VN Ren'Py Abandoned Sunshine Valley [v0.1] [Rehex]

3.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Active Member
Jul 12, 2018
That girl is actually the cousin. So shes the aunt's daughter. the sister will be introduced in another update.

Its not the premise its just an event which is catalyst to Mom-son stuff. Also i think reddit begs to differ. It is a popular story on reddit. (a true story apparently).
Yeah, I already guessed that, but broken arms takes a long time to heal and leaves the son in a somewhat passive position.


Game Developer
Oct 2, 2017
How do I download an incest patch via chromebook. Theres no save folder either...
Go to Click Download Patch. then move that file to SunshineValley/Game folder. The page also has screenshots to show how.

I've never used a chromebook but these instructions should apply nonetheless.
Nov 1, 2017
yeah the problem with this is that it's not really a good Mac build for this

the directory doesn't have the `autorun` folder it needs and the files in there for it to run

EDIT: Here is my Mac build of the game v0.1 SupermanikSol if you want to try it and see if that works

word of warning I don't have a machine to test this on so I'm not sure if it works but it should, all 'ye who download be warned
Thanks a lot mate! Guys like you make the world go around
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Mar 17, 2018
Keep up the good work, OP. I’m glad to see 2D drawn art style instead of the usual 3D stuff.

I also like how you’ve explained what the future holds in terms of the relationships between the characters. I’m a huge fan of the incest fetish, especially mom-son. The build up is always where it’s at, so I think the writing is just as important. It really breaks the immersion when in a game where family members are breaking the taboo barrier, and they immediately get into the sex. Ugh.

Rehex Willy

New Member
Oct 21, 2019
Hi everyone, Willy, the artist here :)

I just got home from work, and have been reading through all your replies. I've got to say, thank you all for taking the time to check out Sunshine Valley. It has been all that me and Gildan have been living and breathing for the past 2 months now. It is kind of surreal to now have it public and in the hands of other people.

Me and Gildan have been working in a vacuum on this project for so long, that there haven't been a lot of chances for feedback like you've given us today, and I hope you'll continue to give.
Because we are creating an adult-game, it makes it so one doesn't necessarily have many friends or family to show it to. In fact, I haven't been able to tell another soul about this except Gildan. So I must say its given me a very much needed release, getting to share it with you all, and see the response. So, thank you for that.

That being said, there have been some great replies in this thread, and of course some mean spirited ones. And I can understand that, this being the internet and all, it's to be expected. But please try and contain some of the anger, and channel it into constructive criticism instead. As an artist I know that feedback is THE key to improving, and I'm very willing.
I have made note of all the constructive criticism, ideas and feedback regarding the art for Sunshine Valley, and will continue to do so as it comes in.

So yes, the faces will be addressed.

Since I now have a chance to get feedback from you, I'll be posting some drawings, and behind the scenes images to get more direct feedback as I'm drawing. So if you'd like to have a say in potential changes and future development, then please , and perhaps consider supporting us on .



Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
I like seeing hand-drawn art. It's a refreshing change. Right now, it's really more of a demo/kinetic novel. There's no choices, which is not what I personally look for. I look forward to seeing how this develops.
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Sep 19, 2017
OK I'm curious because of the art. Note these are opinions. Other people will disagree with me, and that is ok.

  • Incest patch off the bat. ULG not another incest game. I used to like them but now I'm SO BORED with them. I think this would be better without the incest, no joke. Hannah and Rachel could be childhood friends. That bond where Hannah was your best friend when you were 6 fits with the idea that you didn't see her sexually... because you were 6 LOL.
  • Note I don't think you can link the incest patch in your game for Patreons sake, that makes the patch part of the game... It's a small game so they will not notice but just letting you know.
  • Player named character, often is a warning sign of a generic, blank, vapid main character. Personally I like to have a background to help make decisions of off.
  • The art... Looks like it's Summertime Saga inspired, but the faces need improvement. Hannah looks HORRIBLE, but that is partially the hair... Normally older women have short hair, not the teenagers. All the women are exactly the same height, which looks odd. This really needs some work. Overall all I like the art style but not for the faces.
  • This is an option most will not share, I don't like the HUGE tits and the HUGE penis. I don't mind slightly exaggerated, but even Hannah who has small breasts has a C cup. I know some will love this though.
  • Overall the grammar and syntax are good. I respect that.
  • The dialogue though feels very unnatural at times, like no one would normally would say certain things that are said in this game. Note, you can have a non normal character but there needs to have some explanation showing that this person isn't normal. Like the mom likes to tease her son, and wants to embarrass him by saying Hannah is hot (which she is not).
  • Hannah's dialogue in particularly reads as unauthentic. No teenager would talk like that. It's cringe worthy bad.
  • There are a few shortcuts in the staging of images that look really cheap. Example, Hannah taking her top off. There should be an image where she sits up and takes her top off, THEN goes back down to laying down, but skipping that image makes it look like the top magically disappeared since she is in the same exact position.
  • Animations are better than 3 frame animations and look to be 6 frame animations. They are decent. I would like them to be slightly more fluid, but that might take up to much time.
  • So the main character is a paragon of virtue so far in his life, I'm fine with that, but now you need to let us choose to stay that way and get sex scenes as the good guy, or expriment by living life dangerously for once.
  • So far this isn't a game but a linear visual novel. No choices.
  • Also SUPER short, ending on a cliffhanger that I'm not a fan of.

This is hard to rate. I'm giving it a 3/5 because their faces need improvement. I can ignore the stupid large penis and tits, but their faces just look off. Story is fine so far, but makes me wonder where it's going with the cliffhanger. Concept is solid, with redrawing the faces to be prettier, this will be a 4/5 instantly. The last spot that needs help is the dialogue, which needs to feel more authentic.
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3.00 star(s) 2 Votes