
Jan 30, 2019
Question guys, has all the game's art been updated yet? Or are the devs still going according to plan and that's going to happen in the big update of the long awaited version "1.0"?


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Though this does bring up an interesting point. According to Syla, her body hasn't decayed. It's possible that she's in a state much like the MC was these past few days and isn't actually dead. Then her discussion with Valravn becomes re-contextualized as someone who has been resisting the call of the void by remaining in the conceptual realm.
It's a possibility, but I think if she wasn't dead, that would be one of the first things she'd tell you.
Ella's body doesn't decay either because she was not killed, only her soul was separated from her body.
I think she's somewhere between "barely alive and barely dead" right now.
But I wouldn't compare it to a coma because her condition is much more serious.
Even if someone put her soul back into her body, I'm guessing it wouldn't be enough and she would need someone else to "reignite her spark".

It is possible that our mother experienced something similar.
Actually, Nyx's power has to come from someone, so it's not impossible that some extremely powerful monsters (probably one of the chosen ones) could have a similar instant kill ability.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
I think a better explanation is that the immaterial world is more or less a realm of ideas and mental constructs. So Syla is physically dead, but the Idea of her lives on. Not necessarily the same thing as her soul, but due to her power over Memory it is likely she still possesses it even while existing as a concept instead of a physical being.

Though this does bring up an interesting point. According to Syla, her body hasn't decayed. It's possible that she's in a state much like the MC was these past few days and isn't actually dead. Then her discussion with Valravn becomes re-contextualized as someone who has been resisting the call of the void by remaining in the conceptual realm.
The nature of the Dream World at this point is kinda hard to define. The best I can do is try to group the various things that exist in categories that make sense. Syla is obviously an outlier. Why? I can't tell. I used to think that MC ate her and that's why she persists. She is certainly dead, but so are the people in Nyx's river. What makes those different that every other thing that exists there? Perhaps it's Nyx's power, perhaps not. Unless I have reason to somehow make a distinction between the various apparitions that exist in the dreamworld, I'd rather assume that everything has the same basic attributes, even if their circumstances are different.

As for her body.. Syla is a Chosen and we know that very powerful beings can retain their strength even after death. Like the husks of dead Apostle Avatars and the monster that Markus has in his basement.

I wouldn't pay much attention to that one personally. At least nothing more than the obvious, that her body actually exists and is lifelike.

The thing is that up till now, we considered the memories of people as a supernatural aspect of Memory's power. We never understood how scenes like Nyx's in the catacombs could be, how could memories gain extra knowledge and be able to "warn her" that someone is behind her.

Now the framework is completely different and the lines between Memory, Dreams and Souls are blurred.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Now the framework is completely different and the lines between Memory, Dreams and Souls are blurred.
A person's personality is practically the sum of his memories and experiences.
Phantoms in dreams are practically just echoes of memories left by our soul.
Souls are... actually, I'm not sure here and I doubt that there are many people in this world and in the superhuman world who would be sure :ROFLMAO:

From what we know about phantoms in the dream world, it seems that some phantoms are still connected to living souls (which is why the MC was able to convince the woman to release him) but some are just remnants left behind after people die and their souls pass on. What is interesting is the fact that it seems that only those whose souls have actually entered the dream world have a truly material form, instead of only a phantom of it appearing there (with only a few exceptions that transcendent to a higher form of being).

I admit that for a long time I thought Syla was just something the MC subconsciously created to help himself evolve and gave it his mother's form, along with all the memories he had of her.

That turned out to be completely wrong, but what convinced me the most was the fact that Syla has a physical body in the dream world, so she's not just some memory, she's really her.


If MC were groping Syla's breast at the time he ascends to the dream world, perhaps through their connection, her soul could be returned to her body. (I guess he could also put his hand on her head or something, but that wouldn't be as funny. :ROFLMAO:)

But I don't think he could do it right now. For one, it's extremely difficult to actually consciously enter the dream world (so far we only know of two lvl 5 captains that can do it, and Nyx can only do it because we just showed her) and for second, for manipulating someone who was probably at the chosen level would MC probably had to be at lvl 5.

