ocean has a simple out about their going to college and not getting student loans...
She is supposedly a Surgeon/ER doc in NY which make ~400k usd/year; BUT he plays it like they are rather cash strapped compared to others... because Noji has been saving for college and doesn't carry a lot of debt.
all $ questions answered that he had failed to research prior. [doctors in usa make
waaay more than the national average salary NY state even more so, cause its crazy expensive, especially near NYC]
he could use this reasoning and not have to have some crazy lost it all on a bad horse, bad pyramid scheme, etc.
she has been setting aside $ every year since she became their mom to cover college, etc. and college in USA especially a private UNI which this implies is, is what 50k/semester?
how much is an ivy league school per year [not to imply ZPR is ivy league, just bouncing numbers]
....as far as when they talk about costs for MCs psych, maybe Amber doesn't take insurance, she is that sought after? or maybe Noji doesn't trust the Dr's/group therapy he would get with her insurance.
case in point Dana - charged way more than average... and got is cause she was that damn good, not just hawtAF.
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