
Jun 22, 2017
What do you mean by believe? Did something bad happen to Liz? I played through the update and couldn't find anything, is it a secret scene or something?
My guy the whole thread is talking about that, just go back a few pages. But if somehow you missed it happens just after Mc escapes his dream prison and finds Liz and Amber cell, Cole is there and whitout spoilers he did something to Liz.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2020
bold move but wonder if the creator has the integrity to keep her dead or she just going regenerate her body back in the next update.


New Member
Nov 7, 2021
Exactly, my guy is literally flashing back all his experiences with her and is probably gonna be the catalyst for his next evolution. She was the MC's first crush. She has the most romantic scene in the game. She has the most sex scenes in the game even without the NTR scenes. And ironically, the MC didn't really have to help her much beyond hanging around with her to fix her emotions and allow her to fall in love with you.

If there ever was a single canonical romantic interest in the game, its Liz. If MC was out of our control and had to pick a character as the LI, it would obviously be Liz.
Eeeeeh, this sort of thing always feels so heavily tied up in personal preferences and what you care about. Like if you pushed me for a single canon love interest for the MC I'd argue that Alice would be the most likely candidate. Just how naturally she fits into the MC's world/story and how she actively walks besides him as a partner is a really strong arguement for her being the OTP.


Oct 28, 2017
So finished playing the whole update while high off an edible so the fight with Michael VS met a really enjoyable fight showing off how much of a deadly combo Alice and Mikey will be at Evo 3, now on the topic of his eye not a big deal the mc can fix that right up after we get out or when Michael reaches evo 3(considering if you spare Danica a level 2 with both her eyes destroyed she says they got fixed with the help of xanthe but primarily fixed during the 3rd evo) if I had to say which of the 6 paths I enjoyed the most it would have been darkness seeing and fighting valravn at what would be his full power in the dream gets me so excited when we get to fight once more at our full power VS his full power. When I got to the end and woke up and saw the cliffhanger...Whether this means they are dead or can be revived next update Cole I will deflower you either by genderbending you into a chick and implanting memories while you're beat or you're getting devoured. Side note the introduction to the other world was amazing, did I miss any corruption choices tho? I'll have to check when I replay from my main save.
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Sep 11, 2019
What I find little funny about the ending is that Even if Liz is really, really dead. This world has just so many possible ways to bring someone back to life that I am not really stressed about her life. Even MC could potentially copy Amber's and everyone else's memories of Liz and put them in Liz's body.


Nov 22, 2020
I only have two things to say here. First, Liz better be fucking alive, and alive now, not several updates later. Second, Cole better die for that. First that speech about how mc had a golden spoon or some bullshit, and then the whole Liz fiasco, yeah he better die at the hands of MC and MC better "devour" him and then kill him again in his mind to obliterate that cunt from existance permanently.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2022
I only have two things to say here. First, Liz better be fucking alive, and alive now, not several updates later. Second, Cole better die for that. First that speech about how mc had a golden spoon or some bullshit, and then the whole Liz fiasco, yeah he better die at the hands of MC and MC better "devour" him and then kill him again in his mind to obliterate that cunt from existance permanently.
WW is going to cockblock us soooooooooooooooo hard with Cole. MC is going to beat him within an inch of death and the fucker will survive somehow and escape. I know it, you know, and everybody else knows it.
Liz is going to be fine. She received a lot of character progression and is the favorite of WW. While i love Alice as a LI for MC, the one who loves MC the most is Liz, by a lot.
Remember that weasel Jared is still alive to annoy the shit of us.


Jan 15, 2020
fuck fuck fuck should have wait another update!!! can't belive they kill Lizz and Amber!!! and it just end when we know it fuck damn ww better don't let them die real. If we get there first then we can heal them... fucking Cole and your mercy
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Jun 3, 2017
Regarding the last update:

It wasn't too long ago that I saw an MC heal an exploding head.
At that time MC was significantly weaker and had much less understanding of his own powers.
So unless the head was completely disintegrated, I have no fear for its owner's life.
:BootyTime: :BootyTime: :BootyTime:


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
For anyone who missed it in the cliffhanger
"Cole "Trust me, it's a mercy. You don't want to know what they suffered through before they met their end.""
Both Twins are dead. Not just Liz.

