
Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Man, that's so fucking edgy but so fuckin' awesome!
I feel like my inner ten year old self has been reborn, the same one that listened to AMVs of Sasuke with Boulevard of Broken Dreams in the background.
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Yea, "fuckin' awesome" is exactly right.
I always thought that the second evolution scene would be hard to top, with the combination of music, the narrator explaining MC's feelings, the craziness and zealotry of the dialogue/monologue.

Then we get the Valravn fight, seeing new ways for the MC to fight, literally feeling the anxiety of the cops and the menace that monsters are to humankind. Again the dialogue was top notch, establishing Valrvavn as one of the coolest characters. I'm like "dev seriously outdone himself".

When a choice seems like a branch, I tend to save and pick them in order. So with the Eye, I chose "Yes" first and launched the Deadend. After watching the high corruption end I thought again that dev outdone himself.

Then I rollback, click "No" and MC evolves. Got fucking goosebumps. I'm too old for fucking goosebumps. No point in having expections in this game, dev is going to surpass them anyway. And I'm never saying again that he has outdone himself cause at that point I feel like an idiot.


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Yea, "fuckin' awesome" is exactly right.
I always thought that the second evolution scene would be hard to top, with the combination of music, the narrator explaining MC's feelings, the craziness and zealotry of the dialogue/monologue.

Then we get the Valravn fight, seeing new ways for the MC to fight, literally feeling the anxiety of the cops and the menace that monsters are to humankind. Again the dialogue was top notch, establishing Valrvavn as one of the coolest characters. I'm like "dev seriously outdone himself".

When a choice seems like a branch, I tend to save and pick them in order. So with the Eye, I chose "Yes" first and launched the Deadend. After watching the high corruption end I thought again that dev outdone himself.

Then I rollback, click "No" and MC evolves. Got fucking goosebumps. I'm too old for fucking goosebumps. No point in having expections in this game, dev is going to surpass them anyway. And I'm never saying again that he has outdone himself cause at that point I feel like an idiot.
XD yup i went to my man cave and did not go out till i finished the update only to face a Hungry imp XD but yes W.W delivered more that we hoped to get boy and i loved the raven boy fight but man the bar went so high this update that i just ended my replay and i'm still hyped for what comes next.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Sometimes I wonder if W.W lays big events out ahead of time in their head, and purposefully reduces their quality in order to make the more impactful future events seem even better.

Either that or they're just that good at one uping themselves every update.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Sometimes I wonder if W.W lays big events out ahead of time in their head, and purposefully reduces their quality in order to make the more impactful future events seem even better.

Either that or they're just that good at one uping themselves every update.
Honestly he might. There are 2 times in particular I can recall where a character actually comments on a big choice the MC makes that made a future scene more impactful.

Alice: While in the mall and going into the movie theater with her she comments on the choice the MC made during the party (Stay and fight or Leave) and openly says what she would of done if he made the other choice (where she basically confirms she would of survived an so would Jess as well). The MC's choice saved a lot of folks but it's interesting that Alice would of survived no matter what (potentially) but I'm not so sure about Jess since he would of had no clue where she was at the time during the panic.

The MC: When collared by Klaus and his goons he reflects on his choice to ask Ella for help or not and the player can choose "I should've brought her" or "Fuck her"

The MC's choice of not bringing Ella is quite impactful imo as he states that while he is immature and isn't used to the heat of battle it's exactly why he didn't bring Ella to hand hold him.

What would follow later (Klaus's defeat) made that statement of his even more impactful for said future event as it showed growth for the MC.

It does make me wonder how things would of played out for the other choice the patrons could of made (ex: Flee the party, ask Ella for help) I'm sure Weird planned stuff out for those choices if they were selected but I don't know if it would of been as impactful as the choices selected but who knows maybe when this game gets finished W.W might go back and add another path/route in regards to those choices.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Honestly he might. There are 2 times in particular I can recall where a character actually comments on a big choice the MC makes that made a future scene more impactful.

