Hiroto Tokyo

Aug 19, 2021
Yes. There are around 3500 million frmales in Earth. Are you having a harem with all of them? NO.

Number of love interest says nothing about the game being a harem. Dev dislikes them and explicitly said the day he makes a harem we can kill him.
Nah. He killed the game for me by not adding harem!!

Consequences of lack of harem; (just look at LLP & oath of loyalty endings. Disaster!!)


Feb 12, 2019
Arguable. I think the animations above all set SG apart from other games. Differences in story and character are there in every game but not every game displays in the same way and Ocean likes to do animations which sets SG apart. It's how he likes to express and display emotions and I'm fine with his artistic choices.

Honestly, people are so scared of SG never being done and I think everyone has to realize that this is very possible and there's little point in complaining or talking about it, even if he does put WIAB on hold which won't happen.

edit: I think Ocean himself is realizing the issue of slow updates and why he is likely going to deep dive into a very heavy costing piece of equipment
I think the quality of the still renders and the writing of the game set it apart from the competition a lot more than the animations. None of the cinematics to date have really felt necessary or amazed me, not even the first kiss with Bella in Chapter 3.5, while this was a powerful moment that should have helped carry the cinematic. They've been nice, sure, and I've enjoyed them, but they feel definitely expendable to me as the ratio of value/time is very low and the game is in such dire need of delivering content. Without going the extreme and stopping all animations from now on, it would at least seem wise to cut down their number and length and really focus on the most essential ones, like one per chapter. Ocean just announced 4 for half a chapter. Mayyybe with the future rig and Ocean's experience they would take a reasonable time to complete but I doubt it. Producing 10k+ animation renders even with a monster rig still should take weeks at least. If we split the development time of Chapter 3.5 by the render count, it took 5 months for the animation and 1 for the still renders. In reality animations would not have taken that much time as they are performed 24/7 without manual touches in the meanwhile unlike the still renders, but still a considerable amount of time as you can imagine.

Maja, main li, huh? I find it surprising considering she had very little screen time, at same time she is Victoria's sister so I assume Maja is no. 1 option for victoria in a sharing scenario.

I think Nia & Ayua are basically the girls nami & bella are the most comfortable sharing mc with. They're more secondary lis than main lis, meaning they'd be okay to be the third wheel in their love triangle(if that makes any sense).
Yes Maja has not had much screen time because Bella and the school have taken the MC's time lately, but we're supposed to go to the cinema with Victoria and Maja soon too! It does seem obvious that the Victoria-Maja throuple would be natural, but Ocean has mentioned repeatedly that some girls will not agree to sharing the MC, so maybe Maja is one of them? Unlikely though. But in real life, which Summer's Gone tries to be closer to, do you know any girl willing to share their boyfriend with their sister? :)

Nia is originally a secondary girl yes, but the quote you referred to hints that Ocean is seriously considering upgrading her to a main LI with her own relationship, not just a side part of a Nami path. And Ayua is not secondary at all, she can be romanced on her own, she is not a side girl on a Bella path. In both cases though they are likely possible throuples.


Active Member
Feb 27, 2021
Yes Maja has not had much screen time because Bella and the school have taken the MC's time lately, but we're supposed to go to the cinema with Victoria and Maja soon too! It does seem obvious that the Victoria-Maja throuple would be natural, but Ocean has mentioned repeatedly that some girls will not agree to sharing the MC, so maybe Maja is one of them? Unlikely though. But in real life, which Summer's Gone tries to be closer to, do you know any girl willing to share their boyfriend with their sister? :)
First of all, fuck realism, that's not why i'm playing avns.

Second of all, storywise it does make sense cause of the personality of the characters, Victoria doesn't get upset by almost anything(she wants everyone to be happy especially her sister) & it's impossible for Maja to get upset with Victoria so I think they will be able to share the mc without feeling any resentment.

Anyhow, these are the matchups which I think work best based on your list:

Nick's Daughters

*I assume fans will probably seek out the Sasha-Bella pair the most, most popular I think.
*Nami probably fits with almost any girl out there cause she loves the mc the most, she's his sidekick.
May 8, 2018
First of all, fuck realism, that's not why i'm playing avns.

