
Jun 22, 2017
Also what about the helmet stuff, does anyone know if there is yet any clear difference whether or not theres any notable differences with or without it?
If you are not useing the helmet you gain 5 corruption or so during Deryl's fight, kind nasty if you are making a low corruption play.
Aug 12, 2020
Also Idk if anyone has pointed it out yet or if I missed something or im going schizo, but (and I mean this with absolute ignorance to the entire forum so far because I'm new here):
What do you guys think of the idea that Charlie could be the MC doing some time travel shit that we could/might see in the future/endgame of the story? I mean, I have my suspicions about the usage of conceptual time powers in a linear story considering some powers and abilties are becoming more open to novella roleplay what-if's with concept powers, but the sum of everything in my head so far leads to the idea that at some point an apostoles power of time is used and MC goes back in time the moment he dissappears with Ella (I assume we will see in the future seeing as to how everything MC does happens to be in line with Ella's plan, regardless of our player choices unless a deadend) as hinted in her note to the Goth Club and her memories from the dirty clothes.

And while I'm off the pills, what if charlie is the MC or the future MC learning a new superpower like order <since her power is very convienient in regards to order> (order being regarded as the strongest power of all by Aglaecwif) and is in a relearning journey to figure out Ella's masterful fucked up plan that will somehow end them up both together in this super revival plot. I mean Ella was cooking a ritual using a monster heart of sorts, and the MC's Evolution speech had him talk to an Origin (his eye shit), and tbf I have an inkling/suspicion that Ella is on that same path except she's been set on it for a long time while MC is learning overall about this whole mess to begin with, (and considering Ella was excited to meet MC before even meeting him due to him being like her, its safe to assume that theres a much deeper crazy schizophrenic plot going on that could involved an apostoles time power bullshit or at least related to the same origin mess the MC is being asked to do) and it feels like to me that W.W. is going a very interesting route with everything and if I'm right (by like 0.1% right is my expectation of being right).


Nov 21, 2021
Also Idk if anyone has pointed it out yet or if I missed something or im going schizo, but (and I mean this with absolute ignorance to the entire forum so far because I'm new here):
What do you guys think of the idea that Charlie could be the MC doing some time travel shit that we could/might see in the future/endgame of the story? I mean, I have my suspicions about the usage of conceptual time powers in a linear story considering some powers and abilties are becoming more open to novella roleplay what-if's with concept powers, but the sum of everything in my head so far leads to the idea that at some point an apostoles power of time is used and MC goes back in time the moment he dissappears with Ella (I assume we will see in the future seeing as to how everything MC does happens to be in line with Ella's plan, regardless of our player choices unless a deadend) as hinted in her note to the Goth Club and her memories from the dirty clothes.

And while I'm off the pills, what if charlie is the MC or the future MC learning a new superpower like order <since her power is very convienient in regards to order> (order being regarded as the strongest power of all by Aglaecwif) and is in a relearning journey to figure out Ella's masterful fucked up plan that will somehow end them up both together in this super revival plot. I mean Ella was cooking a ritual using a monster heart of sorts, and the MC's Evolution speech had him talk to an Origin (his eye shit), and tbf I have an inkling/suspicion that Ella is on that same path except she's been set on it for a long time while MC is learning overall about this whole mess to begin with, (and considering Ella was excited to meet MC before even meeting him due to him being like her, its safe to assume that theres a much deeper crazy schizophrenic plot going on that could involved an apostoles time power bullshit or at least related to the same origin mess the MC is being asked to do) and it feels like to me that W.W. is going a very interesting route with everything and if I'm right (by like 0.1% right is my expectation of being right).
I don't think MC is going to get the power to copy powers. that's that peak isekai BS godmodding.

Also, Charlie hasn't really shown Order. Maybe Authority? But Order is the combination of Authority and Power specifically. She hasn't done anything Jake can't do, nor has she done anything Michael can do.
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May 19, 2020
Never said a thing on this forum but, I have been playing this game for about a year or so I believe, and its unironically the best novel I have read in my entire life, down to the simplest of ideas to the most complex and degenerate ones.

I do have to ask since I feel like I have missed a lot, how does the routing so far affect the overall of the story, I am avid safe scummer and mousescroll a few pages back every choice just to see how different is the dialogue, but I have never seen an entire picture of if there is or isnt something in relation to how you choose things and what you do... (I say cuz the a/n update text threw me a wrench about doing the Deryl fight perfectly and getting a reward at the end).

