
May 29, 2023
You keep saying that Bella needs to face consequences for her actions. Tell me, what are the horrible things she’s done? Let’s start with the bullying. It wasn’t nice but I’ve seen much worse cases of bullying that would certainly deserve harsher consequences than what she faced. I repeat, she has been reproached by Nika and the people around her and has suffered enough for it to see the error in her ways. She’s still justly considered a bad person in Wollust, an important plot point in the future, trying to prove people wrong despite the past. All of this is a good way to show that she has a conscience and isn’t a bad person at heart and it’s good storytelling, what other consequences do you want on that side?
Let’s move on from the bullying and delve further. You talk about rules of fiction but you vastly overestimate Bella’s badness in doing so. She isn’t some villain who deserves to be hit extremely hard by the plot, but she is a rash person and will suffer because of that. There’s no “magic bubble” that protects her as opposed to what you say, as seen with the intervention of Ceril’s sister and the appearance of her rival. She’s bound to face a lot of danger in the future at the hands of the enemies she herself has created. The biggest enemy of Bella is Bella herself as seen with the heist and illegal racing and who knows what else she’ll do in the future. She will pay the price for her actions.
There are bad acts and there are stupid acts. The heist, the use of Vanessa, and their "brilliant" plan to destroy the Holgerson family are mostly stupid acts, but that doesn't make them any less malicious. No doubt, if Vanessa had turned out to be that dumbo bimbo, they would have tried to put their plan into action.

The Mila situation, before which Nika is already plotting his revenge, is his excuse. Bella doesn't care about her and isn't close to him when she agrees to the plan. Her excuses are Amber and blind hatred.

There is no evidences that Stefan desires her mother or that he is a pedophile. Bella throws around serious accusations without adding any value to them even in the form of arguments. She accuses Stefan of being a pedophile, but does so in such a short form and never returns to it again though this pedophile socialises with her mother. Someone will find it unreasonable for me to focus so much attention on this moment, but I have a suspicion that this is a bait for trusting players. It's like thoughts just pop up in her mind as excuses for more hate. This makes her descriptions of other characters less trustworthy, this also applies to her description of Vanessa. Overall, even if Stefan lusts after Amber, their plan remains horrible.

Bella knows that Vanessa is Zara's sister who is her classmate and former friend. She doesn't mind using her anyway. Despite the fact that Vanessa has nothing to do with what is going on between them and the Holgersons. She's just Mario's girlfriend, she is innocent in this part of the story.

But no extra thought. Let's just do it.

For some reason, Bella feels no remorse for these acts. How so? She's a better person, she felt so sorry when she humiliated that poor woman in the restroom. What an interesting, selective sense of conscience she has. It feels like as long as Bella's atrocities don't involve her personally and aren't committed in front of her, she's fine with them. After all, she is afraid the old pervert will seduce her mother, but she is alright with giving him the other woman. That alone is completely fucked up. So no, she doesn't see the error in her ways yet. She's totally blind.

Nika who functions as her conscience remains silent on that matter too and only sounds the alarm when they are at risk being fucked by Vanessa for their imbecility. What a great man, literally a messiah who appeared to guide Bella on the right path... with a blindfold and on his hands so she would not see that they were walking over people's heads. He should look in the mirror and take the beam out of his eye. What a hypocritical, brainless piece of shit. I love it. His view on Bella is biased, has no real weight and indicates nothing significant about real changes. The same goes for his self-view.

I must have made a mistake when I placed William but not Nika after Leia. Good for Nick that her daughter is so suspicious. Who knows what other scumbags might be on their doorstep next time.

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Am I vastly overestimating Bella's badness?

I want to especially emphasise that they're not learning any lessons from the situation with Vanessa. Their plan fails, they shrug their shoulders and move on. They will do it again if a suitable target comes to hand.

Bella studied the Holgersons house before the events. She knows the layout of the building and the exact positions of the security cameras. She was preparing to break into their property. And this isn't her first heist, she has experience.

I never called her a villian. But I consider her a terrible person.
After writing that all, I'm not even sure she's better than Vanessa.

