So just finished the Ch1 rework - Ocean did a very nice job on it, I was quite impressed overall.
I've never been a big fan of the opening scene with the car crash...that almost turned me off to the game initially last year when I played this game the first time. Unless he's absolutely dead-set on using that scene, that is one area of the game that he might consider re-writing, at least the part with the gun and just doesn't flow well or make much sense and with the impending Steam release after Ch5, I think the game would hit better with new players if that part was...tweaked.
The intro to the school and meeting everybody was fking awesome. Ayua was rockin' her outfit; I've never really found her that attractive, but she was a cutie in this re-work, that's for sure. And holy heck, that sandwich scene was hilarious - he's gotta have an obligatory re-visit of that incident in the Ch2 re-work and have MC reference it when he starts working with Bella initially when they're constantly bickering.
Love that he cut out the smoking bit with Mila, her intro in particular along with her side chat with the MC flowed much better. In the original Ch1 she comes off as a bit of a cunt and very standoffish - in the new re-work the tone is much more sympathetic and hits more like it should for the intended type of kind-hearted character that he seems to be going for with Mila.
Still some spelling and grammar errors (one was on one of the school signs where it said the word "freshman" on it and it was mis-spelled) - Ocean if you read this, and need some help with this, let me know where the best place is to send you any suggested corrections when I come across things during my playthrough and I may note some of them down for you if it would help. I know English isn't your first language, so some of the word selections that feel off to me may be attributed to that.
Overall, fantastic re-work. I am very much looking forward to seeing Ch2 once it's done as well.
are they gonna rework chapter 2 and 3 too? i kinda like the new chapter 1.
Ch2, yes - Ch3 doesn't need it in terms of the art quality - I think the only thing he'd adjust in Ch3 is if he decided he wanted to actually tweak / add a scene in there somewhere to give backstory on something or assist with some narrative further down the road, etc.