You know, I keep trying to like her, but she just kind of keeps creepily staring at people and shit. Kind of too weird a vibe for me. She's pretty enough, but kind of a "crazy axe murderer" vibe coming off her to me. I had one crazy, violent, girlfriend; it kind of made me gun shy. Maybe my play-through has missed some things, but hey - I figure 8-9 are enough for now
ok this is enough stop projecting yourself on the beautifull Sasha, just because you´re a wierd creepy dude does not mean she is!
Besides crazy violent? i guess you are just to weak to handle a real woman and as stated stop projecting!
Just look at both of them, they are so unique.
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There is no comparison.
Both of them wants MC's attention.
perhaps but just one of those girls is not a crazy demented unbalanced psychopat known as Bella who will fuck up your life get you into crazy shit like illegal driving and racing and then bail on you and blaming you for all the shit she pulls because she is too immature to handle her own shit, of her own doing!
That we all agree....i'd like to see Bella and Sasha having an idle chat though....
It's like two godesses ignoring each other so that there won't be any crack wide open in the middle of the universe.
herm you mean Sasha kicking the shit out of Bella and putting the bitch in her place when she starts to hit on her man?
Sasha doesn't creepily stare at people and shit.
She is just perceptive and cautious so that she won't make any mistakes like Robin does.
actually Robin is her puppet she handles the stuff that can go wrong, so Sasha as no need to get her hands dirty until the right time of bliss when she gives the MC the best handjob of his life!
i think its been stated that Robin is pawn for all the other girls... i wonder if that is her kink... to be used by others!
Are there any sex scenes already for the main girls? Want to get into this game but not if there isn't enough progression. Also there is an option to skip the futa/trans stuff right?
plenty of them already! saddly they are all in our imagination and none as been rendered yet! i shared a few ones with Bella on this site!
as for the futa content i relate back to my original reply if thats what you are into then yes quite a few on yor imagination and none in the game so far!
How a stare can define her character traits she always looks fierce but her interaction with MC was smooth and chill,to say lot better than Bella's (no harm intended).
i was gonna say i could get behind this but due to several concerns regarding people´s sensibility i will stand behind Sasha instead!
The existence of my team was questioned
I had to rise back
and you should know this brother
Team Amber never attacks first
and Team Bella is the one we help and protect
for they are like our daughters
-Leader of Team Amber
then you too shall be crushed under the justice boots of the army of the goddess Sasha!
to me her stare is almost more lack of comprehension of human interaction rather than fierceness. More like "what is it you humans are doing?", like someone unused to being around people. Just my take on her personality, everyone takes something different away from this game and likes different girls - that's part of what makes it so good

herm you clearly never been around smart people! probably because they are smart enough to stay away from people like you! but that is a common trait amongst those of us who are gifted with great inteligence and creativity, it takes many years until we realise that the majority of you normies are really that dumb and not playing a very intricate prank on us who are smart! or maybe i am just projecting!
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I have only one MA ME
and she is the love of my life
She's the air that I breathe
ok remember to have some oxygen because breathing too much hair will clog your breathing chanels and you might suffocate... although that is a kink chocke him mommy chocke him!
still better then my kink of breathing hare´s.. thats a furry bussiness i tell you that!
Jesus H Christ are you guys still on this?
This LI is best! No this is better, no this one is even better!!!
It's like watching kids on a playground..........let's just play with ALL the girls!
my girl is not better then the others! she is so much better then the others!
let's get one thing straight my Bella is no toy
herm... she is too me (there is metoo and i use bella as my toome), have you not read the stories beteween my MC and your queen Bella? she is totally my BSS!
Oh there is a lot of open space in my mind!
me on the other hand have none.. Sasha fills all my gaps spaces and open places!
there is perfection on this world!
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guys help Warscared baby mama is scaring the fuck out of me
I mean just by looking into her eyes is like looking into the deepest darkest coldest part of the ocean
and not to mention the way she stares at you without saying a word she reminds me of a jump-scare
you know when it's dark and quiet but you can feel that something scary is going to happen

that is her spirit mirror attack! she reflects back to you everything that is inside your soul, so if that is how she makes you feel... you should look onto your soul and sort yourself out!
ffs that reminds me the 1st time she used that on me... talk about a crazy freak out of hellish proportions damm i have a dark cold soul!
Damn it, I will never be able to see her as Sasha from SG...
She always reminds me of Jill from you-know-which-game...

herm do not insult Sasha...