The plot should hit her not because she does bad things in the first place, but because she does things that by common sense should have far-reaching consequences. She's a criminal, she broke the law, she crossed powerful people. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Consequences are not necessarily punishment for bad actions and are not necessarily justified. But since this is a story about healing, I suppose these consequences must have some moral basis.

Now you seem to agree with me on that. But earlier you wrote, "She doesn’t deserve to be punished further for her actions, her guilt is enough punishment." And then you continued to press the point that she has regrets and feelings. You didn't call it a "magic bubble" but that's essentially what follows from what you were saying.

Good storytelling? Can't say yet.
I hope Ocean understands what he writes.
Because if he doesn't... bruh.

Are we still certain Vanessa is a more bad person than Bella?
Personally I'm not sure now. It seems Bella has a very rich list.
Oh, I forgot, she has regrets. Which she turns off whenever she pleases.
But seriously. She literally planned to corrupt a woman and destroy a family.
Where's the lesser evil here? Yes, Vanessa shoved a buttplug in Mario's ass.
How? We can only make assumptions. Unlike with Bella.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
Sasha is my girl (despite what some people say cause I've been defending Bella lately *COFF COFF*) so I replayed that part after a long time to get back to you.
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*He's not wrong!* The book does suck. But it's meant to suck, because Nika is going to right Charlotte's wrong, and allow Susan, porn author extraordinaire, to choose the book.

On a more serious note, I wonder how many people misconstrue scenes like this. The bookclub is MEANT to be filled with women bored out of their mind because they don't have husbands, or husbands who can sex. They make us a pass time to read books, and drink waaay too much wine (every time asked *sex when* they drink, and somewhere in the Oceanverse a kitten dies, so stop saying *sex when* pussy haters!). Nika comes along and he is so much more interesting. They don't know he can't sex them either, but the actual enjoyment for them is fantasizing about sex in even kids books, so Nika looks like the tastiest prize they can imagine.

Same sort of thing with the tabletop. Some of it is meant to point out how socially awkward Nadia is, how she is disconnected like Nika, but for very different reasons. We've not seen any of her trauma, but it's hinted at. I know there's something there, but what it is I can't even guess.

Bella's content has the most action, more locations, more danger/consequences. I think that's one reason why people find her interesting, while the other characters are quite passive (other than Vanessa). TO some extent, they're curious to see how NIka might bring some difference into their lives, just as he's trying to find some sort of social balance. Perhaps they'll meet in the middle, while NIka and Bella, being the same puzzle piece goad each other into recklessness (mostly)

and let's play a game about every time someone comes into a thread and complains about the people complaining about the lack of sex scenes and porn , you drink too.

View attachment 3649144
Do you just want me to die before season 2 comes out? Damn dude, I guess we'll all win at this game by collecting all the wine... :LOL:

DLC? lol what?

Also does the uncensor patch undo all the steam BS like bringing back the Nami hot tub scene?
No. The current uncensor patch/mod is for the Ch5 Beta, it won't work on the steam version. If you want to see the hot tub, you have to play the incomplete version of the season.

The jacuzzi lewd scene was removed for reasons other than Steam, which you can search the thread for. If you want any sexual act displayed, you'll have to wait for season 2 or deal with WIP versions of SG. There is only the official version now, which is the same on patreon and steam; I won't bore you with the reasons.

There are bad acts and there are stupid acts. The heist, the use of Vanessa, and their "brilliant" plan to destroy the Holgerson family are mostly stupid acts, but that doesn't make them any less malicious. No doubt, if Vanessa had turned out to be that dumbo bimbo, they would have tried to put their plan into action.

The Mila situation, before which Nika is already plotting his revenge, is his excuse. Bella doesn't care about her and isn't close to him when she agrees to the plan. Her excuses are Amber and blind hatred.

There is no evidences that Stefan desires her mother or that he is a pedophile. Bella throws around serious accusations without adding any value to them even in the form of arguments. She accuses Stefan of being a pedophile, but does so in such a short form and never returns to it again though this pedophile socialises with her mother. Someone will find it unreasonable for me to focus so much attention on this moment, but I have a suspicion that this is a bait for trusting players. It's like thoughts just pop up in her mind as excuses for more hate. This makes her descriptions of other characters less trustworthy, this also applies to her description of Vanessa. Overall, even if Stefan lusts after Amber, their plan remains horrible.

