
Feb 1, 2019
There are a few inconsistencies when it comes to MC's fluids "vanishing". Some materials can "soak" them, also his blood can last long enough for Deryl to analyze while othertimes it just vanishes. I think that pregnancy will be left for the endings, unless it somehow becomes important for the plot. Aside from the fetish, if superhumans can't have kids and can't infect, then what's the endgame?

MC can change both his DNA and the target's DNA. Additionally he has the power of the 3rd and 4th. The two monsters that we know can breed are Aglaecwif (4th) and Minyak (combination of 1st/3rd/7th). So it's highly unlikely that all these "coincidences" won't end up unlocking a way fo superhumans to procreate.
100% agree with this.

...exactly five minutes before you posted. Almost point-for-point. Great minds? Let's go with that.
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Jul 13, 2021
Yeah, that's an accurate representation of my argument. A little fucking depressing to see my great wall of text so neatly summarized, but I think the context was necessary. Still, I am not concise.
Oh trust me, the context was necessary and laid out in a very structured manner.

On the Limit Break
One of the things I think the game does really well is creating a variety of authoritative viewpoints with their own insights, biases and blindspots. Ella and Xanthe are the best examples. However, both of them seem to agree that a Superhuman's relationship to the laws of the universe changes at Level 4. I put a quote from Ella in the spoiler below that addresses that point directly. I wrote that first, so if it doesn't seem to address this post. That's why.

Between that quote and Xanthe's comments on the Limit Break, I'm not holding out much hope that our universe's laws will govern Levels 4 & 5 let alone the Apostles, Arbiters and beyond. That said, they should still act as the framework that WeirdWorld's setting and power system rests upon. Guiding, but not binding. As long as the story is internally consistent, I'll manage. The moment stories start breaking their own rules, the world unravels for me and I lose interest.
Taking into account Ella's quote about laws becoming guidelines, I think that we have already seen these things and they aren't as "grand" as breaking the limits of the physics model.

For example:
Alexis can float on a disk she probably made herself, without any indication of thrust or exhaust. This thing is magical. To make matters worse she can summon huge amounts of Iron to stab things but there is no opposite reaction, which breaks Newton's third law.

MC at level 3 hovers, doesn't fly. And not only that but he can create and move around a huge ass scythe. The scene where he extends the scythe would create so much torque that the result would be comical. Yet it doesn't.

Ella turns into that devilgoatthing and can change her trajectory midair with a doublejump like the ones some old platformers have.

Technically if you try hard enough, you can come up with tinfoil-hat explanations that can at least explain the phenomena, like for example MC's tail being sentient can automatically increase the weight and counteract whatever torque was created by extending the scythe.

I attribute these to the idea that Order is a Power like any other, and if the superhuman is sufficiently strong they can bypass some aspects laid out by order momentarily. The universe will "allow" some oddities to happen, because the focus and most of the power is used to facilitate grander things like relativity, quantum oddities etc. Of course this idea can't be measured but I like it a bit more than just "magic".

The only comment I'll make about Supernatural Energy is that if it's both a Superhuman's power source and their lifeforce, Michael's ability to drain it from those weaker than him has the potential to be absolutely broken at its apex.
For now I think Michael has it rough. He needs to both store 2 types of energy and use his own internal power to facilitate the effect. This is very restrictive. What would happen for example if he never fought monsters. I expect these things to change at his higher evolution and become less rigid.

As long as his own power acts as a rate limiter and is independent from the absorbed energy (especially the supernatural one), then it doesn't leave much room for exploiting it. He could consume meat like Ella suggested, but that would be useful if he had to prepare before a fight.

At the moment Michael's offense works a lot like Malik and Klaus, but he trades ease of use for versatility. It makes sense that the Apostle of Energy would be all about conversion though. However I find it a bit hard to imagine what applications would that have down the line. Absorbing, converting and blasting is great but nothing special.

Edit: Thinking about it, if he somehow manages to absorb all types of energy and redirect them, that would probably make him invincible. For example absorbing the kinetic energy of a bullet will make him immune to bullets (and other projectiles). Taking that to the extreme, even if you dropped a planet on him, assuming that he has enough power, he could absorb the hit. But at least for now, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Also, replying to your points on Alice from your previous post. Mixed Ancestry is a lot more complicated.

1) Physics is a good starting point, but I think Ella gave us a fair warning.

