
Stupidity Exterminator
Jun 5, 2017
Try to delete two files Named_file_save.rpy and Named_file_save.rpyc from the folder game\Benutzerdefiniert\
What did you used to decompile rpa archive? Those unren and other my usual stuff don't work for this game :unsure:
Nevermind, I found it. But it's not working, I deleted those two and it's still there. :cry:
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Aug 10, 2017
IMO this update is somehow complicated - because even if one doesn't only looks forward ero scenes, well then I think all these removals, still change the game on how one globally perceives it. Like, it'd be a long time since i'd play it now, and well, removing some MC's dick pick wouldn't really change the game to me. But it's quite different for instance for Nami's jacuzzi scene, or Victoria's teasing scene... Even when one is not into bro - sis con, removing the jacuzzi scene would definitely change the "intensity" of the relationship between MC and Nami.
For Victoria ? We meet her at the beginning of the game, we all witness how she becomes crippled, you can choose to go and morally help her, back her up. There was quite some empathy there, we could all the way see how she was fighting to keep her cheeful condition. In such way of thinking, for her getting to have somme boobs / nipple teased later, was like a acomplishment over life (shall I say a victory, lol?) because it showed her efforts paid off, that even with being handicapped, she could also "convince herself" to be normal. I Believe that point would be important in the evolution of her character. Removing - changing that scene for instance just lessens the intensity of it all.
OK I admit i wanted to see her boobs - but I also think she deserved her nipple tease !


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2024
IMO this update is somehow complicated - because even if one doesn't only looks forward ero scenes, well then I think all these removals, still change the game on how one globally perceives it. Like, it'd be a long time since i'd play it now, and well, removing some MC's dick pick wouldn't really change the game to me. But it's quite different for instance for Nami's jacuzzi scene, or Victoria's teasing scene... Even when one is not into bro - sis con, removing the jacuzzi scene would definitely change the "intensity" of the relationship between MC and Nami.
For Victoria ? We meet her at the beginning of the game, we all witness how she becomes crippled, you can choose to go and morally help her, back her up. There was quite some empathy there, we could all the way see how she was fighting to keep her cheeful condition. In such way of thinking, for her getting to have somme boobs / nipple teased later, was like a acomplishment over life (shall I say a victory, lol?) because it showed her efforts paid off, that even with being handicapped, she could also "convince herself" to be normal. I Believe that point would be important in the evolution of her character. Removing - changing that scene for instance just lessens the intensity of it all.
OK I admit i wanted to see her boobs - but I also think she deserved her nipple tease !
Free Vic Boobs
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
Thanks. :)

Simply put, Nika and Bella are idiots.
The fact that they are idiots makes the consequences even more important.

I never thought Bella was smart. Nika seemed smart to me at first. But the more I think about what they're doing, the more I come to the conclusion that he is smart and stupid at the same time.

Realistically, if they had continued with their plan regarding Vanessa, they would've definitely failed.
They don't stand a chance against her. She would have bulldoze them over. That's not even a fair fight.
It's kinda disappointing. These kids need someone who spank their asses.
Vanessa would be perfect for this role.

And yes, I'm also starting to suspect that the Holgersons probably aren't that bad.
At least Stefan. And Mario is just a dumb kid. To me, Nika and Bella are more awful.

Speaking of awful people. Among major characters, my top 5 looks like this:

1. Leia. I don't think I even need to spell out any serious arguments here. She is the only character I dare call evil. But it should be added that we don't really know how far her criminal activities went during WiAB and by the time of SG. I'm not dismissing the possibility that she's a murderer.

2. William. Right next to his beloved sister. He's a real piece of shit and we haven't even seen his final form. The longer he stays in his hometown the lower he falls in my eyes.

So, Leia and William are the worst. The other three are not near them but they're still kinda bad.

3. Vanessa
4. Bella.
I'm a little conflicted about them. We know more about Bella's bad deeds and in total they outweigh poor Mario's ass imo. But since Bella sometimes feels remorse for her actions and Vanessa doesn't look like a person who care much, I'll put my favorite above Bella.

5. Nika, of course.
I've touched on this in the quotes below so I'll just add the additional responses/thoughts. The whole plot they're hatching is pretty much nonsense, but Nika's at least self aware enough to realise he's outclassed by Vanessa at this point and they need to be careful. He knows Bella is too blunt to be able to handle her.

Mario and Stefan are bad - they've pulled strings to charge Mila with no evidence, purely because Mario wants to embarrass her and put her down. There is no reason for them to do that, unless Mario noticed Nika at Bella's. But that's a crazy connection. The only reason I can see that they might have a reason is Vanessa knowing who Mila is if you're on Mila's path.

Regarding evil people: I think Leia is the most dangerous and the most toxic, but I don't think of her as evil. Selfish, obsessive, but even though I dislike her, she is also passionate and caring. Vanessa is the most remorseless, but does seem to have a sense of respect. Nika is disconnected, but does have a sense of morality (it's just that he's broken), Bella is also broken but in different ways; she is missing the joy of her childhood, and is bitter from distrust, yet we see her delight sneak up on her. William is just a jerk. Not evil, just egocentric.

Evil is too far for me. All have their redeeming qualities, and all of them will have a chance to be guided to more positive outcomes. If I think of tenacity vs stubborness, one is a positive, the other is the negative, while both are a form of enduring and holding on. I think the characters are well done, (despite my preferences) because they are not so easily reduced to one emotion or one motivation. Willi crying over what has happened, his difficulty in disappointing Daphne sho he is human rather than villian. Most people aren't evil, they are just following what they think is good at the expense of others, it is a form of ignorance and selfishness. I sincerely think OCean will rip the bandaids of their eyes and they'll see how harmful their actions are.

