Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

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Jun 27, 2017
Yumi: Okay Ash, bail has been paid, just have to file the release papers and you'll be free to go.

Astrid: Thank fucking god.

Anon: So...what exactly happened here?

Astrid: I fucked up, okay? I don't necessary want to talk about it.

Anon: Language, young lady. I just wanted some context since on the phone all I was told was that you needed bail.

Astrid:...I was smoking in the school and tripped the fire alarm.

Anon: See, that wasn't so bad.

Yumi: And we're done. Do take care of yourself Ash.

Astrid: Thanks Yumi. You're one of the few good ones.

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Anon: When did you start going by Ash?

Astrid: Recently. No one could remember Moon, so I guess I would of changed it eventually.

Anon: I like it. It's a very flexible nickname...So I know you didn't want to talk about it, but why were you at the school?

Astrid: Me and a friend needed to destress, and it's the only place Mom's goons won't look at anymore.

Anon: Makes sense. Though the police report did say you were alone.


Anon: Your not in trouble. I'm proud that your always looking out for others. Just wish you were also looking after yourself, because I can't always be coming to your resc.....

Astrid:....Dad?....Earth to Dad, are you....OH....Oh god, Dad! Seriously? Here?!

Anon: Sorry, just need a minute away from here, and I can think about work or puppies or something to calm down.

Astrid: Please do, because that WMD is intimidating me. I'm afraid I'll get pregnant just by looking at it.

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Anon: See, only need a minute.

Astrid: Whatever.... *Takes out a joint*

Anon: Seriously?

Astrid: What? I've had a stressful day.

Anon: Sure, but not in my car.

Astrid: Fine, you nerd. It's just a drag, not like it's going to harm anything.

Anon: Says the girl who has CLEARLY never had to remove Weed stank from a car. That stuff sticks to every surface and even after a thorough clean, will still take a month or two before the smell dissipates.

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Anon: So have you had any thoughts on what you're going to be doing now that your out of school? Or is this just your plan.

Astrid: Seriously Dad?

Anon: I am. I don't get to see you that often, but I still care about you. Want to make sure your not just wasting your life away.

Astrid: So what, you want me to be a 40 hour a week underpaid desk jockey to some CEO ruining the world, like you?

Anon: Astrid, you don't have to preach to the choir about how capitalism sucks. But I don't want to see you aimless. What do you want to do?

Astrid: I don't know. Maybe something with art? I don't really want to be in this conversation, Dad.

Anon: I just worry about you, you know.

Astrid:....I know...I'm glad you do.

Anon:....I'll drop you off at your Grandparent's place. I have some errands I should do since I have the rest of the day.

Astrid: Really? it's peak daycare hours. Drop me off at that chaos?

Anon: You want me to drop you off back home then with your mom?

Astrid: To Grandma's house we go, then.

Anon: Good. I know you don't want to talk about future stuff, but just know I do it because you're the only person you don't look after, and I don't like to see anyone harm my little girl, even if it's herself. What do I always tell you?

Astrid: That if I'm not going to wear a bra, at least have nipple padding?

Anon: No, the other thing.

Astrid: Always use a condom, and if he says 'it doesn't fit' he's lying.

Anon: Still good advice, but your being silly.

Astrid: That even if your away, you will always love me and look out for me.

Anon: I always will.

Astrid: Thanks Dad...I love you too.

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Im worried youve become too attached to these characters and their family dynamics to let anon and ryan hit that.


Nov 2, 2022
Wish there was more stuff on Rhonda or other characters that don't have ridiculous proportions, but I guess I'm in the minority about that, lol.
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May 8, 2021
Roxxy: Rachel? Rachel, where are you? Rachel! There you are. Are you okay?

Rachel: Hey mom....what are you doing here?

Roxxy: ....What do you mean? You called me. You told me you needed a emergency ride.

Rachel: Did I? Woah....Way to go past me.

Roxxy: Rachel are you okay?

Rachel: I'm doing fantastic. Great. I got like, no worries right now.

Roxxy: Oh my god. Rachel, are you high?

Rachel: Higher than a Kite, Mom.


Roxxy: So I'm just here to be your Sober driver?

Rachel: Could we go get curly fries? I have a hankering for them.

Roxxy: Rachel, why aren't you in class?

Rachel: I skipped. *Woah....Look at those boobs*

Roxxy: You skipped class to go get high in the woods?!

Rachel: I didn't start in the woods. Just ended up here. *They're soooo big*

Roxxy: Rachel what are you doing with your life? College is expensive and instead of going to class, you're getting high in the middle of nowhere. Do we need to talk about future? I don't want to pressure you into any specific direction, but you need to be honest with us about what you want to do instead of going behind our backs and throwing money away skipping classes.

Rachel: Boing, boing.

Roxxy: Rachel, are you listening to me?

Rachel: They're so BIG!

Roxxy: What?

Rachel: I want to drink from them.

Roxxy: ....

Three Minutes Later

Roxxy: How do I keep ending up in these situations??

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