Bella knows that Vanessa is Zara's sister who is her classmate and former friend. She doesn't mind using her anyway. Despite the fact that Vanessa has nothing to do with what is going on between them and the Holgersons. She's just Mario's girlfriend, she is innocent in this part of the story.

But no extra thought. Let's just do it.

For some reason, Bella feels no remorse for these acts. How so? She's a better person after meeting Nika, she felt so sorry when she humiliated that poor woman in the restroom. What an interesting, selective sense of conscience she has. It feels like as long as Bella's atrocities don't involve her personally and aren't committed in front of her, she's fine with them. After all, she is afraid the old pervert will seduce her mother, but she is alright with giving him the other woman. That alone is completely fucked up. So no, she doesn't see the error in her ways yet. She's totally blind.

Nika who functions as her conscience remains silent on that matter too and only sounds the alarm when they are at risk being fucked by Vanessa for their imbecility. What a great man, literally a messiah who appeared to guide Bella on the right path... with a blindfold and on his hands so she would not see that they were walking over people's heads. He should look in the mirror and take the beam out of his eye. What a hypocritical, brainless piece of shit. I love it. His view on Bella is biased, has no real weight and indicates nothing. The same goes for his self-view.

I must have made a mistake when I placed William but not Nika after Leia. Good for Nick that her daughter is so suspicious. Who knows what other scumbags might be on their doorstep next time.

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Am I vastly overestimating Bella's badness?

I want to especially emphasise that they're not learning any lessons from the situation with Vanessa. Their plan fails, they shrug their shoulders and move on. They will do it again if a suitable target comes to hand.

Bella studied the Holgersons house before the events. She knows the layout of the building and the exact positions of the security cameras. She was preparing to break into their property. And this isn't her first heist, she has experience.

I never called her a villian. But I consider her a terrible person.
After writing that all, I'm not even sure she's better than Vanessa.

The plot should hit her not because she does bad things in the first place, but because she does things that by common sense should have far-reaching consequences. She's a criminal, she broke the law, she crossed powerful people. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Consequences are not necessarily punishment for bad actions and are not necessarily justified. But since this is a story about healing, I suppose these consequences must have some moral basis.

Now you seem to agree with me on that. But earlier you wrote, "She doesn’t deserve to be punished further for her actions, her guilt is enough punishment." And then you continued to press the point that she has regrets and feelings. You didn't call it a "magic bubble" but that's essentially what follows from what you were saying.

Good storytelling? Can't say yet.
I hope Ocean understands what he writes.
Because if he doesn't... bruh.

Are we still certain Vanessa is a more bad person than Bella?
Personally I'm not sure now. It seems Bella has a very rich list.
Oh, I forgot, she has regrets. Which she turns off whenever she pleases.
But seriously. She literally planned to corrupt a girl and destroy a family.
Where's the lesser evil here? Yes, Vanessa shoved a buttplug in Mario's ass.
How? We can only make assumptions. Unlike with Bella.
Again well thought. Bella does have one extenuating circumstance though, she is not of a balanced mind. The ease with which Nika can trigger her, and her reaction to kissing Nika shows her instability. That might affect any sentencing should their be legal action. Amber's reluctance to get objective help for Bella, but trusting her own mother's skills and therapist skills is blinded by her being a mother. This is not to excuse anything, but to consider mitigating circumstances, and how Ocean might spin things. Also, it would be easy for Stefan to be magnaimous about Bella, but he wouldn't be over NIka, considering he is evil. He pulled strings to charge Mila, with no proof, simply because Mario likes teasing her? Maybe there's more there - not saying that Bella is honest or dishonest, but Stefan has attempted to ruin Mila for what reason? The same logic you're applying to Bella extends to Stefan.

We don't have enough info to absolve Stefan, but you're right that Bella and Nika have no justification. Because it's pertinent, the only reason this event even exists is because Mario called Mila trash. She shrugged it off, like most of us would, and got on with her life.