As far as actual villians, Detective Ceril is the most 'evil' character so far, to the point of being a cartoon villain. Melanie seems like a piece of work, but I suspect we'll have the chance to romance her and there might be explanations forthcoming

Possibly Emilio or Stahl are the second place evils (joke)

Thats some wild stuff :KEK:

I don’t think Mila has a baby but i didn’t saw the earlier post tbh but it’s too weird of a setup

I think Stefan’s feelings about Amber are platonic and he isn’t even cheating.

Amber is probably Bambi and i think they know each other for a long time and are somewhat friends.

Bella‘s view is just kinda screwed due to hate lol (and Mario seems to be a jerk i guess but Mila even told us that he was a good guy back than).

As if Amber can’t tell if Stefan hits on her or has nefarious goals, Amber has life experience and can read people like books and way better than Bella who’s way too emotional and easily biased.

Amber is the opposite of a trophy wife anyway, she’s rich herself, a mini celebrity and is supposedly very competent in her profession.

I think Vanessa is using Mario for something (but I don’t think it’s about her dominatrix skills lol). He’s probably never gonna fuck her.

I agree about Katie and think she watched him at college already too

Her talk with Nojiko at the bookclub was Katie saying: This is where I (or we) am taking over. Just without words.
I don't think she has a baby. I'm not sure what she cut off saying, but I don't think it was that. This is her first conversation alone with a stranger she's known for three days, trying to get to know him.

It could well be Stefan's motives towards Amber are all Bella's projection, but until we know what happened to Bella's sister, we're just guessing. Her hatred of Stefan might indeed be related to what happened to her sister.

And yeah. More Katie, more complexity - the trainer wheels are off.

I think Nika has a bit of the 'Robinhood' complex going on.

He knows that he can't right all wrongs, but he does not let power or wealth get in the way of trying to protect his loved ones and his friends.

I don't see taking $9K as theft - it is simply part of redressing the balance.

We are given the option to treat Mila to a meal, using Mario's $...

It is a quiet 'in your face' to Mario where Mario's $ is being used to help someone he has/does bully.

IMO - Nika sees taking Bella's sandwich (and eating it to satisfy his hunger) the same way he views taking Mario's $ - getting a little payback.

This fits with his desire to influence events/people from behind the scenes versus intentionally doing this publicly, putting himself at a greater risk of going to prison and Not being there to protect Noji/Nami and others he cares about.

I chose Not to spend any of that $ - treating Nika as smart enough to act and spend as he has before - not drawing attention to himself (not that this lunch would but it is more a theme of my primary playthrough).

In S2, Ocean may create options where we can spend/not spend that $ in a way that could help others who need it But, at the risk of putting him on the radar of the police/others who believe he Should Not have that level of resourcing.

Cheers!! :coffee:
Oh he definitely has that complex, but the sandwich is different to the money. With the money, his thought is not about justice, but selfishly about what he can use it for. Previous versions where Bella grabbed it and tossed it to him made more sense, she doesn't care about the money, she nows it's trivial for Mario, but she knows that she can rub Nika's face in his poverty with it. The big thing is that Nika doesn't think about the money as a way to avenge Mila for those nasty names (oh so nasty), he literally thinks about how much he needs money "I want it" "not everyone is born rich you privileged baboon." are his words, and I'm taking it on face value - there's no altruism implied. Same with the sandwich and the vandalism - Nika gets to feel satisfied, but there's no advantage to Nami or Mila respectively. Even the plot with Bella, Nika's goal is to fuck Mario up, and destroy the Holgersons, more for his own amusement and to cement his relationship with Bella.

Nika being poor - well this money allows him to approach Emilio for info. That's the only way it won't bite him. Using it to take Mila to Relucia for example, that'd be super dumb. Using it to pay rent would be fine though, unless he was under suspicion.

I’m not sure if a cheap dare with a girl like Mila is really more sus than a date with Bella while rocking a 12k outfit :WeSmart:

Nika kinda fucked that up already if Stefan suspected him :HideThePain:
I'm outta reacts so yes, this. Their plan put them directly on the radar with them not even being subtle, but talking with Stefan directly through bad planning. It was supposed to be a recon mission, but then they lost their impulse control and had to do something. Again, more fuel for them being pretty dumb about what they're doing. I take them as that scene in Indiana Jones, they're being fancy with their sabre, and Stefan will pull out the gun(in this case the police and charge them)


Mar 15, 2023
It is much better to think of various theories, than to whine pointlessly about things that never existed, or never was in SG. The only problem I have with many theories is, that we really know almost nothing for sure, we just assume something. And we may attach great importance to insignificant things. But that still makes it a really meaningful discourse.

A few thoughts on the first season, and of course I could be wrong, and I try to not write a wall of text:

There are two characters - the MC and Nami - who are almost completely groping in the dark for some kind of answer. The fact that they are going to the ZPR seems to have been a foregone conclusion at a higher level, and Nami's answer seems to confirm that. (MC - "Do you know anything about the college?" | Nami - "Except we haven't even had a chance to look around for other colleges, no.")

On the first day, the MC and Bella had a fight, because of Bella's sister, then the MC met Ayua at home, he told her what happened, Ayua attacked him, but after the MC's answer, she didn't want to beat him to pulp, even though we know that Ayua seriously protects Bella. It follows that Ayua knows much more.

