
Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Jake was on the run from the authorities and then abducted by H.E.R.O. And a bomb was implanted in his heart so if he tried to escape or anything he'd die. So i wonder why he couldnt visit her.
Oh shit for real? I have never gone down the living Jake route so hearing all of this makes him a TAD redeemable. Still an easily manipulated backstabbing cunt tho.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
All of this makes me wonder, if you guys could pick ONE person to have your back against all others BASED ON ANYTHING BUT THEIR POWERS/NON POWERS, who would you all pick?

Personal pick; Amber, especially with this recent update.

While Alice would be a very close second and Michael followed by Clark being after that.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
He cared soooo much about Mia that he left her alone to go join H.E.R.O and look for himself. Meanwhile we just casually drop a fix for her, no biggy.
He's recruitment wasn't really voluntary. But after the beach fuck up, he doesnt really make it right. He does lots of unethical, immoral shit and his singular goal is saving Mia. At all costs. And he returns her memory, know what that means for him. He didnt need to do it. But it was the right thing to do. Even though he figured it would cost him the thing her valued over everything else: Her friendship.

Its poetically tragic. It makes him a good character.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
All of this makes me wonder, if you guys could pick ONE person to have your back against all others BASED ON ANYTHING BUT THEIR POWERS/NON POWERS, who would you all pick?

Personal pick; Amber, especially with this recent update.

While Alice would be a very close second and Michael followed by Clark being after that.
Michael, he's the big brother I always wished I had. Consistently throughout every update he is in he cares for those close to him which lets me know he's a great team player and thus someone I want watching my back.

I know you said only one but the next fella was basically a damn near tie with Michael.

That fella would be lemme explain a bit bout that: He's a fella in his flashbacks that cared more about the safety of his friends rather than himself and as he was dying nothing else but them were on his mind. That shit stuck with me mannnnn. But yeah Oscar is my second choice since he cares about his friends and boy oh boy do I love people like that.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Woah, this thread exploded all right. Good stuff, keep them coming.

The way I see it, both HERO and Ella are useful.

HERO provides a (mostly) safe environment to train and make friends, gain some knowledge and access to stuff that wouldn't be easy otherwise. HERO knows a lot of important stuff about how evolutions work, the potential of level 5s, and has a lot of academic knowledge. They have the evolution syrup, know how to work with monster material to make armor, can help weaker superhumans (some of them being the MC's friends), to realize their potential/manage their symptoms. Additionally have quite a few level 5 members that can protect the MC if the worst comes to pass (Nico with her teleportation, Nyx with her Mark) etc. I don't give a shit about eugenics etc. It's not that I approve of the practice and the state of mind that one has to have to do stuff like that, but the truth is that this whole world is built on a blatant abuse of power. Humanity never stood a chance against MCORP and they won't stand a chance against HERO too. Perhaps if the MC ascends he may get the chance to change the status quo, but for now it's just irrelevant.

Ella on the other hand provides the Battleground and the growth. HERO is a fairly sterile environment. It's only when Ella gets involved that things get interesting. MC will benefit immensely by spending some time with her, seeing her operations, getting acquainted with her monsters and her Superhuman allies that provide the structure of her operation. She knows more about the higher ups of monster hierarchy than HERO and since MC's evolution, it's fairly obvious that he will have to deal with these things. Without Ella, there would be no need to click on the "train" button. If you do however click on it the moment you see it, her trials are fairly easy and she admires you for it (with the exception of the damn deadend).

Considering that it's possible MC will eventually reach the very top of the food chain, I don't really see these 2 as opposites. The way I play the MC, he shows as much loyalty as needed to retain the ability to stay involved. I'd rather play both sides and get as strong as possible than choosing based on who I think slighted me more, especially if their intentions are not to bring me harm.