Going back to Bella's instability, what if Ocean is using the scene to highlight how reckless and unstable Bella and Nika are? Maybe they are forgiven by Stefan or someone more powerful steps in and takes control of the situation - someone like Katie. Having rescued Nika from Stefan's anger, Nika would have to agree with whatever terms were put in front of him. There are so many potential ways to spin this without there being equal and opposite reactions, I'm thinking more like billards, and everything starts spiraling, the 8 ball gets sunk in the wrong pocket, putting NIka in someone's headlights, and he'll be beholden.

Bella is broken in ways Nika isn't. We're almost considering Nika the only mentally challenged person, but Bella is wildly unstable, and that's why Ayua is so concerned about Bella doing something bad as a result of being triggered. Bella is like a child that will never understand not to put her hand on the stove.

Regarding Vanessa. Slightly different tack. She is not doing anything illegal, but that doesn't make her good. She is actually able to play games to manipulate others into doing her will. Not illegal, but definitely evil. in tabletop terms, she's lawful evil. She understand the benefits of masking her intentions. She is also completely aware and consciously doing it. Some of the renders show how cold she is when no one is looking at her - she is calculating everything, making plans as much as Nika. Currently there is no proof of anything, but she does have Dr Evil bragging vibes when she claims to know all about Ms Steiner. So, yeah, Bella is a criminal that doesn't have much of a moral compass, Vanessa uses people's expectations to manipulate them constantly. I still dislike her regardless of whether she is innocent of any wrong doing. I wouldn't want a friend who would manipulate me for their own benefit. In this way, she doesn't actually care about people. She might care about Nick, but Nick is warning her to behave all the time. Everyone knows she's going too far, Zara knows it, Nick knows it.

Anyway, we've known Vanessa for less than 24 hours game time. It's not enough to have a definitive view, despite my misgivings. She just has the same sort of toxicity in personality I get from Leia, but without the evidence of any massive wrong doing. I'm not going to turn my back on her.

On converting game for mac giving error
ScriptError: could not find label 'start'.
Using the compressed version? My advice for all renpy games - download the PC compressed version, and the renpy version, and make your own mac version. Something about the renpy archives can sometime break when compressed. The other way is to download both PC and mac version, and replace the game folder of the mac app with the PC one.

There are tutorials on how to use renpy on the renpy site, and probably threads on this forum with people explaining it better. Once you learn to do it, you will never be at the mercy of these weird errors.
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Active Member
Oct 1, 2023
*He's not wrong!* The book does suck. But it's meant to suck, because Nika is going to right Charlotte's wrong, and allow Susan, porn author extraordinaire, to choose the book.

On a more serious note, I wonder how many people misconstrue scenes like this. The bookclub is MEANT to be filled with women bored out of their mind because they don't have husbands, or husbands who can sex. They make us a pass time to read books, and drink waaay too much wine (every time asked *sex when* they drink, and somewhere in the Oceanverse a kitten dies, so stop saying *sex when* pussy haters!). Nika comes along and he is so much more interesting. They don't know he can't sex them either, but the actual enjoyment for them is fantasizing about sex in even kids books, so Nika looks like the tastiest prize they can imagine.

Same sort of thing with the tabletop. Some of it is meant to point out how socially awkward Nadia is, how she is disconnected like Nika, but for very different reasons. We've not seen any of her trauma, but it's hinted at. I know there's something there, but what it is I can't even guess.

Bella's content has the most action, more locations, more danger/consequences. I think that's one reason why people find her interesting, while the other characters are quite passive (other than Vanessa). TO some extent, they're curious to see how NIka might bring some difference into their lives, just as he's trying to find some sort of social balance. Perhaps they'll meet in the middle, while NIka and Bella, being the same puzzle piece goad each other into recklessness (mostly)
In the book club the “ladies” are at most a nice way to pass the time. Nothing more (or not yet? Who knows). Except one!

I hope and pray that when Nika spoke to Anna, he meant exactly this woman when he said (roughly): A person here has piqued my interest.