Ella: And then beyond level 3... Well, it's there you'll reach a point where the laws of the natural universe start becoming less and less relevant, until they're more of a loose guideline than anything else. Physics, chemistry, science itself, things that you think you know... will not work the same way...

Superhuman is the name of the game. The supernatural is to be expected. Especially at the higher Levels.

2) It would make sense if Space and Time were twinned. At the same time, it would be natural for Energy and Matter to be twinned. They are not.

If mass-energy equivalence doesn't justify Twin Apostles, I'm less than convinced that Spacetime and Dark-Light are a foregone conclusion.

3) If we had to choose between Space and Time, then gravity fits space better. Do we really have to choose? If you assume the Fifth Apostle is Time, then I suppose so but I'm not assuming that. You know I think Time is the 8th Apostle.

My assumption is that The Ether is the (5th) Apostle of Gravity. This is consistent with Alice's powers. My theory is that Nico and Hex's power is a fairly authentic copy of the Sixth Apostle's trait.

I've spoken about this before, but I wasn't as clear as I could've been.

A) The Meta Reason: Ether or Aether is an obsolete theory of electromagnetism and gravity. It's also the Fifth Element of Greek Myth. It's an odd choice of name for the "Space" Apostle, but a rather clever name for the Gravity Apostle.

B) The Paranoid Reason: "Awaken, Descendant of the Sixth, Granddaughter of the Ether, Heir to Space"

I) All Grandchildren are descendants. Not all descendants are Grandchildren. There's an implication that Alice is more closely related to the Ether than she is to the Sixth.


II) You can also read that line to be the Ether is grandstanding and repeating itself. "You're my descendent, my granddaughter, heir to my power." It is correct, but also clumsy and boring. Fight me.

C) The Dimension Breaker Problem: There is a fundamental difference between Alice and Nico that made the former the key to breaching Hex's dimension. Level 5 Space-bending Nico couldn't accomplish this alone. For that they needed something only Alice possesses.

I) Perhaps she inherited an aspect of the Sixth's power that Nico did not.


II) Perhaps Alice's Gravity trait is the twin to Nico's trait and that is why they synergise so well.

I prefer the latter interpretation, but I think both are valid interpretations. It's a different reading of the available facts and its part of what makes the game world so compelling.

4) Obviously, Alice falls very short of a Superhuman with the combined powers of Space and Time. I don't think Alice has Time powers nor do I think she'll unlock them at a later date. Writing that theory out only strengthened my belief that the 8th is Time.

I think Alice has Gravity powers from the 5th Apostle and I think she has the same potential to unlock the 6th's trait (whatever it may be) that Jake had to unlock the 2nd's trait.

According to Aglaecwif, there was a potential inheritor to the Original Power of Order that required the complete inheritance of the 1st and 2nd traits. Jake definitely had the 1st's trait, but he never showed any sign of the 2nd's trait. That's the standard I applied to Alice.

The Ether refers to Alice is the "Heir to Space". An heir to a fortune has yet to acquire it. A prince is yet to inherit a king. I can't prove that Alice has both traits, because I don't believe she does yet and I don't know whether she will. It wasn't until Level 5 that Ella seems to have known for certain.
You make a lot of good points. I'll try to compare it to what I think are "facts" or at least plausible to see how they hold up:

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As far as Alice's actual power and her potential if she never unlocks the other trait. I'm far from disappointed with what she's shown and I think Gravity already has enormous potential.

The power to dictate weight, to drag meteors, order the planets, crush infinitely in a pseudo-black hole. As you said, Gravity's relationship to spacetime fits pretty neatly with my thoughts about "Space".

There is something I find curious about Alice's barrier. She seems to be shielded against lightning and plasma in a way I wouldn't necessary expect for a pure gravity barrier. It seems more like a magnetosphere.

The way she attracts and repels implies either magnetism or both gravity and anti-gravity. Either has massive implications.
I was trying hard to decrypt Alice's power. Gravity is cool, but is it "explosion" cool? Aside from collapsed stars, I don't know of any other interaction that creates explosions. This is how I think they work:

1) The fist orbs create gravitational effects. Since she is on earth and earth has air, the fists instantly suck the air and create a veil around them.
Whenever Alice punches something, the gravitational effect is momentarily halted and the air is unleashed with huge potential, turning into kinetic energy and blasting whatever is in proximity.