Alice: While in the mall and going into the movie theater with her she comments on the choice the MC made during the party (Stay and fight or Leave) and openly says what she would of done if he made the other choice (where she basically confirms she would of survived an so would Jess as well). The MC's choice saved a lot of folks but it's interesting that Alice would of survived no matter what (potentially) but I'm not so sure about Jess since he would of had no clue where she was at the time during the panic.

The MC: When collared by Klaus and his goons he reflects on his choice to ask Ella for help or not and the player can choose "I should've brought her" or "Fuck her"

The MC's choice of not bringing Ella is quite impactful imo as he states that while he is immature and isn't used to the heat of battle it's exactly why he didn't bring Ella to hand hold him.

What would follow later (Klaus's defeat) made that statement of his even more impactful for said future event as it showed growth for the MC.

It does make me wonder how things would of played out for the other choice the patrons could of made (ex: Flee the party, ask Ella for help) I'm sure Weird planned stuff out for those choices if they were selected but I don't know if it would of been as impactful as the choices selected but who knows maybe when this game gets finished W.W might go back and add another path/route in regards to those choices.
I didn't think about those points, ya it's always nice to see the choices you do have even a minor dialogue impact later on; be it on the news or with characters. I am SUPER glad they didn't vote for Ella, she would've made everything far too easy it almost makes me question WHY it was even an option...(Ella does mention she would've/may have helped if we asked, begs why she would if she essentially set the target on our back to train us in the first place).

What I was trying to say was if they PURPOSEFULLY made say; the first Evolution less grandiose than they could've done, in order to REALLY sell later Evolutions like the latest update (it was way better than the first one).

The only thing I've really seen W.W improve on is the artwork, the writing has imo hasn't really improved (not that it needs to mind you), and it shows with all the mysteries since the beginning of the game being put together. It may only FEEL better to some right now because as the game progresses, we face crazier things that make the writing FEEL like it improved, but I think the consistency has always been there and remained the same.

Back to my original point, IF it's true that W.W has had a bunch of major events already mapped out either on paper or in their head, then could they have written scenes that seem so insignificant now (Kenny fight) as amazing as say the Valravn fight all along, and PURPOSEFULLY made the Kenny fight seem eh in comparison on purpose?


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Sidenotes from my STILL ongoing replay (irl college is a bitch time consumer):

Do we know who killed Alaric at the wedding? Perhaps I'm just dumb but as far as the main suspects go:

1. Tiffany - seemed almost happy to play off this little role finding what little happiness she did from the event, but the way she responded to the whole thing was almost defensive? In responding to how it was "unfortunate" that Alaric died. She actively says, "I just lost my husband" or "why would I be fine? My husband just died." I dunno if she was just trying to drive the point as a cover, or if she was genuinely disappointed by the event and became numb to the loss, as if the monster killed her one moment of slight happiness.

2. Dexter - While he does mention beforehand that he has several suitors lined up as alternatives, he NEVER hints at assassinating Alaric. Why go through ALLLL the effort to gather all these elite people and go through all the hurdles of setting up the wedding just to kill off the groom right before they kiss, and be the next big embarrassing event for high society...he even seems indifferent to the event afterwards as it's easy to replace.

3. Ella - This one is most certainly possible, but I don't really see the motive other than just trying to fuck with H.E.R.O. But alright, let's say she did do it, wouldn't that just draw more attention to her and encourage H.E.R.O to give her LESS time to prepare for her countermeasures? The only gain I see is satisfaction but that's if she even gives a damn enough to fuck with H.E.R.O randomly to begin with.

4. Langdon - Possible I suppose, he definitely has motive as he despises Dexter, crushing his political foothold before it even starts in a public elite spectacular way would definitely hurt him going forward if only a little. But then he also almost seems unknowing or disappointed? by hearing about the events through his building, if which he's also thoroughly annoyed by; the reaction kills this theory for me.

