I use VPN, but I still can’t buy it in my German account? I created a new account with a location in Netherlands. Now I can see the game in the shop. When I try buying it I get an error, because my address for the invoice is in Germany. Do I miss something?
Please provide ze full Personalausweiskopie with an Einverständniserklärung that you are indeed at least 18 years old. You will also need to register with ze Government for a "Großen Pornographieerlaubnisschein". You will need to complete an exam on how to be a responsible adult and to leave all sexual conduct with children to non-Germans. Thanks, your Kultusministerium NRW, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
jk, he's probably using a
semi-popular VPN
dunno how relevant it is but back when I wanted to play Dead Island (which is VERBOTEN) with my colleague, we had to purchase a Portuguese copy from a key reseller, worked like a charm
but again, dunno if that applies to banned adult content as I pirate that shit