I think it was mentioned that due to the evening opening of the bar, Monday is a day off from classes. So it is very likely that the memorable render with Bella and Ayua in the classroom will take place on Tuesday
Considering the announced number of renders, it seems to me that if we compare it to the first season, the end would take place somewhere around the date with Bella, which was on Thursday. So counting this together with the day of Vic's accident, we have a whole 6 days. Obviously, we know a lot more people now and our schedules are packed, which makes the days much more stretched out, but it still seems to me that the full three days or at least part of Tuesday is something achievable
I know that Ocean said that the upcoming update will end in the right place and you are trying to fit some known events, such as the opening of the bar, into it. But if we assume that the end may take place on Tuesday, it may be a complete surprise for us because for now we have no idea what we will do on Tuesday and it may be that we will fill our schedule only on Sunday and Monday, just like it was with the visit to Nia on Saturday, which we found out about on Friday