Although, wouldn't it be possible for Nyx to mark a soul in the dream world?
Then she could revive Syla without any problems.
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Dec 4, 2018
Eeeeeh, this sort of thing always feels so heavily tied up in personal preferences and what you care about. Like if you pushed me for a single canon love interest for the MC I'd argue that Alice would be the most likely candidate. Just how naturally she fits into the MC's world/story and how she actively walks besides him as a partner is a really strong arguement for her being the OTP.
Only reason Alice can walk beside him is because she has powers. MC literally feels forcibly inserted into a mob side story between Klaus, Alice and Micheal. But I'll agree she is still a big part of the main story. But that doesn't really matter anymore cause Liz and Amber both were a big part of the story for the last couple updates and both of them are getting powers. So your points are kinda moot at this point. But prior to this point, they were his connection to his humanity, his past life. Figures them dieing would cause him to berserk.

If this wasn't a harem game, Alice would most definitely be into Micheal, they spend every day together and they have a backstory together and they compliment each other in everyway. Both of them are fighting side by side in almost every scene. They feel like partners in crime much more then the MC. But Micheal isn't interested in pursuing that so that's a loss for him, don't mind if I do.

It does depend on preference. The MCs preference is clearly Liz seeing both of them "died" at some point and MC's reaction is clearly much much more intense with Liz.
I like romanticism. just compare the story of Alice vs Liz. Liz initially rejects MC because she thinks both of them are lazy, unmotivated and depressed. MC gets powers and is suddenly motivated, driven and can compete in Liz's world (fitting in her world yes?) and has a big dick. Liz sees that and slowly changes too while being around him. She allows herself to fall in love for the first time to a man who literally is fixing her. This is all just talking about the characters without actually getting into the plot points cause all that stuff is noise imo. Ironically for someone who has a NTR route, Liz's reason for loving you is probably the least vain and the most natural out of everyone.

Alice's story has a lot of noise. But I think that's all there is, MC helps her out and they fall in love. There's no romanticism there. The MC feels forcibly injected into Klaus, Alice and Micheals mafia story. No offence, I like her as a character. But as a romantic interest she is very lacking.
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Mar 28, 2020
Dude is shitting on the dev because his imaginary girlfriend got hurt on a super violent game. Its directly hurting the game i like. Are you fucking blind or are you upset because you self insert too?

While I do find the act of "self insertion" incredibly sad, I won't ever bring it up unless someone tries to use it enforce their own will on how something should be.
Are you fucking blind yourself? Words on a forum are just that, words. You're never going to please everyone, and people shitting on devs over a story decision is nothing new.

Grow up. It's people like you that make others want to walk on eggshells.


Dec 4, 2018
Are you fucking blind yourself? Words on a forum are just that, words. You're never going to please everyone, and people shitting on devs over a story decision is nothing new.

Grow up. It's people like you that make others want to walk on eggshells.
No I'm not blind, I just choose to engage and shit on people who say retarded shit. I hope people who want to say retarded shit walk on eggshells lmao.


New Member
Oct 8, 2023
do ya'll get notifications on your phones or something cause its crazy how you can respond within 6 minutes of a reply


Jan 1, 2022
I'm a no lifer I suppose, but not very many people respond to me since I'm in the minority when it comes to voicing opinions or preferences.

Like I'm probably the only person here who think Danica is the hottest character in this game and would have ditched Alice in a heartbeat at the casino when we met her, but no one wants to talk about that haha... :HideThePain:

I'm pretty sure more than half of you all ate her brains :mad:


New Member
Oct 8, 2023
I'm a no lifer I suppose, but not very many people respond to me since I'm in the minority when it comes to voicing opinions or preferences.

