
Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
The girls haven't changed my tier list with this update. I did like how most of the content focused on my favorites like Angelina.

I will say I was pretty surprised that Amber was dating Deryl and the game hasn't mentioned much of what they've "gone through."

I also got really pissed at Deryl in this update. He acted cocky and mean spirited.

Playing it I noticed the shopkeeper refer to the MC as "Charlie" which coincidentally is the name of the girl who's looking for her brother. Not sure if there's a connection there though or if it's been brought up.

The only motivation I felt I really had to not execute Jake was knowing Mia would be upset by it. That's it really. I do like how my mc was able to use Mia as a hostage against Jake.

It also seems REALLY strange that fake Deryl is somehow able to fool Ella. I think Deryl's planning to help you deal with her should need arise.


New Member
Mar 27, 2017
Is the game bugged for anyone else? I tried like 3 of the DL files, and each of them just has the Ren'py open and then instantly hard crash. Not had an issue with any of the other games recently, not sure if it's just the files themselves.


Jun 8, 2019
The girls haven't changed my tier list with this update. I did like how most of the content focused on my favorites like Angelina.

I will say I was pretty surprised that Amber was dating Deryl and the game hasn't mentioned much of what they've "gone through."

I also got really pissed at Deryl in this update. He acted cocky and mean spirited.

Playing it I noticed the shopkeeper refer to the MC as "Charlie" which coincidentally is the name of the girl who's looking for her brother. Not sure if there's a connection there though or if it's been brought up.

The only motivation I felt I really had to not execute Jake was knowing Mia would be upset by it. That's it really. I do like how my mc was able to use Mia as a hostage against Jake.

It also seems REALLY strange that fake Deryl is somehow able to fool Ella. I think Deryl's planning to help you deal with her should need arise.
In all honesty I think leaving Jake alive is a BIG mistake. His powers are far too dangerous, he won't listen to reason and he's easy to manipulate. I made a save before the decision, and chose to not kill him only because it's hinted that leaving your "friends" alive affects the ending.

I think Deryl is also in the same boat, he's really too far gone and you can never be sure if you've really "cured" him or if he's putting on an act. Besides, he's powers are far too dangerous, if left alone he might be able to build a time machine, nano machines, superintelligent AI or some other insane technology.


Dec 23, 2017
MC is also not blameless in their friendship (sucker punching and kicking the shit out of Deryl) which im pretty sure Deryl leaves it at unless we just arent told that they kept fighting after that, also in story it clearly does not bother MC because he relies on Deryl a ludicrous amount (and even before being infected MC shows no ill will towards him at the bar).
The fighting is totally asymmetric, though. I actually think the author screwed himself a little by making Deryl so awesome and the MC so pathetic to start with. Deryl continuing to engage with a smaller, weaker, disfigured kid just comes across as absolutely atrocious and MC winning a few of their many fights with cheap shots doesn't change that for me one iota. And the MC forgiving him sort of annoys me because that's one of those cases of the author making a character choice for the player that I totally disagree with.

Honestly I think it will be much worse if his cockyness isnt at least addressed either by Deryl2 or after you save him from monsterfication since despite him being "better" than MC, having time to prepare a building, and all being soon after the fight with Jake MC was still able to force a tie.
That's the funny thing, of course. Deryl wins. The only reason a tie happens is that he pauses during the fight to simultaneously shake off the mind control. He's absolutely right that he's better than the MC and he's happy to constantly point that out.

MC is the same egoistic prick Deryl is, he just sells it better
Two important differences.
1. MC is the protagonist. I wouldn't want to be his friend, either, but because I'm seeing the story from his perspective I'm willing to cut him a lot more slack.
2. Deryl has always felt he's better than everyone at almost everything, and the author is saying in this chapter that he's right. MC was a loser his entire life and is flying high on the first time he's ever had any kind of power or status. Deryl says he could have beaten MC if Deryl had no powers and I have to assume he's right. He's always been a genius, blah blah blah. Someone with those kind of advantages, who has had them his entire life, who shows no humility or generosity comes across as totally unlikable. If MC is still acting like, well, Deryl, in 4-5 years then your comparison would be appropriate.
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Darth Sidious

The Senate & Emperor of the First Galactic Empire
Sep 24, 2017
In fact, I think Michael will be against everyone in the end.