This explains a lot of things. The fact that gravity creates explosions for one, but also why she doesn't feel the same recoil as her targets do.
It also explains the Graviton Impact attack (which is more like.. air impact),

2) The same principle applies to her ranged attacks too. She creates an orb that is fairly unstable. The orb sucks the air creating a potential bomb, and on impact it breaks, the gravitational effect ceases and caboom.

3) Her orbs have a spin, similar to all celestial bodies. This explains why MC feels a shockwave when he touches the orbs and not a simple gravitational attraction. Perhaps if she were to use her powers in a vacuum, it would look very different.

4) In a similar vein, her "passive" barrier is her attracting the air around her and creating a veil that protects her.

I think with these assumptions we can explain the behavior of lightning and Klaus' beams but I don't remember the scenes exactly, perhaps there is something that I've missed.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
100% agree with this.

...exactly five minutes before you posted. Almost point-for-point. Great minds? Let's go with that.
This is what I get for not reading the last page ^_^. You explained it perfectly and I could just throw a like. Instead I had to spend time writing this and checking th script to not make any silly mistake.
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Jun 22, 2017
This explains a lot of things. The fact that gravity creates explosions for one, but also why she doesn't feel the same recoil as her targets do.
It also explains the Graviton Impact attack (which is more like.. air impact),
I would just like to point it out that Alice still feels the recoil at least to some extent, there is a scene where she is training with Michael and he notices that her fighting stance is different, more stable and using punches instead of her usual pirouetting kicks, he theorizes that it was because whitout a firm grip on the ground the impact of her attacks would affect her too. Then he tricks her into using a kick and redirects it to the ground, which immediately sends her flying.

I always interpreted Alice's power as "manipulating" gravity itself, the explosions being a consequence of her "pushing" things away though it might not make sense since gravity pulls objects with mass to each other, but giving the supernatural way superhuman work didn't seem a big problem for her to use it to repel things, but i really like your compressed air theory for the graviton orbs, it IS pretty cool.


May 19, 2020
Oh trust me, the context was necessary and laid out in a very structured manner.

Taking into account Ella's quote about laws becoming guidelines, I think that we have already seen these things and they aren't as "grand" as breaking the limits of the physics model.

For example:
Alexis can float on a disk she probably made herself, without any indication of thrust or exhaust. This thing is magical. To make matters worse she can summon huge amounts of Iron to stab things but there is no opposite reaction, which breaks Newton's third law.

MC at level 3 hovers, doesn't fly. And not only that but he can create and move around a huge ass scythe. The scene where he extends the scythe would create so much torque that the result would be comical. Yet it doesn't.

Ella turns into that devilgoatthing and can change her trajectory midair with a doublejump like the ones some old platformers have.

Technically if you try hard enough, you can come up with tinfoil-hat explanations that can at least explain the phenomena, like for example MC's tail being sentient can automatically increase the weight and counteract whatever torque was created by extending the scythe.

I attribute these to the idea that Order is a Power like any other, and if the superhuman is sufficiently strong they can bypass some aspects laid out by order momentarily. The universe will "allow" some oddities to happen, because the focus and most of the power is used to facilitate grander things like relativity, quantum oddities etc. Of course this idea can't be measured but I like it a bit more than just "magic".

For now I think Michael has it rough. He needs to both store 2 types of energy and use his own internal power to facilitate the effect. This is very restrictive. What would happen for example if he never fought monsters. I expect these things to change at his higher evolution and become less rigid.

As long as his own power acts as a rate limiter and is independent from the absorbed energy (especially the supernatural one), then it doesn't leave much room for exploiting it. He could consume meat like Ella suggested, but that would be useful if he had to prepare before a fight.

At the moment Michael's offense works a lot like Malik and Klaus, but he trades ease of use for versatility. It makes sense that the Apostle of Energy would be all about conversion though. However I find it a bit hard to imagine what applications would that have down the line. Absorbing, converting and blasting is great but nothing special.

Edit: Thinking about it, if he somehow manages to absorb all types of energy and redirect them, that would probably make him invincible. For example absorbing the kinetic energy of a bullet will make him immune to bullets (and other projectiles). Taking that to the extreme, even if you dropped a planet on him, assuming that he has enough power, he could absorb the hit. But at least for now, that doesn't seem to be the case.

