happy! And if any sluts ever mess with us again we'll call Miller & he can chop them up and turn them into burgers. We'll save so much on food bills. It'll be perfect!"
I had WAY too much free time this morning