The MC didn't get an ID, is it possible to avoid attracting someone's attention prematurely?

At least some ZPR staff know a lot more about MC than he does. Miss Marla herself tells Karen that MC doesn't seem to have gotten an ID, but she can be sure he's a student at ZPR. And the small dialog with Coach Hill in the medical room is even more surprising. (
Hill - "What happened?" | MC - "She's just an annoyance..." | Hill - "That's not what I meant. Why did you quit playing in high school?" | Hill - "I know you were playing for Tropics. We monitor promising athletes. But one day you vanished from the team.") Than Coach Hill says one more thing (Hill - "If I don't see your name on the list for the basketball tryouts. I'll take the liberty to put it on there myself.").

It is almost immediately obvious that Amber and Noji have known each other for a long time. The closest they came to revealing this ahead of time was the first therapy session, although the MC could not have noticed it at the time. But Amber speaks to Noji in this order before the session: Miss Miyazaki -> Nojiko -> Nojiko -> Nojiko. Then after the session comes this short dialogue: (Amber - "Noj- Miss-" | Noji - "Nojiko please."). Here they came close to the "unveiling". And another suspicious sentence from Amber during the session: (Amber - "I was looking forward to this since we first met.")

In the fifth chapter, the reaction of the majority of the members in the book club is that they know much more about the MC and Nami, the MC's and Nami's past, and possibly the MC's and Nami's real parents. (Jenna - "Maybe Noji did the right thing after all.")


Nov 24, 2020
Jacuzzi scene was censored? how other than Namis Butt not showing everything else seemed the same.
Oh, yes it is censored now. Jacuzzi bubbles hide the boobies and Zara, Venessa is censored also. With a damn towel lmao. But yet still he forgot some renders of Nami's boobies at full display. Tbh, I don't get this whole censorship. I don't get it. It is so inconsistent now.

Don Sucio

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2021
I don't think nika and Nami will live at nick's house as they agreed with mila to rent a student house
Yeah, but i would love to stay in Nick´s house, moving with Mila is okay, but stay in the same house with Vanessa and Zara...

If i´m not wrong you can´t decline to go with Mila, i suppose this is for plot reasons but damn, i would love to be able to not move with her :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
It is much better to think of various theories, than to whine pointlessly about things that never existed, or never was in SG. The only problem I have with many theories is, that we really know almost nothing for sure, we just assume something. And we may attach great importance to insignificant things. But that still makes it a really meaningful discourse.

A few thoughts on the first season, and of course I could be wrong, and I try to not write a wall of text:

There are two characters - the MC and Nami - who are almost completely groping in the dark for some kind of answer. The fact that they are going to the ZPR seems to have been a foregone conclusion at a higher level, and Nami's answer seems to confirm that. (MC - "Do you know anything about the college?" | Nami - "Except we haven't even had a chance to look around for other colleges, no.")

On the first day, the MC and Bella had a fight, because of Bella's sister, then the MC met Ayua at home, he told her what happened, Ayua attacked him, but after the MC's answer, she didn't want to beat him to pulp, even though we know that Ayua seriously protects Bella. It follows that Ayua knows much more.

The MC didn't get an ID, is it possible to avoid attracting someone's attention prematurely?

At least some ZPR staff know a lot more about MC than he does. Miss Marla herself tells Karen that MC doesn't seem to have gotten an ID, but she can be sure he's a student at ZPR. And the small dialog with Coach Hill in the medical room is even more surprising. (
Hill - "What happened?" | MC - "She's just an annoyance..." | Hill - "That's not what I meant. Why did you quit playing in high school?" | Hill - "I know you were playing for Tropics. We monitor promising athletes. But one day you vanished from the team.") Than Coach Hill says one more thing (Hill - "If I don't see your name on the list for the basketball tryouts. I'll take the liberty to put it on there myself.").

It is almost immediately obvious that Amber and Noji have known each other for a long time. The closest they came to revealing this ahead of time was the first therapy session, although the MC could not have noticed it at the time. But Amber speaks to Noji in this order before the session: Miss Miyazaki -> Nojiko -> Nojiko -> Nojiko. Then after the session comes this short dialogue: (Amber - "Noj- Miss-" | Noji - "Nojiko please."). Here they came close to the "unveiling". And another suspicious sentence from Amber during the session: (Amber - "I was looking forward to this since we first met.")

In the fifth chapter, the reaction of the majority of the members in the book club is that they know much more about the MC and Nami, the MC's and Nami's past, and possibly the MC's and Nami's real parents. (Jenna - "Maybe Noji did the right thing after all.")
Nah go for the wall of text, we all have plenty of time until the next update. Thoughtful points help us understand some of the more hidden easter eggs and red herrings as Ocean loves his cloak and dagger vaudville routines :coffee::whistle:

I'll try to be concise myself though, and respond without spiraling out to the life, universe and everything

I suspect their admission to ZPR is either a form of scholarship or Noji pulling strings via the book club. I highly doubt Noji doesn't already know Elena Petrova. I also wonder if Charlie might not be the Dean. There is nothing saying that the dean has to be one of the families who own the college. Noji has 1 degree of separation at most from every power player it seems. Katie, Amber, Scarlet, Charlie, at least one degree via Katie or Sasha to Elena, the Frohns, if she knows Katie she probably knows Zoey... I'll be interested if we find out the meaning of her tattoo.

Ayua still knows Nami has an earring and she knows what that means even if we don't. She would have known Bella's prank and seens Nami with the earring. If she wasn't observant at college, she'd know it while drawing. 100% she knows what's going on, and gave Nika a free pass only because she knows what's going on.