My opinions on some of the characters:

About Jake:
He was a kid that had it rough. When he got his powers, he tried to use them for some questionable things but his conscience eventually got the better of him. Ella overestimated him and went overboard which broke him. She also leaned way too hard in his fuckup with Mia (which wasn't intentional, it happened during his evolution). He did fuck things up too much during the last fight, using humans against the MC, but it's obvious that he still is apologetic and willing to accept his punishment. I don't mind him. I think he still has the potential to be a valuable ally, but his growth is stunted.

About Nico:
The problem with this chick is that she is unreliable as fuck. She fights for personal reasons and likes to overextend, she makes whimsical decisions and doesn't follow through with her assurances. She acts like a traumatized little girl that just got her power (which is quite possible she is, after all past level 4, the body changes and it's impossible to tell her age). This isn't someone that I want having my back. I don't mind her antics, but at the moment I consider her one of the weakest characters and she needs to grow.

About Cole:
The idiot bully. I don't know the circumstances that made him that way, but he managed to paint Ella's operation in a much more negative light than all the collateral deaths she caused could do. He also talks a big game but to me it seems like he has some inferiority complex and he tries hard to prove himself. I think the perfect scenario would be for the MC to fight and beat him as a level 3 vs level 4 fight but I can also think of a lot other (and extremely perverted) ways to punish him. I don't care too much about killing the little shit. I'd rather have him finally admit his place. He actually seems loyal (even if unreliable) and his concern for Ella shows that he isn't a total lost case.

About Charlie:
Seeing her stand with Jared was painful. I don't buy the argument that she saved us. Jared couldn't even break MC's skin with a cheapshot while both MC and Alice punch way above their weight class. Right now she is in my shit list and I hope that she had a reason for meddling. This wasn't just a random encounter. She was part of a group that killed a friend in cold blood, her brother was part of a group that directly antagonized the MC, she is part of Ella's group which is the aggressor even if she has reasons to. No matter how good she was to monster Deryl, she has exhausted all goodwill. I won't yet go murderhobo on her but she better avoid fighting me.

About Xanthe:
The old man has a lot of game. I find his behavior refreshing. He is weirdly upfront, he doesn't back down from his plans no matter what, and he is a curious scientist who is perfectly fine with giving us more power just to make some observations. Now of course, while it doesn't show, he has to be dangerous as fuck. This is not a guy that you mess with.

About MC (and how I play him):
I won't go too in depth here, but the way I play him is a mix of apathy, easygoing behavior and always up for a challenge. While it's possible to play him as a shining beacon of virtue, I think his natural state is being a Neutral. I've chosen to go the Hero route with my vigilante persona, but the drive wasn't to save people, rather to put the MC in a situation where he both has to rise to the challenge and be held accountable for his actions. My MC doesn't care if people die. He cares about doing the best under constraints. He is a lot like Michael in that regard. Not powerhungry but they enjoy combat and becoming their best versions of themselves. Michael is a bit more pure in that regard, while my MC's drive is a mix of curiosity and desire to protect what's his. I'd rather turn people to my side than kill them for example.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
- Leaving Alice drained and possibly causing her to die from energy exhaustion. Not really a crime because she didn't owe Alice her power and it's her right not to give it all but I'll add it anyway.
Alice was supposed to use said power to protect the healing station. Along side nico and that other guy.
Not only did alice almost die, but a whole bunch of humans did actually die.
Including various injured people getting treatment.
Possibly even an unknown number of injured superhumans.
There is even a scene where someone goes "should we reinforce the healing station?" and they are told no, it is super secure.
little did they know that nico fucked them over for the lulz. and didn't even bother telling anyone. (they would have reinforced that spot if said weakness was reported)

- Stalked him and his friends so that she could turn them into Superhumans.
Crime? Literally every single one of us wishes someone did that to us.
"Oh no, someone is going to give me super powers. WOE IS ME!"

