
Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
I mean, prize container was supposed to hold dead monster remains , but here fairy pops out with just some parts of limbs missing and owns superpowered human like it's nothing. Monsters definitely aren't as dependent on the body as humans, I'm guessing as long some kind of core is intact(which might be in whole other place or dimension from the body), they will revive with time and restore any physical harm to the body/vessel. Even more so for the body morph types. Obviously, this effect is much weaker in infected humans, I'm guessing brain and maybe heart will count as vital, kinda like vampires, but everything else is fair go. And humans with energy types would need some kind of life support if they sustain certain amount of injuries, like those liquid stasis tubes or something, otherwise regeneration would be slower than remaining tissues dying off.
Who said the fairy wasnt a human? You can shapeshift as well, the difference between your kamikaze eagle form and the fairy is it kept the human body to perform his energy attacks. You can use your tentacles in every form because they just need a physical body to expand from, but the energy caster need some gestures to manifest their will. Even if its just pointing on the opponent or snap the fingers like danica to trigger her crossmarks to explode.
Scratch the heart, as said before you were a talking head. The brain however is different, you got several headshots and survived critical brain damage. Ella regenerated from a tentacle as the big sword team destroyed her body including head and brain. It seems the "core" is pure definition and you can regenerate from every part, at least if you reached a certain level to allow your mind to outgrow human body limitations, that failure kenny was dead after he lost his head, oscar too and to finish pinky it was enough to crush his organs. They all never learned to regenerate properly.
Remember your last evolutions? Your memory was almost blank and got engraved into your dna, now you should be ablte to learn how to control parts of you after they got seperated from your body...and in a few evolutions you might regenerate from such parts as well, maybe even "clone" yourself for training and other reasons...your body surpassed humanity, your mind just has to follow...but i wouldnt wonder if you soon can be the perfect spy with eyes and ears spreaded over the whole town while seducing a girl to your room ^^

Electricity effect on mc was a bit weird, though. It looked more like a catalyst for monster part in some scenes than anything else, with explosive tissue expansion. Going for weakness on progenitor monsters could backfire hard.
Well, either the cells couldnt handle it or it forced a rapid evolution on the cells in direct contact with the electricity...your evolved body generated its own black energy flashes, so it could be a way to force evolution in the right dosage/voltage, maybe thats something xanthe uses in his lab to make his minions so strong.
Sure, if you dont know their individual weakness its suicide, i dont think everyone has the same. Even pinky was surprise electricity affects you, so its pretty sure to assume it had no effect on him.

I agree about Michael getting powers could go horribly wrong, but that's what friends are for - to keep you sane. He is already crazy adrenaline combat junkie, and the way he's going, he will either break mentally anyway or die while going up the ladder of monster opponents. If he tries to get power, he will already see the "end-tier" content to aim for, no reason to go crazy and lash out at people nearby. From then on , it's just a matter of control and discipline, and that's something martial artists have in spades.
You can worry about Michael when he finally kills strongest monster, but I doubt that will happen any time soon :p
Friends? Remember this little chubby friend you had before he took the pill? His weak mind surpassed his mind powers, he is nothing more than a chess figure on ellas board, but without her he either never learned to use his powers at all out of fear or his weakness would succumb to it and he would end like kenny...not in a physical killing spree, but he would crush every mind in reach and drown in this power. Michael would have no chance, his desire for strength will be his death and if he takes the pill it will be the death of many more.

That prize is Evil or Good ??
Depends on the point of view...are you good or evil? You side with a mafia family to kill an other, you used your powers to join the cheerleaders just because you wanted the girls, you side with a girl who wants you to kill her father and already drool over her sister too...
The price was just captured...we dont know by whom or what he did before, we only know he has powers and knows how to share them...and he decided to share them to save alice...and he defended himself against pinky...his parting words were "keep her save", so he either has a weak spot for alice (maybe he knew her before he transformed? Or she, hard to say with this whole shapeshifting thing) or he sees the ones he transforms as some kind of family. At least thats the first "higher class monster" that showed a general interest in someones wellbeing, so evil may not be a fitting phrase, but it dont means it is good either.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Protagonist should be able to negate his weakness to electricity using genetic information from electric eels.
Maybe it could even give him some form of energy attack.

Poisoned tentacles charged with electricity?
That sounds pretty deadly...


Mar 23, 2021
yeah, I was wondering about venom during the Aldain boss fight. Why not grow some venom barbs on your gorilla knuckles? But mc later internalizes that venom tentacles are hardest to make out of his arsenal, so fusing new forms is not something you can do on the fly during hard fight. But with evolution and practice, MC can create some seriously powerful battle forms, like greatest animal traits on various body parts, like implementing actual human-sized mantis shrimp punch.
I think the MC will end up having to directly expose his body to the various substances he has trouble creating, since he seems to have trouble creating anything that his body is unfamiliar with. How that could play into creating metal efficiently I don't know, maybe he'll have to get stabbed a bunch.

