Yeah, I agree on the Bella and MC fight scenes - the latter got choozed 'cause Ocean was shafted on the music track. I guess we'll see with the Ch 2.5 rework - the MC was originally overpowered by Bella's aggression (home attack and first basketball game). While toning these down makes the scenes less edgy, slightly changing the basketball scene in particular (he would get blindsided once at most) would stop the MC looking like a five-pound weakling, which would be out of character, even for the newer version of the MC. PS - I hope the reworked scene between Nami and Bella after the Sai fight retains its venom.
MC being nicer - IMHO the original MC was just a manipulative, sadistic bully (without money or social status to backup that behavior) and some of his dialogues were frankly cringe-worthy (Vic and the dolphins). The MC spent most of the game looking for blackmail material. These type characters and games are two-a-penny on this site. A realistic and natural progression for that character by Ch 4 would've been him out of school and recovering from when Jeff put his lights out (this happening after other characters become aware of his manipulations and abusive behavior and before college basketball success shields him from the consequence of his actions). Nami would be his only friend.
Now the MC starts the game as a traumatized and antisocial youth. He has a problem being around people, not only because of his trauma but also presumably because of his long period of self-imposed isolation. It's not because he's simply always been an A-social A-hole even before Summer disappeared (Ocean gives the player control on how much the MC chooses to interact with the outside - Jeff at the Gym, Victoria, the Holgerson raid, the second gym session, fight training with Ayua, going to Nia's house etc). He's not looking to be an Andrew Tate fan, IMHO he simply has a fierce desire to prove Summer's parents wrong, and he's happy to take advantage of others to achieve that goal and to take down those people who do him and his friends wrong. I suspect his college social status will improve vastly as he becomes the college's basketball champ, irrespective of his behavior. ...and he was never a horndog (a.k.a. a sex pest) in any versions of the game.