4.60 star(s) 315 Votes


Dec 23, 2020
You can achieve the same narrative effect with just a few images. You don't need such a huge number! This is demonstrated by looking at other projects, very popular here. With the talent of these devs they could have finished this project months ago, to start others
You are absolutely right, at the moment there are more than 8000 renderers in the game, which is almost the same as in the Eternum game. But the amount of content, scenes, events, locations, etc. in Eternum is much more.
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Sep 2, 2020
Real talk, I don't actually care that there wasn't a sex scene this update, half of you here complain about the MC getting lusted after by the entire town in a matter of 2 whole days. It would make sense if this update slowed things down. That and some of yall actually play Summer's gone, please seek help.

The real problem is the fact that what felt like an interlude took 10 goddamn months for a measly 1.8k renders which 80% comprised of conversation and a toast animation. Not surprised at all in fact many people here have expected it if you've followed the thread once in awhile, that should be the actual complaint. Northpx didn't keep the promise of frequent updates with less content.

instead we got a longgg wait for a short update that is meant to be filler to set things up. Imo there should be some form of making up to do and special renders ain't it. Even pirates here need some dialogue and trust, I pointed out something similar in the Red Lucy thread very long ago about how each update is a glorified addition of a dozen more renders but the fans there are just lost in the sauce, lo and behold that game is now abandoned. Go figure.

Please don't go down that route Northpx. We luvs ya and we wants ya :BootyTime:


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2022
You are absolutely right, at the moment there are more than 8000 renderers in the game, which is almost the same as in the Eternum game. But the amount of content, scenes, events, locations, etc. in Eternum is much more.
This is the problem with reducing everything down to render count. You're comparing two completely different games. Completely different engines, different flexibility for detail and posing, and different styles entirely.
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Ass prefer

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2022
It's been more than a day and yet looking at all these negative reviews, I agree with everyone, but despite this I'm happy, I was able to see Eve again. I also expected something more, but I got what I got ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE. There's no point complaining. After all, everything was free. Will the next update be released and when? I don't think I'll live to see it.


New Member
Jun 14, 2021
Some of the choices for the renders and dialogue in this chapter were so random and wasteful imo:

-why focus on making breakfast with animations!
-the weird dream sequence that added nothing to the story.
-I guess the flashback fleshed out Mia and the mc's past relationship but I feel the same plot points could have been explored through a conversation in the present which would feel less jarring.
-the conversation with Mikey in their room mostly just summarized what happened in the previous update which we aleady know anyway?? Mikey as a character is not working for me generally. I don't think his 'jokes' have even made me smile.
-we spent multiple lines having different characters say variations of 'you look tired' and 'you should get some rest' during the lesson scene
- the sex scene with Mia was fine but we literally just had a scene with her. perhaps Bree could have been a better choice.
- Having the mc and the love interests walk in the forest again seems kinds repetitive too. Like a scene with the mc and Sophie/Mia during the lesson could have been a nice change potentially (though I didn't mind the Sophie/Mia scenes so this isn't a big problem)
-WHY did they add the expulsion storyline?! we all know that the MC isn't going to be sent home so there is no drama and tension to this plot point. It became really repeitive reading the MC think 'I want to spend more time with X character in the future but I sadly will never see them again in 3 days time'. Plus it makes no sense as Mr Miller took him there and left him alone for hours. I know who most parents would blame after they heard the full story so it makes more sense for everyone involved to pretend it never happened. Also how is that the only one on one scene with Kate after almost a year lol.

I agree that there should have been more renders considering the dev time, but this issue is exarcebated because of how they failed to utilise the limited renders and animations they made. Though I guess such inneficiency shouldn't be a suprise considering we spent more time with Mr Miller and the strip club than with the main LI's in the previous update but its still dissapointing :cautious:


Engaged Member
May 14, 2023
I understand that everyone who has completed the update, coming here, does not read all 30+ pages, but everyone has almost the same "idea", a lot of extra unnecessary renderings!
And this update upset a lot of people! While i was reading, i'm try to read all the comments, i didn't see any really outright hate, a lot of people like this game! Because the whole world of the game is alive, beautiful living characters, i really feel sorry for Mia and this makes the game not simple, but very difficult to understand, but what the devs did greatly reduced confidence in them. I suggest leaving all discussions like the time of development of this update, etc., before the release of the post from the devs themselves, cose they must somehow explain the current situation!
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Dec 3, 2017
Apart from what many have already pointed out — the lack of content given the really long development time — there’s one more thing that really disappointed me. It’s the way the relationship with Ms. Hill developed, or more specifically, the way it regressed and what that means for the future.

I'll begin by saying that I have nothing against a slow burn. In fact, I actually prefer it when romantic stuff progresses at a slower pace. The buildup, the tension, those furtive glances — I love it! Unfortunately, given the slow development time of the game, I’m afraid we’re still a few years away from any lewd content with Ms. Hill. That’s right! Allow me to elaborate.

I think we can’t expect any scenes with her until the issue of sending the MC home is resolved. The whole idea behind it is for her to maintain her professionalism. So, until that’s no longer an issue, we’re unlikely to see any new content with Kate.

Alright, so the next obvious question is: when can we expect this situation to be resolved? My guess is that it’ll be dealt with at the last possible moment—or close to it—for dramatic effect. That would be on the day the MC is supposed to be sent home or the evening/night before. That means we’ve got two more in-game days of other events before any progress in this branch happens. Given the pace at which the days in the story progress, it’s safe to say we’re probably 3, maybe 4 updates away from that. And that could mean—what?—two years of development? Maybe even longer.

I find this really discouraging since she’s my favorite LI... I’d love to be wrong about my predictions. What do you think, guys? Am I off in my calculations?


May 7, 2020
Guys remove the game from your signatures and leave a one star review
I am critical of how they are handling all this, 10 months for this miserable update that does not develop anything in the story, for me is very annoying, but from there to destroying all the excellent work that the developers have done, it is already very extreme, I hope you learn from this, manage to make an update every 4 or at most 5 months, cut out all the mundane dialogue, and start developing the story, personally, if it takes another 9 months for the next update, and they bring me a sexual scene with a character that has nothing to do with the story and they make me spend 1 hour of my life reading an empty script that is only there to consume time, well personally I already know what the purpose of this VN is and my interest in it simply ends.

At the beginning of the project, I saw the incredible quality that this visual novel had, not only in the technical and visual section but in the potential that the story can deliver, personally I am tired of seeing VN with a good visual section and an empty context, without a story, without character development, I thought that "Summer Heat" was something different and that the developers had a clear idea of what they wanted to do, With this last update of 10 months, I realized that it is not the case, but I am still going to give you the benefit of the doubt, for me the next update is decisive to see if I am still interested in this project, I think they should reformulate everything for them to be successful, two people with a VN of this quality and technical complexity can't develop a story with so many characters included and such sporadic updates, anyways.
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May 17, 2024
Finally,Summer Heat v6 released!Naughty Fox Developers Rocking!!(y)Hows the game guys? Most awaited Realistic Game ever! Hope, developers must have added much content in this version.Much more romance between MC v/s Sophie,Bree,Mia & Mrs.Hill.looking forward to the game but first of all looking solid reviews from you guys on Summer Heat v6!Happy Gaming!
4.60 star(s) 315 Votes