VN - Ren'Py - Summer Scent [v0.6.4a] [The Naughty Captain]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Dunno how I would rate this nonsense higher than this.
    Graphics are neat, but that's it.
    The story suffers from over branching and frustrates
    immensely without and even with walkthrough.
    The MC is one of the worst written characters I ever
    The sex scenes are disappointingly short if you
    are even able to get to them.
    A complete overhaul of the MC, getting rid of half of
    the branches and hidden triggers, and maybe this
    has a chance to develop into something playable.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Was kinda hooked by this game at the beginning but since some time it feels like the spark is gone. Renders are good, story feels more or less okay (though MC might be not very likeable for someone) and kinks are kinda hot, but the biggest issue which negates all pros for me is branching. It'd be much better to have one or two solid and well writen story paths instead of that insane amount of branches which give mostly nothing but frustration because of a bunch of unobvious choices which kinda hard to follow without walkthrough mods.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Good enough renders, but way too much blueballing - for me any blueballing/teasing at all drops the rating. Unfortunately, another one only working on one path at a time, and takes LONG to update, so people can wait years until anything new on their saves.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Rubbish game with immature MC who behaves in schizophrenic manner unbefitting of the MC age or the age of those around him. He treats the woman like colleague and work mates, with utmost professional like respect, then he sulks back to his room and laments how miserable and how much of a pervert he is.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Confidently written and wholesome to boot. The skin details are unique and add a lot to the characters. The focus on a relatively small roster works for the benefit of the game. Choices have actual meaning.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game would be so much better if it had a good protagonist but the guy is just insufferable, he is a stupid moronic parvert without a shred of charm or humor wrapped up into an ugly looking body with a big peanis (i guess that makes up for everything). The game fully acknowledge it but it doesn't bother to do anything about it, to develop his character. What's even worse is that a solid 60% of the game (perhaps even more) is just reading his blabbering thoughs about everything, its gets tiring very quickly and it never stops.

    The LI's are all interesting and i like spending time with them, but MC makes it very difficult to enjoy it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly worth playing. Loved the LI's seems like there is more branches so played using sanchos mod. Nice renders and loved the chemistry between MC and his sister. Yeah this one deserves this high rating. Waiting for next updates. Hoping it will be worth the wait

    It is not your usual harem incest game it got nice pace. Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    If you choose the 'good guy' path, half of the game is the MC alone in his bedroom/living room thinking about how depraved, miserable and stupid he is; and the other half are very professional-like interactions with the female characters. They all talk to each other as if they were workmates. Teenagers are generally more immature, stupid, and fun. The MC is kind of a simp; most times, you get to decide to whether compliment girls or not, but there are other situations in which the MC just does and says whatever the hell he wants, which are mostly superficial and cringy comments. The game description says your choices determine how the MC will handle everything, but after two different playthroughs, it seems the most important choices are predetermined, your choices only have an impact on the relationship with the characters, not on how things develop. The events that lead to the characters having their sexual interest piqued are very scripted and forced, Imo. Easily preventable or remediable at the moment; but no, the MC just stands there being “incredibly embarrassed” while covering his face. I think the most obvious thing an 18yo would do in those situations would simply grab the phone and release the call. The story isn't bad at all, I was intrigued to know who the bad guys really are and was kinda in suspense that they would try something at any moment. It's funny that the game intro tells you the MC is an egotistical bitch, but the guy actually has very low self-esteem and 0 confidence. The game is less boring if you take the domination/corruption path, but I'm not into that, and all paths should be equally interesting.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my 1st review. I had to write it down at some point. That story struck me so hard right in the feelings I had to. Well, took me one month and a few to be able to.
    It stopped at the end of day 6 (v0.6.3a) when writing.

    If you're into casual adult VNs, where everything is easy, it might no be for you.
    If you want to slip into someone else's skin with his own background & issues and start there. There you go.
    To be blunt: you want body rumbling? You MIGHT have it. But with consequences.
    KEYWORD: feelings. You not here for that? Keep scrolling.

    Summer's Scent is about dificult but deep relationships.
    All 3 LI (Love Interests) are believable. At least, I could understand where they came from -moreover when I replayed and took different routes.
    The 3rd one might seem anectotal? Considering the setting, it makes sense. She intervene a little late. Still, on day 6, a door seems open?

    If I could ask for something is:
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    THX, Naughty Captain, you're doing an awesome work.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Story wasent really my thing, its boring and drawn out and even if you play through you will have little to no rewards, it might have diffrent endings but once you play it once odds are you wont want to play it again.

    I did try two play throughs since my first one was absolutly crap, i had 0 sex scenes and the girl i was with ended up getting raped, cant say i enjoyed that ending at all, so heres a hint if you do try it dont go for harem or even a twosome.

    Did finaly see a sex scene on second run, but it was also really poor, its supposed to be a virgin secne but it never felt like one, and the few picture to picture scenes dident help much and lighting in scenes are to dark.