You make a lot of good points. I'll try to compare it to what I think are "facts" or at least plausible to see how they hold up:

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I was trying hard to decrypt Alice's power. Gravity is cool, but is it "explosion" cool? Aside from collapsed stars, I don't know of any other interaction that creates explosions. This is how I think they work:

1) The fist orbs create gravitational effects. Since she is on earth and earth has air, the fists instantly suck the air and create a veil around them.
Whenever Alice punches something, the gravitational effect is momentarily halted and the air is unleashed with huge potential, turning into kinetic energy and blasting whatever is in proximity.

This explains a lot of things. The fact that gravity creates explosions for one, but also why she doesn't feel the same recoil as her targets do.
It also explains the Graviton Impact attack (which is more like.. air impact),

2) The same principle applies to her ranged attacks too. She creates an orb that is fairly unstable. The orb sucks the air creating a potential bomb, and on impact it breaks, the gravitational effect ceases and caboom.

3) Her orbs have a spin, similar to all celestial bodies. This explains why MC feels a shockwave when he touches the orbs and not a simple gravitational attraction. Perhaps if she were to use her powers in a vacuum, it would look very different.

4) In a similar vein, her "passive" barrier is her attracting the air around her and creating a veil that protects her.

I think with these assumptions we can explain the behavior of lightning and Klaus' beams but I don't remember the scenes exactly, perhaps there is something that I've missed.
My brother in Talos, Rebis is a literal alchemical construct and both Aglaecwif and Valravn speak about monster magic, not to say Aglaecwif empowers the MC using magic if you choose power or skill when interacting with her. I believe we're past the point of "is superhuman strictly sci-fi or does it have fantasy elements as well".
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Jul 13, 2021
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I would just like to point it out that Alice still feels the recoil at least to some extent, there is a scene where she is training with Michael and he notices that her fighting stance is different, more stable and using punches instead of her usual pirouetting kicks, he theorizes that it was because whitout a firm grip on the ground the impact of her attacks would affect her too. Then he tricks her into using a kick and redirects it to the ground, which immediately sends her flying.

I always interpreted Alice's power as "manipulating" gravity itself, the explosions being a consequence of her "pushing" things away though it might not make sense since gravity pulls objects with mass to each other, but giving the supernatural way superhuman work didn't seem a big problem for her to use it to repel things, but i really like your compressed air theory for the graviton orbs, it IS pretty cool.
For the recoil thing, it's the reason I used the word "same". I remember the scene and like most of the "tactics" scenes, it's one of my favorites.
It shows how good Michael is at reading his target. I got upset that Alice managed to turn it against him, but then again it was probably the "catalyst" for the cool scenes against Laurie and the flying monster so I'm not complaining.

As the mechanics of her powers, I've googled and prompted ChatGPT with a rephrase of "gravity causing explosions" too many times to count and I couldn't find anything that seemed like a good answer. It was fucking irritating because most powers have some rhyme or reason, but Alice's seemed the exact opposite of what is expected of gravity! I can't know if my theory is correct, but just having one that kind of explains how she causes explosions at least calmed me down somewhat. ^_^

My brother in Talos, Rebis is a literal alchemical construct and both Aglaecwif and Valravn speak about monster magic, not to say Aglaecwif empowers the MC using magic if you choose power or skill when interacting with her. I believe we're past the point of "is superhuman strictly sci-fi or does it have fantasy elements as well".
Julianos talks to me in my sleep, I can't let go! Yea, can't argue with this point. There are a lot of magical things going on there and the examples I've given, even if less exotic, are actually magic. But I do care about consistency. To explain what I'm talking about:

The Rebis may be "magical", but it actually understands that, and it obsessed with researching it's nature. Which allows the possibility that there is a perfectly good reason that at least makes sense in-setting.

Then we have other kinds of internal consistency, like Aglaecwif's magic. It's just so easy to explain this by claiming that since she is the descendant of 4th and has power over memories, all she did was to unlock some hidden potential inside MC. Some memory not fully realized, some dormant ability, w/e. If it was a monster of Space for example, I wouldn't be able to make such a claim. But it's not, and despite the absurdity, it remains somewhat consistent.
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Aug 30, 2019
Pregnancy will probably be a thing due to our powers, not really anything to argue about or debunk. Though it'll probably be endgame due to:
A. Level 5 requirement, greater control over DNA.
B. Plot importance, the last thing anyone wants is a pregnant Alice, Tiffany, or Ella when they are having an epic battle or Evolution.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
So.do we know who gave the fairy casé to the casino? Was it ella? was it deus ? Why ella gave the tapes to tiff ? Is she playing harem maker? Is a plan to fuck up hero ? Do i feel bored because my wife made me come to a place i hate?
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
So.do we know who gave the fairy casé to the casino? Was it ella? was it deus ? Why ella gave the tapes to tiff ? Is she playing harem maker? Is a plan to fuck up hero ? Do i feel bored because my wife made me come to a place i hate?
For the fairy case:
Fact 1) Xanthe wants it but for some reason he doesn't rely on HERO superhumans to get it by force.
Fact 2) There is some intrigue going on with Danica. Xanthe claims that he has a personal relationship with her which come in contrast with her behavior towards him while under Klaus payroll.
Fact 3) Xanthe seems to get help from Nico, but again he doesn't send her to grab the case.
Fact 4) The monster was alive when everyone thought it was dead.

