
Jan 22, 2019
I understand how people feel about Deryl rn tbh, he fucked up a lot with deciding to continue that last fight even after regaining his free will, so i see why people would not be inclined to save him. But at the same time i was 100% sure about killing Jake until his last order was to protect Mia, instead of making us fall alongside him, altough I might come back to kill him later if he fucks up again, the game has made me want to forgive people for doing way worse things that what Deryl did.

And I mean, even if it wasn't our fault or anything, he was still left completely alone in a shitty state of mind with only the manipulative Ella to boost his ego for her own goals. So it does make sense that even tho he got out of the mind control he'd still want to try and prove himself as an equal to MC, even more so with all the adrenaline of fighting still in his brain from his previous fight and the start of this one. He might be a genius, but he's still a human after all, and an inexperienced one at that, so combining weeks of brainwashing and being manipulated, tons of adrenaline and his newfound power rushing to his head obviously would lead to bad decisions.


Jan 22, 2019
Although i'm also gonna point out that Deryl having prepared for months to kill his "best friend" and looked into every possible weak point he has is straight up mental. You could try and say that "he only tested his blood to see what weaknesses MC has and help him avoid them, and only started to think about how to apply them after he got his powers", but, considering how Deryl confidently says that he was prepared to kill MC even with no powers, that seems very unlikely to me.
Sep 3, 2018
Deryl I see as a corruption thing, we see Deryl as a kid being a total prick and then mellowing out and maturing, I think the corrupting influence of the monster made him backslide a lot into his bad old personality. As a contrast we have the "false" Deryl with no powers or influence from the monster (or Ella) and he's the good friend he always was. My theory is we're probably going to have to kill monster Deryl and the human one lives.

Jake I have to agree that he's totally different if you're decent to him in most choices, he goes off the rails sure but he also readily admits he fucked up and feels like he's in too deep to turn back. All he wants is to save Mia at any cost, MC's life or his own are both a price he's willing to pay. He's genuinely remorseful and seems to have learned a lot from his mistakes, and when you give him an opportunity for redemption he takes it readily. I feel like he's going to be a loyal ally from this point because you forgave him when he knew damned well he didn't deserve it.

Ella, Ella, Ella... she loves her games and to ride the edge doesn't she? She seems to deliberately play a game where she sees how far she can push shit, then just when even the nicest person would be about out of patience she pulls a reverse and does something nice and shows a good side. It's clear she has an agenda but is careful to not let you know what it is, and that's at least in part to keep herself alive by keeping you guessing whether she's a true enemy or false friend. She's got a sort of Joker vibe like that, you never know what side of her is the real deal and which is a false front. And beyond that, it's hard to tel if she's calculating and manipulative and knows exactly what she's doing or if she's unstable with a shifting personality. It seems almost certain she's at least a little bit crazy, but how crazy and in what way is a riddle. All I can say is I hope she can be redeemed but I won't be surprised if she has to die in the end. Maybe she even knows it and has something she's willing to give her life for. We just don't know.

Moving on to side characters, briefly:

Amber - If you finish Liz's route a certain way you can get her and Amber both a full scholarship for swimming with a completely cushy benefits package. I did that but Amber's route still has her struggling and you trying to find a way to solve a problem that already got solved in Liz' route.

Bailey suddenly became adorable and funny in the most recent stage of her story and I look forward to more. I really hope we can heal her and make her mostly human again, it will feel like we saved at least one of Kenny's victims.

Emily is MIA and that bums me out. I have been friendzoning all the girls since the chance came to have sex with her and I've made dialogue choices more than once that indicate I'm seriously interested in her. And yet, after the sex her route seems to just end and there's no way to take it further. I really hope there's a good bit more to come with her and there's a chance to make her the main girl.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2019
Now now, Deryl does have a major flaw which has become unbearably hard to ignore with this most recent update.

He's a massive fucking douchebag who seems to be capable of cruelty even to those close to him, and indulges in it, even, for at best fringe reasons. Like, what? Continuing a life-threatening duel with your so-called best friend just so you can settle a score from when you were literal children; and which you had the upper-hand the entire time? At least the MC has the excuse of being a stubborn idiot, Deryl for all his genius intellect can't even claim that excuse.

Seriously, unless it's explained that the mind-fucking has somehow altered Deryl's personality to become much more obnoxious and arrogant, or that getting powers has gone to his head, what the most recent update tells me is either Deryl isn't as good of a friend as the story so far made him seem, or he is, but is also on his way to becoming a narcissistic ass whose negative tendencies are taking over his interactions with the MC.

Glad that Amber dumped his ass.
But Deryl grope MC fat tits when he turns into futa so all is forgiven right?


