i just realised why these games are not based on reality! Girls always talk to with each other and have a gossip network that englobes the globe if you fuck someone all girls know who how your general kinks and how big and fat your dick is! in these games however girls do not seem to share (i mean information not ... sharing since that they do aplenty)!
so in a real story once you fucked a girl and you promised to date her to get her to spread her legs you are done if you flirt with other girls or try for something else except the girls that hate the bitch you´re fucking (so that should reduce the pool you can fuck around while dating to... 90%?)
so if a girl reallyyyy likes you she will not keep her mouth shut but instead she say you are terrible in bed (the dumb ones will attribute some weird kinks failing to realise some girls are into that or that she as just given those girls the keys to your hear, or so they believe) so the girls that hate her won´t make moves on you... so you´re fucked anyway!
and do pay attention if you´re dating it does not mean you won´t be able to fuck around if anything it increases the availability and desire of the ones who are interested in you while reducing the overall pool! what i mean is that in the long run girls will fuck you for a while but they will never date you and as they get snatched up by boyfriends your choice pool decreases as the younger ones heard your tale and will not give you a chance... unless you´re rich a famous artist (or just as artist depending on the art and no fapping is not an art) or a sports star (although one must wonder if being an artist or a sports star does not mean they think you wealthy?)
- Boyfriends or rapists and sometimes they're both..."So Maria how did your love story begun? Oh, he kidnapped me, raped me and got me pregnant and fuck that shit if i am not having a babydady, mamma not gonna be a single mom cunt, so i married him, my rapist! - from the new reality TV show "i married my rapist"