
Active Member
Aug 19, 2022
From the steam page:

There was no choice of college, and that is a mystery, so that's an established fact from Ocean. If it was because it was the only college Noji could afford for them, there would be no mystery as to why Nika was going to ZPR, there would be no question for why. Ocean revealling there was no choice, implies there is something to be revealed. Also, Mila can afford ZPR, so that means it's not impossible to afford.

From the script, suggesting Nika's not going for basketball, and doesn't know what he wants for classes, so no sports based scholarship.

So yeah not a nurse, or orderly, but a doctor.

The script continuously emphasises Noji is not rich. The game is not set in the USA, but in a weird Europe/USA hybrid. The car license issue shows more a European mindset to finance and rules, even if the college is very US styled. Doctors throughout the world do well, but only in the US do they make exceptional money. Doctors where I live (yes in a western country) have an average salary of 110k USD according to what I looked up. Median in Germany seems to be around 120k USD, but I'm no expert, this is just checking it out on google. Very few places in the world have such high rates for doctors as what you've described. Keep in mind she is not a specialist, even if she is in emergency. Opening her own little doctor's office implies she's more comfortable working as a GP than as a specialist.

Even though Noji is making decent money (above 100K USD should be able to make for decent living even in a fancy town like Wollust), she can't easily afford the therapy for Nika, and Nika is aware of how hard Noji works to make ends meet. We don't know why she struggles, but we also don't know her exact age, or how much Nika's hospital fees cost from the violent incident - it could be that her savings were wiped out with his hospital care from the collapsed lung. That would be the easiest way out in the narrative.
In any part of the world. A doctor would struggle only at the start of their career, like any other job, to be honest. She is at least 36; if we are really, reaaaaally generous, she should make at least really decent money. I think she is in a high paying country, looking at Bella's mom earning way to much money.
All in all, I bet Noji is really rich and is all a ruse to protect Nika and Nami.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
I think at this point, most of 3/3.5 has been spruced if not redone. The bar scene is the last holdout of the old aesthetic I think. I wouldn't want Ocean to touch the scene after the Relucia diner, the whole Bella army would hunt him down.

Seeing the two earrings are in the same room, it could well be both. The earrings symbolise some form of Zane interest that has nothing to do with sports, and is a long term interest. The 'see you around' is casual enough to mean anything.

If it wasn't for Nami's earring, we'd only have our theories to justify our suspicions: the earring and Noji's desire to keep Nika away, while not being worried about keeping Nami away. Actually thinking it through aloud, Noji's attempt to keep Nika away shows that her worry is about the Zane influence on Nika, not Nami, so her concern is something unique to Nika that has nothing to do with Nami, and has nothing to do with any Zane connection that the earring symbolises. Nami's Zane connection is considered 'safe' by Noji. Also, Noji's been keeping the book club quiet for longer than they've been at ZPR, while still hanging out at the book club that Katie and Leia go to. Strange behaviour if Noji views the Zane's as dangerous. I don't socialise and drink wine with people I don't trust.

Being aware that some posters aren't english native, emojis help communicate the tone of a post to avoid miscommunication. It's quite courteous in my opinion. If that was the worst 'crime' here, this thread'd be 100% butterflies and unicorns.
The earrings belong to Leia Zane. Where it all began is when you see the earrings. Forgot when it is said Nami said a old lady gave it to her. Think the old lady was Helen. Helen part is a theory.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
This interests me, in the game, are there clues to this or is this information only given externally by Ocean?
Without the outside information, can one come to these conclusions organically?
The majority of my thoughts are conjecture, but you know that about me already :)

It's only mentioned in this way externally on the store pages for steam and epic. There was some theories circulating regarding scholarships a week or two back when doomyk noticed Vic got a scholarship letter; coupled with the mention that there is no choice of college heavily suggests that Nika will find himself indebted to ZPR for a scholarship. One thing that is in game that is suggestive is that Vic saw Nika's name on 'the list' when she mentions they're both going to ZPR. I don't know of any college that shares a list of other students with other students.

Vic's scholarship is possible due to her injury, but who knows? It might be due to who her parents were to the Zane's from WiaB era (the Frohn's might have managed the Zane's investments in order to become ZPR, based on their business). Similarly, Nika nd Nami might have scholarships because of Nami with her earring - ignoring the question of who their parents might be, the earring clearly acts as a sign of Leia's favour.