Is there any significant difference to whether you do or don't choose an option? Cuz most of the time I see the illusion of choice or the coin flip between a dead end and game progress. Do some options block or not portions of the story (I noticed that in this update, the choose your lore drop options where final and in a normal ideal playthrough you'd only see one of but not all options), so I ask, is there really an appropiate or like idk, super fucking amazing thing I'm missing or is it really how I am seeing it, just a linear game with illusory choice and coin flips?
Plotwise? So far it's linear and does have its moments of "illusion of choice" as you said. I mean, you CAN play very different MC's, with the most notable possible difference being corruption, but it doesn't matter (yet at least) in the grander scheme of things, the big fights and plot events still happen regardless of your playstyle. That doesn't mean you can't decide about smaller details in the story. You can choose between sparing or killing many side characters, what to do in certain situations that result in slightly different outcomes like meeting Aglaecwif or saving Laurie in the last update and how good or how bad both the MC's persona and HERO appeal to the public and government, among other things. WW himself does acknowledge this in this one interaction with the arbiter:

Now, with that said, here's hoping WW does implement different endings down the line. The way things are shaping up, he problably will.
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Jul 13, 2021
First three are pretty concise. Last topic...not so much.

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I have a hard time understanding your idea behind how the gravitational waves would be used, because depending on the event, the frequency is different. I find the notion that Alice operates "naturally" at the correct frequency a bit odd. I would understand if the sphere itself sent gravitational waves that resonate with the barrier but I think that would seriously fuck up the people behind her (thus why I think she actually created something different this time around). It would be like Nico summoning the sun.

Edit: Although now that I think about it, Alice's gravity is magically precise and confined so the point about fucking up the people behind her is probably wrong.

Does she choose to operate at a certain frequency or is it always the same? Cause the latter would sound way too restrictive or a coincidence even. Could you elaborate a bit on the mechanics because it seems that I don't get it.

Also the hole in Hex's barrier could hardly be described as building-sized. It's at least as large as a mountain.

Screenshot from 2023-07-11 17-00-32.png
Screenshot from 2023-07-11 17-00-50.png

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I could get behind your argument for mass and energy not being twins. It's Mass & Structure, which would be a great parallel to your idea of Gravity & Space or Celestial & Space. The reason I don't do it is because I believe 8th to be Light. I think that Time is more fundamental than whatever is reserved for 9th to 12th, so it's the most likely candidate for the 5th Apostle.

In any case Ether would be a poor word for celestial objects.

Ether as the 5th element, would be the building block of ANYTHING you can see in the sky during the night. (I'm not sure about Sun, it could be Fire, it could be Ether, I don't know the theory that well). But you have to take into account that Aristotle didn't know what lied beyond Earth. For example he thought that the things in the sky (like the stars) were unchanging. At this point I'm out of my depth but to help you understand it a bit better:

Think of the word "ethereal" as in "ethereal beauty". It means a combination of "otherwordly", "intangible", "delicate" and "unique".

Other uses of the word is the air as in "airplane traveling through the ether", or if you are religious enough to do the mental gymnastics "the intangible thing in the sky who created us all".

If I had to use it to describe some celestial phenomenon, that would be some galactic haze or some funny looking dust. These kinds of things which are not very clearly defined.

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I'm not saying that you are attacking gravity (haha). I'm saying that you are introducing more concepts to the Space portfolio than necessary. (And keep in mind that I think Alice is the descendant of the 6th, and gravity is the portfolio of the 6th)
The way I see it, space has to do with manipulating spatial dimensions. The three related powers that we can easily observe are:
Folding of Space | Wormholes - Nico and Hexenringe
Curving of Space | Gravity - Alice
Folded (Pocket) Dimensions - Hexenringe

The monster trait provides the energy required, and the monster/superhuman acts directly on the dimensions. The curving/folding is the goal. Like MC's power's goal is matter and structure. MC can cause both gravity and magnetic effects if he wants to and has enough power. But the point of his power is creating matter and decoding structure, not the effects that this matter and structure will cause.

Alice can obviously create effects that have to do with kinetic energy (and quite different that what we would expect by just gravitational forces), but the point of her powers is the curving of space which can be used to create these effects. The problem here is that magnetospheres are the result of a celestial body's magnetic field, which is the result of the properties found in it's liquid core and it's spin. Alice can't create or structure matter, so I don't see how that would work.