Nice pickup about the id!

Yep. I also think that Coach hills actions with the handcuffs also bear keeping in mind. There is a chance that their plan from higher up via the Zane's involves Nika, and that's why he's there.

Along with that, there is the potential for Marla and Noji to know each other. Marla wanting to have therapy with Nika, while NOT having therapy with Vic is really quite interesting. Maybe Marla has some other thing with Nika's history via Summer that we don't know yet.

Yep, the bookclub is super interesting. I'd say Jenna, Emilia, Katie, Charlie and Adri at least know what's going on. Also, the fact that Robin calls Adrianna Adri at one point implies that she's well known even if she seems an odd fit to the club, so she's one to keep an eye on also. Someone mentioned that Willi had an aunt Jenna, so that could also be interesting.

Oh, yes it is censored now. Jacuzzi bubbles hide the boobies and Zara, Venessa is censored also. With a damn towel lmao. But yet still he forgot some renders of Nami's boobies at full display. Tbh, I don't get this whole censorship. I don't get it. It is so inconsistent now.
I think some was just to get the percentage of boobs down to prevent an automatic 18+ rating, and Ocean cut less important boob scenes to maximise the boobs where the boobs felt more valuable. ie as funny as Nami's experiments with the nipple pump are, they are less valuable to the story than Nika ripping Zara's top. Some scenes, like Nora and Miriam's make no sense if it was 100% clothed. Bella getting horny and taking her top off shows how quickly she wants to follow her impulses. Vanessa's strip shows she isn't afraid to use her body to get what she wants.

Ultimately Ocean's probably sad that he had to do most of the cuts, but if it allows for a more successful release that provides stability now WiaB's patreon is gone, well, I'm okay with it. WiaB will be the litmus test really. If that releases intact on steam as 18+ (and there's no reason for it not to) the future seasons are all looking a lot more interesting with Ocean doing what he wants not censoring just to keep patreon and licensing happy.

His state is as far as I can tell an amalgam of deep depression/apathy and occasional not to severe panic attacks, so not something as debilitating as I have experienced, which is good, else the story would be dead on arrival and impossible to progress. Most mentally healthy people can't understand these things, not because the lack of empathy, but because it is something unimaginably hellish. Hence, if it defines most of the interactions with them, with time they will turn away from the person. There are two types of mental solitude/loneliness: the solitude of the genius, and the solitude of the madman. Both are very much alike, the later being relevant for mental illnesses. But both have their roots in that the outside world can't comprehend the things the individual is experiencing. So since this one is a very social interaction centric game, if those would be severe attacks, the MC would be left alone. No woman on this world would find that state of mind and body in any way appealing. So it is not just about the reeeeeing ones, but about how the plot would be impossible to advance.
I wish I had a like for thius post, but I'm out. I love hearing a perspective from someone who's lived and survived this.
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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2021
No one knows for sure, it's just speculation plus Vanessa's snake bracelets. :cool:
But no, I don't really remember it being mentioned anywhere in the game.
and what about aziz we know something anout his fater? seems to me very suspicious wear glasses at night and all the time,if you dont want to hide some shit like heterochromia


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
I hope they find the right chemicals to put that under control some time soon. The MC also struggles to talk to people, but more like because he doesn't care or better his brain/body chemicals tell him not to care. He must force himself to do so, but at least he CAN force himself.
And we can be glad that the MC here has only "mild" sympthoms. The "the story doesn't move forward weeeeeeh"-faction would go apeshit if every panic attack ingame would be heavy and you'd only see renders of the MC lying on the floor, shivering in fetal position for 100+ renders.
His state is as far as I can tell an amalgam of deep depression/apathy and occasional not to severe panic attacks, so not something as debilitating as I have experienced, which is good, else the story would be dead on arrival and impossible to progress. Most mentally healthy people can't understand these things, not because the lack of empathy, but because it is something unimaginably hellish. Hence, if it defines most of the interactions with them, with time they will turn away from the person. There are two types of mental solitude/loneliness: the solitude of the genius, and the solitude of the madman. Both are very much alike, the later being relevant for mental illnesses. But both have their roots in that the outside world can't comprehend the things the individual is experiencing. So since this one is a very social interaction centric game, if those would be severe attacks, the MC would be left alone. No woman on this world would find that state of mind and body in any way appealing. So it is not just about the reeeeeing ones, but about how the plot would be impossible to advance.


Engaged Member
Dec 5, 2020
and what about aziz we know something anout his fater? seems to me very suspicious wear glasses at night and all the time,if you dont want to hide some shit like heterochromia
(y)Damn r-limit.
By the way, yeah, good idea about heterochromia. His mom, Molly complained that he hid such a beautiful eyes behind his shades. Maybe it was just motherly love, or maybe she really meant something unusal, like heterochromia.
But it could as well be related to the cocaine scandal that bitchy reporter Nicole mentioned :)


Sep 24, 2023
well you and me have a different definition of porn. Even before the rework or the even before he censored Jacuzzi scene I never considered this game porn.
What does this have to do with the jacuzzi scene? I'm talking about the scene where MC and his sister were sitting watching porn at home.
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Apr 24, 2018
John972 Doomyk minibaer12 have you done a play through without going on the heist? This is new info right?

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A couple of questions to promote thoughts in general now I *think* I've seen every render/done all the paths:

- If Nika has been charged before, was it over the violent incident? Or over Summer? Or one and the same?
- When he mentions to Amber (regarding her question that he blames himself for what happened to Summer) that "it wasn't my fault ...I had no other choice", is this perhaps something he got charged over?
- Have you noticed that immediately after the Summer incident he gets violent at school from being dead inside, but when we enter the story he is depressed: did the violent incident beat the violence out of him?