Xanthe wanting it shouldn't be an important point. It's supposed to be a monster corpse that he can use to create more superhumans, do research etc. The interesting part is that he doesn't have any support from superhumans. That doesn't necessarily mean that HERO don't care but we know that they are worked to the bone. We also know that they rely on Deus to plan their operations.

Danica having a personal relationship with him could mean that he wanted her undercover for some purpose. That reason probably isn't to "steal" the thing. After all he seems willing to pay Klaus and if he wanted to avoid the payment he could wait till the last minute and backstab him. I think that Danica is there to find out about whoever gave the monster to the casino.

The reason why Xanthe gets help from Nico can be very simple. She is the most efficient HERO agent, so she probably is the only one who can help him. She probably has an ulterior motive too, and that's the evolution serum. The interesting part is that Nico doesn't just grab the cannister. So she either can't (perhaps because the monster is kin), or Xanthe suspects whoever sold it has a vested interested in seeing it reaching it's natural destination, while having the means to detect Nico.

The monster being alive can't be accidental. This was a deception, so whoever did it wanted to create some situation. What are the chances that whoever did it couldn't deal with it in case things went really bad? Of course, someone could know about HERO and their ability to deal with them, but

So who could it be:
The way I see it there are two candidates.

1) Unknown faction of researchers/superhumans that we have yet to meet (considering that we get new characters, perhaps there will be some grand reveal?). This thing is well orchestrated and the fact that Nico didn't just "deal" with it the usual way means someone is using his influence. This would also explain Danica's role in this situation along with her personal relationship to Xanthe (being undercover trying to determine who is the orchestrator).

2) Deus. Of all the known characters he is the best candidate IMO.
a) Deus claims to be able to corner Hexenringe. So perhaps he can also deal with Nico's tricks, not allowing her to just deal with the situation.
b) Being a fortune teller, he could tell Xanthe how this thing will play out but he didn't. That's not the best argument, but Deus is ALWAYS suspicious due to this reason.
c) The situation GREATLY benefits the MC. MC ends up evolving and getting one more superhuman ally who ends up becoming his girlfriend.
d) If Deus is good at dealing with the Hexenringe, it stands to reason that he is good against any monster descending from the Sixth. So he was the one who mangled the Fairy in the first place.

I'm generally reluctant to accuse Deus of such things, but this one plays to his strengths. So for now I think that he is the best candidate.


Nov 23, 2020
For the fairy case:
Fact 1) Xanthe wants it but for some reason he doesn't rely on HERO superhumans to get it by force.
Fact 2) There is some intrigue going on with Danica. Xanthe claims that he has a personal relationship with her which come in contrast with her behavior towards him while under Klaus payroll.
Fact 3) Xanthe seems to get help from Nico, but again he doesn't send her to grab the case.
Fact 4) The monster was alive when everyone thought it was dead.

Xanthe wanting it shouldn't be an important point. It's supposed to be a monster corpse that he can use to create more superhumans, do research etc. The interesting part is that he doesn't have any support from superhumans. That doesn't necessarily mean that HERO don't care but we know that they are worked to the bone. We also know that they rely on Deus to plan their operations.

Danica having a personal relationship with him could mean that he wanted her undercover for some purpose. That reason probably isn't to "steal" the thing. After all he seems willing to pay Klaus and if he wanted to avoid the payment he could wait till the last minute and backstab him. I think that Danica is there to find out about whoever gave the monster to the casino.