He enjoys fighting powerful enemies too much.
He doesn't care about power and has no hidden plans.
If he becomes a Superhuman too, he will need a much stronger opponents to stay satisfied.
No way, he's my bro. We'll make the world burn together


Dec 2, 2019
the only issue with that is you can choose when to train most of the time so WW would have to write line/s for every possible combination of event/side events (and choices)
Good point, but I had already thought about that. Have you read the scripts? I tend to use those as a walkthrough. Certain training sessions are guaranteed to take place before or after certain events. It wouldn't be as complicated as you think.

So, am I alone in disliking Deryl after the most recent update? He's a guy who already had everything (handsome, athletic, Batman-tier genius and willpower, hung like a horse) and the moment it turns out that he has access to powers he reveals that he straight up thinks he's better than the MC. And, in universe, he's basically right.
Deryl is a prodigy, but the game does a pretty good job of showing us that he doesn't just play hard, he also works hard. The highlighted skills are developed due to his efforts. You seem to ignore that. And he isn't necessarily better than the MC as much as he has a massive information and preparation advantage. The guy has literally conducted medical tests on MC's tissue samples, and spent months preparing for his confrontation with the MC, while the MC has been weakened by Jake, thrown off balance by Deryl's condition, and has had close to no time to weigh his options against Deryl.

Before the game starts, Deryl is constantly taller and stronger and more attractive and more popular and more intelligent (etc.) than the MC. And the flashback reveals that when Deryl was much bigger than MC, he used to kick the shit out of MC on the regular. Sure, he has home issues, but so does MC. And, at that time, MC is short as shit, has fucked up eyes, no friends, Deryl is fucking everything that moves, and Deryl won't leave it alone. Sure, MC also engages. But this is totally asymmetric. The game and narrative treat this like the two characters, Deryl and MC, deciding to stop fighting is a symmetric decision. It isn't, though. Deryl choosing for a year to not be the figuratively bigger kid despite being the literally bigger kid is fucked. And, after finding out how much Deryl thinks of himself it doesn't seem like he keeps MC around as a friend. It seems like he keeps MC around to make himself look better in comparison.
He was an arsehole. He was called out on all his shit, accepted his mistakes, and has since not only mellowed out, but also been nothing other than a good friend to the MC. Made gold of his second chance, if you will. Still, I can understand that not everybody will be happy with this development.

And then, in the story he just gets access to Batman-tier planning and foresight. Everything that happens to him he's already planned for. He has whatever traps he needs on hand to win any encounter, and MC isn't allowed to be smart in order to make Deryl look better.
You exaggerate. His traps are pretty basic, and he has had months to prepare them. And MC is most certainly not smart, so why would he suddenly become a genius? In fact, one of the major points in this update is recognition of MC's brute force/attrition approach in combat. Hopefully, it is meant to lead in to training sessions that focus on combat tactics. He really needs to work on his spatial awareness and understand the importance of stealth...

He thinks he can just willpower his way out of being mindcontrolled and I guess he's right.
Not really. Not only is Jake's imprint on Deryl a failure, but he also loses interest in maintaining it. We have no idea how this affects the strength of the imprint, but I doubt it's irrelevant.

And after the mind control is lifted, Deryl takes back control and instead of defusing the fight he just wants to fight MC, again to prove he's better than MC (which, naturally, he is). Again, I guess I'm supposed to think this is cute or something, but I've seen enough bad ends in this game to know that either character could have accidentally died in a super fight at any time, and the MC still gets burned and stabbed many, many times in the fight and that still hurts him.
Yeah, I agree. That one was weird. I guess it is supposed to indicate a healthy sense of rivalry, but I can't really see it that way either.

