Man, I don't understand why so many people seem to hate Jake so much. He hasn't been that bad in my playthrough, maybe it's you guys that keep antagonizing him?
I was always nice to him.
He puts you in jail (I'd be fucking livid over that alone)
He mind fucks 2 people and puts them in the hospital,
He mind fucked you because someone else is using him,
You try to wise him up and point out things you didn't do and he refuses to believe you,
When you tell him is it Ella? Can switch her appearance, he admits to knowing she can do this but refuses to believe you.
Ella tells him to go kill you and get job done.
Even though hes being manipulated, he always ends up doing the wrong things.
There is the point he wont stand up for himself and always needs to be the victim,
Look at your M.C. He was short and picked on.
This is pointed out from your friend in dialog who said you almost had it as bad other than the fact,
he was dunked face first in toilets.
You fought back and in the start, they show you willing to fight (or at least those were the options I picked)
He refuses to fight and take a beating for Ella to save him, even when the punches don't phase him to where the bully and him are still standing.
He could TRY, at this point he wasn't fat but tall and possibly built.
With that being said.
He cries about everything,
Holds stuff against you because Ella said so, because reasons... No proof.
He did attack you first with his mind tricks, Ella points out he had his hooks in your mind for a while.
Attacked 2 others and hospitalized them, to make matters worse he justifies it to himself.
He's given power like our M.C. where he could do good.
Chooses though to screw people over, time and time again.
Whats worse is he always justifies his manipulation even when you call him on it.
He doesn't seem to change but rather hold guilt.