Note - That monster was an S Class and better yet undetectable by LVL 5 80+ Superhumans...even by Ella's standards that's kinda crazy. I find it hard pressed that an S Class would actively kill itself just to send a message or kill ONE target for anyone, Ella included; as the monsters she has around her are partners rather than underlings. If it was a monster group that ordered it why? What motive would say a group like Valravn's and the 7th or any group similar in nature have to benefit by killing Alaric? Regardless of any of the theories, if you're about to tell me that attack was COMPLETELY random you're full of shit, what are y'all's thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
I am SUPER glad they didn't vote for Ella, she would've made everything far too easy it almost makes me question WHY it was even an option...(Ella does mention she would've/may have helped if we asked, begs why she would if she essentially set the target on our back to train us in the first place).
I have a 'theory' of sorts about that:

In the 2 biggest choices patrons got to vote on in both scenarios we'd see the MC shoot himself in the foot power wise.

The first being the party fight, if the MC left he wouldn't have gained the armor he first formed in the fight with Kenny and therefore making him weaker.

The second is the choice about getting Ella involved or not, chances are if she got involved the MC wouldn't evolve as it'd just be a cake walk for her to murder Klaus, Danica, and Oscar. She could just lend a hand briefly and let the MC do shit from there which 'could' lead to him getting a evolution.

Another possibility is instead of being involved directly into said fight she attains a forced evolution drug of some sort be it like the one Klaus takes or the legit thing the HERO goons have...although at this point in the story HERO isn't all that relevant just yet but I imagine she is aware of that drug to some degree or maybe not idk.

In any case the MC is noticeably weaker in the alternate choice(s) which makes me think Ella might just outright eliminate him since he's so weak and a 'failure' in her eyes or she just tosses him to the side and ignores him in the best case scenario for MC this might lead us to a more sneaky/conniving MC which I kinda like since he has to rely on his brains instead of his might against stuff.

I believed during the house party fight she does state that she wants to see how MC handles Monster Kenny now this could just her meaning him just outright fighting but running was a choice there for people to vote on.

Lots of possibilities with those alt choices but sadly anything we come up with is pure speculation simply because we have no clue other than hints and bits we get from people like Alice of what they would of done if we made that choice and not the pure meat and potatoes of info of how things actually go down.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
It's obvious at this point that the game is well thought out. After all it would be impossible for the story to remain that consistent if he hadn't put the work ahead of time.

For example, the team Lucifer members are all active and work together from the very beginning of the game. During the first ever deadend where the MC loses it in the diner, it's Clark and Alexis that put him down and Malik that finishes the job just in case.

The dev has defined the characters and the world very well. So even if he has to react, either to patreon polls or some other event that changes his plans, the writing remains consistent.

The game obviously has a loop with action packed segments followed by slower relationship building segments. So when the action happens, it "hits" harder. Of course this is amplified by the dev's overall improvement when it comes to art.

While the models themselves improve, it's the inclusion of more environment details that make the difference in my opinion. It gets progressively easier for the reader/viewer to track the character position.

For example during the diner deadend, we are told that the MC is around the diner block but we don't really see much.
In contrast, against Kenny we can somewhat track the room changes, at least the important ones, and the parallel Ella vs Alexis/Clark fight is also easier to understand, although simpler in scope.

Then we get the Aldain Manor fight that features 3 big fights. Michael helping Alice and fighting Oscar, Alice against goons and going after Klaus, MC escape, searching for Alice and the subsequent fight with Klaus. It's quite easy to track what the protagonists do at each point.

This trend continues. MC vs Jake is very easy to track. Michael vs Leigong also shows a lot of the environment and Michael uses verticallity to his advantage.

MC vs Valravn
Michael vs Deryl in the simulation
MC vs Hydra Deryl
Deryl clone vs Del
Alice + Laurie vs the flying monster and the chimera.
Michael snipping Chimera's monsters and the subsequent fight.
Alexis and Malik laying waste on the battlefield.

And of course level 3 MC vs Monster Deryl.

I think that the more WW improves, the more environment details he will be able to show. Which also work wonders to showcase the scope of the superpowers, the tactics of the actors etc.


