So for people stumbling upon this post in 2022:
Dark cookie is leeching. Don't blame him, I would do the exact same if dumb horny people would pay me around 60k a month do actually do nothing. This game will be finished in 2050 (no joke actually). Truthfully, we all know DC will never finish this game. He'll milk it as long as he can, make sure he is financially settled and fuck off. It's what every logical person would do.
If you actually thinking about subbing to his patreon, keep this in mind;
I've been following this game (on and off) for a couple of years now. I don't pay money (i'm not a fucking idiot, paying more wont speed it up) and I think 3-4 years ago I stumbled upon this. Since then maybe 2-3 girls we're added, maybe 10-15 scenes. IN 3-4 YEARS!
Don't fall for this trap. His art is great, but shitty artists make great art all over the world. I'm 32 now, I had some drinks. I'm done with this fucking american snobby ass motherfucker and would whip his ass if I could.
He's bullshitting all of his fanbase and people actually will defend him. Watch this, this post will get some dumb-ass replies from fan-accounts defending a fucking renpy game development 5-10 years. Fuckin' hell. This ain't God of War, or a FF 7 remake. LMFAO.
Take notes or don't. I'm out. Take care horny fuckbois.