- Insulting him and everyone else..... Not going to lie, the fact that this is even a crime is hilarious. But for some, this is a very serious one.
- Also looked down on us and blames us for falling under Jake's influence, even though she was the one that told him our identity and lied about our motives to him. This is all while refusing to tell us anything at all and pointing the finger back at us, like it's our fault.
So... "being insulted" is a nothingburger.
But being "looked down on" is a crime?
Personally I consider both a nothingburger
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
Sorry, but I don't care how long ago something so vile as Eugenics was done be it 10, 100, or 1,000 years ago. I don't care if it was the only reason we 'may' have even survived being infected by monsters the fact it was done and is just glazed over is well, horrid.
Eugenics is not necessarily vile.
It is one of those "hypothetically great, realistically bad" things.

The problem is that the people making eugenic choices are idiot politicians who choose for things like "blond hair" or "blue eyes"...
Or worse, intentionally aiming at picking for gullible people (moar votes) or lowering overall IQ (smart people make for bad slaves / will rise up against us)

But... this is a fictional example of eugenics being used right.
Instead of idiot politicians fucking over humanity with it... it was used by scientists to actually save humanity from extinction.
Job well fucking done!

Not at all a realistic depiction of how eugenics would get executed in the real world. But also not evil.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
On eugenics:

Even if it's a good idea to boost human survival against monsters, it's one of these things that everyone needs to be on board with. Disregarding the possibility that Malik could have said that mainly for PR reasons, there is no guarantee that the resistance to monsterification/death is side-effect free. For example, the population could become weaker against normal viral infection, or increase the chances of developing life threatening complications. Without having all the information, 'Surviving the monster threat' can mean anything.

To give a more realistic example, let's take climate change. Even if everyone accepts climate change as a serious problem, there are a lot of different views about how to deal with it and it's quite possible that the solutions getting the most backing are a product of lobbyists with marginal effects on the actual problem.


Active Member
Feb 15, 2023
Somewhat changing gears...

anyone else annoyed the MC hasn't bothered using his lion powers yet? Like why is he getting winded and passing out just handling a measly threesome? The MC is just sleeping on his best genes for a harem, because he thinks its jaws were supposed to be helpful.
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Jun 22, 2017
As far as i know the eugenics performed by HERO had two components:

1. Boost the fertility of humans compatible with monster infection, so they would survive the attacks and become superhuman.
2. Sterilize humans non compatible, so they won't produce children or as many children.

I can easily get on board with the first, it is mostly harmless and considering the circunstances entirely justifiable. The second however is VILE, it really makes me think about the worst moments of human history and it's something i don't think i would be able to support, i would argue that only doing the first was enough.


Sep 1, 2017
2. I don't even get what you're saying here. Ella's actions actually did more harm than even Nico's. In fact, unlike Nico who actually came to help us during the interview, Ella sent her student to cause problems. Problems that nearly got Brianna and Laurie killed but you don't care because it's Ella right?
While it wasn't her choice to send them necessarily as she was doing it because Langdon wanted it, I'm still putting blame on her for that since she couldn't even be bothered to tell them not to kill. Probably suited her actual plans anyway and another convenient moment to "train" us.

Even if it's a good idea to boost human survival against monsters, it's one of these things that everyone needs to be on board with.
Would never happen, at least not until all the people against it were dead and everyone was in agreement, but yeah it is fucked up, I'm just okay with it. Okay with the survival rate boost at any rate, not so much the sterility part which I had forgotten about. :KEK:

As far as i know the eugenics performed by HERO had two components:

1. Boost the fertility of humans compatible with monster infection, so they would survive the attacks and become superhuman.
2. Sterilize humans non compatible, so they won't produce children or as many children.