I'm also hoping for an arc in the training events where the MC just goes really hard studying chemistry and biology to see if a scientific understanding of the animals he shifts into would give any advantage, I also think it would be cool and potentially useful for him to try to isolate and combine certain chemicals in or outside of his body to create chemical reactions.
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Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
And in the middle of the bossfight BOOOM *whops, wrong stuff*
I dont think it would be that useful. He evolves, so maybe the biological approach could bring some benefits in the short run to improve some abilities, from a working landing to a better hearing/smelling and some natural instincts for better reflexes or as mentioned useful abilities you dont have (activated) until now...but considering your mutations abilities there is not much to learn, you can see many more light spectrum than any species, you can transform and heal fast and without being poisoned you got the ability to create some kind of venom...for now you dont know anything about it, is it universal? Does it work on mutated organisms? Humans? How long does it take to work? Can you only kill with it or is it possible to disable people, put them to sleep? Can you mix some of your pheromones in a very light dose to lower the victims defenses and influence them? I wouldnt be surprised if you can crate some followers like your zombie slave with it, but i think you need to learn a little more about it if you want your groupies still look and act human...all this stuff is training and observation, i dont think there is much to learn from other species after we learn to handle our own abilities, but there may be some shortcuts.
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Doom Marine

Oct 1, 2018
OK, I must admit... this was the coolest update to this game so far. It was amazing to see the MC beating Klaus until he injected himself with a drug and returned to his second form, looking like those RPG games!
The fight was legendary, really... all the MC training was worth it for that fight. The evolution of the MC during the fight finally happened... because I was wondering when it would happen and how it would be!

I could see the MC's face, i was wondering what it would be like and it was beyond my expectations. Ella looks like she's up to something since she's playing Jake against MC... from what I saw here at the end of the chapter, Jake is forcing me to take some serious action!

Anyway, I'm waiting for the next chapter God only knows when. man, that dead end 15 was too dumb, just because I saw the naked woman in the locker room at the beach event. it's again, a week at play is very little but it was worth it!

MC Puto.png
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Mar 23, 2021
And in the middle of the bossfight BOOOM *whops, wrong stuff*
I dont think it would be that useful. He evolves, so maybe the biological approach could bring some benefits in the short run to improve some abilities, from a working landing to a better hearing/smelling and some natural instincts for better reflexes or as mentioned useful abilities you dont have (activated) until now...but considering your mutations abilities there is not much to learn, you can see many more light spectrum than any species, you can transform and heal fast and without being poisoned you got the ability to create some kind of venom...for now you dont know anything about it, is it universal? Does it work on mutated organisms? Humans? How long does it take to work? Can you only kill with it or is it possible to disable people, put them to sleep? Can you mix some of your pheromones in a very light dose to lower the victims defenses and influence them? I wouldnt be surprised if you can crate some followers like your zombie slave with it, but i think you need to learn a little more about it if you want your groupies still look and act human...all this stuff is training and observation, i dont think there is much to learn from other species after we learn to handle our own abilities, but there may be some shortcuts.
I don't see how it wouldn't be useful. Being able concoct an acid or flammable liquid at will has tons of uses; protect your mouth and spit acid into someone's eyes, spew some kind of gasoline like substance at someone and toss a lighter at them, hell even the possibility of breathing fire if the MC were to structure his mouth safely. Sure a lot of that isn't as useful as just battering or stabbing in most situations, but has the potential to be life saving in others. How little it would be used also minimizes the chance of the MC accidentally blowing himself up, alongside training and studying, it would be next to 0.

As for the venom, it's explicitly stated that it's derived from venomous jellyfish and stingrays, which are capable of killing humans in as little as 2 minutes depending on the location and amount of flesh that came into contact with the venom, and like I said; it debilitates Ella in one bad end. It also forces Klaus to take the forced evolution drug in another bad end. So we do know it is very dangerous. There are probably some whose powers enable them to be completely unaffected by it, but the few superhumans we've been able to use it on have been heavily disabled by it.

Also, I don't really see how studying more living things wouldn't be useful. There are reptiles and sea creatures capable of detaching limbs at will, parasites capable of controlling other creatures, a beetle capable of shooting boiling hot water and other caustic liquids, and even more crazy shit. Obviously now since the MC has a whole new set of abilities, it would be better to master those first, but adding new tricks up his sleeve when he has downtime or reached his current limit, would be helpful in a pinch.
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Apr 27, 2017
It's a nice idea, but I don't think mc is the type to benefit from science study. He looks like the ultimate doppelganger, in the way he copies even neuron structure of the brain to read memories, but he can't "forge" new stuff out of atoms. Though DNA study could help out to create stable hybrid forms, I doubt mc has enough time or smarts to become even remotely close to proper geneticist. Just leave it to Daryl to come up with some science tricks.

I'm guessing the next step is getting more templates for inorganic material like heat-resistant tungsten and such, or creating diamonds out of body carbon(maybe have some reserves stored in the body), and evolution above that is starting to copy abilities from other monster genomes , if only the basic stuff like passive "distraction aura" of Jake, for example.
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New Member
Mar 27, 2018
Weird, I can't see anything wrong in your log. It should be working fine. The only thing I can think of is that because I made the build using renpys newest version it fucked something and is incompatible with your comp for some reason.