In the end, I didn't want to know how to save Deryl. I just wanted him dead or at least out of my life. I stopped playing for several days despite loving the game overall because I realized you weren't going to be given any real options for dealing with Deryl, probably ever. Based on what others are saying, I guess my options are going to be saving Deryl and sacrificing someone else or Deryl just magically saves himself because, again, he's comically super intelligent and capable and doesn't even need help.
You'll probably get the option to eat him, especially if you're on the Corruption route.


Dec 23, 2017
He was called out on all his shit, accepted his mistakes, and has since not only mellowed out, but also been nothing other than a good friend to the MC.
The problem with this is that in the most recent update it is made clear that he's always looked down on MC as basically a useless, idiotic loser. He's not a good friend, he's just an egoistic prick who enjoys having MC around to make himself look better. Maybe I'm being too harsh, but as I mention toward the bottom of this post, Deryl treating MC as a rival comes across more as cruel than friendly.

His traps are pretty basic, and he has had months to prepare them.
I'm sorry, but that's just an excuse for lazy writing and plot armor. No matter what, the author was just going to write that Deryl had planned for that outcome and had whatever traps he needed to win. That's not clever or interesting, in large part because we are just watching the author respond to his own actions by saying that, off camera and without us being informed, one of the characters had pre-planned to defeat whatever the author had the other character do.

But, it also is just lazy handwaving and does require near magical levels of competence. Have you ever actually tried to lay a mechanical trap? For them all to be effective, not only do they have to work perfectly, the MC has to be in the right place at the right time and not react. What if the MC had simply confronted Deryl in a different place? The real answer is that it wouldn't matter, Deryl would have months to boobytrap any place he ever went to, which is my point. And, the MC doesn't have to be genius. But he is written as an idiot in his confrontation with Deryl in order to make Deryl look better. The competence even from MC's fight with Jake (eyes in the back of his head, dodging plasma bolts, removing his ears) minutes earlier is just gone. He just stands there and gets doused in oil instead of dodging for literally no reason. Etc.

Not only is Jake's imprint on Deryl a failure, but he also loses interest in maintaining it.
I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I'm willing to bet that Jake's suggestion to the MC (if the MC kills Jake) to protect Mia will be something the MC can't shake off no matter what, while the complete mind rape of Deryl is something he can shrug off during your fight.

You'll probably get the option to eat him, especially if you're on the Corruption route.
I seriously doubt it. We are supposed to like Deryl.

The author set up three story elements and I just don't think he realized they didn't work together.

1. Deryl is awesome. He's a genius with unstoppable will who can do anything he puts his mind to and is hung like a horse (not to belabor this point, but he's basically the same size as the MC after he alters his body). This is done in order to let Deryl be useful after MC becomes a superhuman, but once Deryl becomes superhuman it becomes nuts and the author went off the deep end with it.

2. MC is pathetic. He's short, weak, pining after girls he can't have because he's also ugly and has a small penis (again, this is something one of his romantic interests tells him outright after he changes his body). He's dumb and a loser on essentially every dimension before he gets powers. This is done to make his transformation more interesting/the differences more stark (and to explain why the character usually doesn't do anything clever with his powers).

3. Deryl and MC are rivals. This is done to give them a healthy sense of male bonding, camaraderie and drive to outcompete each other.

The problem is that 1, 2 and 3 together just don't fit. A guy like Deryl who hung around a guy like MC and acted the way Deryl did would be both a terrible person and a terrible friend. He doesn't seem to be friends with MC after the most recent update so much as enjoy being better than him and having someone around to make Deryl shine more.

Anyway, I'm done venting. If you still like Deryl, more power to you. I just wanted a sanity check on my own opinion.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
That's actually a very reasonable point. The mc isn't too smart, but he's competent. When a deadly cross is embedded into him, he tears his own flesh out. When he needs to escape a collar that will kill him, he cuts above the collar. When he needs to deal with cross girl, he gouges out her eyes. When his body is restrained, he extends his neck and bites his opponent. His decision to make eyes on the back of his head and remove his ears were strategically impressive choices. Taking advantage of Jakes concern for Mia, it's incredible he thought to appear as her at first.

