I'm just not a fan of when Dev's have characters play an rpg game within a VN.
I mean - a VN is already basically an rpg game, so you are playing an rpg within an rpg.
Also the key elements that make playing rpg games fun, are absent when you are just reading about a MC playing an rpg game - creating your character, interacting with your friends, interacting with the story, the element of chance by rolling the die.
and the rpg game in this VN was WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long.
I clicked skip to fast forward through the rpg game and was like - Holy fuck, this just goes on forever.
A huge waste of the Dev's time (IMO).
and it sounds like there will be another rpg session the the future (where they will use the sexual cards). So we get to read about our fictitious characters, having rpg game sex.
The Dev could really blow our minds and have the MC's, rpg character dream about having sex with one of the other rpg characters. So a fantasy, within a fantasy, within a fantasy.