Of course it's not my game and you could be absolutely right, but I really need to observe an effect that can only be explained by a magnetosphere to even entertain the notion that it's connected.

On plasma hitting the sphere:
A black hole would suck in whatever projectile. But Alice's fists are not black holes. They are concentrated gravity, which could have a protective veil of air around it, and could also have a spin to somewhat help with heat. The projectile could split and move around the orb, influenced by gravity.

The beam would need a lot of force to travel in a straight line, break the veil and hit her fists directly, and at this point we know that these fist orbs are fucking powerful. Why they are so powerful I don't know, but while magnetic forces tend to be stronger than gravitational onces, the gravitational pull of a planet can be stronger than it's magnetic pull, so if there is some parallel based on the behavior of celestial objects, it doesn't necessary mean that the magnetic field would be stronger.

Additionally, the fact that Alice would have to create a stellar mass equivalent of gravity doesn't really matter. The same amount of energy would be needed, no matter if the energy was gravitational or magnetic. If the gravity would create problems for everyone, so would the magnetic field.

Edit: although admittedly, magnetic effects are would probably be more confined than gravitational ones.

But I will conceide the point that the narrator uses the word "deflection", and a magnetic field would be the best fit. I will note that the beam would have to follow the magnetic field's lines, not necessarily curve around the orb. I can't picture how exactly it would look in practice and if the scene depicts it accurately.

On lightning:

I tried to find if a lightning bolt's path would be affected by a magnetic field, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Technically speaking, a strong gravitational pull could pull a bolt into orbit but of course it would have to be extreme.

Edit: some corrections.
Edit2: It's important to note here that there is a serious "magical" angle when it comes to Alice's power. As I understand it, gravity cannot be confined, so even the relatively small effects would instantly be felt by pretty much everyone in the vicinity (and possibly on the planet). My compressed air theory may be able to explain the explosive power of her punches, but if it happened in reality, the effect would be comical. However, since we've seen her being capable of concentrating a gravity "beam" to pull Deryl's chimera towards her, it's safe to assume that she has absolute control over gravity, way more than physics can explain.
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Feb 1, 2019
I could get behind your argument for mass and energy not being twins. It's Mass & Structure, which would be a great parallel to your idea of Gravity & Space or Celestial & Space. The reason I don't do it is because I believe 8th to be Light. I think that Time is more fundamental than whatever is reserved for 9th to 12th, so it's the most likely candidate for the 5th Apostle.
This is probably a good place to address Light then. I'll get back to the Ether afterwards.
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First point is mostly a difference of opinion. Third point depends on the second. Second required :coffee: and time.

1) I agree that the Apostle of Light is a pretty good option. I never thought Light was a bad candidate to be the 8th; I just think Time was the better one.

We've gone over my reasons why in a previous post. FTL prevalence, firstly. Light's natural speed limit. Oscar's Green Light being performed at an Apostle-level in a vacuum. Nothing to slow it down or stop it accelerating further. Infinite acceleration > superluminal speed.

2) ...you just had to bring this up, didn't you? Fine. I don't buy this argument because I don't think the Monster in Dead End 3 is an Apostle. I'd mostly written this argument out before but it never felt finished.

It still doesn't, but here you go.
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There are a few ways to explain this but only one of them really sits well with me.

Option A) That an Apostle manifested to watch the MC or hang around Ella's apartment for around an hour if not longer before the 4th was summoned.

This doesn't make sense on multiple levels.

Option B) That an Apostle manifested as you approached the apartment, then de-manifested until the 4th was summoned where it re-manifested.

If it knew what was going to happen without being there, why manifest to watch you in the first place?

Option C) That the MC was being watched by something completely unrelated to the Apostle that showed up out of nowhere to crush the 4th.

This would imply the MC's danger sense failed to detect the Apostle and was detecting a completely different non-specified threat from off-screen. It's possible but anything is possible in fiction. It seems very unlikely.

Option D) That the Dead End 3 Monster isn't an Apostle.

Simplest answer isn't always the best. Here? I think this makes the most sense.

...and that's the end. We're back to your third and final argument on Light.

3) If the 7th Apostle has light powers, it could imply that 8th is light.