As I've always said, the most interesting LI's to date are the ones Mika has had little to no contact with.
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Active Member
Apr 24, 2018
There are bad acts and there are stupid acts. The heist, the use of Vanessa, and their "brilliant" plan to destroy the Holgerson family are mostly stupid acts, but that doesn't make them any less malicious. No doubt, if Vanessa had turned out to be that dumbo bimbo, they would have tried to put their plan into action.

The Mila situation, before which Nika is already plotting his revenge, is his excuse. Bella doesn't care about her and isn't close to him when she agrees to the plan. Her excuses are Amber and blind hatred.

There is no evidences that Stefan desires her mother or that he is a pedophile. Bella throws around serious accusations without adding any value to them even in the form of arguments. She accuses Stefan of being a pedophile, but does so in such a short form and never returns to it again though this pedophile socialises with her mother. Someone will find it unreasonable for me to focus so much attention on this moment, but I have a suspicion that this is a bait for trusting players. It's like thoughts just pop up in her mind as excuses for more hate. This makes her descriptions of other characters less trustworthy, this also applies to her description of Vanessa. Overall, even if Stefan lusts after Amber, their plan remains horrible.

Bella knows that Vanessa is Zara's sister who is her classmate and former friend. She doesn't mind using her anyway. Despite the fact that Vanessa has nothing to do with what is going on between them and the Holgersons. She's just Mario's girlfriend, she is innocent in this part of the story.

But no extra thought. Let's just do it.

For some reason, Bella feels no remorse for these acts. How so? She's a better person after meeting Nika, she felt so sorry when she humiliated that poor woman in the restroom. What an interesting, selective sense of conscience she has. It feels like as long as Bella's atrocities don't involve her personally and aren't committed in front of her, she's fine with them. After all, she is afraid the old pervert will seduce her mother, but she is alright with giving him the other woman. That alone is completely fucked up. So no, she doesn't see the error in her ways yet. She's totally blind.

Nika who functions as her conscience remains silent on that matter too and only sounds the alarm when they are at risk being fucked by Vanessa for their imbecility. What a great man, literally a messiah who appeared to guide Bella on the right path... with a blindfold and on his hands so she would not see that they were walking over people's heads. He should look in the mirror and take the beam out of his eye. What a hypocritical, brainless piece of shit. I love it. His view on Bella is biased, has no real weight and indicates nothing. The same goes for his self-view.

I must have made a mistake when I placed William but not Nika after Leia. Good for Nick that her daughter is so suspicious. Who knows what other scumbags might be on their doorstep next time.

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Am I vastly overestimating Bella's badness?

I want to especially emphasise that they're not learning any lessons from the situation with Vanessa. Their plan fails, they shrug their shoulders and move on. They will do it again if a suitable target comes to hand.

Bella studied the Holgersons house before the events. She knows the layout of the building and the exact positions of the security cameras. She was preparing to break into their property. And this isn't her first heist, she has experience.

I never called her a villian. But I consider her a terrible person.
After writing that all, I'm not even sure she's better than Vanessa.

The plot should hit her not because she does bad things in the first place, but because she does things that by common sense should have far-reaching consequences. She's a criminal, she broke the law, she crossed powerful people. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Consequences are not necessarily punishment for bad actions and are not necessarily justified. But since this is a story about healing, I suppose these consequences must have some moral basis.

Now you seem to agree with me on that. But earlier you wrote, "She doesn’t deserve to be punished further for her actions, her guilt is enough punishment." And then you continued to press the point that she has regrets and feelings. You didn't call it a "magic bubble" but that's essentially what follows from what you were saying.

Good storytelling? Can't say yet.
I hope Ocean understands what he writes.
Because if he doesn't... bruh.
Yeah, I'm wondering how the story arc on this crazy scheming will play out. In a game about healing... surely Nika (at least) and Bella will have a future option to stop their BS scheme and perhaps make amends. If not, I hope they face real consequences when things turn to custard. As it stands, Nika now has to work out how to get Mila out of trouble.

There is the path where Bella does the Holgerson heist alone, and Nika does not participate. Mila still gets in the shit for it. You'd think on that path there would be an option for Nika to say, enough is enough, this can't continue. But there is not. That petty chip on Nika's shoulder from when Summer's family looked down upon him presumably wins out.