My opinion on the cliffhanger:
Look, I really didn't like it. Not just because I like the Twins, but because of how this death is used.
1. Sets up Cole as the enemy, but Cole was already an enemy to begin with, he didn't need a setup.
2. The game has spent a huge amount of time familiarizing the audience with the Twins, showing their stories and their growth and using them as a device for MC to take action. They have prominent roles, so dying here makes all this time invested kind of.. pointless.

So even if we assume that the game always wanted to kill them to prompt MC to toughen up and destroy his enemies.. the sad reality is that the death was wasted.

This destroys any chance of reconciliation between MC and SIN / Ella's kids / Tanos and Eisheth. It's not just Cole. Everyone is guilty for putting them in this situation, for extreme negligence and a lot of other grievances. MC can't just forget this and join them down the line. This also happened in the same update that blurred the lines between Ella's goals, the Apostles and the Lord of Dark.

Additionally, there is a dissonance between the actual permanence of death, the reader's understanding and MC's understanding. For all MC knows, Twins are dead. Unless they somehow regenerate on the spot (which is actually possible based on their powers), MC should just accept that they died and avenge them.

This isn't something to forget. the Twins are literally MC's oldest friends. If MC wants to think of himself as a protector of those he holds dear, there is only one response, and this is to show the same mercy that Cole showed the Twins, to everyone involved.

On the flipside, chances are that even if the Twins die, they will return. Either through MC figuring out a new aspect of his power, through Nyx (with or without Charlie's assistance, as she too wants to ressurect her brother), or some other mechanism. This weakens the dramatic aspect of death and makes it a cheap cliffhanger.

Lastly I'm sure that this being the Twin arc, people would love to see the Twins in action. If that doesn't happen, then the game may spend a lot of time on MC attempting to ressurect the Twins and the audience will have follow along without knowing if the time spent on it is worth the trouble. If Twins can be ressurected now, they can also be ressurected later. It's hard for MC to get derailed in a quest to do it as fast as possible, with so many conflicts open and active.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
If Twins can be ressurected now, they can also be ressurected later. It's hard for MC to get derailed in a quest to do it as fast as possible, with so many conflicts open and active.
I wouldn't be entirely sure about that...

Based on the conversation with Nyx and with our mom, it can be assumed that there is such a thing as a soul.
And it has been said about souls that they mostly pass on back to the cycle.

If I understand her power correctly, Nyx can mark and capture not only souls, but also the very essence of the being she marks. Although it still escapes me exactly how she recreates their bodies...
(Maybe the Doctor is preparing some flesh dolls for her, which could host both soul and essence?)

Anyway, if a revival is possible, I'm pretty sure the window of when it could be done isn't unlimited.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
I wouldn't be entirely sure about that...

Based on the conversation with Nyx and with our mom, it can be assumed that there is such a thing as a soul.
And it has been said about souls that they mostly pass on back to the cycle.

If I understand her power correctly, Nyx can mark and capture not only souls, but also the very essence of the being she marks. Although it still escapes me exactly how she recreates their bodies...
(Maybe the Doctor is preparing some flesh dolls for her, which could host both soul and essence?)

Anyway, if a revival is possible, I'm pretty sure the window of when it could be done isn't unlimited.
You have to take into account that the game has teased Oscar's resurrection for a long time.

While we don't know how it will happen and there is nothing suggesting that it's possible for Oscar, I doubt the game spends so much time building up Oscars resurrection just to end up saying "you were too late little Charlie".

Add to that that MC can preserve their memories and perhaps Syla can potentially intervene in the Dream World to delay their souls from entering the cycle, I really don't think that time is limited in any serious capacity, no matter how death actually works.
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