I think there's enough information in game to be suspicious of the situation. Nika clearly has no goals, as stated in the script, he's just accepted what has been offered, and I can't imagine Noji would accept such a financial burden as college without being certain he want to go through with it. That's about the strongest connection I have in the game - Noji isn't in a position to waste money if Nika's not interested. Other than that, Nika continually mentioning how they can't afford anything, suggests whatever Noji earns, it's barely enough for their standard of living.

I guess th elast thing is, someone recovering from a collapsed lung, recuperation, rehabilitation etc. is not cheap. The strawberry jam wounds were also pretty nasty. Who knows what financial burden that might have been? I don't think we need to think about it in a forensicaccounting sense, it's plausible enough an excuse for why Noji is struggling.

In any part of the world. A doctor would struggle only at the start of their career, like any other job, to be honest. She is at least 36; if we are really, reaaaaally generous, she should make at least really decent money. I think she is in a high paying country, looking at Bella's mom earning way to much money.
All in all, I bet Noji is really rich and is all a ruse to protect Nika and Nami.
Except she doesn't protect them, but lets them go to a college run by the Zane's, drinks wine with the Zane's, socialises with all the people who could have an ulterior motive in Nika's future. If she wanted to protect Nika from the Zane's, she's done pretty much the worst possible job by staying int he same town, letting them go to ZPR, heck Ayua even visits twice and does nude portraits of Nami.

In the bookclub, when Jenna mentions
pen "We're looking forward to having you and your sister here."
scene sb930 with dssa
d "Oh, Nami is amazing. She's like me. Doesn't take shit from anyone."
scene sb931 with dssr
mw "Maybe Noji did the right thing after all."
scene sb932 with dssr
d "Mh?"
scene sb933 with dssr
mw "Nevermind."
, that suggests everyone at the book club knows what Noji did by raising Nika and Nami. Noji is probably more worried about their gossip clueing Nika in to what she has done.

d "(The Cheeto doesn't pay enough attention to realize what's going on... But she's also lacking some information.)"
scene sb919 with dssr
d "(Mom knew Amber, but when they first met they acted like they didn't even know each other.)"
scene sb920 with dssa
d "(Is that the real reason why she doesn't want me here? Because she knew I might pay attention?)"
If Noji is protecting them, it might not be from the Zane's at all, but from Summer's parents, or from factions not yet obvious in the story.

Regarding her pay, it's clearly stated she's good at what she does, and it's a prestigious job, but she does work in ER in a public hospital. She might be a doctor, but she's still an underling, she has trouble with her boss. She dreams of opening a small practice, which implies being a GP and treating people with their shots and flue symptoms rather than operating; I don't know that there are many private operating theatres that I'd want to go visit - surgeons tend to work out of the hospitals, not start their own little practice. SO it's pretty hazy as to what her financial situation actually is.

The earrings belong to Leia Zane. Where it all began is when you see the earrings. Forgot when it is said Nami said a old lady gave it to her. Think the old lady was Helen. Helen part is a theory.
Nami says that on the trip to the Frohn's for the movie sleepover:

n "While you and Zara were gone... Vanessa asked me about my earring."
d "So?"
scene ad1782 with dssa
n "Sasha did the same... and she has the exact same one... Just the other side."
n "As if they once were a pair."
scene ad1783 with dssa
d "Just tell them where you bought them."
scene ad1784 with dssb
n "Don't you remember?"
scene ad1785 with dssa
d "No."
scene ad1784 with dssa
n "I told you that I got this one from that woman many years ago."
scene ad1785 with dssa
d "I'm certain that my past me didn't listen to you talk about earrings."
scene ad1780 with dssa
n "Isn't it weird?"
d "Who was that woman?"
scene ad1782 with dssa
n "I don't know? She appeared when you and Summer ditched me again, and I was crying on a bench."
d "When was that?"
scene ad1784 with dssa
n "Easily eight years ago."
d "Well, just ask Sasha where she got hers from."
scene ad1786 with dssb
n "Vanessa said they somehow seemed familiar."
There's no mention of the woman being old, but regardless of who gave Nami and Sasha an earring, we presume they are Leia's. We also know Leia goes to the book club:

emilia "A Zane is blessing us with her presence."
emilia "How's William?"
scene sb881 with dssa
katie "You should ask him that."
scene sb882 with dssr
emilia "I wonder why you're here."
emilia "It's been a year since you and Leia last came by."
Which means Leia is around and active, and has given her earrings away, and would notice anyone wearing them ie: Leia relinquished her signature earrings, regardless of who the woman was. Sasha having one when the Petrova's are the Zane's business partners means that Leia is completely aware of where her earrings are, even if they were given away by someone else. After all, Ayua knows about Sasha's earring, Nami's earring, and she knows Leia.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2020
The majority of my thoughts are conjecture, but you know that about me already :)

It's only mentioned in this way externally on the store pages for steam and epic. There was some theories circulating regarding scholarships a week or two back when doomyk noticed Vic got a scholarship letter; coupled with the mention that there is no choice of college heavily suggests that Nika will find himself indebted to ZPR for a scholarship. One thing that is in game that is suggestive is that Vic saw Nika's name on 'the list' when she mentions they're both going to ZPR. I don't know of any college that shares a list of other students with other students.