Active Member
Jan 13, 2019
So, am I alone in disliking Deryl after the most recent update? He's a guy who already had everything (handsome, athletic, Batman-tier genius and willpower, hung like a horse) and the moment it turns out that he has access to powers he reveals that he straight up thinks he's better than the MC. And, in universe, he's basically right.

Before the game starts, Deryl is constantly taller and stronger and more attractive and more popular and more intelligent (etc.) than the MC. And the flashback reveals that when Deryl was much bigger than MC, he used to kick the shit out of MC on the regular. Sure, he has home issues, but so does MC. And, at that time, MC is short as shit, has fucked up eyes, no friends, Deryl is fucking everything that moves, and Deryl won't leave it alone. Sure, MC also engages. But this is totally asymmetric. The game and narrative treat this like the two characters, Deryl and MC, deciding to stop fighting is a symmetric decision. It isn't, though. Deryl choosing for a year to not be the figuratively bigger kid despite being the literally bigger kid is fucked. And, after finding out how much Deryl thinks of himself it doesn't seem like he keeps MC around as a friend. It seems like he keeps MC around to make himself look better in comparison.

And then, in the story he just gets access to Batman-tier planning and foresight. Everything that happens to him he's already planned for. He has whatever traps he needs on hand to win any encounter, and MC isn't allowed to be smart in order to make Deryl look better. He thinks he can just willpower his way out of being mindcontrolled and I guess he's right. And after the mind control is lifted, Deryl takes back control and instead of defusing the fight he just wants to fight MC, again to prove he's better than MC (which, naturally, he is). Again, I guess I'm supposed to think this is cute or something, but I've seen enough bad ends in this game to know that either character could have accidentally died in a super fight at any time, and the MC still gets burned and stabbed many, many times in the fight and that still hurts him. Deryl is a fucking prick.

In the end, I didn't want to know how to save Deryl. I just wanted him dead or at least out of my life. I stopped playing for several days despite loving the game overall because I realized you weren't going to be given any real options for dealing with Deryl, probably ever. Based on what others are saying, I guess my options are going to be saving Deryl and sacrificing someone else or Deryl just magically saves himself because, again, he's comically super intelligent and capable and doesn't even need help.
Agree i hope we can keep the clone and not that three headed beeves backstabing bully mf
the fucker mastering his monster ability in just month and turned the fighting room into SAW movie


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
Killing the monster would kill the human too...as he said himself, his clones are empty husks with just enough own brain to eat, sleep and shit without his connection...kill the router and the network fails...but maybe there is a way to switch bodies...if he takes over the husk completely and leaves the monster "empty" behind...well, then we get a terrible fight without the limitations the human mind enforces on its body and his so called reality surrounding him...those skills purely instinct driven, survive at all costs with every ability...however, the former husk could become the new router, but since the body is not a real body he would become something not human...and based on the fact noone suspects anything because that husk is much more deryl than it should be...well, either the evolution filled the husk with more of his personality and gave it some autonomy, or he already tried to fill it as much as possible as he realized the evolution goes the wrong way...

And jake was dead the second he invaded my mind and dared to strip my girls, it was just a matter of dev-time until he fell for good, everything else were just bonus reasons to kill him, nothing could have saved his life.

Ella however is just a little girl...a sociopathic girl who killed her parents and considers most humans as worthless and irrelevant, but still just a little girl. It may feel like she was some mastermind, but overall she is just longer around and learned more. She may play with you and even send you through hell, but in the end she just trains you. She cares about those who she defines as friends and tries to keep them away from deadly trouble, even if she is herself the deadly trouble. We still dont know what her goal is, but we know how she playes the game and why. She undubtly did lots of evil things, but i dont believe she has evil intentions. Good and bad are terms that dont cross her mind, she acts binary around humans, only worth and worthless. Personally i think she will be an ally in the endgame.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
the fucker mastering his monster ability in just month
Not to take away from your post but you could say the same about the MC and Jake. It took Deryl like 2 to 3 weeks to reach the level he's at in lvl 1, if the days passed in game are accurate from that beach scene. Every update adds a week in game, I believe. He also had the benefit of learning details from the MC while on the flip side the MC had no one to help at the very start.

Now looking at the other 2. It took the MC and Jake like a little bit over a month to become superhumans and reach lvl 2 in comparison. Seems like a scretch to complain about Deryl doing it when both of them are fast as well. It's inflated, most likely, because it happened in the same update without us actually seeing Deryl doing this stuff. So I can understand people mistaking it as really fast.