When MC tracks down Deryl does he silently attack him from behind? Does he appear as a fly and stalk him till he sleeps? Does he appear as Ella and start yelling at him about how he "interfered when he knew not to?" or command him to die/cure his mind? No.

He decides he's going to slowly fall for every trap in that building in his normal form. Despite having the advantage of the first strike he busts in loudly with a sense of cockiness. When he starts burning, does he make his body fireproof by turning it metal or even transforming his clothes into fireman's gear? No. He just flails around like a tenacious idiot. He comes with no preparation whatsoever.

Deryl is a bigger Gary Sue than the mc. Competent people turn brainless when fighting him, he gets every known advantage, he's super intelligent, strong, able to make anything out of his magical blood, he can competently fight people a level above him, something the mc struggled to do even with Alice's help.

At least the mc has flaws, Deryl has none.
Dec 5, 2021
That's actually a very reasonable point. The mc isn't too smart, but he's competent. When a deadly cross is embedded into him, he tears his own flesh out. When he needs to escape a collar that will kill him, he cuts above the collar. When he needs to deal with cross girl, he gouges out her eyes. When his body is restrained, he extends his neck and bites his opponent. His decision to make eyes on the back of his head and remove his ears were strategically impressive choices. Taking advantage of Jakes concern for Mia, it's incredible he thought to appear as her at first.

When MC tracks down Deryl does he silently attack him from behind? Does he appear as a fly and stalk him till he sleeps? Does he appear as Ella and start yelling at him about how he "interfered when he knew not to?" or command him to die/cure his mind? No.

He decides he's going to slowly fall for every trap in that building in his normal form. Despite having the advantage of the first strike he busts in loudly with a sense of cockiness. When he starts burning, does he make his body fireproof by turning it metal or even transforming his clothes into fireman's gear? No. He just flails around like a tenacious idiot. He comes with no preparation whatsoever.

Deryl is a bigger Gary Sue than the mc. Competent people turn brainless when fighting him, he gets every known advantage, he's super intelligent, strong, able to make anything out of his magical blood, he can competently fight people a level above him, something the mc struggled to do even with Alice's help.

At least the mc has flaws, Deryl has none.
Now now, Deryl does have a major flaw which has become unbearably hard to ignore with this most recent update.

He's a massive fucking douchebag who seems to be capable of cruelty even to those close to him, and indulges in it, even, for at best fringe reasons. Like, what? Continuing a life-threatening duel with your so-called best friend just so you can settle a score from when you were literal children; and which you had the upper-hand the entire time? At least the MC has the excuse of being a stubborn idiot, Deryl for all his genius intellect can't even claim that excuse.

Seriously, unless it's explained that the mind-fucking has somehow altered Deryl's personality to become much more obnoxious and arrogant, or that getting powers has gone to his head, what the most recent update tells me is either Deryl isn't as good of a friend as the story so far made him seem, or he is, but is also on his way to becoming a narcissistic ass whose negative tendencies are taking over his interactions with the MC.

Glad that Amber dumped his ass.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
I'm kinda too lazy and tired to start quoting. Lots of people said lots of thing. So I'll just toss my two cents in there.

Yes, Deryl is an asshole. The flashback is pretty clear on that : he dealt with his mom's loss by becoming a violent dickweed and picking on the new kid for no god damn reason. Plus hounding Amber to get laid without showing any care for what she wanted. He also calmed down quite a lot after the last fight shown in said flashback, because he found out his favorite target to bully actually understood his pain more than anyone else could (aside from his drugged up brother).
They were kids. At that point, Deryl likely thought nobody else had ever suffered that much, and nobody cared about how much his mom's loss affected him. Until he met someone with the exact same scars.
So hating him just because he was an asshole and turned on the MC is a bit cheap in my opinion. We know the guy got jealous when the MC told him about his powers, and it's pretty clear that superhumans tend to have power going to their heads in some capacity. With Deryl's underlying personality, makes sense his ego would get all inflated, especially with the nature of his power. But as his willpower is lacking, he turned into a monster. He's a jerk, but nowhere near as bad as some make him out to be.