Edit: I think that the polls wouldn't affect the progression much. The poll was about fighting now vs fighting later. If the devlogs are accurate, then MC would fight Kenny either way and MC would develop his armor during a training segment, thinking how much inconvenience it was to not being able to hide his identity.

Also no matter if the MC is a jerk or not and how public opinion progresses, the events stay linear. Eventually MC would face Valravn and force the public to aknowledge him, so the MC vs Kenny fight while important, it seems it isn't that influential.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Sidenotes from my STILL ongoing replay (irl college is a bitch time consumer):

Do we know who killed Alaric at the wedding? Perhaps I'm just dumb but as far as the main suspects go:

1. Tiffany - seemed almost happy to play off this little role finding what little happiness she did from the event, but the way she responded to the whole thing was almost defensive? In responding to how it was "unfortunate" that Alaric died. She actively says, "I just lost my husband" or "why would I be fine? My husband just died." I dunno if she was just trying to drive the point as a cover, or if she was genuinely disappointed by the event and became numb to the loss, as if the monster killed her one moment of slight happiness.

2. Dexter - While he does mention beforehand that he has several suitors lined up as alternatives, he NEVER hints at assassinating Alaric. Why go through ALLLL the effort to gather all these elite people and go through all the hurdles of setting up the wedding just to kill off the groom right before they kiss, and be the next big embarrassing event for high society...he even seems indifferent to the event afterwards as it's easy to replace.

3. Ella - This one is most certainly possible, but I don't really see the motive other than just trying to fuck with H.E.R.O. But alright, let's say she did do it, wouldn't that just draw more attention to her and encourage H.E.R.O to give her LESS time to prepare for her countermeasures? The only gain I see is satisfaction but that's if she even gives a damn enough to fuck with H.E.R.O randomly to begin with.

4. Langdon - Possible I suppose, he definitely has motive as he despises Dexter, crushing his political foothold before it even starts in a public elite spectacular way would definitely hurt him going forward if only a little. But then he also almost seems unknowing or disappointed? by hearing about the events through his building, if which he's also thoroughly annoyed by; the reaction kills this theory for me.

Note - That monster was an S Class and better yet undetectable by LVL 5 80+ Superhumans...even by Ella's standards that's kinda crazy. I find it hard pressed that an S Class would actively kill itself just to send a message or kill ONE target for anyone, Ella included; as the monsters she has around her are partners rather than underlings. If it was a monster group that ordered it why? What motive would say a group like Valravn's and the 7th or any group similar in nature have to benefit by killing Alaric? Regardless of any of the theories, if you're about to tell me that attack was COMPLETELY random you're full of shit, what are y'all's thoughts?
Personally I think we can cross off Tiffany and Dexter:

Tiffany always knew at some point she'd be forced to get married for political gain or whatever gain her father wants. She accepts the fact she'll have to marry Alaric and I believe she even comments to the MC that maybe she'll learn to love him or at least be civil.

Dexter well if he wanted Alaric dead he could of done it at any time...there would be no reason to put a spotlight on himself. For example he could of gotten a regular human to assassinate him easily without the usage of superhuman intervention.

Ima quickly skip Ella (for now) and head straight to Langdon:
Is it possible he was involved via Ella and her crew? Yes but honestly I doubt he personally would go after Alaric. Yeah Alaric is influential but he's hardly anyone of real risk to Langdon and if he truly was refer back to Dexter. Langdon much like Dexter wields a good portion of power and could of easily killed Alaric whenever he wished.

Back to Ella:
I feel like she was probably involved to a degree but it was more likely her crew (Cole, Zara, and Charlie) who off'd Alaric but I have a theory:
Alaric wasn't who they were going for but instead Tiffany. She's a far more valuable target to them than Alaric is and the daughter of the leader of an organization they are against.

Now you could argue they could of went after her at any time but it wasn't until recently that HERO announced itself (with Dexter at the helm) and even then going after Dexter or his family is a huge gamble just due to how much power they wield.

