
May 28, 2019
Yeah... the constant complaining is getting rather annoying. If the update cycle's not something you can cope with, or the rework & changes to the story aren't things you can live with... then why not leave? These grand announcements of how this user won't play the game because of X, and that user hates it because of Y... they're getting quite old. If these things bother you so much, why not leave and scratch Summer's Gone off of your list? Why stay to announce to the world that you decided not to pirate this game? Like omg! Whatever will Oceans do about a random F95 user who decided that they're no longer going to pirate his game?? :cautious:

I honestly get the frustration; some of it is definitely warranted... but some of you need to relax. Find another game to play... or better yet, do something rather than stalking these pages waiting for the right moment to meme about how your grandkids may finally experience the end of this game. Since I'm probably the only girl here right now, I'll say it. It's kind of sad that for some of you, your only comments are about how Oceans is a bad developer, how the development cycle upsets you, or some other flaw of this game. My goodness, find something else to do because seeing so many users add nothing more to the conversation than ripping on the game... gets proper annoying. Often enough, I saw people voicing their praise for the game, saying how much they love this and can't wait for that, and some of you guys will show up(out of nowhere) and go out of your way to kill their joy for the game. It's literally crazy how some of you will go out of your way to do this kind of stuff. Hundreds of games on this site, and you choose to spend your time annoying people in SG's thread. That's... kind of sad

Some of you will hate me for this(if you don't already), but I'll say it anyway. Some of these critique/review posts seem disingenuous... almost as if some people came here just to complain. The last few pages have been 70% made up of people complaining that they'll never see the end of this game and the fact that Oceans will rework this game to death. If you truly believe that, truly believe that Oceans will never improve and genuinely believe that Ocean's pace will stay the same forever... leave. If you think honestly that Oceans is out to rework this game every single season... leave. Save yourselves the heartache. This thread can do without all of the extra negativityღ

Like I can't stress enough how dumb this all isღ

Here I was, skimming through what's new and found that there was an update. I was like "yay! update!". So I clicked. I clicked with excited expectations. Then the excitement gets even worse! A click me/readme about complaints! O.M.G. I HAVE to click on this. It will definitely have all the answers to our woes on those who complain about things we love. Right!?
So. With bated breath, I shakily click on said click me/read me, my expectations riding high at about 30,000 feet. There! There it is! All the wisdom one would expect with knowledge that surely will exceed even that of the brilliant Greta Dumberg! What will it be!? Surely it will definitely be something as profound as the emotional blackmail of a frightened yet more-brilliant-than-thou teen as she says...."How Dare You!"! Yes! It must be! It was linked on the front page, so it must be!

That's what my expectations were thinking as they walked off the 30,000 foot cliff.

My expectations had plenty of time to think as they plummeted to their doom. Things like...So...after all that...I find an opinion piece...motivated by negative feelings...targeting opinions, motivated by negative feelings...expecting positive outcomes. Why? Well...because it was linked on the front page! So it must be true!?! Is there enough Irony in the worl...Splat.

And there they were. My expectations....30,000 foot down...splattered all of the foot of the mountain.
  • Haha
Reactions: eki6859


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
My biggest worry about this game remains how ambitious and big the scope of the game feels like. We already had so many female characters previously, and this update added even more of them. I don't know where Ocean is heading with this and I don't know whether we'd actually arrive at the end the way Ocean wants it to be, but I'm all-in for the ride because this is one of the very very few games that made me feel extremely invested in so many characters. It's like every single one of them has layers when it comes to their characteristics. The "good" characters have flaws. The "bad" characters have redeeming qualities. By showing these complex human qualities in so many characters, it really elevates the game to the next level IMO.

This game will forever remain as among my favorites.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
sooo is there going to be content in the next season from the Ladles from the book club? theres a few interesting ones hehe


Active Member
Dec 25, 2019
okey, waiting an other yeahr for Ayua content:cry: I hate that, every corner new girls come in. But Ayua there, from the first capter are geting ignored every time.


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
SanchoMod - Unmodded Ch5Beta Patch File Fix
(for those getting exception error right before the beginning of Ch5's content)

This is intended for those who won't be using the pending SanchoMod update (meaning you are playing unmodded).

I've obviously made hundreds of fixes to the patch for the mod so far but this "unmodded" fix doesn't resolve any of those... this just let's you get to Ch5 and fixes that one issue only. If you want all of my fixes you'll have to wait for me to finish the mod update. Fair enough? Good.

Installation: Copy the extracted content of the zip inside the VN's "/game" folder.
Uninstall: Simply delete the file... no harm, no foul.

Regards...and you're welcome.

P.S. - Feel free to reference others who have problems to this post. I don't have time right now to go through all the posts and supply mentions to all those folks as I'm still working on the SanchoMod update. Thanks.

Mentions: SirAuron20
SanchoMod - Unmodded Ch5Beta Patch File Fix #2
(for those getting exception error in Ch3 due to the phone message app not having images)

This is intended for those who won't be using the pending SanchoMod update (meaning you are playing unmodded).

I can't leave you unmodded folks hanging on this as it's completely borked. This fix can be used in conjunction with the Fix #1 (the post this is replied to).

Installation: Copy the extracted contents of the zip inside the VN's "/game" folder.
Uninstall: Simply delete the directory "/images/messenger"... no harm, no foul.

Regards...and you're welcome... again.


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
So is the rework of the first 3 chapters done? I've been holding off on playing this until that was completed.
No. Ch2 has many issues and needs to be redone... and Ch3 is a bit of a mess. For example, due to the Ch1 rewrite the MC has never met these two and therefore never got the "stink eye" as noted in this Ch3 slide:
Also, the phone code is a mixed bag of two different sets of code, one of which I had to make a hot fix (found in a post above here). I've fixed a lot for the pending SanchoMod update but I'm losing count and just PM'ing the dev with the largest issues... there's tons of minor problems tbh.


Message Maven
Jan 19, 2020
That's only when you install the walkthrough mod, isn't it ?
Yes, I believe so.
Clarify. There's zero issue with any of the saves I have for SanchoMod so you must be speaking of the other mod. Just making sure it's clear.

But otherwise it doesn't matter anyway since some variables changed in Ch1/Ch2 so a fresh playthrough is actually required to be sorted regardless... and if the dev moves to RenPy v8.1 for Ch5 Full then you'll be replaying it yet again as well.

Just pointing out some facts so folks aren't confused (anymore than they might already be).


Apr 23, 2020
When i get in the jaccuzi scene it went pitch black and says Image 'ad1006' not found. and so on until they leaving the jaccuzi.
It was removed? I though it was only changed...
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