Regarding Zane relationships:
- Amber and Bella know Zoey, who knows Katie very well, so chances are Bella also is friendly to some part with Katie, especially with her connection to Ayua
- Who is Charlotte really? (Charlie) Jenna mentions that she can set up Nika with Robin, and Molly asks if Robin is Nikas GF if you have the rumour going. It seems Robin is someone important - Molly seemed excited to hear something about Robin. And the venue for the bookclub, is that Charlie's place? Or a hired venue? Or Elena's house? It feels like Robin walked down from her room. But there was also a security guard when NIka walks in, so where is this?
- Robin talks about 'Adri' so Adrianna is a friend of Robin and Sasha's well enough known to have a nickname - I think that's old info, but I didn't notice it before.
- Noji vs all these high society figures, which we already knew, but now the golf course thing is all but confirmed, and I'm pretty sure is said somewhere Noji has played golf with Nick, we have Noji knowing Elena, Scarlet, Katie (by extension Leia as the last time Katie and Leia came to the bookclub was a year ago), Amber, Emilia (all of whom are likely in WiaB), Claire, Charlie, potentially Marla. Also, I think Noji mentions Bella by name before being introduced to her - if you don't go on the heist, she mentions what Nika did to Bella as the reason for sending Nika to AMber. Long winded list, but Noji apparently knows everyone important in Wollust. So there is no hiding Nika from them, we just don't know her connection. Jenna's observations that Noji 'did the right thing' does suggest that all the well to do people know what's going on.

- I've already mentioned goth girl but I also notice her blonde friend stares at Nika quite a few times, and is in the locker room scene if Marla rescues Nika.
- Goth girl highlights the importance of the earring again, so we have Sasha, Ayua, and potentially goth girl wondering about it. If you're not on Bella's path, in ch4 Nika jokes about getting detective Nora on the case (one of the twins) - cute extra fact.

- Dwight as all but confirmed Petrova, because Sasha doesn't have a boyfriend (no NTR in SG according to Ocean's original intent, plus the fact the women at the bookclub tease Nika and Sasha, Kelly's desire to breed Sasha etc.) and she's had a hard time with men recently, plus votes to not have any new male members, so kinda an ice queen. Makes sense that Dwight has carried Ayua home before as Sasha and Ayua are close.

- Demi Hill knowing about Nika's past performance and saying that if he doesn't try out for the first team she'll put his name down herself (crushed balls path), knowing his past. Is part of Hill's plan that's approved from high up to get a new functional team including Nika's past, and that's why Nika and Nami got a scholarship (assuming the reason they didn't have a choice is because they got a scholarship that Noji couldn't refuse). So is Nika's presence actually part of the plan, and they're trying for something specifically involving him?

- Regarding rumours, if you get the locker room incident with Nora, there's new rumours at the training. Not sure if that was there before. So I guess there are rumour meters in the background, the rumours open certain paths, probably affecting the manwhore route.

- is this checklist of Claire's a list of plot devices Ocean will include? LOTS of potential fun there:

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- If Nika has been charged before, was it over the violent incident? Or over Summer? Or one and the same?
- When he mentions to Amber (regarding her question that he blames himself for what happened to Summer) that "it wasn't my fault ...I had no other choice", is this perhaps something he got charged over?
- Have you noticed that immediately after the Summer incident he gets violent at school from being dead inside, but when we enter the story he is depressed: did the violent incident beat the violence out of him?
Yeah, that conversation implying Nika was charged previously is a big reveal. Having said that, what happened to the charge? Was Nika convicted, was it dropped?

It's still too early to say if Summer's disappearance and the violent incident are one in the same. The violence is linked to Nika's lack of impulse control, and Nika all but blames Nami for that, not specifically anything to do with Summer.

In terms of timeline, Summer apparently disappeared between the end of middle school and six months into the start of Nika's first year at High School (Nia mentions asking Nika about the disappearance at High School, and star basketball player Nika unexpectedly quit the team six months in to the school year for reasons he hasn't revealed in the game. The team tanked without him). Besides, if Nika is 18 or 19 at the start of the game, Summer disappeared five years before the start of the game, making Nika 13 or 14 at the time.

It's here we have a disconnect in what we know. For Nika's first six months at High School, he's potentially the star basketball player, so many students there would surely know who he was. How would other students (and ex-team mates) go from viewing him as a star basketball player to just the mystery weird kid?

(Nika to Bella: "Back in high school I used to get into a lot of fights... Like- *sigh* I would be lying if I said that I was completely innocent. At first people used to pick on me because I was so quiet and always buried in my thoughts.. and then I started to pick on them." Amber to Nika: "Do you often get into fights?" Nika: "In high school... everyday. I was the.. weird kid. I didn't talk.. I never laughed.. I was stone cold. I am still.. repulsed by any sort of.. emotion.. but in high school it was on a different level. At first I was just silent... I didn't care what the others said, and I never paid attention to them. I was trapped in my thoughts. It was only words... They didn't attack me physically... As we grew older... Nami became popular. She was the cool red head... Almost everyone liked her.. Especially other guys. We were very close. After the thing with Su-m.. After Summer's disappearance.. Nami and I got very close.. She took pity on me and got very protective. ... People always acted... And I emphasize 'acted' nice towards me. I went from being 'trapped in my thoughts' to observing. I started to study the people around me.. Not because I was interested in them.. but because I wanted to protect Nami at all cost. She always had guys at her feet, and they tried to date her and so on. But I knew that they just saw her as a trophy. I did.. manipulate certain events, yes. She still thinks I never gave a damn about her in high school. I was very distant to her... but I was pulling strings in the background. I was just getting bored so instead of manipulating them from the shadows I turned to a more direct approach. I told them fuck off and leave her alone." Amber: "And this resulted in years of fighting?" Nika: "Correct.")