There's about 2 time skips in game that I didn't account for though. A week one after the Kenny/dorm fight(?) and then a 2 month one this update(this one doesn't matter as it happens after Deryl turned into a monster). I'm not too confident in the overall time passed. I'll have to replay and count the days myself but it should be like a small gap between those 3 in terms of advancement.

I know it's going to be mentioned about the Evolution lvl 2 thing with Deryl but the MC could've evolved earlier as well. The problem was he didn't know what it was and exploded himself accidentally. Point is Deryl isn't as special as some are making him out to be. He's still an asshole though.

I'll admit that I'm not 100% on the days passed, I could be wrong. I'll be going back and trying to keep track of this. I never thought to pay that close of attention to time passed in game until this Deryl stuff.


Apr 3, 2018
In all honesty I think leaving Jake alive is a BIG mistake. His powers are far too dangerous, he won't listen to reason and he's easy to manipulate. I made a save before the decision, and chose to not kill him only because it's hinted that leaving your "friends" alive affects the ending.

I think Deryl is also in the same boat, he's really too far gone and you can never be sure if you've really "cured" him or if he's putting on an act. Besides, he's powers are far too dangerous, if left alone he might be able to build a time machine, nano machines, superintelligent AI or some other insane technology.
You're right, everyone is far too dangerous and the MC should just kill/eat them and/or absorb their powers and become the undisputed ruler of the world. That way nothing will be able to threaten him /s :KEK:


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Alright I give up(for now)! :KEK:

These days passed are a bit of a hassle to keep up with. Basically, where I'm at in the game(after the Kenny fight), 35 Days should've passed in total from the start of the game. The time skip was actually bigger than I remembered from the Kenny/Frat Party fight. It's 3 weeks, not 1 week like I thought. I remembered the MC being unconscious for a week, out of the 3, so I forgot about the overall time passed for the skip(at minimum 21 days).

Deryl is messing me up with his dialogue as well because he's saying a month passed since that Frat House stuff but 3 weeks are stated to have passed by the MC prior. It doesn't seem like the MC is accounting for himself being unconscious for a week after the fight when he said 3 weeks. If he did then the month passed would be accurate.

Deryl growth does seem faster than I thought originally, when I look at just the first 5 or so weeks in game. Deryl and Jake's progress are actually pretty close(time wise) vs the MC. They both did have help and their power aren't as physical as the MC. Oh yeah, the MC was going to evolve to lvl 2 about 7 to 8 days in game with only 10 PP. Sounds impressive but I imagine he would be a weak lvl 2 overall if he did succeed.

I'll continue doing this at a later date. My day count may have been off since I'm not writing it down and mostly keeping count in my head. I'll put some time aside and write it all down later. It does seem kind of pointless though because I won't technically know the exact amount of time since the characters aren't too consistent with it in their dialogue. Example, Ella said Jake got his power a week after the MC but it's a bit over a week(11 to 12 days) in game.
Nov 1, 2018
I hope I didn't fucked up by killing Jake and out of all the powers we've seen, Deryl's is probably the coolest yet! God I love this game so fucking much bro.
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Mar 23, 2021
I'm curious how Jared and his dad becoming superhumans is gonna play out, I feel like having them rapidly progress their powers and being able to match the mc in a short amount of time, like Deryl (and Jake to a lesser extent), would be a cop out. I suspect one of them will survive and get some sort of electricity power so they'd just hard counter and deter the mc, and the other will monsterfy just be swatted out of the way later in the story.

I am hoping that once they and Michael are turned, whatever the outcome, that that's it for fresh made superhumans becoming rivals of importance though.


Jan 22, 2019
Not to take away from your post but you could say the same about the MC and Jake. It took Deryl like 2 to 3 weeks to reach the level he's at in lvl 1, if the days passed in game are accurate from that beach scene. Every update adds a week in game, I believe. He also had the benefit of learning details from the MC while on the flip side the MC had no one to help at the very start.

Now looking at the other 2. It took the MC and Jake like a little bit over a month to become superhumans and reach lvl 2 in comparison. Seems like a scretch to complain about Deryl doing it when both of them are fast as well. It's inflated, most likely, because it happened in the same update without us actually seeing Deryl doing this stuff. So I can understand people mistaking it as really fast.

There's about 2 time skips in game that I didn't account for though. A week one after the Kenny/dorm fight(?) and then a 2 month one this update(this one doesn't matter as it happens after Deryl turned into a monster). I'm not too confident in the overall time passed. I'll have to replay and count the days myself but it should be like a small gap between those 3 in terms of advancement.

I know it's going to be mentioned about the Evolution lvl 2 thing with Deryl but the MC could've evolved earlier as well. The problem was he didn't know what it was and exploded himself accidentally. Point is Deryl isn't as special as some are making him out to be. He's still an asshole though.