Vic's scholarship is possible due to her injury, but who knows? It might be due to who her parents were to the Zane's from WiaB era (the Frohn's might have managed the Zane's investments in order to become ZPR, based on their business). Similarly, Nika nd Nami might have scholarships because of Nami with her earring - ignoring the question of who their parents might be, the earring clearly acts as a sign of Leia's favour.

I think there's enough information in game to be suspicious of the situation. Nika clearly has no goals, as stated in the script, he's just accepted what has been offered, and I can't imagine Noji would accept such a financial burden as college without being certain he want to go through with it. That's about the strongest connection I have in the game - Noji isn't in a position to waste money if Nika's not interested. Other than that, Nika continually mentioning how they can't afford anything, suggests whatever Noji earns, it's barely enough for their standard of living.

I guess th elast thing is, someone recovering from a collapsed lung, recuperation, rehabilitation etc. is not cheap. The strawberry jam wounds were also pretty nasty. Who knows what financial burden that might have been? I don't think we need to think about it in a forensicaccounting sense, it's plausible enough an excuse for why Noji is struggling.
So, tldr, without external information there is no way to speculate on a key piece of history. Without that, we could not begin to theorize anything about the whys. That Vic has a scholarship adds nothing to the indication that the MC/Nami have an "obligation" to go to ZPR.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
So, tldr, without external information there is no way to speculate on a key piece of history. Without that, we could not begin to theorize anything about the whys. That Vic has a scholarship adds nothing to the indication that the MC/Nami have an "obligation" to go to ZPR.
Aw you wound me with that tldr, it was just for you :sneaky:

The whole point of mysteries is they aren't clear and require speculation. So no, nothing in the game is stated as a fact, but there are certain things that have pretty strong hints and implications. We'll have wait until we see more of Katie or Emilio talking with Nika to find out more I imagine.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2020
Aw you wound me with that tldr, it was just for you :sneaky:

The whole point of mysteries is they aren't clear and require speculation. So no, nothing in the game is stated as a fact, but there are certain things that have pretty strong hints and implications. We'll have wait until we see more of Katie or Emilio talking with Nika to find out more I imagine.
I agree, the point of mysteries is that they are not clear and require speculation, otherwise, as in this case they are something else... to get ahead to sell more or deux ex machina... which surprises me, I always saw Ocean trying to put the stories together in a way that you have the points with a lot of vagueness, but building, without imposing an idea out of nowhere.

Edit: I add one more thing, forcing outside information can also ruin the plot twist if it builds up to the reveal in the future.
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Cabin Fever

Engaged Member
Nov 23, 2018
....as far as when they talk about costs for MCs psych, maybe Amber doesn't take insurance, she is that sought after? or maybe Noji doesn't trust the Dr's/group therapy he would get with her insurance.
Or maybe, just maybe, since Noji lied about knowing Amber, she also lied about the cost and that Amber is doing it pro bono since they are friends?


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
I agree, the point of mysteries is that they are not clear and require speculation, otherwise, as in this case they are something else... to get ahead to sell more or deux ex machina... which surprises me, I always saw Ocean trying to put the stories together in a way that you have the points with a lot of vagueness, but building, without imposing an idea out of nowhere.

Edit: I add one more thing, forcing outside information can also ruin the plot twist if it builds up to the reveal in the future.
I agree - it does have more of the market speak about it, but the point I guess is that we are meant to find that the college itself is something we as players should be suspicious of. It might be Ocean's referencing what he knows will be revealed in WiaB (I assume that the Zane's end up buying out the college that Kat and Katie study at, and rebrand it), probably getting it at a firesale price to bury the sordid things that are currently hinted at in WiaB. Again, speculation on my behalf.