Ultimately, someone's got to pay a price for the Holgerson heist. Will it be Mila, Nika, Bella, or will 'Belka' find another innocent patsy to take the fall? (I could see this patsy being Melanie Ceril). Part of me hopes that on a path where Nika confides to Nami about the heist, she will dob Nika in for his own good (tough love), should another innocent party be set to take the fall.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
I hear you. I know you and many others don't like what he did. I don't like it either but there's nothing anyone can do about it. His game, his rules.

Maybe he did what he intended to back then, and then decided to change things up (either because real life, how he felt back then is not how he feels now or he did it for the Steam moneyz) I don't know, only he does. If people don't like it, they don't have to play it.

You can voice your disappointment, but doing so over and over gets repetitive and annoying (not saying you are doing this, I just mean in general) If you supported him before all the changes, I am deeply sorry. There should be something to stop Devs from changing games up, especially if you support them from the beginning (whoever did support him from the start)

Patreon doesn't help either, though. Maybe he made certain changes to please them... I just don't know. Sisterly Lust on Steam did an update (years later) that now requires you to use a patch for the incest action. If I buy a certain version and then that version is no longer accessible (or needs a patch to play something you didn't need a patch to play before) I would like my money back.

When it comes to this game and its incest... idk. I don't see Nami as a sister and Nojki (or however you spell her name) as my mother. I feel like Nika and Nami are adopted rather than siblings. That's how I feel playing the game. I can be wrong, but the fact is, I don't care about it that much. Which is weird because when it comes to Incest games, my MC is after his sister/mom/aunt whoever lol
I appreciate the level-headed feedback. If I read every post in this thread, I would probably also be tired of people saying similar things.

I do take exception to one thing though. Is there really nothing anyone can do about it? All I'm asking for is a gallery or some way to optionally view the content that he's already made. There is already a decensor mod for chapter 5 beta. Is it impossible that it could be updated? I don't think it's much different to the music restoration mod.

I'm fine with whatever Ocean decides to do going forward, but I'd like to see all of the stuff that he's already made.


Queen Lydia's bitch
Jun 14, 2020
Unfortunately (at least it seems that way), he is completely on the wrong track. He should much rather ask himself completely different questions!
No, Nika's playing mind games and people. Actually the most interesting subject for him in the cougar's den is Amber.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
I appreciate the level-headed feedback. If I read every post in this thread, I would probably also be tired of people saying similar things.

I do take exception to one thing though. Is there really nothing anyone can do about it? All I'm asking for is a gallery or some way to optionally view the content that he's already made. There is already a decensor mod for chapter 5 beta. Is it impossible that it could be updated? I don't think it's much different to the music restoration mod.

I'm fine with whatever Ocean decides to do going forward, but I'd like to see all of the stuff that he's already made.
The best way is to download the previous versions of the game. I've got a chapter 2 and a 4.5 for remembering things that have been cut. When going through them, it's remarkable how much more appreciation I have for the season 1 release. The biggest detrimental aspect is not the one lewd scene and the penises that were cut from the game, but the affect it had on Nami's character. Nami is the character that changes the most from Ch5 Beta to S1, while Mila is the one who loses out in terms of still not having a settled render.

Season 2 has no old material, so I think it'll be a breath of fresh air, and any of the cut content can resurface in a better form.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2023
No, Nika's playing mind games and people. Actually the most interesting subject for him in the cougar's den is Amber.
sorry, I don't share your view. Something happened in this book club that is much more crucial to the story. He should think about this a lot more. In my opinion, Amber is a low priority.

Deleted member 6168082

Active Member
Jun 5, 2023
I appreciate the level-headed feedback. If I read every post in this thread, I would probably also be tired of people saying similar things.

I do take exception to one thing though. Is there really nothing anyone can do about it? All I'm asking for is a gallery or some way to optionally view the content that he's already made. There is already a decensor mod for chapter 5 beta. Is it impossible that it could be updated? I don't think it's much different to the music restoration mod.

You are welcome. Level-headed/decent posts deserve level-headed/decent replies.

Just download the non-Steam version (Chapter 5 Beta + Uncensored Patch) and you should be able to see everything before the Steam release. Well, minus the older versions (before the reworked stuff) I am sure some/most people on here who love the game probably have the OG version+.

