
Jan 15, 2019
Sploosh say that Maria, Josephine and Mrs hendicks will have at least one more scene in the 0.20.5 too if i read correctly.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
You don't need to look that far. Just take a peek at the fan art thread or some mod (I forgot which one) that has extra content indistinguishable from DC's work. He only needs to make assets. Facial expressions and body proportions. The rest can be worked on by any decent artist. Of course I don't blame him. He has no need to push out updates faster. There is no added reward. He is getting paid irrespective of his pace so it makes complete sense that he continues at the current pace and prolongs this project as long as possible. He made the right decision from a business perspective.
Where are you finding fan art that is indistinguishable? The fan art thread on F95 is almost exclusively just moving around DC's art assets.


Aug 10, 2019
Thread going through the motions of "he takes too long/makes too much" rants again I see

I do think the game would produce more content sooner with the monthly resources but I dunno. He is completely hands on with the end product so that's why you don't see hired guns doing art, and he has little to gain monetarily by changing this process. Maybe he is hands on to a fault?

I don't know a lick about speeding up game development. Hire another artist, coder? Not exactly valuable feedback I imagine. I do think it's a shame that the #1 adult game on the web has such long times between updates though so I totally get it. I'm not angry though. It's crazy to think that's it been many years and there's still so much left that's planned. Not sure when the first release was but I could see this going for another four years, unfinished.


Jul 15, 2018
after playing 30min i can say this game is a fucking perfect ,, i hate his sister&Roxxy
question\ do i need to finish every quests for all characters to get the ending?? or just the one i like?
does some of the characters now have a full route with ending? if yes which one?
thank you
it's entitlement to notice and aggressively point out how slow the development of this game is and to suggest paying more people to work on it. K


Aug 10, 2019
The more i read the comments the more i am glad to have the gift of patience....i mean....i don't even pay the creators,why should i Say ANYTHING bad about what they made or how they work?
To my knowledge, the creator also never promised at any point that he will make the game any quicker by reaching a certain target number of funds

I do wonder how long this can go on though. Maybe for as long as DC wants honestly. Monthly crowdfunded independent games is new territory no? Is there anything comparable? I don't think there is


Jul 18, 2018
The more i read the comments the more i am glad to have the gift of patience....i mean....i don't even pay the creators,why should i Say ANYTHING bad about what they made or how they work?
it's entitlement to notice and aggressively point out how slow the development of this game is and to suggest paying more people to work on it. K
It doesnt change, all you really see here is people mentally spending OTHER PEOPLE'S money for their own benefit and then calling those people either stupid(patrons) or scammers (DC). All because those people with the money don't do what they personally feel they should do.


Yare yare dawa (ง •̀_•́)ง
May 6, 2018
Thread going through the motions of "he takes too long/makes too much" rants again I see

I do think the game would produce more content sooner with the monthly resources but I dunno. He is completely hands on with the end product so that's why you don't see hired guns doing art, and he has little to gain monetarily by changing this process. Maybe he is hands on to a fault?

I don't know a lick about speeding up game development. Hire another artist, coder? Not exactly valuable feedback I imagine. I do think it's a shame that the #1 adult game on the web has such long times between updates though so I totally get it. I'm not angry though. It's crazy to think that's it been many years and there's still so much left that's planned. Not sure when the first release was but I could see this going for another four years, unfinished.
Of course with the amount of money he's earning he could speed up the development with even more content by employing more artists and coders, but seems like he doesn't want to and he has the right to do so. As you said he never promised anything about that to his patreons so it's fine. It's only up to the highest donors to come with a proposition I guess but they are fine too with how things are going rn.

Ppl are saying "yeah he's making 60k a month why updates take so long", but he never said "If I reach this X amount I'll double up my team", afaik he only promised to do livestreams at a certain point.