Either way, we know in game that there are rival factions in the college, as Katie seems to be on the side of Stahl and Hill, and Coates is on the other side. Whatever that rivalry is at least hints that the college is worthy of suspicion, and it's referenced a few times in game by the characters; I think the main intent of the blurb is to make sure players are paying attention rather than taking things at face value.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
Where it all began was remade to what it looks like now. I wonder if some of it's story passed to summers gone. In the original game Miru had a Japanese friend who showed up and was real close to her. I don't believe they said her name but what if that's Nojiko. Again theory. Could explain why she knows so many influential people and no one cares even though she would normally not be apart of their circle.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2020
I agree - it does have more of the market speak about it, but the point I guess is that we are meant to find that the college itself is something we as players should be suspicious of. It might be Ocean's referencing what he knows will be revealed in WiaB (I assume that the Zane's end up buying out the college that Kat and Katie study at, and rebrand it), probably getting it at a firesale price to bury the sordid things that are currently hinted at in WiaB. Again, speculation on my behalf.

Either way, we know in game that there are rival factions in the college, as Katie seems to be on the side of Stahl and Hill, and Coates is on the other side. Whatever that rivalry is at least hints that the college is worthy of suspicion, and it's referenced a few times in game by the characters; I think the main intent of the blurb is to make sure players are paying attention rather than taking things at face value.
I don't deny speculation, but no speculation would be born without external information.
I can think of explanations as to why it was necessary for Ocean to forcefully introduce that information outside the game, but that doesn't make it acceptable. I could understand the explanation (example, all that happens in WIAB and it would already be known when SG starts, but life put us in the situation that SG is much more advanced in its history) but as a narrative tool, I reject it, I don't like it and I never liked the situation that to understand something you have to go to X thing that explains it to you.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
I don't deny speculation, but no speculation would be born without external information.
I can think of explanations as to why it was necessary for Ocean to forcefully introduce that information outside the game, but that doesn't make it acceptable. I could understand the explanation (example, all that happens in WIAB and it would already be known when SG starts, but life put us in the situation that SG is much more advanced in its history) but as a narrative tool, I reject it, I don't like it and I never liked the situation that to understand something you have to go to X thing that explains it to you.
I could be overthinking it, and it's just hype. I agree that the plot should be self contained. If it is the case though, there are already enough hints present to build that thread into the story naturally. Otherwise, it is just marketing hype, because Noji clearly shows he didn't have to go to college, that he agreed. So in one sense it's a pointless drama point that Ocean can use for the blurb in a market that's saturated with college mysteries, or he is giving a little away, much like the description of Bella on the steam page.
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Active Member
Apr 24, 2018
I don't think so - the fact that Nika isn't guaranteed a place on any team argues against it, as well as the extra curricular training that's off the books. Whatever the scholarship is, Nami's is also covered. Currently in sports they're playing with Mila and Nia, who have no interest - it makes it seem a very general sports class. Also, Nika wasn't certain he'd even try out when talking with Jeff. If you had a scholarship for the sport, it's guaranteed you'll be doing the sport, and your whole curriculum pivots around that.

I'd say is more likely a discretionary scholarship, like Vic's.
I don't really have faith in the basketball scholarship theory, but I do believe it's possible because:

(a) Ocean has a really ambiguous way of storytelling. By that, I mean he often doesn't state things obviously or directly. The Nika/Nami scholarships are a case in point (granted, maybe Ocean's reworked the Ch 1 script for the Season 1 Steam release to make the scholarships obvious beyond the Steam page blurb). Besides, some college things in the world of Wollust don't accurately mirror what happens IRL colleges.

(b) what we know so far in the game is mostly from Nika's perspective - someone who is traumatized and trying to reintegrate into society... We don't really see Nojiko's work behind the scenes. We know Nika/Nami get a college scholarship, we just don't know why because we don't know Nojiko's motivations/plans and Nika doesn't give a shit anyway. It's highly unlikely although not outside the realms of possibility that the scholarships are basketball-related if you view it from the perspective of Nojiko/Nami et al getting Nika back into the sport one very, very small step at a time (i.e. without pushing him or making it too obvious).


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
I don't really have faith in the basketball scholarship theory, but I do believe it's possible because:

(a) Ocean has a really ambiguous way of storytelling. By that, I mean he often doesn't state things obviously or directly. The Nika/Nami scholarships are a case in point (granted, maybe Ocean's reworked the Ch 1 script for the Season 1 Steam release to make the scholarships obvious beyond the Steam page blurb). Besides, some college things in the world of Wollust don't accurately mirror what happens IRL colleges.