Maybe give this one a try if you can be bothered.
This one worked for me. Started without any issue.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
I have a question: Was Liz NTR some sort of patreon request? Because the content just seems so out of place in comparison to the rest of the game (indeed it's the only content of its nature in the game).


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
I have a question: Was Liz NTR some sort of patreon request? Because the content just seems so out of place in comparison to the rest of the game (indeed it's the only content of its nature in the game).
From what I remember he was planning it from the beginning.

The patron poll requests have been largely genderbender.
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Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
NTR was planned from the beginning, as was trap, gender bender, futa and all that weird fetish shit. The frequency of which they appear depending on the patreon polls I threw up. The general thought was include a bunch of shit for the variety, but in hindsight, I prob ended up stretching myself a bit thin with it all. Originally it was just gonna be a one-off scene, prob should have stuck with that.
But what can you do? The NTR is too popular with the patreons currently to cut it, so that's not happening, besides, cutting a story arc would just annoy me anyway. As for it seeming out of place, it only seems that way now because I've barely gotten into it, this NTR route is slightly less typical than what you'd usually see, or at least from what I've seen(which isn't a lot I'll admit), it'll take a little while to get to that point though. Unless of course you just generally don't like NTR, in which case it will prob always look out of place to you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
May i just add that this is a great game so far (i'm planning to become a patreon supporter), it seems strange to say it but this games resembles a shonen manga (what with all the battles and powering up) and it manages to do so in a game that is pretty engaging.

Good job so far :)

Edit: How often is this updated? 3+ months?
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Apr 27, 2017
cliffhangers are crucial in episodic type of work, people would lose interest otherwise. Good job on those, WeirdWorld, some stopping points were brilliant, like that car crash. Just when one shitshow is over, you are thrown into another, but not deep enough to wonder "who are all these people and what is happening" next time you load your save :D

Allan Trumbull

Forum Fanatic
Sep 10, 2021
cliffhangers are crucial in episodic type of work, people would lose interest otherwise. Good job on those, WeirdWorld, some stopping points were brilliant, like that car crash. Just when one shitshow is over, you are thrown into another, but not deep enough to wonder "who are all these people and what is happening" next time you load your save :D
I hate cliffhangers!!!


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
cliffhangers are crucial in episodic type of work, people would lose interest otherwise. Good job on those, WeirdWorld, some stopping points were brilliant, like that car crash. Just when one shitshow is over, you are thrown into another, but not deep enough to wonder "who are all these people and what is happening" next time you load your save :D
Thats something for a prologue or for a planed second game that continues a story. But after playing this much you dont need it anymore to come back and devour every update with passion. I'd prefer to just start and play on instead of questioning the whole time between the cliffhanger and the next update if one of my favorite devs killed my favorite girl, especially in a case when it was a guy i already wanted to kill since multiple updates...such things make me more hesitant and even angry instead of hyping. The shitshows can start with the new updates, no need to test my impatience in the worst possible way every time ;)


Sep 24, 2020
NTR was planned from the beginning, as was trap, gender bender, futa and all that weird fetish shit. The frequency of which they appear depending on the patreon polls I threw up. The general thought was include a bunch of shit for the variety, but in hindsight, I prob ended up stretching myself a bit thin with it all. Originally it was just gonna be a one-off scene, prob should have stuck with that.
But what can you do? The NTR is too popular with the patreons currently to cut it, so that's not happening, besides, cutting a story arc would just annoy me anyway. As for it seeming out of place, it only seems that way now because I've barely gotten into it, this NTR route is slightly less typical than what you'd usually see, or at least from what I've seen(which isn't a lot I'll admit), it'll take a little while to get to that point though. Unless of course you just generally don't like NTR, in which case it will prob always look out of place to you.
No comment about the NTR I enjoy most every fetish content (except the weird extreme ones) just wanted to say your doing a great job on this game one of the best ones on this site for sure it's why I keep coming back every update I really enjoy demi my favorite character for sure great job with everything


Mar 23, 2021
It's a nice idea, but I don't think mc is the type to benefit from science study. He looks like the ultimate doppelganger, in the way he copies even neuron structure of the brain to read memories, but he can't "forge" new stuff out of atoms. Though DNA study could help out to create stable hybrid forms, I doubt mc has enough time or smarts to become even remotely close to proper geneticist. Just leave it to Daryl to come up with some science tricks.

I'm guessing the next step is getting more templates for inorganic material like heat-resistant tungsten and such, or creating diamonds out of body carbon(maybe have some reserves stored in the body), and evolution above that is starting to copy abilities from other monster genomes , if only the basic stuff like passive "distraction aura" of Jake, for example.
I'm curious if the MC's (and other superhumans) standard enhancements affect learning ability or smarts in general, we don't really know since he has skipped probably 95% of his classes up to this point, and slept through the other 5%.

Or, if he's able able to steal or absorb knowledge through reading other's memories, he was able to get a pretty good grasp on Klaus' powers from Danica in a short time. It would be pretty easy to just sit down with Deryl one day and ask him a bunch of questions regarding relevant topics, but he's you know, unavailable now.
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