The reason why Xanthe gets help from Nico can be very simple. She is the most efficient HERO agent, so she probably is the only one who can help him. She probably has an ulterior motive too, and that's the evolution serum. The interesting part is that Nico doesn't just grab the cannister. So she either can't (perhaps because the monster is kin), or Xanthe suspects whoever sold it has a vested interested in seeing it reaching it's natural destination, while having the means to detect Nico.

The monster being alive can't be accidental. This was a deception, so whoever did it wanted to create some situation. What are the chances that whoever did it couldn't deal with it in case things went really bad? Of course, someone could know about HERO and their ability to deal with them, but

So who could it be:
The way I see it there are two candidates.

1) Unknown faction of researchers/superhumans that we have yet to meet (considering that we get new characters, perhaps there will be some grand reveal?). This thing is well orchestrated and the fact that Nico didn't just "deal" with it the usual way means someone is using his influence. This would also explain Danica's role in this situation along with her personal relationship to Xanthe (being undercover trying to determine who is the orchestrator).

2) Deus. Of all the known characters he is the best candidate IMO.
a) Deus claims to be able to corner Hexenringe. So perhaps he can also deal with Nico's tricks, not allowing her to just deal with the situation.
b) Being a fortune teller, he could tell Xanthe how this thing will play out but he didn't. That's not the best argument, but Deus is ALWAYS suspicious due to this reason.
c) The situation GREATLY benefits the MC. MC ends up evolving and getting one more superhuman ally who ends up becoming his girlfriend.
d) If Deus is good at dealing with the Hexenringe, it stands to reason that he is good against any monster descending from the Sixth. So he was the one who mangled the Fairy in the first place.

I'm generally reluctant to accuse Deus of such things, but this one plays to his strengths. So for now I think that he is the best candidate.
This is just Speculation, but I'll also put out the Shopkeeper as being a possibility for being the benefactor.
He has connections to get rare objects connected to monsters, and a weird agenda of his own.
He also has some planning ability or future sight of his own. He knows the twins are going to need those rings, so he gives them to them ahead of time.
It would also make narrative sense for it to be the shop keeper working behind the scenes to arrange that.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
This is just Speculation, but I'll also put out the Shopkeeper as being a possibility for being the benefactor.
He has connections to get rare objects connected to monsters, and a weird agenda of his own.
He also has some planning ability or future sight of his own. He knows the twins are going to need those rings, so he gives them to them ahead of time.
It would also make narrative sense for it to be the shop keeper working behind the scenes to arrange that.
Interesting viewpoint. He iis known to trade an extremely valuable item for something of seemingly no value.

His MO is a bit all over the place though, he is a tough nut to crack. If there was just the smallest indication that he was involved, either through an intermediary or through some chance to apply his influence, I'd easily subscribe to the idea. I'll keep him in mind for now.
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Aug 30, 2019
This is just Speculation, but I'll also put out the Shopkeeper as being a possibility for being the benefactor.
He has connections to get rare objects connected to monsters, and a weird agenda of his own.
He also has some planning ability or future sight of his own. He knows the twins are going to need those rings, so he gives them to them ahead of time.
It would also make narrative sense for it to be the shop keeper working behind the scenes to arrange that.
Bro I didn't even CONSIDER the Shopkeeper! That fucker trades rare monster affiliated shit like candy. He's arguably the ONLY guy that would donate something for free. Perhaps he stumbled on the fairy when it was injured and decided to spice things up in the Superhuman world by giving it to the criminal underworld.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Bro I didn't even CONSIDER the Shopkeeper! That fucker trades rare monster affiliated shit like candy. He's arguably the ONLY guy that would donate something for free. Perhaps he stumbled on the fairy when it was injured and decided to spice things up in the Superhuman world by giving it to the criminal underworld.
I wonder if it was him tho who did give it to the criminal underworld.

Fairy's appearance when we last saw em was well fucked. Not just anyone could make him or others like him in such a state. I always thought Xanthe could of had something to do with it due to his partnership with Klaus and his family.

Mind you during the poker game no matter who won Klaus was going to get it/steal it (assuming the MC/Alice wasn't there) he could of just stole it from whatever poor sap won the game.

Other than shopkeep or Xanthe I cant imagine anyone else being strong enough or having people close who are strong capable of getting fairy in his state/situation of being sold.

Although maybe Ella is a possibility.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I wonder if it was him tho who did give it to the criminal underworld.

Fairy's appearance when we last saw em was well fucked. Not just anyone could make him or others like him in such a state. I always thought Xanthe could of had something to do with it due to his partnership with Klaus and his family.