We know the violent incident caused Nika to suffer two collapsed lungs and other injuries. Realistically, how long would that keep Nika hospitalized and in rehabilitation? I just can't see Nika being a star basketball player only months after that. That suggests Nika either suffered those injuries when Summer disappeared (six months into High School) or much later while fighting other students.

Given the length of hospitalization and in rehabilitation required, I wonder if the violent incident occurred sometime well after Summer disappeared and while Nika was fighting, fighting, fighting. It seems that Nika has been housebound for at least a year, so... did he finish High School? Did he even return to High School after the violent incident?

Regarding Zane relationships:
- Amber and Bella know Zoey, who knows Katie very well, so chances are Bella also is friendly to some part with Katie, especially with her connection to Ayua
- Who is Charlotte really? (Charlie) Jenna mentions that she can set up Nika with Robin, and Molly asks if Robin is Nikas GF if you have the rumour going. It seems Robin is someone important - Molly seemed excited to hear something about Robin. And the venue for the bookclub, is that Charlie's place? Or a hired venue? Or Elena's house? It feels like Robin walked down from her room. But there was also a security guard when NIka walks in, so where is this?
- Robin talks about 'Adri' so Adrianna is a friend of Robin and Sasha's well enough known to have a nickname - I think that's old info, but I didn't notice it before.
- Noji vs all these high society figures, which we already knew, but now the golf course thing is all but confirmed, and I'm pretty sure is said somewhere Noji has played golf with Nick, we have Noji knowing Elena, Scarlet, Katie (by extension Leia as the last time Katie and Leia came to the bookclub was a year ago), Amber, Emilia (all of whom are likely in WiaB), Claire, Charlie, potentially Marla. Also, I think Noji mentions Bella by name before being introduced to her - if you don't go on the heist, she mentions what Nika did to Bella as the reason for sending Nika to AMber. Long winded list, but Noji apparently knows everyone important in Wollust. So there is no hiding Nika from them, we just don't know her connection. Jenna's observations that Noji 'did the right thing' does suggest that all the well to do people know what's going on.
I am intrigued that, although they are connected through many people, we've yet to see any Zanes or Holdgersons together. Why didn't the Holgersons partner in ZPR? Also, Mila says to Nika: "Yup. Zane, Petrova, Revera. It's a wierd clan of these three families." Where do the Holgersons fit in to all this, especially given their blood relationship with the Zanes in WIAB?

- I've already mentioned goth girl but I also notice her blonde friend stares at Nika quite a few times, and is in the locker room scene if Marla rescues Nika.
- Goth girl highlights the importance of the earring again, so we have Sasha, Ayua, and potentially goth girl wondering about it. If you're not on Bella's path, in ch4 Nika jokes about getting detective Nora on the case (one of the twins) - cute extra fact.
Goth girl is seen five times throughout the game. One occasion, she's just in the background when Nami isn't present. The other four occasions, Nami is present, and three times out of four she's seen looking at Nami. It seems to be about the earring, but her interest could be about Nami, if not Nika, or both of them.

I was actually wondering if Goth Girl is a replacement character for the mysterious Cafe woman, who had her own little cinematic in the original Ch 2 (her only appearance in the game). Pure speculation, I know.

- Dwight as all but confirmed Petrova, because Sasha doesn't have a boyfriend (no NTR in SG according to Ocean's original intent, plus the fact the women at the bookclub tease Nika and Sasha, Kelly's desire to breed Sasha etc.) and she's had a hard time with men recently, plus votes to not have any new male members, so kinda an ice queen. Makes sense that Dwight has carried Ayua home before as Sasha and Ayua are close.
They could be childhood friends. While many things point to them being siblings, there are alternate explanations. I think it's too early to tell. Many people have talked to Nika about Sasha and the Petrovas but not one of them has brought up Dwight as a sibling/Petrova.

- Demi Hill knowing about Nika's past performance and saying that if he doesn't try out for the first team she'll put his name down herself (crushed balls path), knowing his past. Is part of Hill's plan that's approved from high up to get a new functional team including Nika's past, and that's why Nika and Nami got a scholarship (assuming the reason they didn't have a choice is because they got a scholarship that Noji couldn't refuse). So is Nika's presence actually part of the plan, and they're trying for something specifically involving him?
To also brings into question Katie Zane's interest in Nika. Hill and Stahl say that they hatched their plan to usurp the first team coaching staff (which includes Glitter Cunt) with Katie's blessing (stated up to Ch 4.5) and/or ZPR management (in Season 1: Hill "And the highest levels of ZPR have our backs"), and now Hill has revealed they already knew about Nika's past ability as a basketball player. There may very well be other reasons for Katie Zane's interest, but at least one reason not involving lineage had been revealed. PS - playing all the routes reveals that Hill also put Zara and Nadia up to the handcuff prank on Nika. What was Hill's motivation for that? Is she testing his character?

