Mar 19, 2020
Right or wrong she is my favorite character, can't detour from the story and make her a step or adopted to soften the punch unfortunately. But! In a do or die scenario (or any other) this is the person you want at your side
So happy to see that there's someone else in the Nami camp. Nami is *best girl*. And seeing her moral dilemma as MC makes her cum for the first time will be beautiful.


May 4, 2020
True. I have never played any game that has better lighting than this. It looks so real, so natural.
View attachment 1368654
I'm not too familiar with 3d software like Daz but I did dabble once with blender but never went far with it. I'm very impressed with the way ocean does subsurface scattering on the girls' faces, not a lot of developers use it really well and most of the time models would end up ghostly white with no shades of how actual light would reflect on the face and only enhances the uncanny valley.
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Tauro Thurius

Jul 17, 2021
The biggest problem I find with SG as of now is that after pursuing Bella none of the girls other than Nami and Sasha are remotely interesting for me. This makes it really hard for me to play through the game if Bella isn't involved in the update. And I wish that I as a player get more choices on how the MC behaves, other than choices that just influence if you move forward with a girl or not.
I see what you mean, dude. She's THE girl. :sneaky:


Tauro Thurius

Jul 17, 2021
If you guys keep talking like that I swear Nami will hear you and go murder Bella in her sleep just in case
Oh man... Especially after the changing room gossips Nami has to be fuming anyways. I won't be surprised if she did that. :D

Also, remember the scene of the pic in my previous post, Nami sees us in bruises and automatically swings at Bella because she thinks she did it. Nami is a keeper, no doubt, but I think our boy Jeff has a place in his heart for her. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 28, 2018
It has something to do with the lighting in the contours of her face and her hair I think

Speaking of lighting, I know I've said this a whole lot but this game seriously has some amazing lighting, Ocean seriously is good with the lighting.

View attachment 1368636

I mean people take the lighting for granted in this, I personally feel like it's what elevates and sets the tone of the game.

Take a shot everytime I mention lighting in this thread.
You shouldn't. Lighting (especially in Daz3D) is an incredibly hard thing to nail. There are so many elements that are involved, and I should know, as I have spent as much as a day trying to get a scene to properly light, with emissive and other lighting going on. Excellent lighting can make the difference between a good game and an outstanding one. This is just one of the many reasons that I love this game, other than the cinematographic elements of it. Truthfully, those elements look like the creator is trying to light and stage a million dollar picture, rather than a simple porn VN.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 28, 2018
Ya boi Jeff can fuck right off ain't nobody taking NAMI away from me you hear me
If I thought Jeff was trying to snag Nami, I'd be down his throat in a minute. Truthfully, I believe he is just trying to help her work out and be her best. If I thought otherwise, I'd be with you, and I would rip his ever-loving throat out of him. End of story. Nobody puts Nami in a corner. (Extra credit for those who know where that lines was stolen from ... heh)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2021
It seems like we don't have to choose,since Bella+Nami is planned to happen.Pursuing Bella also pushes things further with Nami,making her reveal her true feelings, If the date with Bella ends with a kiss,Nami cries and mc says that it's clear they have to talk about it and there are some unspoken feelings there. While if we didn't kiss bella nothing like that happens.


Nov 20, 2018
Yeah I think that track was recorded (or re-recorded) with a buzzing sound
I also noticed it. It was somewhere in the 3.5 part and I didn’t notice it in any of the previous chapters.
First I just thougt it was my iphone lying close to the laptop but never had that before… :unsure:
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May 4, 2020
If I thought Jeff was trying to snag Nami, I'd be down his throat in a minute. Truthfully, I believe he is just trying to help her work out and be her best. If I thought otherwise, I'd be with you, and I would rip his ever-loving throat out of him. End of story. Nobody puts Nami in a corner. (Extra credit for those who know where that lines was stolen from ... heh)
Yeah but it seems like jeff is an all around cool homie, I really doubt he'd go for nami unless ocean makes it an option for the protagonist to make them get together - which is honestly pretty counterintuitive. So I'm pretty sure the protagonist asking for jeff to keep an eye out for her is literally what it means, just keeping an eye out, no different than spotting and training for and with her in the gym. Not to mention nami pretty much is a type of girl evidently since she was a kid and that's pretty much you.

Also I'm pretty sure everyone over the age of 30 has seen dirty dancing lmao


Aug 26, 2020
I doubt Jeff would ever make a move on Nami without the MC's consent. I'm not even sure if he is really romantically interested in her or not. He just seems like a nice guy and a friend who is helping out the new guys.

Then there's also Nami, who seems like she will never give up on being together with the MC, regardless of what he does, so I doubt she would be open to a relationship with someone else. The only exception I can think of is maybe Nia.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Question for all of you on the Sasha "Hype Train"
Why Exactly?
There has been hardly no character development with her whatsoever.