Of course, if the Monster in Dead End 3 isn't an Apostle, then its powers imply nothing about the 8th.
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Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
So why is the MC so dumb? Got it from his mom? Is he just lazy? I forgot didn't he ate an octopus one of the smartest animals on earth ? Is just to make him funny? Also where are the biochemical weapons? The venom tentacle of deadly rape not gonna cut it. At least get the stink bug deadly titties plus the skunk glands that would be so fun to see.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
So why is the MC so dumb? Got it from his mom? Is he just lazy? I forgot didn't he ate an octopus one of the smartest animals on earth ? Is just to make him funny? Also where are the biochemical weapons? The venom tentacle of deadly rape not gonna cut it. At least get the stink bug deadly titties plus the skunk glands that would be so fun to see.
Could of gotten it from his mom he did make a remark about her not being so smart and just doing whatever (which MC does a LOT of himself).

There's a LOT of animals MC could go after that'd make him one scary boi but he just doesn't think. I recall a great many times I brought up animals he could have went after.

Interestingly only 1 animal recently has been goinked and thats just because Xanthe gave it to him...if I remember right Xanthe planned or still plans to test MC with more animals or whatever else he can get his hands on.

Although honestly I doubt it'll amount to much if Deryl and MC are going to do their monster escapades of absorbing knowledge/memories of em.


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Could of gotten it from his mom he did make a remark about her not being so smart and just doing whatever (which MC does a LOT of himself).

There's a LOT of animals MC could go after that'd make him one scary boi but he just doesn't think. I recall a great many times I brought up animals he could have went after.

Interestingly only 1 animal recently has been goinked and thats just because Xanthe gave it to him...if I remember right Xanthe planned or still plans to test MC with more animals or whatever else he can get his hands on.

Although honestly I doubt it'll amount to much if Deryl and MC are going to do their monster escapades of absorbing knowledge/memories of em.
All of us gave our choices most of them out of terraformars XD but the point remains MC should go and have at least one buffet per natural kingdom. Or at least eat the poison bitch to get better with toxins not like i just want to cake him just because he tried to turn us into a cuck. Now anyone else feels like a time skip is coming ella's letter was a hell of a flag. Like when i told you of the death flag before this update and boom laurie went veggie still counts so fuck you.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Well, WW did comment on it a year ago about there needing to be plot reasons for getting other animals. I recommended spiders for "reasons" and it came in the game. The funny thing about this, now that I've went back and read my comment, is it actually happened in game lol. I was spot on about Lexi needing something a bit more. Fucking lewd webbing failed and shit. :KEK:
That is okay, the spider threads was more for capturing enemies alive and setting traps around exits so that enemies can't get away. Though looking at what we're going to be dealing with i doubt webs are going to be strong or thick enough to capture my future wo--- enemies. I know Alexis is definitely going to need something thicker with her sharp choice of "words", we should say. Unfortunately, it also doesn't involve the thing in our pants either.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
So why is the MC so dumb? Got it from his mom? Is he just lazy? I forgot didn't he ate an octopus one of the smartest animals on earth ? Is just to make him funny? Also where are the biochemical weapons? The venom tentacle of deadly rape not gonna cut it. At least get the stink bug deadly titties plus the skunk glands that would be so fun to see.
I have this question all the fucking time but probably not the same dumb you're thinking of. I hate the MC's dumb motivational values. Meaning why he needs Ella to literally force himself into situations in order to grow instead of just trying to do it from the get go. I do understand why this is the case from a narrative perspective though, as it makes his character this lovable balance of looseness, no real moral compass, and allows you as a player to shape him however you want. I just wish training wasn't this second nature thing so much that the MC is shocked how he keeps almost falling behind people like Alice, Michael, or even Deryl. Instead once he acknowledges that gap in dedication, he goes to a beach retreat, or class for a few hours, or tries push ups, runs (as if it wasn't BLATANTLY obvious physical training does mean shit given his power).


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
...Alice can create gravity without mass, but no magnetism without a liquid core? :unsure:
I'll get to the other topics in time. Just a quick note here because I had a fucking epiphany.
This is all that we know about how Alice powers work:

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Gravity - This one is obvious although the first actual expression of pure gravitic forces is when she evolves and pulls the chimera.
Anti-Gravity - Alice has shown to be able to direct and confine gravity. If it could theoretically be done, that would be the way.
Dark Energy - Related to the expansion of space, it's theoretical and of course, no mass.
Miniature Orbit - I think it's fair to assume that there is no actual change in her mass and it's not enough to create perceptible orbit.
Gravitons - Gravitons are massless and their theoretical purpose is to mediate gravitational effects

There is no mention of anything related to mass. There is no mention of anything related to magnetism, charge, whatever. The only hint we have is that MC feels a "zap" but he claims it's not electric (he would know given his predicament) and magnets don't "zap" afaik. Could be due to her miniature orbit forcing anything around her to move and MC feels the impact from this movement. Around her fists where the effect is stronger, the zap turns into a shockwave.