- Regarding rumours, if you get the locker room incident with Nora, there's new rumours at the training. Not sure if that was there before. So I guess there are rumour meters in the background, the rumours open certain paths, probably affecting the manwhore route.
The rumours etc will no doubt play into the thread running throughout the game that rival colleges (MOR and Jackson & Schwartz) will play dirty off the playing field in competitive sports - looking to exploit any negative rumour about or act by opposing players.

Extra thoughts:

Is it just me or has there been quite a few subtle changes to many dialogues outside of the Ch 2 rework? I am getting different vibes from many dialogues that I don't recall from the earlier iternations of the game. I haven't looked yet in the scripts to confirm any major differences.


So, it's revealled she once cammed with a male partner but now only cams alone. I wonder what''s the story behind that. There's kinda only two characters in the game whose physical wellbeing I worry about going forward: Bella (because of street racing) and Nia (desparately lonely and possibly suicidal).


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018

Yeah, that conversation implying Nika was charged previously is a big reveal. Having said that, what happened to the charge? Was Nika convicted, was it dropped?

It's still too early to say if Summer's disappearance and the violent incident are one in the same. The violence is linked to Nika's lack of impulse control, and Nika all but blames Nami for that, not specifically anything to do with Summer.

In terms of timeline, Summer apparently disappeared between the end of middle school and six months into the start of Nika's first year at High School (Nia mentions asking Nika about the disappearance at High School, and star basketball player Nika unexpectedly quit the team six months in to the school year for reasons he hasn't revealed in the game. The team tanked without him). Besides, if Nika is 18 or 19 at the start of the game, Summer disappeared five years before the start of the game, making Nika 13 or 14 at the time.

It's here we have a disconnect in what we know. For Nika's first six months at High School, he's potentially the star basketball player, so many students there would surely know who he was. How would other students (and ex-team mates) go from viewing him as a star basketball player to just the mystery weird kid?

(Nika to Bella: "Back in high school I used to get into a lot of fights... Like- *sigh* I would be lying if I said that I was completely innocent. At first people used to pick on me because I was so quiet and always buried in my thoughts.. and then I started to pick on them." Amber to Nika: "Do you often get into fights?" Nika: "In high school... everyday. I was the.. weird kid. I didn't talk.. I never laughed.. I was stone cold. I am still.. repulsed by any sort of.. emotion.. but in high school it was on a different level. At first I was just silent... I didn't care what the others said, and I never paid attention to them. I was trapped in my thoughts. It was only words... They didn't attack me physically... As we grew older... Nami became popular. She was the cool red head... Almost everyone liked her.. Especially other guys. We were very close. After the thing with Su-m.. After Summer's disappearance.. Nami and I got very close.. She took pity on me and got very protective. ... People always acted... And I emphasize 'acted' nice towards me. I went from being 'trapped in my thoughts' to observing. I started to study the people around me.. Not because I was interested in them.. but because I wanted to protect Nami at all cost. She always had guys at her feet, and they tried to date her and so on. But I knew that they just saw her as a trophy. I did.. manipulate certain events, yes. She still thinks I never gave a damn about her in high school. I was very distant to her... but I was pulling strings in the background. I was just getting bored so instead of manipulating them from the shadows I turned to a more direct approach. I told them fuck off and leave her alone." Amber: "And this resulted in years of fighting?" Nika: "Correct.")

We know the violent incident caused Nika to suffer two collapsed lungs and other injuries. Realistically, how long would that keep Nika hospitalized and in rehabilitation? I just can't see Nika being a star basketball player only months after that. That suggests Nika either suffered those injuries when Summer disappeared (six months into High School) or much later while fighting other students.

Given the length of hospitalization and in rehabilitation required, I wonder if the violent incident occurred sometime well after Summer disappeared and while Nika was fighting, fighting, fighting. It seems that Nika has been housebound for at least a year, so... did he finish High School? Did he even return to High School after the violent incident?

I am intrigued that, although they are connected through many people, we've yet to see any Zanes or Holdgersons together. Why didn't the Holgersons partner in ZPR? Also, Mila says to Nika: "Yup. Zane, Petrova, Revera. It's a wierd clan of these three families." Where do the Holgersons fit in to all this, especially given their blood relationship with the Zanes in WIAB?

Goth girl is seen five times throughout the game. One occasion, she's just in the background when Nami isn't present. The other four occasions, Nami is present, and three times out of four she's seen looking at Nami. It seems to be about the earring, but her interest could be about Nami, if not Nika, or both of them.

I was actually wondering if Goth Girl is a replacement character for the mysterious Cafe woman, who had her own little cinematic in the original Ch 2 (her only appearance in the game). Pure speculation, I know.

They could be childhood friends. While many things point to them being siblings, there are alternate explanations. I think it's too early to tell. Many people have talked to Nika about Sasha and the Petrovas but not one of them has brought up Dwight as a sibling/Petrova.

To also brings into question Katie Zane's interest in Nika. Hill and Stahl say that they hatched their plan to usurp the first team coaching staff (which includes Glitter Cunt) with Katie's blessing (stated up to Ch 4.5) and/or ZPR management (in Season 1: Hill "And the highest levels of ZPR have our backs"), and now Hill has revealed they already knew about Nika's past ability as a basketball player. There may very well be other reasons for Katie Zane's interest, but at least one reason not involving lineage had been revealed. PS - playing all the routes reveals that Hill also put Zara and Nadia up to the handcuff prank on Nika. What was Hill's motivation for that? Is she testing his character?

The rumours etc will no doubt play into the thread running throughout the game that rival colleges (MOR and Jackson & Schwartz) will play dirty off the playing field in competitive sports - looking to exploit any negative rumour about or act by opposing players.

