You can always tell the little ones on here, meanwhile alune or plant girl smut, is pretty old. Especially for text based games. its cute though when they find a new genre they never heard of. Its like that first time the older crowd found their dads playboys then one day found theri first penthouse, to them its new even if the date on the cover is as old as them, and it so glorious even though more is waiting just around the corner for them to discover in life.
I mean this reads like a personal journal. Next you are gonna discover catgirls, foxgirls, and centaurs. All things been around for ages, then you discover some one made porn of their fave Disney kids growing up, even though that is as old as the characters itself. Seriously there is no end to porn you find out soon enough, now your parent block has been lifted on your wifi
Trust me if you can think it some ones done it, just you haven't found it yet. Granted doesn't mean they did it well