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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I'll get to the other topics in time. Just a quick note here because I had a fucking epiphany.
This is all that we know about how Alice powers work:

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Gravity - This one is obvious although the first actual expression of pure gravitic forces is when she evolves and pulls the chimera.
Anti-Gravity - Alice has shown to be able to direct and confine gravity. If it could theoretically be done, that would be the way.
Dark Energy - Related to the expansion of space, it's theoretical and of course, no mass.
Miniature Orbit - I think it's fair to assume that there is no actual change in her mass and it's not enough to create perceptible orbit.
Gravitons - Gravitons are massless and their theoretical purpose is to mediate gravitational effects

There is no mention of anything related to mass. There is no mention of anything related to magnetism, charge, whatever. The only hint we have is that MC feels a "zap" but he claims it's not electric (he would know given his predicament) and magnets don't "zap". Could be due to her miniature orbit forcing anything around her to move and MC feels the impact from this movement. Around her fists where the effect is stronger, the zap turns into a shockwave.

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Why are you and ZeronZanara so god damn smart?
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Why are you and ZeronZanara so god damn smart?
Considering that you quoted me at a time where I just had figured out that I missed an obvious part of Alice's power, because I couldn't be arsed to read the whole sentence, I feel pretty god damn dumb!

But to give a better answer, I make heavy use of tools like pattern search to get the necessary info from the script and chatgpt to get a quick sense of how some concepts work. It's not a matter of being smart and making the connections. I can quickly lookup all the relevant lines in the script and cross reference. Weird World has put an impressive amount of information in the script and frankly, he has inspired me to look up this stuff, doing a far better job than all my teachers in school combined ever did.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
I have this question all the fucking time but probably not the same dumb you're thinking of. I hate the MC's dumb motivational values. Meaning why he needs Ella to literally force himself into situations in order to grow instead of just trying to do it from the get go. I do understand why this is the case from a narrative perspective though, as it makes his character this lovable balance of looseness, no real moral compass, and allows you as a player to shape him however you want. I just wish training wasn't this second nature thing so much that the MC is shocked how he keeps almost falling behind people like Alice, Michael, or even Deryl. Instead once he acknowledges that gap in dedication, he goes to a beach retreat, or class for a few hours, or tries push ups, runs (as if it wasn't BLATANTLY obvious physical training does mean shit given his power).
Because that doesn't work anymore, according to Ella. His power is shapeshifting, not body building, is what she said. Don't ask me how because I don't know how physically fighting increases his power but physical training does nothing, after a certain point, but increases his skills.
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Jun 23, 2017
Oh, we're talking about this dead end again.
With the clawed monster. The one that crushes and devours an Apostle.
The Lord of Dark. God Slayer. Apostle Devourer.
May his darkness blacken our skies and deliver us from the terror of the gods.
Glory to the eternal night.

Alright, now that's out of the way.
The clawed monster. We see it twice.
Once, here, in the dead end. We see it in full.
The other time, more subtly, we see it in Valravn's flashback.
It rescues him, and infects him.
It is his Lord. The Lord of Dark.
And the Lord of Dark is the Seventh Apostle.
Now, evidence!
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Here, in Valravn's flashback, the claw the rescues him, resurrects him, infects him.
Now! The same claw.
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Crushing the 4th's avatar.
Of course, many don't accept this evidence on its own.
So now I'll prove that both of these are the Lord of Dark.
Valravn's is easy.
One line from his monster report.
The Lord of Dark is definitely the one that resurrected and infected him.
Now, to prove that the monster in the Dead End is the Lord of Dark.
From Aglaecwif.
And from the dead end-
The Lord of Dark, devouring the remains of the Fourth Apostle's avatar.
"Okay, maybe it is the Lord of Dark, but that doesn't prove it's an Apostle!"
Fair. So let's look at Valravn's monster report again.
First generation spawn of the 7th. Whose powers are shadows and darkness.
Rather hard to be first-generation Apostle-spawn when your progenitor isn't an Apostle.
There are other angles you could take to explain this, maybe.
Perhaps the Lord of Dark has wholly devoured the 7th Apostle's true body, and has taken its place.
But until we have anything to corroborate such theories, the evidence implies that the 7th and the Lord of Dark are the same.

