so ... here it goes! specially for Team Bella team leader!
After another boring date with Bella:
MC: why do you keep bringing me into these boring events?
Bella: i need someone to escort me!
MC: Seriously if i have to put up with Mario and Penelope again...
MC: God give me patient for if you give me strength i will break his face!
Bella: come on it was not that bad, expensive booze, well dressed people !
MC: you mean boring people trying to escape from the futility of their lives?
Bella: we all do the same, but some of us just do it in style!
MC: you calling me poor is getting old!
Bella: Ok, my unpecuniary sad angry boy!
MC: I might be poor but i am not stupid, so cut your sarcastic crap!
MC: You think you better then me? because you where born into money?
Bella: i only do it because i know you feel pricked!
MC: Everything i have, i have earned, everything you have was a gift... as in not earned!
Bella: Jealous much? You hate what you can not have!
MC: I can have you and yet i still hate you!
Bella: No, you love me! you just pretend to hate me so you can hide your true feelings for me!
MC: As if
Bella: If ... perhaps i should take you home! You´re beginning to annoy me!
MC: i will just catch a Bus! I have a hard time right putting up with you!
Bella: Your walls are breaking! Your lust and love for me is overflowing and you´re trying to run....
MC: You know what? fuck this shit!
*goes over to the stereo and puts on some tango*
MC: Do you dance bitch?
Bella: Better than you!
MC: Prove it!
*dancing around executing doble pasos and twirls*
Bella: whoah, my feet have not been crushed under your hoofs!
MC: surprised?
Bella: Actually, yes! Had i known you could dance we could have surprised the entire party!
MC: Is everything for you about what others think of you?
Bella: I do enjoy being the center of attention, i am beautiful after all!
MC: Not to mention humble!
Bella: Who is being sarcastic now? But i will take it!
MC: Yes you will!
Bella: what?
*executing a doblepaso the MC puts his leg behind Bella knee and straightens it making her fall to her knees in front of his crotch*
MC: I said yes you will!
Bella: But...but..
*MC unzips his pant and pulls out his cock in front of Bella*
Bella: You are disgusting
MC: and you are talking too much
Bella: Well i
*MC pulls Bella´s arms up and pushes her against the wall*
MC: put it in your mouth, bitch!
Bella: Make me
*MC pushes his dick against Bella face while she pushes her face back until it hits the wall*
Bella: this is non consen glurbbb
MC: Finally some fucking silence!
Bella: groans fhush ghoshsah ahooohee
MC: Love the sloppy but that`s not being very quiet!
Bella: Yhoush Thinkhs ish chould nhoth thanlkhas whihth a fhulhl mhouthhes
*pushes his dick against Bella throat pushing it harder*
Bella: ih chants breathehshh ahshohleh
MC: and yet you still talk!
*streams of masquera fall down Bella´s face as the MC pushes deeper and deeper into her throat*
MC: Get ready bitch i am cumming!
Bella: chome ohn mhy fhache!
MC: i am in control here bitch!
*the mc cums and sperm spews out of the corner of her mouth*
Bella: Ffs sake asshole!
*MC takes a picture of Bella´s face*
Bella: better delate that picture!
MC: Give me just one minute i am just sending it to
Bella: why?
MC: he is a leach and yet i have double fanged you! not him turning you into a vamp!
Bella: You´re weird!
MC: Here look at the picture!
Bella: what? you ruined my masquera and i have some of your cum on the corner of my mouth!
MC: thats a double fang!
Bella: whats a double fang?
MC: your Masquera running is the 1st pair of fangs, my cum running from the corners of your mouth are the 2nd pair of fangs!
Bella: you´re an idiot!
MC: I prefer to think of myself as creative, so yes someone with lots of ideas!
*inside the armoir*
Amber: oh yes i´ve come!
Amber: how fucked up am i masturbating to my daughter and her boyfriend having a go at it?
MC: well you can take me home now Bella!
Bella: i do not feel like it!
MC: come on Bella let your mother have room to leave the closet, i mean let her have some dignity after masturbating!
Bella: MOM, WTF!
*Amber leaves the closet and into the room*
Amber: sorry sweety i did not want to disturb your fun!
Bella: he was abusing me and you did nothing?
Amber: yes i did i masturbated! damm that brough back memories of me and your father!
Amber: i was young once, besides i meant your father not the man you call father!
Bella: i do not want to hear it, lalalallalalalala!
MC: real mature Bella!
Amber: come on MC i will give you a ride home!