(b) what we know so far in the game is mostly from Nika's perspective - someone who is traumatized and trying to reintegrate into society... We don't really see Nojiko's work behind the scenes. We know Nika/Nami get a college scholarship, we just don't know why because we don't know Nojiko's motivations/plans and Nika doesn't give a shit anyway. It's highly unlikely although not outside the realms of possibility that the scholarships are basketball-related if you view it from the perspective of Nojiko/Nami et al getting Nika back into the sport one very, very small step at a time (i.e. without pushing him or making it too obvious).
Both are completely plausible, with the caveat that scholarship is not mentioned once in the script for the ch5 beta, so the theory is built off the oddity that is the steam blurb, coupled with the suggestion that Vic got a (non basketball) scholarship. The first we know of basketball is Nika looking at the tryout poster (I think), then Trey asking him if he's going to go for it. As far as any scholarship goes, we've only got that one image of Vic's letter, and some vaguely suggested content. The mention that Noji thought Nika wanted to go to college, is a different conversation to (for example) 'they offered you a place, you should take the opportunity! Carpe diem!' It's currently very ambiguous but suggestive that there's more at play than it was the only college they could afford.

I have more belief that any scholarship that was for both of them would be discretionary, as Nika hasn't chosen any focus in his studies, and seems to be picking up whatever interests him in college life, rather than the obligitory scholarship activities. The whole basketball arc is the underdogs coming out of nowhere to impress the pros, Nika's currently training with the misfits, and Stahl and Hill know they have an uphill battle to get a team out of them. Also, Zara would know Nika had a scholarship for basketball before he did - she'd sniff it out, just like Rambo.

If there's a scholarship for both, it's due to nepotism in some form, which furthers the mystery aspect. Nami clearly doesn't have the basketball skills to be granted one on sporting merit. The only connections we have are the vague, suggestive wording of the blurb, Vic's mention of a list (that goes against all kinds of privacy issues) and Vic having one. The current script doesn't support anything conclusive, and the blurb only hints towards it.

Regards b) 100% plausible, but impossible to keep secret from Zara.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2018
Both are completely plausible, with the caveat that scholarship is not mentioned once in the script for the ch5 beta, so the theory is built off the oddity that is the steam blurb, coupled with the suggestion that Vic got a (non basketball) scholarship. The first we know of basketball is Nika looking at the tryout poster (I think), then Trey asking him if he's going to go for it. As far as any scholarship goes, we've only got that one image of Vic's letter, and some vaguely suggested content. The mention that Noji thought Nika wanted to go to college, is a different conversation to (for example) 'they offered you a place, you should take the opportunity! Carpe diem!' It's currently very ambiguous but suggestive that there's more at play than it was the only college they could afford.

I have more belief that any scholarship that was for both of them would be discretionary, as Nika hasn't chosen any focus in his studies, and seems to be picking up whatever interests him in college life, rather than the obligitory scholarship activities. The whole basketball arc is the underdogs coming out of nowhere to impress the pros, Nika's currently training with the misfits, and Stahl and Hill know they have an uphill battle to get a team out of them. Also, Zara would know Nika had a scholarship for basketball before he did - she'd sniff it out, just like Rambo.

If there's a scholarship for both, it's due to nepotism in some form, which furthers the mystery aspect. Nami clearly doesn't have the basketball skills to be granted one on sporting merit. The only connections we have are the vague, suggestive wording of the blurb, Vic's mention of a list (that goes against all kinds of privacy issues) and Vic having one. The current script doesn't support anything conclusive, and the blurb only hints towards it.

Regards b) 100% plausible, but impossible to keep secret from Zara.
I am more playing devil's advocate with this this one.

The whole scholarship thing - or at least a focus on it within the story - has come out of the blue. Whether or not it was always part of the story remains to be seen and I guess we'll have to wait and see what a fresh Season 1 playthrough reveals.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
I am more playing devil's advocate with this this one.

The whole scholarship thing - or at least a focus on it within the story - has come out of the blue. Whether or not it was always part of the story remains to be seen and I guess we'll have to wait and see what a fresh Season 1 playthrough reveals.
I'm kinda arguing myself out of it. All that I can really determine is that there is something suspicious right now. Vic's scholarship is almost a useless extra to Maja getting the job: did they recieve those things out of pity? Out of obligation to their parents? Some of it just seems to be the phrasing, and that's too tenuous to construct anything from, other than there is some potential there... for something. We really have to see what the full season brings, because right now there are a few gaps in the early material, and some of these points might be made more obvious.
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