I'll admit that I'm not 100% on the days passed, I could be wrong. I'll be going back and trying to keep track of this. I never thought to pay that close of attention to time passed in game until this Deryl stuff.
I think you're comitting 2 errors in your thinking process here:

1- Overestimating how many "details" he got from MC, considering how he barelly knows the basics of how evolution works and that his power is very different from MC's, so, knowing the things MC did to get stronger really don't help him at all.

2- Mistaking time as the only thing the Mc needed to evolve, yeah, he evolved kinda fast, now, let's not forget that before that he got in multiple near death situations that forced him to adapt or die, boosting greatly his developing speed. Even Jake was constantly training his power against other people with powers, even if in a more sneaky way compared to MC, for example, the force he needed to use as a lvl 1 to control a lvl 5 is no joke (Not to mention that he suffered the trauma of what happened to Mia, i think, i don't remember if he evolved before or after the beach tbh). Meanwhile Deryl just sat in a building, made a couple of traps and bam, right on the door to evolution.

Sidenote: The thing that happened to mc at first wasn't he being able to evolve and blowing homself up, he lost control of his power due to turning into a giant and using too much of it in the process, which made it so he almost turned into a monster. Deryl started evolving and wasn't able to handle it, which made it so he evolved into a monster. Saying the mc was able to evolve earlier would be like saying Kenny evolved, he didn't evolve, nor was the mc about to evolve, they just lost control of their powers.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
I'm curious how Jared and his dad becoming superhumans is gonna play out, I feel like having them rapidly progress their powers and being able to match the mc in a short amount of time, like Deryl (and Jake to a lesser extent), would be a cop out. I suspect one of them will survive and get some sort of electricity power so they'd just hard counter and deter the mc, and the other will monsterfy just be swatted out of the way later in the story.

I am hoping that once they and Michael are turned, whatever the outcome, that that's it for fresh made superhumans becoming rivals of importance though.
Not really. Remember, unlike Deryl and others, Jared and his dad are the richest people in the sector after Tiffany's Dad. They should have the funds to support their growth at a faster rate. They also can buy that doctor who's working for Hero. He's not above work with people secretly like Klaus and his dad. It also depends on their monster power gained.

They can brute force there way to lvl 2 in like a couple of days without even using the serums. Then they can use the new advanced serums to reach lvl 3 or 4. They'll be weaker than most at the same lvl but they would progess faster. Jared would most likely fail at lvl 2 or 3 transformation while I can see his dad reach lvl 4 or even 5 before the end.

As for Michael, I see him growing fast as well but he'll probably do that by going around hunting monsters for sport. I could see him having an Armor type power since he loves hand to hand fighting.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
I think you're comitting 2 errors in your thinking process here:

1- Overestimating how many "details" he got from MC, considering how he barelly knows the basics of how evolution works and that his power is very different from MC's, so, knowing the things MC did to get stronger really don't help him at all.

2- Mistaking time as the only thing the Mc needed to evolve, yeah, he evolved kinda fast, now, let's not forget that before that he got in multiple near death situations that forced him to adapt or die, boosting greatly his developing speed. Even Jake was constantly training his power against other people with powers, even if in a more sneaky way compared to MC, for example, the force he needed to use as a lvl 1 to control a lvl 5 is no joke (Not to mention that he suffered the trauma of what happened to Mia, i think, i don't remember if he evolved before or after the beach tbh). Meanwhile Deryl just sat in a building, made a couple of traps and bam, right on the door to evolution.

Sidenote: The thing that happened to mc at first wasn't he being able to evolve and blowing homself up, he lost control of his power due to turning into a giant and using too much of it in the process, which made it so he almost turned into a monster. Deryl started evolving and wasn't able to handle it, which made it so he evolved into a monster. Saying the mc was able to evolve earlier would be like saying Kenny evolved, he didn't evolve, nor was the mc about to evolve, they just lost control of their powers.
Eh, no, MC tells Ella this later when he said he felt growth before exploding. Ella tells him that was a sign that he was ready to evolve but the MC pushed it down. She tells him to let it happen next time he felt it. The MC then tried to replicate it later before the Klaus fight but failed to feel it again.

As for your other stuff. I never said that the MC or Jake didn't work for their Evolution. I just said it wasn't that long ago for them either. Deryl wasn't just sitting in a building. If I recall correctly he said Ella was helping him experiment on monsters and such. I'm not overestimating anything. I know all powers work differently and require different things for progress.

As for the Beach thing, Jake reached lvl 2 after the Mia thing. That's the same day(or the next) that Deryl became a superhuman as well.
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