Active Member
May 29, 2018
So your solution to speed up development is for everyone working on it to take a pay cut? You realize you're asking them to sacrifice quality for speed just because you're entitled?
if people stop donating then your half right... while your throwing the name call "entitled" if he is donating money to the game dev then by all means that's his way and many others right to stop the tap on DC if he feels the work is being slowed so yes people will have to take a pay cut and yes im sure your mad about this fact which you got wrong. no quality will only suffer if they don't care about the game so if anything if they don't feel like doing it anymore get on them not the "entitled". I dont pay for dev I would but as it goes im sure he doesn't need another dollar 1 tier so please don't bring up the whole money thing this has been a argument already closed. im sure another artist for the third time will come along its like some said its probably a fan artist that is just as good that might show up if anything. and to others please this game has tons of content if your new and if your not it is what it is so pledge to Runey or other game devs that you may like :) im sure some are only backing one horse and those can switch if you would be so kind. I endorse polarity and killer7 and even the dev that made love and sex. peace yall.
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New Member
May 6, 2018
Devs making good games deserve to get paid and long-term Patreon support has to be the most lucrative way. I've got no complaints if they purposefully work slow to effectively get paid more. If they powered through to completion as fast as possible, they'd get very little. Even if the final version was behind a paywall, many would find a way to get it for free.

That said, the principle of being a patron is that you're supporting the development of whatever you're donating towards. The Patreon blurb literally talks about "fuelling work that matters to you", so in my mind, devs should feel at least somewhat obliged to move at a decent pace to reward their supporters. I'm not saying they need to work 60 hour weeks and I know it's not their fault if money gets thrown at them, but they should be hitting a minimum standard.

The problem has always been that the standards set by this community are so low. DC can effectively do whatever he wants and still maintain or grow his $60k p/month. The hard work was done when he was pumping out the initial releases, which got the interest and the money - now he can just sit back and milk it. That's the pattern for the vast majority of the 'big' games here and you'll see many of the same delaying tactics (i.e. repeatedly falling 'ill', engine reworks, art reworks).

Just a reminder that the current programme has full release coming around 2024, at which point DC will have collected upwards of $5m. That's if there isn't further delays (something tells me there might be...)

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
The 0.21(Rhonda, Cassie and Coach) won't be ready until March 2021. I hope Cassie's gloryhole BJ and Judith's toilet HJ will get expanded as minor updates in this year.
Just a side note: Cassies BJ was one of the first things my mod expanded ;)
Devs making good games deserve to get paid and long-term Patreon support has to be the most lucrative way. I've got no complaints if they purposefully work slow to effectively get paid more. If they powered through to completion as fast as possible, they'd get very little. Even if the final version was behind a paywall, many would find a way to get it for free.

That said, the principle of being a patron is that you're supporting the development of whatever you're donating towards. The Patreon blurb literally talks about "fuelling work that matters to you", so in my mind, devs should feel at least somewhat obliged to move at a decent pace to reward their supporters. I'm not saying they need to work 60 hour weeks and I know it's not their fault if money gets thrown at them, but they should be hitting a minimum standard.

The problem has always been that the standards set by this community are so low. DC can effectively do whatever he wants and still maintain or grow his $60k p/month. The hard work was done when he was pumping out the initial releases, which got the interest and the money - now he can just sit back and milk it. That's the pattern for the vast majority of the 'big' games here and you'll see many of the same delaying tactics (i.e. repeatedly falling 'ill', engine reworks, art reworks).

Just a reminder that the current programme has full release coming around 2024, at which point DC will have collected upwards of $5m. That's if there isn't further delays (something tells me there might be...)
I don't say he is doing enough, not for anybody's standards or measured on the amount of money he makes. But saying he just sits here and does nothing is plainly wrong. I am modding this game, I know they changed it a lot the last releases, under the hood and on the surface. I am glad they do, it makes modding the game easier, more challenging and more interesting at the same time.
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New Member
May 6, 2018
But saying he just sits here and does nothing is plainly wrong.
I'm not saying he does literally nothing, because obviously he'd lose his supporters if that was the case. He does just enough to keep the money coming in, which IMO is very little. You seem to half acknowledge that and others seem to as well. It only bugs me when people pretend like he's working really hard when he just isn't.
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