Also something of note is this wouldn't be their first time fucking up an assignment/hit (recall their blunder with MC although that was more of Jared's fault but eh).

Now what if...someone else at the party was involved?

Maybe Nyx or one of the other lvl 5s had their hand in this Alaric stew?

We can cross off Malik (The dude seems to be completely loyal to HERO and likes Tiffany).
Nyx is a good possibility since she seems to have some sort of connection/partnership (maybe) with Ella.
Lucius? Idk dude is too into himself and is literally a one man army helping HERO I doubt this is something he'd do.
Alexis? No probably not.
I don't remember if any other lvl 5s were there or not tho maybe they could of still been involved.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Oooooo I guess Ella really does care about her friends. I mean she does outright kill MC next time she sees him if he kills Christie so its nice seeing she keeps this up against others.
Though I do find it odd that she abandons Christie and Emily knowing they were probably both at the Frat Party Massacre beforehand. Especially if you consider she stopped Christie at the Graduation Massacre to save her, it's not like she had a change of heart between the Kenny event and the Club Christie killing event. She even allegedly killed the creeps harassing Emily and Christie during their band days which also falls before the Frat Party Massacre...

I chalk up her killing us upon revealing the memory ability to be her being, scared? of us being more worthy than her at the time. Of course now the reason she seems to care for us more so is because after she got to Lvl 5 it was almost like she wasn't viewed as "the one" so she mentions it being up to us now.

The Christie death makes sense as you mentioned cause we killed her bestie. And the Apartment fight one does too because she was about to invite us in on her plans it seemed before the 6th showed up and killed everyone.

But the Memory Reveal Dead End implies she doesn't care about us enough to let us live if it means we are a better candidate than her for her plans. Yet in this last update it's also implied she knew us BEFORE she "met us" at the star of the game, referring to us seeing each other her smitten moments with us after the final training option in Bill's Park, or saying she cares about us yadda yadda should be the same before the unworthy news Lvl 5 Evolution no? or even before the Memory Reveal Dead End?

Shit she even allegedly knows BOTH our parents too...mentioned slightly that her parents were similar to ours when she shows us how she evolved (tentacle bed sex thing when we ask her for help).

I kinda just rambled but she is a very bipolar character...


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Though I do find it odd that she abandons Christie and Emily knowing they were probably both at the Frat Party Massacre beforehand.
This goes back to a prior recent post I made. Perhaps she just expected the MC to stay and fight and would of been completely thrown off if he ran away. As it would have resulted in her friends death. We have a confirmation Alice and Jess would have survived but none for Emily or Christie.

Shit its actually kinda fucked for her since MC runs away and she's too busy cause she has to deal with Clark and Alexis so even if she wanted to help she couldn't...which means even more Villainous Ella since she no longer has her buddies to keep her 'anchored' kinda lol.

MC leaving would of resulted in their demise and potentially his since Ella's bestfriends are Kenny Chow and then flamey crisps cause of Malik.

More or less, she expected him to stay and win so she didn't have to worry about them although that was very risky for her imo.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Personally I think we can cross off Tiffany and Dexter:

Tiffany always knew at some point she'd be forced to get married for political gain or whatever gain her father wants. She accepts the fact she'll have to marry Alaric and I believe she even comments to the MC that maybe she'll learn to love him or at least be civil.

Dexter well if he wanted Alaric dead he could of done it at any time...there would be no reason to put a spotlight on himself. For example he could of gotten a regular human to assassinate him easily without the usage of superhuman intervention.

Ima quickly skip Ella (for now) and head straight to Langdon:
Is it possible he was involved via Ella and her crew? Yes but honestly I doubt he personally would go after Alaric. Yeah Alaric is influential but he's hardly anyone of real risk to Langdon and if he truly was refer back to Dexter. Langdon much like Dexter wields a good portion of power and could of easily killed Alaric whenever he wished.

Back to Ella:
I feel like she was probably involved to a degree but it was more likely her crew (Cole, Zara, and Charlie) who off'd Alaric but I have a theory:
Alaric wasn't who they were going for but instead Tiffany. She's a far more valuable target to them than Alaric is and the daughter of the leader of an organization they are against.