Extra thoughts:

Is it just me or has there been quite a few subtle changes to many dialogues outside of the Ch 2 rework? I am getting different vibes from many dialogues that I don't recall from the earlier iternations of the game. I haven't looked yet in the scripts to confirm any major differences.


So, it's revealled she once cammed with a male partner but now only cams alone. I wonder what''s the story behind that. There's kinda only two characters in the game whose physical wellbeing I worry about going forward: Bella (because of street racing) and Nia (desparately lonely and possibly suicidal).
- About the charge: Seeing Jane Laverne was known as a family friend (assuming first name basis, and that Nami called her specifically), and there are two police officers in WiaB close to the Zanes, Mon and Abigail, dropping a charge could be easy if it was in any way connected to Zane interests. Dana could also have a hand, and Elena as a lawyer could have had a hand in whatever it was - but it all depends on who Noji is and who Nika is to the Zanes. It would be easy for the Zanes to make his charges disappear. For Nika to not be on the database with a dropped charge kinda hints that he's off the hook as though it never happened. Further, Laverne could be his truant officer, as Noji is their guardian in effect.

- Nice timeline! My feeling was Summer + Nika = good basketball, Summer's gone = trenchcoat and brass knuckles, figuratively. Then the violent incident = charge, recuperation = wasted muscles, and not doing anything that might get him charged again. As I'm the same, thinking Nika was at the start of high school, when he saw summer last, was when she started puberty. He never saw if Ocean gave her gigantors or not.

- regards the change from stable to anti, if he refused to take interest in basket ball, by refusing to turn up, everyone would think he was weird. The question is why no one other than Nia, Nika and Nami really cared that Summer was gone.

- regards the violent incident: it depends on whether it was a fight or someone being violent to him. ie if Summers dad beat the crap out of him (hypothetically) that would end his basketball career for the season at least. Nika doesn't need to be the instigator of the violent incident, so it can happen at any time. Most LIKELY it's as a result of his beliigerance though, and that put an end to sports, so basketball Nika = Summer's boyfriend. Also, the association of the Summer flashback with her playing basketball - maybe he avoided it after she disappeared? There's certainly negative connotations now.

- The Holgersons: seeing Zoey was Katie's GF, I didn't think there was any family connection, just connected via growing up together. Zoey wanted to start a porn company with Willi, maybe Emilia (who was Zoey's friend in the orginal WiaB I think?) was their first employee, and that's why Emilia's question of Katie is interesting at the book club? We know Zoey is still around, but are Katie and Zoey still together? THe Holgerson's had a 'paper' company in WiaB, I assumed a newspaper. Now Stefan has a golden underpants, and Katie is a fashion designer. Too little to go on so far.

- Goth girl is one of the most interesting new additions for me. I was curious about the pizza scene, but seeing her more, I really want to know. Currently I've noticed her blonde friend pays Nika a lot of attention, but Goth girl mainly looks at Nami - and I really do wonder if she's Leia's daughter. It's be a great reveal.

- I think either childhood friend or childhood 'friend'. Either works for Dwight. Boyfriend seems wrong, and I doubt he's the Revera - as if old WiaB has any truth, Donna was pregnant by Willi, and they're both dark haired without fair complexion. Jake suits as Willi has at least one brownish eye.

- Agreed about the coaching plan. I think Nika and Nami had no choice in college because of the plan. I think it was a scholarship that couldn't be refused. And yes, I think Hill was testing Nika's ability to take a hit for the team, or deal with the consequences. A star player who can't will just get bulldozed.

- LOTS of subtle changes. I'm not even going to try to work it out. This is now all there is, and if I load WIP SG, I know it's non canon. Same as WiaB - it informs intent to remember where it went, but that's no longer the entire direction.

- I will go on Nia's path most likely because fuck... he life is hard enough, being a friend is the least anyone can do. People will defend Bella while she's a criminal (street racing, gun, soft drugs, theft, vandalism), but Nia's doing something legal in most countries and people find her distasteful, her family have shut her out. Even before the reveal I felt shitty over the way Nika treated her in the gym. She and Vic are maybe the two gentlest people in the game. It might be because I know a few ex cam girls and I've seen what it did to them. It really does make them lonely once they stop, and rarely do they become successful. All that stigma, and still broke.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2018
And indeed, it's funny to hear excuses about Bella from Nika who takes an active part in her actions that reach crime activity. He sounds awfully hypocritical. I could consider this as a plus to the plot, because now we have a pseudo-moralist protagonist. But I wonder if Ocean actually sees it.
Nika IS a hypocrite and he also displays an astounding lack of self-awareness at times.

One one hand he is quick to white knight for, care for, understand, and support new friends. On the other hand, he will coldly contemplate screwing over and/or manipulating other people - often to alleviate his own boredom - with about as much regard for those people as bugs under the sole of his shoe. Nika thinks he's such a great observer, but he doesn't yet comprehend the dichotomy of his own behaviors/actions.

The problem isn't Stefan and his family, the problem is Nika and Bella.
We don't yet know Bella's full motivation for hating the Holgersons.

Nika's reason for wanting to hurt the Holgersons is blindly obvious (IMHO), yet many people miss it.

For Nika, the Holgersons are now surrogates for Summer's parents/family. Nika witnessed the Holgersons treat Mila like Summer's parents treated him. Thus, all that hate and rage Nika still feels for Summer's family will be manifested against the Holgersons. There is nothing rational behind it.

We've seen time and time aqain in Nika's interactions with people that he dispises those who look down upon or mock others deemed less wealthy or of a lower social class.
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