Yes, Deryl is a genius. He understands a lot, is good at studying, and has great critical thinking skills. What he lacks though, is on the spot adaptability, which is the MC's forte, and also the drive to keep getting back up no matter what.
But saying the MC is dumb is unfair. He's not stupid. Sure he's not Deryl/Jake smart, but he's far from being stupid. He's mainly lazy. He shows some clear intellect at a few points (can't pinpoint one off the top of my head right now), but any class scene clearly shows he has no interest in studying unless he's forced to. Also he's more of an instictual learner than an academical one. I'm the same : I learn more by doing something than reading everything there is to know about it.

Clover being a superhuman, I doubt. It's not impossible, obviously, WeirdWorld has thrown more unexpected curveballs, but from a story writing standpoint, it feels like it'd make a Superhuman Overload, in Demi's story. She's not even a side character at this point, she... a side-side character if that makes sense ?
I doubt she'd get that much importance in someone else's route.

And I guess that about covers what jumped out to me from t he last two pages...
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New Member
Nov 5, 2020
If the MC had ever seen Attack on Titan he would have annihilated Jake. Make a super enlarged hand with, crush rocks with it (maybe sprinkle them with poison) and then beast titan basebll pitch yeet them at the fucker, spray and pray but shotgun style.
Srsly tho, all that went through my mind when the MC fought Jake was: just throw a large quantity of rocks in his general direction, there is no way that fatso can dodge them all.


New Member
Nov 18, 2019
Just finished and fuck, every minute was a blast. I didn't expect it to be this long or have that many choices but I loved it! Can anyone recommend me anything similar-ish?
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Jul 23, 2018
Now now, Deryl does have a major flaw which has become unbearably hard to ignore with this most recent update.

He's a massive fucking douchebag who seems to be capable of cruelty even to those close to him, and indulges in it, even, for at best fringe reasons. Like, what? Continuing a life-threatening duel with your so-called best friend just so you can settle a score from when you were literal children; and which you had the upper-hand the entire time? At least the MC has the excuse of being a stubborn idiot, Deryl for all his genius intellect can't even claim that excuse.

Seriously, unless it's explained that the mind-fucking has somehow altered Deryl's personality to become much more obnoxious and arrogant, or that getting powers has gone to his head, what the most recent update tells me is either Deryl isn't as good of a friend as the story so far made him seem, or he is, but is also on his way to becoming a narcissistic ass whose negative tendencies are taking over his interactions with the MC.

Glad that Amber dumped his ass.
lmao i haven't played this game yet but from the description you give of the character you're talking about, he seems like the typical young master of xianxia novels
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Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
Almost funny how long people need to come to the same conclusion i already had after the first meeting...okay, he was not totally useless anymore after we got our powers, at least he had some brain...but his asshole personality couldnt even handle a single evolution, surprise surprise....and now he plays ellas puppet...if he broke free like he claimed he could provide some vital infos and/or sabotage ellas plan in the next few updates (she needs his powers instead of a bunch of mindcontrolled scientists, otherwise she would have jake used for its something above human brains...guessing from the evolving visions she could need him to build/repair some spaceship...guessing from her search for hearts and the raw corrupting power they wield she could also need him to use/adapt them...however, we will see), but if he even messed this up i dont try to save him.

I somehow missed something after jake turned into a snack...okay, we saw the source of his poweres and learned how terrible he was at using them (that little monster creeped us out, jake was just annoying)...but our tentacles managed to win there after fully absorbing both, the host and the power, shouldnt our mental skills grow as well? At least we should be able to mindforce common people to answer questions or obey simple commands without the need of physical contact, also the mental attacks we suffered so much from should become useable.

To the clover topic, she cant be superhuman...her obsession would have monsterfied her right away. She trained, hunted and removed people, but she is not in a mental state she could hide powers at all or even control them.
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