Now you could argue they could of went after her at any time but it wasn't until recently that HERO announced itself (with Dexter at the helm) and even then going after Dexter or his family is a huge gamble just due to how much power they wield.

Also something of note is this wouldn't be their first time fucking up an assignment/hit (recall their blunder with MC although that was more of Jared's fault but eh).

Now what if...someone else at the party was involved?

Maybe Nyx or one of the other lvl 5s had there hand in this Alaric stew?

We can cross off Malik (The dude seems to be completely loyal to HERO and likes Tiffany).
Nyx is a good possibility since she seems to have some sort of connection/partnership (maybe) with Ella.
Lucius? Idk dude is too into himself and is literally a one man army helping HERO I doubt this is something he'd do.
Alexis? No probably not.
I don't remember if any other lvl 5s were there or not tho maybe they could of still been involved.
It's actually funny you mention Nyx cause I found her VERY fuckin suspicious at the party; as I find her character in general. A person who actively murders people for power and corruption yet wants to stop the monster attacks and "save the world?", is seemingly uncaring about those around her, and is nye unkillable even for a Lvl 5? I don't buy it...she even mentions her late husband being killed a similar way...

But then that begs the question...why? What's the motive, for any of them for that matter. Maybe it's like you said, their target was actually Tiffany, except again; what is the motive to KILL her? That monster wasn't going for a hug it was trying to murder someone, killing Tiffany only brings anger and thorough investigation, almost all the Captains have known Tiffany as a baby. Even if it was Cole and the gang of retards fucking it up you're still bringing unwanted attention to yourselves as the main suspects when what they really need is ALL the time to prepare for H.E.R.O, shit that wedding was their biggest distraction, killing her would've just made them vent their anger out on Ella once and for all. If it was Nyx, I have a feeling she wouldn't fuck it up so bad. But then there's also the factor of it not being able to be detected by even Malik bro...there were literally 4 Lvl 5s sitting right in the second row, and 3 of them have over 80 years of experience.

Call it a hunch, and I have literally no evidence to back this, but maybe it was Deus? The guy is shifty as fuck and has a habit of meddling in whatever he wants. Perhaps he WANTED to fast forward the time table to the Diamond War so that we could Evolve in time for whatever the monsters have planned against humanity. It's mentioned several times that Deus has been unforthcoming in regards to the MC and while he only mentions Ella as like an indirect associate; he has convenient night terrors like a day before all the Captains start to discuss how to deal with her, maybe he recognizes her usefulness to our growth...? That's the only thing I can think of, unless it REALLY was just Cole and the retards fucking up for the sake of fucking with H.E.R.O, but W.W has a knack for making shit not so simple.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Frankly, Christie isn't even a student in R&X and Emily avoids parties. We can't confirm that Ella would even know those two were there.
Additionally while we got some confirmation for Alice and Jess, Christie and Emily would survive regardless.

Christie fled the fraternity and Emily was with Deryl so she would get saved by MC. There is no chance in hell MC would just flee with so many of his friends trapped there. Choosing not to fight Kenny is one thing. Abandoning his friends is something else entirely. Also Jake was with Liz and Amber so he would survive too.

Lastly for Tiffany's wedding, I think that this is Dexter+Xanthe doing. We know that there are monsters and superhumans that can hide their supernatural aura. It's possible that Dexter used a luring pill so that his daughter would get the benefit of being married to Alaric without getting tied down. After all he talked about how his father knew exactly what he wanted in a spouse, but it's obvious that Tiffany wouldn't give a fuck about Alaric.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Call it a hunch, and I have literally no evidence to back this, but maybe it was D ineus? The guy is shifty as fuck and has a habit of meddling in whatever he wants. Perhaps he WANTED to fast forward the time table to the Diamond War so that we could Evolve in time for whatever the monsters have planned against humanity. It's mentioned several times that Deus has been unforthcoming in regards to the MC and while he only mentions Ella as like an indirect associate; he has convenient night terrors like a day before all the Captains start to discuss how to deal with her, maybe he recognizes her usefulness to our growth...? That's the only thing I can think of, unless it REALLY was just Cole and the retards fucking up for the sake of fucking with H.E.R.O.
You know what it could of been Deus...although Ima toss my conspiracy theorist hat into that ring.