Mind you during the poker game no matter who won Klaus was going to get it/steal it (assuming the MC/Alice wasn't there) he could of just stole it from whatever poor sap won the game.

Other than shopkeep or Xanthe I cant imagine anyone else being strong enough or having people close who are strong capable of getting fairy in his state/situation of being sold.

Although maybe Ella is a possibility.
Well that's actually why I thought it was:
- H.E.R.O who injured it.
-It got away or they thought it wouldn't survive it's injuries.
-Xanthe still wanted it's corpse but as we know based on The Battle Of Diamonds decision; killing the monster is a better option than capture.
-This may be backed up by the fact that it can make black holes on fucking command, and while they DO have Deus to DETECT it beforehand, they don't have Zack to clean it up.
-So Xanthe goes against his co workers backs, as quoted by Klaus, and sends them to retrieve it upon hearing whispers FROM them.

Or Ella injured it like you said :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Well that's actually why I thought it was:
- H.E.R.O who injured it.
-It got away or they thought it wouldn't survive it's injuries.
-Xanthe still wanted it's corpse but as we know based on The Battle Of Diamonds decision; killing the monster is a better option than capture.
-This may be backed up by the fact that it can make black holes on fucking command, and while they DO have Deus to DETECT it beforehand, they don't have Zack to clean it up.
-So Xanthe goes against his co workers backs, as quoted by Klaus, and sends them to retrieve it upon hearing whispers FROM them.

Or Ella injured it like you said :ROFLMAO:
I have considered one last possibility:
Unknown third party

Honestly I have a hard time believing there's only HERO and SIN (the world's a big place ya know, people conspiring for power and all that sounds like something that the world of superhuman has going on often enough be it through politics, crime, or powers).

MC was independent for a bit and I can imagine despite all the publicity/recruitment stuff from HERO/SIN there still are independent peoples out there.

We also have to note MC and Co wouldn't have been found as fast as they were if it wasn't for Del (who knows how long the MC and crew would of been independent for if it wasn't for him).

Could there be a third party fucking around out there and somehow capable of giving fairy the deep dickings? Potentially but Weird has set things up where its basically a big ass clash between HERO and SIN and constant fighting between em but it'd be a wild curveball to have a third party roll in as the fire is still going.

Also back to that poker game...I wonder if anyone else at that table would come back later. If I recall only the rich and powerful show up to that right? I doubt they had anything to do with Fairy but maybe they are up to something as well?
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Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
I had a revelation. Maybe our bald fuck of a father was member of the other Group who wanted to cure the pre human monsters maybe they had MC mom there shit went down like spy movie down with a Saw like plot Twist. The clues are there. the clínic, Dexter knows our dad, the game kind of tell us that mom went monster. Now Alice dad drops the bomb of the monster P.E.T.A and Bramon Having a kid fuck thats another movie right there. But first i want to see. The bald,the fedora and the fairy XD


Apr 18, 2020
The game hints at pregnancy a lot, then we are told that superhumans can't have kids with humans and other superhumans, but only with monsters.
BUT if you pay attention, at Tiffany's wedding, Dexter hints at the possibility of Tiffany having children despite being superhuman.
MC: "But... Tiffany can't have children now, can she?"
Dexter:"Heh, who can say?"


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
The game hints at pregnancy a lot, then we are told that superhumans can't have kids with humans and other superhumans, but only with monsters.
BUT if you pay attention, at Tiffany's wedding, Dexter hints at the possibility of Tiffany having children despite being superhuman.
MC: "But... Tiffany can't have children now, can she?"
Dexter:"Heh, who can say?"
I mean there are other ways a person can have children other than the tried and true natural way (such as adoption although I doubt Dexter would allow such a thing to happen, who knows tho).

Hell, there might be a possibility (albeit small) Dexter had Tiffany store some of her eggs prior to becoming superhuman (he could of just had Xanthe take some without her knowing while doing whatever he did to her for powers) or a more...holy fuck idea that Dexter has potentially cloned his daughter(s) so a set of powered ones and a set of human ones.

That's at least the method(s) I thought of when ponderin what ye said.

In the event of his children's deaths I feel like Dexter is the type of dude to plan out contingency plans since his family's fortune would lack an heir of any kind. Cloning, adoption, or just regular ol breeding (if he can even have more children? I don't think he has powers just his weird ass thanos glove which Klaus's dad also has if I recall right).
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