And while I'm at it-
Apostle powers are very conceptual rather than scientific.
So far, each Apostle pair has been thematically linked.
Authority and Power.
Body and Memory.

Dark and Light works.
Dark and Time? I don't see it.
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Feb 1, 2019
Oh, we're talking about this dead end again.
With the clawed monster. The one that crushes and devours an Apostle.
The Lord of Dark. God Slayer. Apostle Devourer.
May his darkness blacken our skies and deliver us from the terror of the gods.

Alright, now that's out of the way.
The clawed monster. We see it twice.
Once, here, in the dead end. We see it in full.
The other time, more subtly, we see it in Valravn's flashback.
It rescues him, and infects him.
It is his Lord. The Lord of Dark.
And the Lord of Dark is the Seventh Apostle.
Now, evidence!
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Here, in Valravn's flashback, the claw the rescues him, resurrects him, infects him.
Now! The same claw.
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Crushing the 4th's avatar.
Of course, many don't accept this evidence on its own.
So now I'll prove that both of these are the Lord of Dark.
Valravn's is easy.
One line from his monster report.
View attachment 2763202
The Lord of Dark is definitely the one that resurrected and infected him.
Now, to prove that the monster in the Dead End is the Lord of Dark.
From Aglaecwif.
View attachment 2763206
And from the dead end-
View attachment 2763212
The Lord of Dark, devouring the remains of the Fourth Apostle's avatar.
"Okay, maybe it is the Lord of Dark, but that doesn't prove it's an Apostle!"
True. So let's look at Valravn's monster report again.
View attachment 2763218
First generation spawn of the 7th. Whose powers are shadows and darkness.
Rather hard to be first-generation Apostle-spawn when your progenitor isn't an Apostle.
There are other angles you could take to explain this, maybe.
But until we have more information, the evidence strongly implies that the 7th and the Lord of Dark are the same.

And while I'm at it-
Apostle powers are very conceptual rather than scientific.
So far, each Apostle pair has been thematically linked.
Authority and Power.
Body and Memory.

Dark and Light works.
Dark and Time? I don't see it.

That's it for now.
Death to god and their servants.
Glory to the eternal night.
I've seen the Claw, thought Valravn was the 7th's Spawn and yeah the connection to the Lord of Dark seemed fairly obvious.

Figured the reason the 9th and 10th's descendants followed the God-Killer and Apostle-Devourer was because he killed and / or ate the 9th and 10th. I wondered if either of them were Light. Not much to support that. Best I had was that Leigong can transmute into his element a little like Tiffany can and that he has some descent from the 10th. That was shaky at best.

I figured the "Lord of Dark" wasn't what he was called as an Apostle. It doesn't fit "The ???" pattern. I assumed Void was his domain as in nothingness or non-existence and that was how the 4th's regeneration was negated. Void or the Absence of something combined with Time would've made "Timelessness" or Eternity. It's not far from that to "Eternal Night."

My thinking was that the Monster in Dead End 3 was related to the 7th's bride. An attempt to revive or replace. In my defence on the Claw-front, it's not like monsters infect other beings with their genes to reproduce or even clone themselves entirely and the previous sighting was almost a thousand years ago.

I didn't have any proof though and I don't have the Monster Report.

The thing about how long an Apostle can manifest, why it was watching the MC and why it appears in a dream still feel like valid questions.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Because that doesn't work anymore, according to Ella. His power is shapeshifting, not body building, is what she said. Don't ask me how because I don't know how physically fighting increases his power but physical training does nothing, after a certain point, but increases his skills.
I don't think it ever worked in the first place which is why I pointed out how dumb it was for an ENTIRE training time/afternoon was wasted by trying to do what your abilities could ALWAYS do. You could even take it a set further and not even have to worry about stamina, as your true energy now seems to come from overexertion of said power, hence at later levels you don't even need to drink or sleep. I mean fuck even people with NON transformational powers like Jake get taller, more fit, etc just from obtaining the powers let alone evolving.

While he may not have known those details at the time, it doesn't matter. He knows he's a shapeshifter, end of discussion, that should've been his first clue that shit like "working out" is pointless.
  • Thinking Face
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