Second of all, storywise it does make sense cause of the personality of the characters, Victoria doesn't get upset by almost anything(she wants everyone to be happy especially her sister) & it's impossible for Maja to get upset with Victoria so I think they will be able to share the mc without feeling any resentment.

Anyhow, these are the matchups which I think work best based on your list:

Nick's Daughters

*I assume fans will probably seek out the Sasha-Bella pair the most, most popular I think.
*Nami probably fits with almost any girl out there cause she loves the mc the most, she's his sidekick.
Really mad at you for not even considering MC/Jeff...

Fortuna ღ

May 13, 2020
depends on the moment in history! harem are technically more regular in human history then no harem!

genetically speaking half of all the men ever born never reproduced and several archaeological proofs show that with the advent of agriculture where before it was regular for a man who reproduced to have 2-3 female partners it became as extreme as an average of 16 females partners so yes in today western society that might be "correct" and that is assuming we are ignoring lovers ... but apart from the western world harems are still the "norm" by either having concubines lovers or secondary wives... or are you being a cultural bigot and Islamophobic and so forth and so forth!

except for the judean-christian set of believes almost all other cultures admit several "wife's" for men who can afford them!
and even in the west if you consider lovers throuples are pretty standard even tough not the norm!

and it made sense in the past men died earlier so young men got a second hand older wife to start life with and depending on how good of a hunter or farmer or priest or king or whatever and he could afford them they would collect more wives along the way or loose their original 2nd hand wife due to life happening!

but in this game you are right its a game set in the western world with the western set of social rules!
This AVN takes place in New York, which is in The United States, so I'm not sure whether or not you'd find harems over there(at least not normally). In fact, I'm not sure if you'd find harems to be common anywhere in North or South America. As far as social rules are concerned... aside from the Islamic countries and some select Asian countries, harems are not common. I live in Europe, and if you're not Islamic, then the chances of you having a "harem" are pretty slim. Even then, judging by the Islamic friends I have, the men aren't having orgies with all of their wives. They aren't sleeping with one, then calling in the other right after, nor anything that relates to what a harem is seen as on this site.

Harems and concubines came about from kings and sultans possessing the ability to bring in women(willingly or unwillingly) to act according to their pleasures whenever they saw fit. To clarify what I meant when I talked about harems earlier, I meant it as it refers to having multiple wives and/or lovers at the same time with all of them knowing of each other. There's a reason why this practice has practically died out.

Personally, I'm a monogamous girl. I do not identify with harem stories... at all. From a writing standpoint, I cannot find many that are artistically displayed. I see harem stories as childish because it is childish to believe that you can get with multiple women at the same time, develop a strong emotional bond with each of them, then expect them to just accept that they're going to have to share you. I'm 23, engaged, and have never met a woman like that. A woman that sits quietly while the love of her life shares his "gift" with the world? That's not normal. The MC's penis is somehow so magical that this strong, attractive, angel of a lady is willing to share him with the world? Yeah... no. No woman that respects herself or is secure with herself would be ok with this. It's just not realistic, I'm sorry. There's a difference between being submissive and having no self-respect. But that's just my opinion, anyway.

P.S: This isn't an attack on anyone interested in harems. If you're interested in harems, that's great. These are just my reasons for why I dislike those kinds of stories. But I'm sorry if I have offended anyone ❤
Last edited:


Apr 23, 2021
I think the quality of the still renders and the writing of the game set it apart from the competition a lot more than the animations. None of the cinematics to date have really felt necessary or amazed me, not even the first kiss with Bella in Chapter 3.5, while this was a powerful moment that should have helped carry the cinematic. They've been nice, sure, and I've enjoyed them, but they feel definitely expendable to me as the ratio of value/time is very low and the game is in such dire need of delivering content. Without going the extreme and stopping all animations from now on, it would at least seem wise to cut down their number and length and really focus on the most essential ones, like one per chapter. Ocean just announced 4 for half a chapter. Mayyybe with the future rig and Ocean's experience they would take a reasonable time to complete but I doubt it. Producing 10k+ animation renders even with a monster rig still should take weeks at least. If we split the development time of Chapter 3.5 by the render count, it took 5 months for the animation and 1 for the still renders. In reality animations would not have taken that much time as they are performed 24/7 without manual touches in the meanwhile unlike the still renders, but still a considerable amount of time as you can imagine.
People spend a lot of time talking about the dev's choices... It's really not up to us nor likely will Ocean change things about animations or reworks unless his patreon support is completely wiped.


