
Sep 1, 2017
I actually remember that, sorry I go on unhinged rants sometimes.

I also wanted that choice, but I think it's prevalent that our position in H.E.R.O isn't going to change any time soon, as we are a corner stone for their support, and flipping the game into 2 separate plotlines would double the game's narrative and update content, too long.
I personally don't like either group purely because I am not a fan of being a lackey, doesn't matter who it is, but even more so people like Dexter and Langdon. I might consider working together with Ella if she was forthcoming about her motives and information in general but doubt that'd ever happen.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I personally don't like either group purely because I am not a fan of being a lackey, doesn't matter who it is, but even more so people like Dexter and Langdon. I might consider working together with Ella if she was forthcoming about her motives and information in general but doubt that'd ever happen.
Yeah I guess what I meant to say is that S.I.N stands for "independence". Which is a loose term because as you mentioned it's run by Langdon and a bunch of other elites, with the added bonus of having to deal with Cole. But if we take out all of those factors, or even keep those factors in if you want; in the long run I feel we would have a MUCH better time dealing with those variables down the line than trying to deal with Deus Ex Machina, annoying ass Nicolette, Omni-Man, or even lady Death.

There are also just too many bosses, agendas, unknown variables, etc. when dealing with H.E.R.O, but with S.I.N you got a couple Lvl 4s max, and if it got too political Ella would squash that shit right away. Maybe I'm biased cause I ride her dick whenever I get the chance but if I had to pick between Ella and her band of lost boys vs H.E.R.O and their band of Gods incarnate, I'd rather be with Ella, whom by this point I have a general feel about where she stands.


Sep 1, 2017
There are also just too many bosses, agendas, unknown variables, etc. when dealing with H.E.R.O, but with S.I.N you got a couple Lvl 4s max, and if it got too political Ella would squash that shit right away. Maybe I'm biased cause I ride her dick whenever I get the chance but if I had to pick between Ella and her band of lost boys vs H.E.R.O and their band of Gods incarnate, I'd rather be with Ella, whom by this point I have a general feel about where she stands.
That doesn't bother me too much because it feels like the superhumans in HERO are refreshingly open and wear their feelings/true motivations on their sleeves, it's like Ella/the human element where the scheming comes in, and Xanthe is perhaps the only character (maybe with the sole exception of Ella) who seems to actually grasp the true extent of what humanity is facing, and as far as I'm concerned it's an extinction event. He seems to be very pragmatic in his dealings and everything he does is for the singular purpose of uplifting humanity as a whole and making sure the species survives, in some form, and he seems to be doing it with no politics on his part.
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Jun 22, 2017
The only thing that bothered me this whole update was the lack of a choice when Alice brings up staying with HERO or not. Deryl wants to stay because he idolizes Xanthe and wants to learn under him. Alice is having a partnership with HERO (although that could fall apart later on if they no longer need her for), and Michael doesn't comment.

It's interesting to me during that exchange the MC doesn't give any input about how they feel or if they wanna still leave or stay. If you all remember the MC when first forced into HERO actually has a choice of saying they wanna go or stay so I was hoping that prior choice would of had a call back to it of some sort if whatever choice the player made if they still felt the same way (like the eye scene).
I would like to see an updated feedback on how Mc feels regarding HERO, even more if we can choose it, i believe we will eventually be able to choose our allegiance, but to make the process more comprehensible a few moments of showing Mc's thoughts on the matter in between would help.
Though i think there is no realistic chance of Mc actually leaving HERO anytime soon, simply because he wouldn't be able to back up his stance of leaving with sheer power.

Before a choice between HERO/SIN i still expect:
1.Seeing Mc joining one of the teams
2.Having the chance of becoming a liutenant
3.Leading his own small team (i remember someone saying HERO will be reestructured, with many more superhumans on the ranks and less trouble with monsters with Ella out of the picture, i think liutenants will have teams under their command with a strong lvl 3/4 as lead)

If I had my choice despite all of the above, I'd leave to go be with S.I.N, and truly help Ella with whatever she has planned but that would also probably make for a more boring story. Destroying H.E.R.O is probably an end game choice, and will already be in the process due to plot to finish them off, so for now; I think we are stuck with them.

I could see a potential side switch in the future update where we take on S.I.N, perhaps W.W will use the opportunity to shed more light on Ella (as there are plenty of other threats in the world than what she concocts). It would also be a way to allow Corrupt players enjoy their gameplay, or challenge Pure players to change S.I.N's ways, who knows.
Honestly i don't even think SIN is Ella's endgame, to me they are means to an end, i imagine that we will have a choice to either:
1.Support HERO
2.Join and remain with SIN
3.Go rogue along Ella and make both submit to our power (this is the most wild but i would rather be the one in charge to make sure i agree with whatever is being done)

By the way i see Ella going rogue at any moment, with or whitout Mc, to me SIN is Langdon's agenda and Ella is aboard only as long as it serves her goals.