Honestly? I doubt Deus is so powerful that the level 5s there couldn't sense it...perhaps this was Dexter's plan all along.

Think about it HERO does all sorts of fucked up shit like Eugenics perhaps a public murder is something right up there alley as well.

As to why? Simple, give HERO a Martyr to rage against their enemies (Monsters) and if they wanted to they could spin it against SIN as well.

Tiffany was never told by Dexter which is why her reaction is so genuine meanwhile the captains dont really care (you could just say its because they've seen so much death or whatever) but I bet they were in on it which is why they didn't care which would allowed Deus or literally any of the high ranking HERO goons to just let that beast in to kill Alaric their Martyr.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Frankly, Christie isn't even a student in R&X and Emily avoids parties. We can't confirm that Ella would even know those two were there.
Additionally while we got some confirmation for Alice and Jess, Christie and Emily would survive regardless.

Christie fled the fraternity and Emily was with Deryl so she would get saved by MC. There is no chance in hell MC would just flee with so many of his friends trapped there. Choosing not to fight Kenny is one thing. Abandoning his friends is something else entirely. Also Jake was with Liz and Amber so he would survive too.
I'll agree with you with Christie surviving but not with Emily and the other friends. The patrons were literally given the choice of "Run!" or "Fight!" could the MC go back down and get his friends? Yeah sure but this was at a point in the story where the MC was being quite secretive and it seemed like at the time MC wanted to get out of dodge ASAP due to the situation and as usual he wouldn' use his head and therefore think about his friends and the such and would just dip.

More or less this feels like a choice that would have severe reprecussions not just the MC being weaker but characters we know and like out right dying. If the MC at the time was to remain the course of (at the time) in a state of panic of deciding what to do he most def would just leave.

Is it possible his friends could of got out of dodge? Sure some of them but I doubt all of them would just survive. That kinda makes the choice kinda...watered down? Why would the MC run down stairs to save his friends I mean he'd have to show off his powers to get them out which I doubt he'd do since he just wants to leave unlike in the fight route where he shows off his powers.

But no matter how any of us feel, we only have 2 actual confirmations of survival: Alice and Jess. That's it. No other character comments on how they'd get out and hell we don't even know if Jess would of gotten out truly since she was in a place Alice had no clue about at the time although MC could of took her with him out a window (which is how Alice would of done if it I remember right).
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Frankly, Christie isn't even a student in R&X and Emily avoids parties. We can't confirm that Ella would even know those two were there.
Additionally while we got some confirmation for Alice and Jess, Christie and Emily would survive regardless.

Christie fled the fraternity and Emily was with Deryl so she would get saved by MC. There is no chance in hell MC would just flee with so many of his friends trapped there. Choosing not to fight Kenny is one thing. Abandoning his friends is something else entirely. Also Jake was with Liz and Amber so he would survive too.
Yeah but this is Ella we're talking about. There's no way in the seven hells she DOESN'T know party animal Christie that is best friends with Emily, friends with Jess, and loves to party ISN'T at that party. She also has no guarantee Emily or even Christie for that matter wouldn't have been right at the crux of the onslaught that Monsterfied Kenny/MC's fight was about to ensue in an enclosed space.

This is the same bitch that "potentially" dealt with a monster in a similar enclosed space with a bunch of kids that didn't go so well. Or at the very least knocked Christie out for even the thought of her wanting to party near the about to ensue massacre.

Shit I even JUST showed a picture of her petty killing Christie's club harasser, a nobody human. No SHOT she left gamble debut MC to defend her best friends from a monster attack in good knowing conscious, which is why I find it so odd that she DID.
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