I love his games, been grinding through this one, but one little beef I have is all the "thought bombs" or "thought comas" as I call them where the character lapses into a coma, nothing but endless lines of thoughts, often of things we already know about. I skip A LOT of thoughts in this game as I want to reach the end of it before I die of old age! LOL
Good game, I really do like it... just... with less thinking, and maybe more brains. Another beef I have is "I kissed her, we better sit down and talk about it"... I am like... WHAT?! Sorry, but I was married for almost 37 years, met a few women before that, kissed a few, had sex with a few... never once felt the need to sit down and discuss each KISS!!! LOL... or "This isn't the right time to tell him/her"... again, good games but... the dialog could be improved and while I realize this is just a game, a TINY bit of realism would be nice. Never sat down and had a lengthy conversation about a kiss in my life. And I never once stood outside a girls door who just invited me in, thinking of all the ins and outs of opening her door before stepping inside!