
Active Member
Jun 9, 2018
Serious question for you: Do any of you think this game will continue as normal at some point like it did between 2017-2019?
I don't think so. At the beginning the dev really worked hard to build up the fan base of the game. Crunched out updates constantly. Then he bent over Parteon's rule regarding incest (he simply had to make a patch hiding the content from the "official" game) . Insted he just cut it out. And characters like the mom and sister witch were obiously related to the MC become the "landlady" and "roomate". Since then things went downhill for me. Yea he put two very good updates - Roxy and stEve updates. The rest from that point was bad for me. He started taking more and more time to make updates , fulling the game with wortless "current day political" crap like the Trump family. Witch was utdated even as it came out. Then he started making these reworks no one asked about. Im not talking about the tech update - im talking about the touch ups of the evriroment extra transition scenes all that unesentual crap. Rework of characters appearances and so on. Now he lives from his pass glory milking the dumb folowers. The game is all so basicly finished all the thing that will be added is just extra. No one knows if he will ever get to the secret school porn society , Judith , the library and so on ... or he will simply abandon the game once the money dry up.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2018
An other thing im wondering why does Jenny has to be a child of the "landlady" Debbie ?! Just make her an other "roommate" of the "landlady" make the treesome with them and the MC every one wants and let the moders add the incest with the patch. Why is it so plot critical for her to be the daughter of Debbie ?!


Active Member
May 13, 2019
these threads be like:

Complainers that won't change anything

Dickriders defending the milking

and people making jokes lol

i pretty much forgot half of the story of this game so its gonna feel new by the time the updates are done.
Well i already lost my original save so IF the updates resume i will play this game from scratch.


Aug 4, 2019
to be honest original post back in 2016 meaning game even older then that again. so if you 20 years old now this game came out when you were 10 years old.. been milked i thinks understatement :ROFLMAO: A decade.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
An other thing im wondering why does Jenny has to be a child of the "landlady" Debbie ?! Just make her an other "roommate" of the "landlady" make the treesome with them and the MC every one wants and let the moders add the incest with the patch. Why is it so plot critical for her to be the daughter of Debbie ?!
DC simply never intended to implement a Jenny/Debbie threesome from the start, because to him they don't match for that kind of content. Jenny was indeed "just another roommate" for like two years between 2017 and ~2019 until they decided to let her be Debbie's daughter again.

I mean, it does make the whole plot slighly more realistic and also explains some of the childhood images and stuff.

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
Right now I really think the best that could happen to this thread would really be the ABANDONED tag.
  • No more complaints about lack of conetent, because it's abandoned
  • No more questions about when the update will come, because it's abandoned
  • No more complaints about DC milking the community, because it's abandoned (OK not sure about that one...)
  • No more complaints when it will become abandoned, because it is

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
I don't get this "he's giving it away for free" thing
It has all been discussed thousands of times before.

In a nut shell: DC is not employed by you.

Nobody pays him to do anything at all. He has a Patreon project, yes, and the way Patreon works is that people who want to support somebody pay that somebody some money. That does not create any obligation other than what was promised on the Patreon page for achieving special goals, and afaik DC met all those goals and kept his promises. I think he even streamed naked for reaching one goal, but I may be wrong about that one.

He does it for his own fun, and if people pay him money on Patreon, how can any sane person think that there arises any obligation out of that? If they pay him a million per month, does he have to get divorced and work 24/7 just to meet some weird expectations? Thinking that would be like expecting Picasso to paint quicker because his paintings earn so much.

And no, saying he must hire somebody (which he did btw/) is not the correct attitude because that would also force him to do something he does not and did never want to do. Sorry, that's not how life works, and it's certainly not how Patreon works.

I know you will not accept that answer. Feel free to reply or don't, I don't care.


Jun 5, 2020
  • No more complaints about lack of conetent, because it's abandoned
  • No more questions about when the update will come, because it's abandoned
  • No more complaints about DC milking the community, because it's abandoned (OK not sure about that one...)
  • No more complaints when it will become abandoned, because it is
People would still complain, because they don't have anything to complain about ;)


Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
Non credo. All'inizio lo sviluppatore ha lavorato davvero duramente per costruire la base di fan del gioco. Aggiornamenti elaborati costantemente. Poi si è piegato alla regola di Parteon riguardo all'incesto (doveva semplicemente creare una patch che nascondesse il contenuto del gioco "ufficiale"). Invece l'ha semplicemente tagliato. E personaggi come la mamma e la sorella strega erano obiosamente imparentati con l'MC che diventava la "padrona di casa" e la "coinquilina". Da allora le cose per me sono andate peggiorando. Sì, ha messo due ottimi aggiornamenti: gli aggiornamenti di Roxy e stEve. Il resto da quel momento in poi è stato negativo per me. Ha iniziato a prendersi sempre più tempo per fare aggiornamenti, riempiendo il gioco con inutili stronzate “politiche attuali” come la famiglia Trump. La strega era obsoleta anche quando è uscita. Poi ha iniziato a fare queste rielaborazioni di cui nessuno gli aveva chiesto. Non sto parlando dell'aggiornamento tecnologico, sto parlando dei ritocchi delle scene extra di transizione dell'ambiente, tutta quella schifezza insignificante. Rielaborazione dell'aspetto dei personaggi e così via. Ora vive della sua gloria passata mungendo i suoi muti seguaci. Il gioco è praticamente finito e tutto ciò che verrà aggiunto è solo extra. Nessuno sa se riuscirà mai ad arrivare alla scuola segreta della società porno, a Judith, alla biblioteca e così via... o semplicemente abbandonerà il gioco una volta finiti i soldi.
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
Right now I really think the best that could happen to this thread would really be the ABANDONED tag.
  • No more complaints about lack of conetent, because it's abandoned
  • No more questions about when the update will come, because it's abandoned
  • No more complaints about DC milking the community, because it's abandoned (OK not sure about that one...)
  • No more complaints when it will become abandoned, because it is
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Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
It has all been discussed thousands of times before.

In a nut shell: DC is not employed by you.

Nobody pays him to do anything at all. He has a Patreon project, yes, and the way Patreon works is that people who want to support somebody pay that somebody some money. That does not create any obligation other than what was promised on the Patreon page for achieving special goals, and afaik DC met all those goals and kept his promises. I think he even streamed naked for reaching one goal, but I may be wrong about that one.

He does it for his own fun, and if people pay him money on Patreon, how can any sane person think that there arises any obligation out of that? If they pay him a million per month, does he have to get divorced and work 24/7 just to meet some weird expectations? Thinking that would be like expecting Picasso to paint quicker because his paintings earn so much.

And no, saying he must hire somebody (which he did btw/) is not the correct attitude because that would also force him to do something he does not and did never want to do. Sorry, that's not how life works, and it's certainly not how Patreon works.

I know you will not accept that answer. Feel free to reply or don't, I don't care.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
It would be really great if PATREON could block or block the payment function because the developer hasn't published any content for a long time. It sounds silly, but it has something. Of course PATREON also lives from the “donations” which is why they would never do it.
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