    You will proberly also get really tierd of MCs dialog it can make you cringe and just plain boring.

    Not having animations or music is also hurting the game, since it just feels like reading a boring book with either very few sex scenes or none at all.

    Cant really justify giving this game more the two stars since i do feel like its below average in so many ways.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Could have been been an extremely enjoyable game if not for the annoying little gerbil that MC is, it's only made worse when you realise he is also an extremely ugly little dude. His dialogues, his actions and his looks are all so extremely cringe It's just so hard to look past that.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really surprising amount of significantly different paths to take in the game that do actually alter the story quite a lot depending on your approach to each of the girls. Also surprisingly emotionally realistic in some of the paths and well written. Nott very many sex scenes but the ones that are there are hot because of the build up
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    version 0.6.3

    Needs more scenes with the girls most of the scenes is touching
    There are few sex scenes But game is so dark you can't see anything but he mc and the woman there body
    Renders are good
    No bugs
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    This game would be a lot higher reviewed, and I usually don't review games unless I think they deserve a five-star but I needed to come out and express that this game fails to live up to its' potential, the renders are great, the amount of options in terms of the narrative is great, my problem is that the PC is a moron, which the other characters mention a few times, but he is just so absolutely moronic that no one would be able to deal with him. Me having to play as this guy almost made me want to stop playing, despite the interesting girls and stories this game was telling, he literally as a main character could not suck more. Maybe it's the language barrier, I assume the Dev's first language is not English, but the dude says things that no human should ever even think of. Playing an idiot is fun if the players can choose to act like an idiot, but being forced to be an idiot the whole game drags this dame down to an average experience. If you make another game in the future, please don't make me play an idiot, because I enjoyed the game otherwise.


    Dropping this from 3 to 2 stars due to the ridiculousness of where the story is going and the dialogue from the MC, again.
  15. 4.00 star(s)



    Someone give MC some cheese for his whine.

    Normally, I would finish the game to its current update to write a review but MC's constant pathetic monolog just compelled me to vent before going on. It feels like almost one third the script is his "Oh no, what do I do, I can't breath, get a hold of yourself" over and over. IMO, this doesn't serve any purpose other than irritation. Just makes girls falling for him much more unrealistic.

    The game does put a lot of effort into developing a background story and character dynamics which are pretty interesting, along with decent renderings.
    Some music would have been nice, but not particularly necessary.
    Not a lot of girls to interact with, but this allows focus on available LIs.

    Will update after I CTRL through the annoyance that is the MC
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I only played the Dual Love Route so far!!! Slight "Spoilers" ahead!!!

    This is the first game (if you don't count LoML) without animations, sound and music that I tried for the fuck of it because i don't have anything else to play. I don't regret it one bit.

    Okay, hear me out, I get why people get uptight about this games rating and give it three or four stars, but man they are either stupid or just searching for a quick fap (which this game is not, and I don't judge since I too do that sometimes when I'm too horny that day XD )

    Story 5/5: Yeah, you heard me, five stars for the story so far, I have played every possible incest game 5 through 3 stars on this site and man, even if its just slice of life story it keeps you hooked, I have been feeling so burned out from these, I've been searching post after post for some good incest done right where the family you try to seduce/romance/corrupt feel believable, the reluctance, fear of being found out and the heat of the moment actions are done so right i might have fallen for the sister. This game tickles my fancy in so many ways, even when it does not have Sounds, music or animations as i said above, I can't tell you much without spoiling it, but the sister is written so well I rarely feel like that for a character in a game.
    This one is definitely up there with LoML and the other big boys.

    Dialogue 5/5: The Dialogue feels very real to a point where it feels too real in some says, you can feel the tension, emotions and because of all the buildup, some characters (again, i cant say too much without spoiling), even when you just met them you feel for them in some way.
    The Sister is by far the best written one here, the MC has very good writing too, yeah sometimes there is too much text about what he is feeling, you have to realize he is just a confused, scared virgin nerd that does not know how to deal with all that is building up inside him, at the same time he has no one to talk or help him with this, so he just keeps it inside him, but its written so well he and the other character actually feel like they are just some 18-year-olds full of hormones and in love, this is the first time I didn't skip though them and actually read them, every single line.

    Renders 5/5: Quite nice renders, don't get spooked by the previews, you get immersed so well into the game if you have some good background music of your own that you kinda forget one of the girls is white as a ghost XD the Environment is very nicely done, feels like actual home.

    Models 5/5: they are believable, no balloon tits or huge asses that defy logic here, feisty runner sis with a petite body to die for, sweet yet hot best friend that will fill a nice dress just right. Yeah, i think you get the point XD

    Animation /5: no rating because i believe in the dev and im sure this game will be on the front page of the weighted rating in the future.