Here is what we know about her... She has blond hair & blue eyes with a scar on her face. She's wearing one of Nami's earrings for some reason. She's quiet...Shy perhaps, she exercises, sounds like she does competitive sparring with Ayua, she's a bookworm, and she stares at the MC when he is not looking.
Sure there is a touch of mystery about her, but why does any of this warrant her being so high up on the charts of so many people's favorite characters??? The only scene where she interacts with the MC she came across as very dull and we learned absolutely nothing about her personality/character.

I get the initial hype when she first made an appearance and there was a ton of speculation that she might be Summer, but now that Ocean has cleared that up, what is left? Just a pretty face with a scar? Her character thus far is a closed book.

So again I ask, Why the Hype? I mean, if I had never played this game and just read this thread, I would be thinking "wow" Sasha must be an amazing character, only to later be gravely disappointed with her after playing it.

Seems like it is just "The power of Suggestion" at play here. The dev says that it is one of his favorite characters, so everybody feels the need to cuddle up with the dev or something? Ocean has the script, so I get why he likes her so much. He probably has an amazing story line ahead for her character. But from the players perspective based on current game content there is no reason why she should be rated so high, unless it is solely based on looks and a scar, mystery and intrigue.
To me, most of the girls in this game are fairly close in the realm of good looks, so what sets them apart are their personality traits, and so far Sasha has shown me virtually no personality.
love at 1st sight! and wtf do you mean a pretty face with a scar! she is a strong woman she is the steal to Nami sugar or Bella honey and she is the woman thay any true man would pick strong and unbending never giving up and growing everyday!

both Bella and Nami are falling trees in a forest lots of noise without a future,

Sasha stands strong in the face of adversity Bella needs a shrink and Nami a whiteknight but Sasha... just requires someone to hold her hand and walk with her this treacherous path filled with adversity called life!

she is the shield to my sword
she is metal to my muscle
she is the music to my inspiration
and the air on my breath that brings me forth into life,

she is the gasoline to my tank
she the soul to my body
the fire to my wood
the and canvas to my brush where we paint a future worth living!

she is the 0 to my 1
the tail to my head
she is the bread to my butter
she is the sheet to my pen where we write down a worthwhile story!

In the end all flowers wither and die except the thistle that stands strong and proud because it can endure the heat and the cold and everything that can try and bring it down so that it will always remain there for those brave and strong enough to reach it when the lean times come!

In the end Sahsa is not a mountain for you to conquer or a weight to keep you grounded she is the wind beneath your wings that will allow you to sore into the skies!

if girls where apples Bella would be the ones on the groud and Nami the ones on the closest branches but what does that only shows that you are coward afraid to risk climbing the tree to get the best apple that is sasha, you will be tested and tried you will face trial and what you have chosen will define you for the weakling that you are, or not!
yes one might fall and break but Sasha is worth it like no one else!

Bella is the fire that will consume you in the end
Nami is the embracing love that will sufocate you in the end
Victoria is the Sugar that will grow you fat until the heart attack in the end
Mila is crazyness that will drive you insane and into an early grave in the end
But Sasha is the nourishment that maybe you do not want but will see you trough the end and into the other side!

i could write a lot more but i think my point was made!

I think that is a cultural/language thing. For me, as a fellow german, are the most conversations perfectly to understand. In my opinion - just my - it has something to do how the german language is structured. I asume heavyly that the story is written in german and translated after into englisch. And this could be the problem.

In German, there are so many ways to write and embellish a text and describe things that are simply not possible in English. (To be clear, that is no englisch bashing, and i have no intention to insult someone in any way)

The best example seems to be the good old "the". In English one word for everything, in German we have three words for it:

derrelative pronoun masculinethe
dierelative pronoun femininethe
dasrelative pronoun objectivethe

That's the way it is in the whole german language. It should be clear that extremely convoluted texts may then be easier for a German speaker to understand, or that he simply thinks nothing of it because our texts are always structured in this way - while a native English speaker will certainly pull his hair out when reading the translations.

And i'm sure that for a native speaker my post is a perfect example of what I just wanted to explain. :ROFLMAO:
i understand what you mean i can speak 6 languages and sometimes its hard to get your point across although my problem comes from mixing like 4-5 languages at the same time! you should hear me speaking Italian... some of my Italian friends says its hilarious ...

except when i am being serious on serious shit then my Italian is flawless!

If ocean requires some assistance i get weekends off and i can help proof read or embellish some scenes if he can write down what are the feelings and intentions he wants to pass onto the stage!
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Do ignore my previous text above regarding Sasha for my Engrisch skirls i just got emotional and went on a crazy rant, but that`s just Sasha the tip to my edge)!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
I also noticed it. It was somewhere in the 3.5 part and I didn’t notice it in any of the previous chapters.
First I just thougt it was my iphone lying close to the laptop but never had that before… :unsure:
It is also in the conversation between the MC and Mila wile the have smoke outsinde the school building


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
It is also in the conversation between the MC and Mila wile the have smoke outsinde the school building
It is constantly there always at the same scene? I remember hearing sound buzz sound but I assume it was some interference in the audio files with my computer, more than the actual audio files are recorded that way.
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