This interests me, in the game, are there clues to this or is this information only given externally by Ocean?
Without the outside information, can one come to these conclusions organically?
The majority of my thoughts are conjecture, but you know that about me already
It's only mentioned in this way externally on the store pages for steam and epic. There was some theories circulating regarding scholarships a week or two back when doomyk noticed Vic got a scholarship letter; coupled with the mention that there is no choice of college heavily suggests that Nika will find himself indebted to ZPR for a scholarship. One thing that is in game that is suggestive is that Vic saw Nika's name on 'the list' when she mentions they're both going to ZPR. I don't know of any college that shares a list of other students with other students.
Vic's scholarship is possible due to her injury, but who knows? It might be due to who her parents were to the Zane's from WiaB era (the Frohn's might have managed the Zane's investments in order to become ZPR, based on their business). Similarly, Nika nd Nami might have scholarships because of Nami with her earring - ignoring the question of who their parents might be, the earring clearly acts as a sign of Leia's favour.
I think there's enough information in game to be suspicious of the situation. Nika clearly has no goals, as stated in the script, he's just accepted what has been offered, and I can't imagine Noji would accept such a financial burden as college without being certain he want to go through with it. That's about the strongest connection I have in the game - Noji isn't in a position to waste money if Nika's not interested. Other than that, Nika continually mentioning how they can't afford anything, suggests whatever Noji earns, it's barely enough for their standard of living.
I guess th elast thing is, someone recovering from a collapsed lung, recuperation, rehabilitation etc. is not cheap. The strawberry jam wounds were also pretty nasty. Who knows what financial burden that might have been? I don't think we need to think about it in a forensicaccounting sense, it's plausible enough an excuse for why Noji is struggling.
In any part of the world. A doctor would struggle only at the start of their career, like any other job, to be honest. She is at least 36; if we are really, reaaaaally generous, she should make at least really decent money. I think she is in a high paying country, looking at Bella's mom earning way to much money.
All in all, I bet Noji is really rich and is all a ruse to protect Nika and Nami.
Except she doesn't protect them, but lets them go to a college run by the Zane's, drinks wine with the Zane's, socialises with all the people who could have an ulterior motive in Nika's future. If she wanted to protect Nika from the Zane's, she's done pretty much the worst possible job by staying int he same town, letting them go to ZPR, heck Ayua even visits twice and does nude portraits of Nami.
In the bookclub, when Jenna mentions
pen "We're looking forward to having you and your sister here."
scene sb930 with dssa
d "Oh, Nami is amazing. She's like me. Doesn't take shit from anyone."
scene sb931 with dssr
mw "Maybe Noji did the right thing after all."
scene sb932 with dssr
d "Mh?"
scene sb933 with dssr
mw "Nevermind."
, that suggests everyone at the book club knows what Noji did by raising Nika and Nami. Noji is probably more worried about their gossip clueing Nika in to what she has done.
d "(The Cheeto doesn't pay enough attention to realize what's going on... But she's also lacking some information.)"
scene sb919 with dssr
d "(Mom knew Amber, but when they first met they acted like they didn't even know each other.)"
scene sb920 with dssa
d "(Is that the real reason why she doesn't want me here? Because she knew I might pay attention?)"
If Noji is protecting them, it might not be from the Zane's at all, but from Summer's parents, or from factions not yet obvious in the story.
Regarding her pay, it's clearly stated she's good at what she does, and it's a prestigious job, but she does work in ER in a public hospital. She might be a doctor, but she's still an underling, she has trouble with her boss. She dreams of opening a small practice, which implies being a GP and treating people with their shots and flue symptoms rather than operating; I don't know that there are many private operating theatres that I'd want to go visit - surgeons tend to work out of the hospitals, not start their own little practice. SO it's pretty hazy as to what her financial situation actually is.
The earrings belong to Leia Zane. Where it all began is when you see the earrings. Forgot when it is said Nami said a old lady gave it to her. Think the old lady was Helen. Helen part is a theory.
Nami says that on the trip to the Frohn's for the movie sleepover:
n "While you and Zara were gone... Vanessa asked me about my earring."
d "So?"
scene ad1782 with dssa
n "Sasha did the same... and she has the exact same one... Just the other side."
n "As if they once were a pair."
scene ad1783 with dssa
d "Just tell them where you bought them."
scene ad1784 with dssb
n "Don't you remember?"
scene ad1785 with dssa
d "No."
scene ad1784 with dssa
n "I told you that I got this one from that woman many years ago."
scene ad1785 with dssa
d "I'm certain that my past me didn't listen to you talk about earrings."
scene ad1780 with dssa
n "Isn't it weird?"
d "Who was that woman?"
scene ad1782 with dssa
n "I don't know? She appeared when you and Summer ditched me again, and I was crying on a bench."
d "When was that?"
scene ad1784 with dssa
n "Easily eight years ago."
d "Well, just ask Sasha where she got hers from."
scene ad1786 with dssb
n "Vanessa said they somehow seemed familiar."
There's no mention of the woman being old, but regardless of who gave Nami and Sasha an earring, we presume they are Leia's. We also know Leia goes to the book club:
emilia "A Zane is blessing us with her presence."
emilia "How's William?"
scene sb881 with dssa
katie "You should ask him that."
scene sb882 with dssr
emilia "I wonder why you're here."
emilia "It's been a year since you and Leia last came by."
Which means Leia is around and active, and has given her earrings away, and would notice anyone wearing them ie: Leia relinquished her signature earrings, regardless of who the woman was. Sasha having one when the Petrova's are the Zane's business partners means that Leia is completely aware of where her earrings are, even if they were given away by someone else. After all, Ayua knows about Sasha's earring, Nami's earring, and she knows Leia.