    Sound /5: same as Animation

    Music /5: same as Animation

    TLDR: No Animation, no Sound, no Music 10/10 would recommend! Topic about Rape comes up quite a bit, don't get spooked by it either and just download!

    Edit: Forgot about the Models, added section!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The VN has great writing and story, excellent renderings. The characters have realistic personalities and interact well with each other.

    The only issue I see is with the MC. His insecurity and pondering his past, present and potentially future failures are a turn-off. I would think the girls might at first find his behavior 'cute' but would eventually be turned off by it. His internal monologues are way too long and rambling. This is the only thing I see that takes away from the VN.

    I wish the dev continued success!
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Good dialogues
    Characters are kinda... beautiful but plain?
    They're not ugly themselves but the body graphics are not that good.
    The sex scenes are not rewarding, the game is more text-based than anything, you sacrifice a lot of time trying to get a scene with the "sister" and when you get it, it's a blowjob with 2 frames (2 FRAMES) and a lot of text, I tried pushing forward more to see if there's any good-looking sex scenes but no... this itself made me drop the game.
    Choices(Since the game is focused on it) =
    I liked the game extense of choices at first but it is at an exorbitant amount.
    Sometimes you try making a lot of affection points for example or submissive points but the points themselves doesn't change the path, what actually changes it is just (ONE) absolute random hidden choice that literally makes you start over because of this little mistake and you may keep going in the wrong path again because the choices are too confusing.
    The choices in the game are really confusing to the point I myself am pretty sure the developer can lose himself on it easily, even if I was the dev I would, this path system is a total mess, no offense intended.
    I give it 3 stars because even if not fapable and the mess in choice system, in all the other aspects the game is okay.
    But really, this game should
    1- Rework the choice system.
    2-Better the sex scenes.
    I will keep on my watchlist in the hope of these fixes, until then I won't play again.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Summer Scent v0.6.2R

    The visuals are great and I'm sure that's what attracts players. Unfortunately, the gameplay isn't for me. I played this game trying out different paths and it's frustrating to say the least. It frequently comes down to guessing the right choice, and the built-in "lighthouse mode" seems to be either wrong or intentionally misleading.

    I installed a mod to see what I was missing and all I can say is WTF? There are seemingly random bad endings and there was way too much effort spent trying to be clever about creating the different paths and creating different content for those paths. The game is trying to widen its audience to include specific kinks on specific paths, but the ROI just isn't there. Either each path is going to be very short or this game is going to take a minimum of about 6 more years to complete.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    So, first and foremost I have largely enjoyed Summer Scent. It is, in some respects, well written. The main characters are engaging and, up to point believable. In a literary sense, I ‘d say they are fairly well drawn. As a reader I find I want the best for them. They are all flawed, but likeable and appear to have an unexpected level of emotional depth, at least as far as the genre goes. The story is, again, up to a point, not without merit and serves as a suitable background for the vicissitudes of the characters. Overall, however I can’t help but see this game as a missed opportunity. It’s as if there are two, somewhat conflicted writers behind it…

    One of whom seems to display a nuanced and relatively sophisticated understanding of human relationships and the other of whom simply wants to throw a spanner in the works or, very un-subtly to try to ‘spice things up’. The whole conversation between the PC, Cassie, Eve and Kelly could have been a relatively moving and even, dare I say it, profound scene (Dual Love Path) instead there is the horribly jarring and narrative breaking moment when Steve and Jane call up and have risky sex over the phone. Not really a problem in and of itself, but the fact that the somewhat intimate and vulnerable moment between the characters is highjacked by it utterly nukes all the trust and suspension of disbelief that the reader might have built up in the preceding exchange. Not to mention the fragility of the MC’c acceptance of a polyamorous relationship. The fact that both C (Cassie) and E (Eve) instantly ditch the, as advertised, difficult conversation with Kelly and the PC in favour of some utterly random conversation about sex with a total stranger, not to mention E’s sudden shift from wanting punch Kelly in the pussy to her acceptance of her as a friend is not only narrative breaking but it also renders their characters less believable in terms of the overall story ark. Are they a couple of naughty girls of no more than depth than the average porn game fucktoy only interested in salaciousness and the manipulation of the rightfully confused and overwhelmed PC, or are they two young women struggling with there burgeoning sexuality and love for the same individual? As it a reader it is very confusing. Which generally means that the writer is also confused. There is nothing wrong with introducing confusion, doubt and misdirection into a story, it is often a good thing when handled correctly. Sadly, I have to say that none of these techniques are handled well here.

    I’d like to go on as, ultimately, I feel that Summer Scent is one of the few stories/games on this site that deserve proper attention. But it is late and I am tired so let me finish with the observation that if there are two or more writers behind this game then either get on the same page or do your own thing. If there is only one writer then have the courage of your convictions. It is ok to explore ‘real’ stuff in this genre. If it is a team, then focus the fuck up and decide who is in charge.