why does it seem decagem is against this game? hes constantly trying to paint it in a bad light and that it absolutely WONT have an english version, when the email he sent made them go "eh we'll consider it".
I don't think he's against the game anymore than, other ppl who also voiced their own opinions here. Also, everyone has their own way of expressing themselves. To add even more, most of what he said, is actually fact, or a realistic view. Good example is alot of what he said, is about how " Illgames ", treated their previous games. If they made 5 games and all 5 games had the same problem, why would we give such a positive view, or be hopeful towards their 6th game? Pretty sure the decagem guy, wants the game to be good, just as much as everyone else, but doesn't mean he's gonna cope, or have wishful thinking, for a game made by a company, that makes the same mistakes each time. If I heard EA give a reply " eh, we'll consider it ", then I'm gonna assume that's a no as well. I'm pretty sure we'll get a English translation for this game. Maybe not by official means, but will get one regardless. Point is, from a company with a already bad rep here, u expect the worst, or keep expectations low.