Apr 23, 2021
P.S: This isn't an attack on anyone interested in harems. If you're interested in harems, that's great. These are just my reasons for why I dislike those kinds of stories. But I'm sorry if I have offended anyone❤
Let's just be real, if this VN was a harem the story would be really boring. Like girls would all have similar personalities and so on..


Mar 6, 2020
First of all, fuck realism, that's not why i'm playing avns.

Second of all, storywise it does make sense cause of the personality of the characters, Victoria doesn't get upset by almost anything(she wants everyone to be happy especially her sister) & it's impossible for Maja to get upset with Victoria so I think they will be able to share the mc without feeling any resentment.

Anyhow, these are the matchups which I think work best based on your list:

Nick's Daughters

*I assume fans will probably seek out the Sasha-Bella pair the most, most popular I think.
*Nami probably fits with almost any girl out there cause she loves the mc the most, she's his sidekick.
I dont think that Nadia and Zara could work, i mean yeah they are friends but also they are competitive i dont think that they attitude would agree with sharing the MC. It just my opinion i could be wrong.
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Active Member
Feb 27, 2021
I dont think that Nadia and Zara could work, i mean yeah they are friends but also they are competitive i dont think that they attitude would agree with sharing the MC. It just my opinion i could be wrong.
Is it necessary for one of the girls to be submissive/passive in order for sharing to work? I think Bella-Nadia could work out even if they both have dominant personalities.

The way I see it friendship is more important. Like Bella-Mila for example, they just don't fit despite Mila being a mellow pacifist.
Mar 19, 2020
Alright y'all are talking about harems from a cultural-historic perspective and stuff and I gotta add another fairly irrelevant perspective: I was part of a "throuple" for a a couple months in my second year of college, and it suuuuuucked. Ruined my previous friendship with both girls (and I knew one of them for years) and also ruined the friendship between the two of them. Couple months was literally all it took to fuck everything up. It was fun in some moments, but basically every night out either with friends or just the three of us ended in arguments and shit, because someone always had something that irked them.

So I'm inclined to agree with Lady Fortuna here. Unless the people involved in a harem are really really fucking specific, it ain't gonna work in reality, at least not without fucking someone up emotionally. If you asked me if I was willing to share my gf with anyone else, imma say nah to that dawg lmao.


Apr 23, 2021
Alright y'all are talking about harems from a cultural-historic perspective and stuff and I gotta add another fairly irrelevant perspective: I was part of a "throuple" for a a couple months in my second year of college, and it suuuuuucked. Ruined my previous friendship with both girls (and I knew one of them for years) and also ruined the friendship between the two of them. Couple months was literally all it took to fuck everything up. It was fun in some moments, but basically every night out either with friends or just the three of us ended in arguments and shit, because someone always had something that irked them.

So I'm inclined to agree with Lady Fortuna here. Unless the people involved in a harem are really really fucking specific, it ain't gonna work in reality, at least not without fucking someone up emotionally. If you asked me if I was willing to share my gf with anyone else, imma say nah to that dawg lmao.
Cause people don't realize that in the western world, people who are in a harem are those that love sex (though most of us do) and share often. There's a lot of swinging and sex is just sex, a casual hobby. Sometimes there's arguments, my experience from friends who swing a lot are just there's a group of friends who call each other once a while. You're not going to get the relationship/story that a lot of people love SG for in a harem couple lol.

If you want a college harem, people should just go look at College Kings or even BADIK and ignore the character building. Aubrey from CK is a perfect example of someone you'd encounter in a harem/FWB.


Feb 9, 2020
I'm ok with throuple as long as its well done and it fits to the story. Not gonna lie I only looking forward to it if there's MC, Sonya x Nadia with some Nancy side chick.

I'm really looking forward to the dnd session for my best girls
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