Like I'm probably the only person here who think Danica is the hottest character in this game and would have ditched Alice in a heartbeat at the casino when we met her, but no one wants to talk about that haha... :HideThePain:

I'm pretty sure more than half of you all ate her brains :mad:
NGL Danica and Agaelwolf (i prob butchered it) were making me consider swapping sides fr


Jan 21, 2024
NGL Danica and Agaelwolf (i prob butchered it) were making me consider swapping sides fr
Why swap sides when you can just bring them up to our side? Dani's in HERO and finally got some love (FMC too), and at this point Aglaecwif has baby fever (quite literally in fact). All thats left is to do it in real life (outside the dream fuckery), and we got them.

Also, Danica doesn't have many that like her, but she got a solid following i'd say (hell, i've spared her more times than Jake).


Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
None of the lore makes a damn bit of sense to me. Order? Body? The 3rd? None if it ever has. Literally makes my eyes glaze over

I can't be the only one, right?


Active Member
Jun 2, 2018
Finished. My head hurts by so many info and i sweat cold because of the ending. I don't care if you like her or not, i don't want to lose anyone.

Hmm, we've got another power/skill choice.

You can either buy the voidstone in the shop which allows you to trade your spine to Humanity for 5 skill, or buy the power drink to get 30 power.
you could buy the energy waaaay earlier. thank god i did.

I doubt Liz will be dead-dead, but if she was I have no idea how MC would be convinced into joining SIN (assuming he has the power to make the choice).
  • Even if they both lived then it was extraneous torture by Tanos, which I doubt MC would look on kindly.
Not even Ella (the doll at least) likes the idea of Thanos hanging around SIN, she asked why the fuck he's here, and we found out later he was bought by Eisheth after Ella "died"

Some parts have me believing WW cooked a bit too much, too soon. While other things got clarified on, or expanded beyond what was previously known. The lore was great, but also too expansive when paired with the revelation of some of the cosmology. It felt like we skipped a few steps somewhere. That's just my initial feelings.
Well, Syla said 1 night for each trip is too fast, so we got some answers but we don't really fully understand them and feel like we skipped some things, and she said to fully absorve and understand everything would take a century or something

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The scars are inverted too so the eyes are tecnically in the right place?
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Jan 21, 2024
None of the lore makes a damn bit of sense to me. Order? Body? The 3rd? None if it ever has. Literally makes my eyes glaze over

I can't be the only one, right?
We don't have everything, but we have a good idea. If you have any doubts, just ask. I'm not the best, but i'll answer what i can if you want.


Nov 8, 2020
None of the lore makes a damn bit of sense to me. Order? Body? The 3rd? None if it ever has. Literally makes my eyes glaze over

I can't be the only one, right?
You're not the only one, but looking on this thread there's many things that we end passing by about the lore as we play through that has already be explained. And some things are still a mystery to all of us too!!

1st Apostle = The Authority
2nd Apostle = The Power
3rd Apostle = The Body
4th Apostle = The Memory
5th Apostle = The Eternal/Time
6th Apostle = The Ether/Space
7th Apostle = The Darkness
8th Apostle = The Light
9th Apostle = The Truth
10th Apostle = The Fantasy
11th Apostle = Destruction
12th Apostle = Creation


Authority + Power = Order
Body + Memory = Evolution
Time + Ether = Infinity

Light + Darkness = Soul
Truth + Fantasy = Paradox
Creation + Destruction = Chaos

What I know is this (Someone correct me if i'm wrong) :
Basically there's God, he split himself in the Twin Outer Gods ( because of this there's the whole thing about twins), them each twin give birth to 3 Origins and each Origin give birth to another pair of twins, which are the 12 apostles!


Active Member
Feb 22, 2019
None of the lore makes a damn bit of sense to me. Order? Body? The 3rd? None if it ever has. Literally makes my eyes glaze over

I can't be the only one, right?
It can be confusing but if you have some doubts or you just want some clearance on little things go on the awesome wiki made by the archivists of this forum
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