Sep 1, 2017
By the way i see Ella going rogue at any moment, with or whitout Mc, to me SIN is Langdon's agenda and Ella is aboard only as long as it serves her goals.
SIN definitely seems to just be Langdons/that circle of influential peoples brainchild, Ella likely never wanted to go public with all that entails, but she had to because of unforeseen consequences. It's about the only time we've seen her get really emotional, angry in this case, when she lost whatever monster part she lost when she was confronted by Alexis/Clark. Langdon helped her recover it so she ended up owing him a favor. Didn't help her I am assuming either that her original posse were probably on board with whatever SIN was selling anyway.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
To play on my previous suggestion to the next "chill update", who do we have in terms of parents?

-MC Dad who has a history with Liz&Amber's&Jess's Dad.

-Liz&Amber's Mom who has a history with MC&Jess's Dad.

-Deryl's Dad who may be friends with MC's Dad and Liz&Amber's Mom?

-Emily's Mom&Potentially Dad (depending on how you handled him), as far as I know Emily's Mom is in bad health but she doesn't have individual beef with her like with her Dad.

-Christie's Parents?

-Jess's Dad who has history with MC's Dad and Liz& Amber's Mom.

-Alice's Dad who has a history with Michael& Tiffany's Dads and Potentially Alice's Mom shows (maybe she finally decides to show up when all the parents have a get together)? It would be a nice way to introduce her after her MIA due to the beef with pops.

-Demi's Parents (Could have a connection to Clover's due to their newfound relationship)?

-Michael's Dad who has a history with Alice& Tiffany's Dads.

-Tiffany's Dad who has a history with MC&Michael& Alice's Dads. Honestly he'd be a whole case in and of himself.

-Clover's Parents (Could have a connection to Demi's due to their newfound relationship)?

-Tess's Parents?

-Mia's Parents?

The list goes on, but there are a lot of already established connections, maybe even more that we don't know about yet. It would be wild to see them all interact with each other and see what they think about Superhumans, Monsters, politics, kids relations etc.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
To play on my previous suggestion to the next "chill update", who do we have in terms of parents?

-MC Dad who has a history with Liz&Amber's&Jess's Dad.

-Liz&Amber's Mom who has a history with MC&Jess's Dad.

-Deryl's Dad who may be friends with MC's Dad and Liz&Amber's Mom?

-Emily's Mom&Potentially Dad (depending on how you handled him), as far as I know Emily's Mom is in bad health but she doesn't have individual beef with her like with her Dad.

-Christie's Parents?

-Jess's Dad who has history with MC's Dad and Liz& Amber's Mom.

-Alice's Dad who has a history with Michael& Tiffany's Dads and Potentially Alice's Mom shows (maybe she finally decides to show up when all the parents have a get together)? It would be a nice way to introduce her after her MIA due to the beef with pops.

-Demi's Parents (Could have a connection to Clover's due to their newfound relationship)?

-Michael's Dad who has a history with Alice& Tiffany's Dads.

-Tiffany's Dad who has a history with MC&Michael& Alice's Dads. Honestly he'd be a whole case in and of himself.

-Clover's Parents (Could have a connection to Demi's due to their newfound relationship)?

-Tess's Parents?

-Mia's Parents?

The list goes on, but there are a lot of already established connections, maybe even more that we don't know about yet. It would be wild to see them all interact with each other and see what they think about Superhumans, Monsters, politics, kids relations etc.
I'm curious about Mia's parents tbh.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Go right, overpower, fight yourself, take out red light, hesitate, take out crystal sword. I had 30 skill level, but others have mentioned that you can save Laurie as long as you have 28 skill level.
Hesitate?! Ah, no wonder I failed!
I though that led to another bad end, like the previous choice.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
I don't think that joining SIN or leaving HERO is in the cards. SIN is Langdon's organization, it was populated by Ella as payment for his help. I'm not even sure if Ella's kids even care about it other than a mean to an end, and I doubt Ella gives 2 shits about it.

Not being part of a team is hard at this point because MC is one of the most well known superhumans and HERO has pretty much taken control of superhumans, so if MC tries to leave he will be hunted down and brought back into the fold. No matter how powerful, if you've got Benhard after your ass and you are not level 5, better conform.

The most probable scenario for MC IMO is to stay for quite a while in HERO and either join Team Reaper for a time (Reaper lost members in the battle, Nyx has shown interest and new assignment is under her) or create his own team with Michael, Deryl and Alice after the "reforms". I wouldn't be surprised if MC stayed with HERO till the epilogue.


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
So hear me out. Maybe deus is the child of the goth Mommy monster.raven boy said he would come to horus us so maybe he came from the future to make sure we survive just to fuck us later XD or maybe i'm just crazy that Twist would be epic


Nov 8, 2020
am I the only one who thinks that the eye is MC subconcient? I mean like, the design is an eye with scars that looks really like the MC eyes. Also, we need a way to feed chatgpt with all the dialogs of superhuman so we can ask it about all possible theories.
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