You'd have to ask an expert Summer's Gone player who knows what to do to experience everything from the beginning to now.

Hmm, I think there is a EULA? for the game on Steam. So, you can't use Mods? or Ocean just doesn't want to risk having a mod work with the game and then it gets banned from Patreon or something like that. I'm no expert and I am sorry for that. I didn't try using the patch/mod that's on here with the Steam version so, if anyone else has tried, let this person know what happens.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2018
Played till end and Zara should visit Amber really soon, becauase is soo annying and constantly violating MC personal space


Active Member
Mar 8, 2024
Now you seem to agree with me on that. But earlier you wrote, "She doesn’t deserve to be punished further for her actions, her guilt is enough punishment." And then you continued to press the point that she has regrets and feelings. You didn't call it a "magic bubble" but that's essentially what follows from what you were saying.
I’m not agreeing with you only now. I said from the start days ago that Bella is immature and has a fixation on vengeance and will suffer the consequences of her recklessness and anger. There was never any “magic bubble” around her.

Bella will be arrested at some point. It's only a matter of time before she gets caught illegaly racing.
She should be more careful in the future and we as Nika will get a chance to influence her path for good or bad. Depending on our choices she might stay stuck in her ways or stop endangering herself for good.
Bella's problem is her anger, it's her defense mechanism. It's something she needs to work on and she will. At that point she'll be able to deal with stuff in a more measured way instead of resorting to excess anytime.

Bella needs to realize that
Illegal racing is bad.
Bullying people is bad.
Corrupting them is bad.
Spying on them is bad.
Invading their private life is bad.
Stealing their stuff is bad.
Damaging their property is bad.
Creating malicious schemes against them is bad.
Destroying other people's families is bad.
Entering private property without their permission is bad.
Bullying people who have previously bullied you is bad too, btw.
Making fun of Nami's tits is bad.
And she will.
I can see why you’re dissatisfied as it is but we barely scratched the game’s surface. Bella’s healing has just begun but she’s realizing already that some of the stuff she does is wrong and fucked up and she’s starting to change her ways, but will still pay more of an actual price since she can’t cancel her past actions.
On some things like vengeance and in particular the Holgersons, who we don’t know enough about to be sure of anything, she needs to work a lot more. There could be a sound reason behind her hatred for them and why she feels that she needs to protect her mom.
Give it time. Future Bella will cringe at her past self and be a better person. The same can be said for Nika who excuses her behavior sometimes, his healing journey just started too.
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Active Member
Aug 16, 2022
The best way is to download the previous versions of the game. I've got a chapter 2 and a 4.5 for remembering things that have been cut. When going through them, it's remarkable how much more appreciation I have for the season 1 release. The biggest detrimental aspect is not the one lewd scene and the penises that were cut from the game, but the affect it had on Nami's character. Nami is the character that changes the most from Ch5 Beta to S1, while Mila is the one who loses out in terms of still not having a settled render.

Season 2 has no old material, so I think it'll be a breath of fresh air, and any of the cut content can resurface in a better form.
You keep saying this and it keeps leaving me baffled.

How in God's green Earth can you go from the starting point in the relationship with Nami to the "change in perception" and the "race with impossible odds" without all the cut content? Nothing was added. And you cut the most important bits of intimacy and meaningful relationship progression between them. So how does it make sense to you??? It's like getting from the point of meeting each other to getting married without all the dating.

Keep in mind I haven't played the Steam release. I just glanced at the renders and script. So it's utterly confusing to me how anyone can make sense of their relationship evolution. Considering there is no physical intimacy after her finding out about Nick. No going too far and kissing after spending the night together and no jacuzzi scene. HOW DOES IT MAKE SENSE?!?!!?


Queen Lydia's bitch
Jun 14, 2020
sorry, I don't share your view. Something happened in this book club that is much more crucial to the story. He should think about this a lot more. In my opinion, Amber is a low priority.
Sure, this club is important to the story, but at the exactly moment of that quote from MC he's not there. At the moment it's about raising Nojiko's influence in the group and using Amber for his own good.
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