oh my god,
half sister through dad. My apologies, despite it being a major plot point and the whole reason MC didn't get along with her when they were little, MC's mothers death completely slipped my mind.

(I need a better embarrassed smiley.) There aren't even flashbacks of her so I guess she wasn't registering as a character in my mind, I dunno.
But seriously, I've not been intentionally trolling, I just bristled at how unfriendly and possessive and entitled y'all have been about the story. Sure, if not for international law being what it is, there wouldn't need to be two versions of it. I get that makes you angry, but seriously the dev(s) did a really good job at making this workaround and you should give them credit, not shit on their accomplishment. I'm sorry no one taught you how to share, I will let you have your tantrums in peace.
I'm'a go hit on my childhood friend and her hotter cousin and hope it doesn't blow up in my face.