I can easily get on board with the first, it is mostly harmless and considering the circunstances entirely justifiable. The second however is VILE, it really makes me think about the worst moments of human history and it's something i don't think i would be able to support, i would argue that only doing the first was enough.
I'd completely forgotten about the second part, and that one I am not on board with, that goes a little bit counter to preventing extinction in the first place since you'd want more people regardless. At least it's not something that they did globally, I think, and isn't still done. :KEK:

Somewhat changing gears...

anyone else annoyed the MC hasn't bothered using his lion powers yet? Like why is he getting winded and passing out just handling a measly threesome? The MC is just sleeping on his best genes for a harem, because he thinks its jaws were supposed to be helpful.
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Yes, he shouldn't be getting tired anyway seeing as how he's got a superhuman physique to begin with and he's applied other things like night vision so why not this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Somewhat changing gears...

anyone else annoyed the MC hasn't bothered using his lion powers yet? Like why is he getting winded and passing out just handling a measly threesome? The MC is just sleeping on his best genes for a harem, because he thinks its jaws were supposed to be helpful.
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I'm just annoyed by the fact he hasn't considered going to a dinosaur museum and absorbing some of the DNA of some strong ass dinos or literally any other extinct animal. So much potential there but MC no use noggin once more.


Active Member
Feb 15, 2023
I'm just annoyed by the fact he hasn't considered going to a dinosaur museum and absorbing some of the DNA of some strong ass dinos or literally any other extinct animal. So much potential there but MC no use noggin once more.
I'm pretty sure only about 1/10th of those bones are real and the rest is an approx. what they think it should be. I know they use a lot of fake bones to fill gaps and such, the odds of finding a real bone that has dna that somehow preserved over the million years ago is almost nil.
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Sep 1, 2017
WW truly is a machine. Best Patreon money I ever spent. :)
I agree, the only patreon I've ever supported primarily due to consistency. Dude doesn't slack and seems to be organised and planning his work ahead of time.

I'm just annoyed by the fact he hasn't considered going to a dinosaur museum and absorbing some of the DNA of some strong ass dinos or literally any other extinct animal. So much potential there but MC no use noggin once more.
The MC can definitely be smoothbrained at times.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
I'm pretty sure only about 1/10th of those bones are real and the rest is an approx. what they think it should be. I know they use a lot of fake bones to fill gaps and such, the odds of finding a real bone that has dna that somehow preserved over the million years ago is almost nil.
But even then we have other quite strong animals that have went extinct relatively recently(ish) and some even being preserved very well like in the case of the mighty Wooly Mammoth.

Of course that was preserved due to whatever poor creature that got caught in ice and then we got some who are caught in Amber or whatever else is out there. Even if he can't go after dinos there's other options.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
While much can be said, if MC starts going after every unique animal to gain it's powers, this won't be a visual novel, it will be an animal documentary.

Dung Beetle can lift 1141 times it's weight. You want super strength? You got superstrength. And considering that MC can just increase his mass, this can quickly get out of hand.
Cockroach can survive without head. Considering that MC can exist in a state without it's head, and a lot of his abilities work on instinct, not having vulnerable body parts can be very handy.
Octopus also has multiple brains. A decentralized thinking system can be very beneficial.
Tardigrades are resistant to both acid and fire, something that MC struggled with and still he has to rely on his heavy armor to counter. They are also resistant to radiation which hurts his regenaration (mentioned in training session with Michael).



Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
While much can be said, if MC starts going after every unique animal to gain it's powers, this won't be a visual novel, it will be an animal documentary.

Dung Beetle can lift 1141 times it's weight. You want super strength? You got superstrength. And considering that MC can just increase his mass, this can quickly get out of hand.
Cockroach can survive without head. Considering that MC can exist in a state without it's head, and a lot of his abilities work on instinct, not having vulnerable body parts can be very handy.
Octopus also has multiple brains. A decentralized thinking system can be very beneficial.
Tardigrades are resistant to both acid and fire, something that MC struggled with and still he has to rely on his heavy armor to counter. They are also resistant to radiation which hurts his regenaration (mentioned in training session with Michael).

Bro over here mentioning animals I never thought about for powers
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But on a serious note yeah it could get out of hand pretty fast still curious on what else the MC is gonna absorb of course (but seems like we're going down the monster route with our homie Deryl which im cool with).
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