You confuse porn VN and a philosophical novel about the hard life of adolescents. Also, apparently, for you this is something unusual and exciting, for me it is a common routine of gray reality, not all are born in full-fledged families. As mentioned above, if you remove porn from the game (which keeps it), it will cease to be so popular. Let's go back to Roxy, this character was just put into the game and simultaneously thrown into the face of her friends, the story was just buried, they did it "As soon as Roxy fucked, and then immediately her friends" compared to the initial releases, which were better developed both scenarioally and graphically, it looks like an attempt to do everything in a couple of weeks, after months of rest, so to speak, deadline.
And something tells me that talking about redrawing did not carry the idea of copy-paste, I previously laid out a post where absolutely 2 identical characters with different hairstyles.